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Messed up MYSTERY RIDDLES to Test Logic Skills - Azzyland and Gloom

May 29, 2021
and i just went for a walk chad with a pink bow when we got to the park yeah chad said unisex name didn't you know the dolphin was already gone well see I was walking home from the cafe no I don't know what happened to the dolphin , how am I supposed to know that he's a little angry, right? Mmm-hmm, he's so angry. He was waiting for my oval bride. He was too busy to think about anything else. She is so beautiful. See her? But she has big muscles to carry big dolphins. She could have carried him.
messed up mystery riddles to test logic skills   azzyland and gloom
I was just thinking the same thing. Cassie took the words out of my mouth. Oh, I'm so tired that I went for a run like always. I was so tired that I did it. I didn't notice anything around me I was running so fast my little McDonald's hat has a little m on his hat yeah my McDonald's hat so the guy who is very muscular could have lifted it but he could also have his muscles it could be just the dolphin under his shirt. They're not even real muscles. Oh, okay, so I think it was a muscle man or a McDonald's visor.
messed up mystery riddles to test logic skills   azzyland and gloom

More Interesting Facts About,

messed up mystery riddles to test logic skills azzyland and gloom...

Why did McDonald's consultant say it was like jogging like he said? Didn't he say he was going to run? Because? Would he wear his work shirts? You think it's a real suit and jeans from McDonald's. Yes, no one runs in jeans. Nobody. It could actually be him. Nobody. I'm going, McDonald's friend. Oh, we missed it. She jumped into the fountain to steal the sculpture. What do you do with a sculpture like that? What do you do with it? Do you frame it? I guess the only thing you could do is sell it on the black market.
messed up mystery riddles to test logic skills   azzyland and gloom
I do not know how to do it. Its not for. The best thing was that they found a rich woman, Mrs. Bennett, uh, missing in her house, oh, Mrs. Bennett, the medical examination showed that the woman had been gone since last night. The sheriff questioned everyone in the house and found three suspects. Three, oh, I went to a store to prepare dinner. It was going to be delicious, Italian, yes, Italian, pizza cake and then ugly in the kitchen, I live my birthday and I also don't know how to match my base with my face because no, I went to choose to clean the dry cleaners I had to cross the city so It took me all night so who did it?
messed up mystery riddles to test logic skills   azzyland and gloom
Cassie, who did this horrible thing. Well, the maid picked up the dry cleaning on August 15th, yes, September 15th, magician, yes, I did no, oh, oh, I mean, no. I don't want to sleep with geniuses, but I'm not going to say Cass, that was so much fun, oh, that's always the funniest, most fun, I think we should go make videos with you now, okay, come on, I'm coming. I'm going anyway guys, it was a lot of fun if you want to hang out a little longer. I left you a video here. I love you all so much, stay amazing, be sweet and don't forget me next goodbye.

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