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Uninhabited island with a DARK HISTORY | The missing crew of the Sarah Joe

Jun 05, 2021


is full of unexplained phenomena and tall tales about sea monsters, and you know, sailors go out and return to different parts of the world and don't know how they got there. You've abandoned ships, you've got all these crazy things happening at sea. ocean and many of them are just stories that we would like to believe them because they are fascinating, but few of them really hold up and our and our truth, but one story is absolutely as fascinating as some of these very high stories, but it also happens. To be true, today I'm going to cover that story and it's the story of the lost Hawaiian fisherman, so the version of this story that I haven't read for a long time is that you have five highly experienced Hawaiian fishermen who embark on a fishing trip during the day.
uninhabited island with a dark history the missing crew of the sarah joe
The weather becomes very bad while they are in the water and they do not return despite an extensive search effort, they are not located and after a year, the families and friends of the lost fishermen they harbor hold a memorial service and assume that their loved ones gone forever nine years later they make a discovery on a very small


2,300 miles away that calls the whole story into question it's an incredible story it's a tragic story but it's worth hearing to the end before we get there I started if you like strange and mysterious stories like the one I just described, my channel will have a lot of content like that, so if you could gently liquidate, could you gently liquidate, say if you could gently liquidate. the leg went well, if you could just gently undo the like button and subscribe and turn on all notifications, that would be great Scott Morman was born in 1952 in the San Fernando Valley in California, when he was young he loved the show Adventures in Paradise , which was about this


of young sailors who would travel the South Pacific looking for adventure and passengers to pick up along the way and to him it was just this brilliant spectacle and he became obsessed with living in the South Pacific when he grew up, specifically what wanted to. live in Hawaii, but that wouldn't necessarily happen right away because at a young age he got married, had a son and stayed in California, but in 1975 he and his wife separated, so he took that as an opportunity to fulfill that goal .
uninhabited island with a dark history the missing crew of the sarah joe

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uninhabited island with a dark history the missing crew of the sarah joe...

His childhood dream was to live in Hawaii, so by himself, his son stayed with us, his ex-wife, Scott moved to the east coast of Maui in Hawaii and moved to this little town called Nahiku. Now the haiku was filled with many natives. Hawaiians and a growing population of refugees, in some ways, you know, Vietnam vets who lived on the mainland, you have hippies and land-loving relatives who party more than work, they all congregated in the same town and Scott loved that culture and quickly became a part of it, but also, unlike many of the hippie types who came to Nahiku, were part of that growing population, Scott really wanted to become. a part of the whole nahiku culture because really when he was a child he loved Hawaii, he didn't want to be the type of the others on the


, he wanted to be part of the main culture and that's why he took it upon himself to learn. the kind of pidgin English that the locals would use, he took the time to learn some of the cultural traditions that they had and really went out of his way to try to befriend some of the locals and although it wasn't really accepted, as you know , a local guy, formed several friendships with Hawaiians and over time he really felt that this is where he belongs, this was his home one hundred percent, so he would only return to California once, he comes back once for his birthday son. and he also sees his parents while he's there and they all beg him to come back, you know, be with your family, they want him to stay and he says no, nahiku is where I belong and I can't imagine living anywhere else and So when he flies back after that visit to California for his son's birthday, when he flies back to Nahiku, that would be the last time his son is his ex-wife and his parents, his family on the mainland would see him, that would be the last time they would see him. him February 11, 1979 Scott and his friends from Forbus decide that they are not going to go to work that day, they all worked together on construction, instead they will go fishing because everyone loves to fish and the weather was beautiful, so they said why not.
uninhabited island with a dark history the missing crew of the sarah joe
Now neither of them owned their own boats, so they had to ask a friend who had a 17-foot Boston Whaler named Sara Jo. Their friend let them use it and so they got their boat, went to the store, bought some beer snacks and got some ice for their big cooler so they could pack it with the fish they hopefully caught and headed to the part of Hawaii that Scott and his friends lived on the east coast of Maui at the time they did not get. All the television stations and radio broadcasts aired maybe once a week and were difficult to pick up, so people in that area, especially fishermen and anyone on the water, were used to leaving without a report. weather, they were basically playing the weather based on their Eye and he just assessed it and said, "It looks good, it looks good and they would go out, obviously that's pretty risky, but the locals were pretty good at it and Scott and his friends are pretty good at it too." this point".
uninhabited island with a dark history the missing crew of the sarah joe
In order to get to the place where they intended to fish, they would have to pass through something called Alen Uli haha ​​canals, which is considered one of them. one of the toughest and most dangerous areas for all boaters near Hawaii, so it is a dangerous place and at certain points it is almost 7,000 feet deep, there are very strong surface currents, it is just a risky place if, for example, there were a big storm now. When Scott and Sarah Joe's


took off, the water was calm, the weather was beautiful, and around 10:00 a.m. m., when they believe they must have been in the channel at this point, the weather was still very calm, however, a low pressure system appeared. had increased very suddenly between 10:00 and noon and when they were probably somewhere towards the end of the canal when they would head to open water to fish, a torrential downpour began to fall along the entire length of the canal and eventually became into a large-scale hurricane, so people on the island described this particular storm as one of the worst they had seen in more than 50 years.
It is like a sudden, strange and horrible storm of the boats that left to go fishing. From this section of the east coast of Maui there were four fishing boats that left, three returned and the one that didn't was, of course, the ceragem. At five in the afternoon, his friends and family notify the Coast Guard that they have not yet returned due to the storm. It's still raging, you know, gale-force winds, torrential downpours, but they still send a plane to look up. Several teams were sent to search for them even at the incredible risk of searching in this weather, but considering the dangers they were in.
They decided it was necessary for the searchers who were on the ship, the ship's crews who were sent to search for Sara Cho's crew, to say that at best they could see about 50 feet in front of them and even that was a stretch so it was a limited search, but they left on the day of the storm. For the next five days, the Coast Guard led a search that included 44 aircraft and ships covering a 56,000-square-mile search block for the Sara Jo, but they were discovered that there was absolutely no trace of So, after five days, unfortunately, the Coast Guard called off the search.
However, people in their hometown in Nahiku knew these five men. These were incredibly capable and very experienced fishermen. They were all great swimmers. They believed that because they had not found a trace of them who were perhaps still alive there and so as a community they raised $50,000 to pay for private boats and planes to continue the search, so there was an extended search that went on for a couple more weeks and covered an even larger swath of territory but in the end it still didn't yield results, the people who were doing the search were simply baffled because when people disappear at sea there is some indication, many times when they are just fishing, basically , off the coast, there is some indication of what happened to them it is strange that you had 0% I had no idea what happened to these five fishermen a year after their disappearance the families and friends decide to organize a monument and officially mourn the loss of their loved ones, as was believed in this The point where they had all perished 2,300 miles southwest of the Hawaiian Islands is this small stretch of I guess you can call them islands called Tail Yongi Atoll and these little Strips of land that were barely above sea level barely supported life there. a couple of bushes that took root here and there, but no fresh water, the only recorded human light that was ever there was during World War II, several Japanese soldiers were stranded there briefly, but it's two hundred miles from the area nearest inhabited.
The land is very far from any major shipping routes, it's just a place you, as a human being, don't want to go. In fact, it was actually considered when they were testing the atomic bomb, when the United States considered it a great place. place to test because there is no one there and there is no one on Mirin, so incredibly isolated On September 10, 1988, marine biologist John Mutton along with four other crew members descended on Tianyi Atoll and were sent there by the Marshall Islands to find a suitable wildlife sanctuary. for some sea turtles and sea birds within 30 minutes of arriving at the atoll, John and his crew saw what looked like the skeleton of a ship, you know, the Boston Whaler ship that was on the shore.
John was actually a resident of Maui, he's from Hawaii. and he saw on the back of this kind of skeletal remains of this ship the letters H a which means it's registered in Hawaii and so he's intrigued because you know we're 2,300 miles from Hawaii and he starts moving the sand away to get a better look. He looks to see if there is more writing on the boat and he makes out a couple of letters and s R and H and O and E and he puts them together and says: this is Sara Jo this is the boat that disappeared nine years ago and the reason why learned so quickly is because he was one of the people deeply involved in the search efforts to find these


It was like leading search parties. He was totally committed to finding them and here he is in a crazy twist of fate. 2,300 miles away, almost a decade after finding the boat, the boat initially did not provide any information about where the fisherman could be, there was nothing on it, it was just the wood badly degraded by the wear of the water, but The crew decided that they would search the island and just look around because maybe the crew, even if it was years and years ago, maybe they landed here and eventually perished once they were here, so maybe we can find their remains or just some sign that they might have been here John walks about a hundred yards from the Sara Joe and sees what looks like some sort of crudely built drift cross and below it he can see that there is a pile of rocks that have definitely been placed in some sort of decorative object.
And it looks like a tomb and, considering what they are looking for, he thinks that there is the first of the bodies they were going to find. He calls his team over and they start moving some things aside. I don't want to totally disturb the tomb just to be respectful, but a little further down inside the tomb not only are there bones, but they find this little book, the book had nothing written on it and it's hard to even call it a book, it was more. It looked like a stack of papers, but on each page there was a small square cut out of aluminum foil that was on the page basically each page had a small square of aluminum foil and nothing else, no one knew what it meant, but surely someone he had buried it very clearly. someone else here in a very shallow grave and left this little book here with whoever was buried here and so, while John and a couple of his team are looking at this book and trying to make sense of it, one of his team members who was just standing looking at the site and commented that you know the bones that are in that grave are not very bleached now, if a bone has been sitting for a long time it will basically bleed, it should turn completely white, everything comes off the bone.
These bones look relatively fresh, so whoever was buried here, if they had been buried recently at this point, John and his team basically abandoned their Wildlife Sanctuary type of investigation and are now just scouring this little thicket of dirt. at the city gate. ole looking for any other signs that you know things that could have to do with Sarah Joe's crew and found nothing else, so they inform the Coast Guard and alert sheriff's authoritieswhat was found on the island and they send a couple. of forensic experts to examine the bone, they were able to determine that the bones in the grave belonged to Scott Morman when news arrived on the mainland that Scott Mormon had been found and the relatives of the other four fishermen who disappeared on the Sarah.
Joe, they hired private detectives to go track down the tayong G in the old look everywhere to see if you can find the remains of our loved ones, so this team of private detectives and a dive team and all these people are sent for Taeyang gaya and they search everywhere. They are digging in the sand. They have diving equipment that they launch into the water. I mean, they really leave no stone unturned and the only thing they can find is the outboard motor from the Sarah Jo, which was a little bit offshore from where the boat was found stuck in a coral and then they also found a bunch of bones more on the beach near where the shallow grave where Scott Mormon was buried was, but those bones also belonged to Scott Mormon, so nothing else was found of the other four fishermen nor any indication of what happened to the boat.
There is nothing, and in fact, investigators who were able to look at Scott Morman's bones did not find enough evidence to help them determine the cause of death. death, so we didn't even know how he died or when he died, however, it was determined simply based on the bleaching of the bones that it was a relatively recent death. I don't know what the timeline is on that, but recent is the term that was used when it was very important that they locate the Mormons of Scott remains on the atoll TNG even though it's been 10 years this is telling this is really a big deal not only for the fishermen's families but for everyone involved this is a big deal, but there was an additional revelation once Scott Mormon's bones were found, which basically turns this case on its head.
There are already a lot of questions like who buried Scott Mormon, how did Scott Mormon get freshly buried almost a decade later, do you know how much time passed? have been there, there are some basic questions you are going to ask, but there is one fact that no one seems to be able to reconcile and that was that six years after they disappeared, the Marshall Islands conducted a government survey on Taeyeon B Atoll, which which would mean they scoured the islands across all those little strips of land that make up Tailgate Atoll. They went around it just taking measurements and basically mapping the TOA atoll.
I think it was in preparation to potentially turn it into this wildlife sanctuary, so they looked everywhere. TOA Atoll six years after Sarah Jo disappeared so they disappeared six years later there's a government study of Taeyang he atoll and guess what they ended up looking at in that study and there's no boat there's no shallow grave there's nothing it's just a Strip of


land, nothing more, no ships, although experts, when this was revealed, said that if Sarah Jo and Sarah Jo's crew had died in the water after the storm, they could have sailed the 2,300 miles to the Tianyi Atoll in about three. months but they weren't there at the six year mark, so what were they doing between the disappearance and the 6 year mark, which would have been the earliest they could have been there because they would have been discovered earlier during this audit?
They have a six year gap where no one can explain where they were, even if they arrived at Tianyi Atoll six years in one day, they had disappeared, they had somehow survived in the open ocean for six years and it just happened to land on the Tianyi Atoll six years in one day later, basically, right after finishing the study, let's say they got there, who buried Scott Mormon and what was the pamphlet that was buried with him with the squares of aluminum foil. This is a totally


place. On one stretch of land there is no one there to perform any kind of burial ritual, even if we are willing to say that maybe one of the other fishermen buried Scott Mormon.
Well, then where are the other fishermen? Some people wonder if they are still alive, as many do. Unfortunately, from my videos there's not really a good conclusion here, it just ends in a bunch of questions, but I'd love for you to include it in the comments section. What do you think could be the reason behind that six-year gap? Can we explain those six years when they were not on Tangi Atoll? I mean, my suggestion would be that maybe the survey wasn't done very well and they just didn't see it, but that also doesn't quite answer who buried Scott Mormon and also why his bones weren't as bleached?
How they did it? How did he come to be newly buried nine years, nine and a half years after he disappeared? So many questions. I would love to hear his theories, his comments, his conclusions in the comments section. and again, if you liked this video, please like it, click subscribe, turn on all notifications because I will be posting stories like this three times a week. I love doing this and I hope you'll come if you want to follow me. On other social media channels, my Instagram username is John Ballin four one six and I'm Mr. I say a word on all other social media platforms.
I post quite a bit on tik-tok so you can see me there. That will do it, guys. I hope it was interesting and I look forward to reading his comments. See you.

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