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90 BEST Sports Cars For Less Than $10k!!

May 28, 2024
It's time we've hit 990,000 subscribers by the time this video goes live, we'll probably have 91,000 subscribers at that point and I seriously can't thank you enough. It's amazing when I tell people in real life that I'm a YouTuber. kind of walks away like okay this kid is you because most people that's what you think and I don't blame them. I would probably think that too if someone said I was a YouTuber, they would be like I would say. same thing, but then when I tell them yeah, my name is Mark Ren, look me up and then they look me up and say, dude, you have 90,000 subscribers, it's crazy, you guys have literally changed my life, I can't.
90 best sports cars for less than 10k
Thank you all so much, but I hope this is good enough. Thanks to some of you. Today we are going to build 90



for $110,000. I made a promise at the start of my channel for every 10,000 Milestone subscribers and I will do it. that number on


under 10k since the main thing on this channel is cheap cars and since we get to 90,000 of course that means you have to do 90 so 90 cars under 10k most people Those who watch this channel know that I generally include about two clips. talk about the car for about a minute every time I put a picture in the background of the engine, when I check the size of the engine I put a lot of details like that, we're not going to do that today, it's just There will be a clip of each car.
90 best sports cars for less than 10k

More Interesting Facts About,

90 best sports cars for less than 10k...

I'm going to talk about each car for about 30 seconds so we can look at it as quickly as possible and move on to the next one. Let's fly through these, you know. I just hope they come out real quick, but without further ado, let's jump right into the list with number 90, so I have my water bottle down here. I'm ready to go. I'm going to have a sore throat by the end of this video, but number 90 is the Mazda prote the Mazda prote baby some front wheel drive Mazda comes with a 2L inline 4 that makes 130 horsepower and It's got front-wheel drive, now the reason it's sitting here in the 90th spot is, I like it, it's a little fun, you know, it's a twisty type of car, but pretty much everything else is done better by anyone else. car, you know what I mean, it's not the


in any.
90 best sports cars for less than 10k
Category 89 goes to both generations of the Scion tC. You can find the first or second generation of the cion TC and with that said it obviously depends on whether or not you get the first or second generation with what engine you will get. the car so I didn't write a TI size but both cars are around 150 to 170 horsepower again kind of like the Mazda prot it's not a race guy it's just a car that if you're like a guy of cars in high school and you want something reliable but it looks cool and I just want you to know that you have a Flex that is a little fake, it is a car for you, it has a cam motor that is cool, but it is not fast.
90 best sports cars for less than 10k
The 88 is going to be a car that I adore with all my Heart, the Volkswagen GTI Mark III. It pains me to put it up to here at number 88. By the way, I want to make it very clear, although almost all the cars, except the first 10, are not placed in order, they just kind of get included there, you know what I mean, it I thought a little but not really, anyway the Mark II GTI comes with a 2.9L VR6 that makes 187 horsepower and is front wheel drive, it's a little tuning monster, one of the


. tuned cars from Germany, period and it looks amazing too. 87th place goes to the Chevy cobal SS, the SS stands for smooth stance, baby you're right.
I'm kidding. I don't think the co-owner of Chevy understands his cars, but anyway it comes with a 2.3-liter turbocharged inline four that makes 260 horsepower in its front-wheel drive (actually a very good number of horsepower for being so low on the list, almost all the cars around this one are in the 100s, so 260 is obviously pretty decent, but the carard itself. It just doesn't suit me, man, no, no, I don't like the way it looks 86 80 88 I hate that word YES sixth, how do you say it? six, it's so 8. Sixth place is the BMW. 325 I E30 The e30s are absolutely magnificent, they come with a 2.5 L inline 6 engine that generates 160 horsepower in its rear wheel drive, as I just said, the e30s are absolutely magnificent, you cannot hide that they are also fun cars since they have rear wheel drive, but they are very old, they are going to be very unreliable for you, they are not going to be comfortable at all, horrible interior nowadays, small car, not really the best deal, but it looks amazing talking about cars that I think you know, people look with pink.
Number 8 5 tinted windows is a Honda Civic EG, yes it is an amazing car and God b


Honda for doing this but it is at number 85 for a reason it comes with a 1.5L inline 4 engine that makes 106 horsepower in its front-wheel drive, obviously, that is. very slow out the door but the car is very light and it's obviously a Honda so everything is super cheap and it handles the power pretty well and it doesn't need that much power anyway as it's very light, however again I like it. the E30, this car is very old at this point, it won't be the most pleasant experience owning it. 84th place goes to the KAC Fiero GT.
Did you want a more lethal Toyota MR2? That's what you said. Oh well, look no further. I have it. one for you guys comes with a 2.8L V6 engine that makes 140 horsepower and it's rear-wheel drive and it's also mid-engined so you guys are going to make fun of me because I always do it, they always, always, always make fun of me They catch you, but it has a quick effect. oversteer, that's right, I said it, I said it in the first five minutes of the video, what are you going to do about it? 83rd place goes to the Ford Crown Victoria.
Do you ever want to dress up as a police officer? Well, here you go. It's pretty much a Mustang, but in a Count Me In sedan package it comes with a 4.6L V8 that makes 235 horsepower and has rear-wheel drive. Now correct me if I'm wrong Mustang Boys but I feel like isn't that the same engine they put in the sn95 Mustangs, if so that's really cool, if not I'm sorry for spreading misinformation but yeah it's a Fun little car, looks ugly, that's why I put it down here, obviously, but also. which is a good car, speaking of ugly looking cars, in my opinion 82nd is the fat 500 abar, yes you can find these things under 10 and honestly i think they are a pretty decent deal today on day, it's not the worst car out there it comes with a 1.4 L. turbocharged inline 4 that makes 160 horsepower and is front wheel drive.
Keep in mind that this is a turbocharged Italian


car. It's probably not that reliable, on top of that it's very good on gas, but it has a very small interior and not much space. There's not much safety rating and it's not that fast either, so that's why it's here at number 81. Wow, this is going to take so long. It's a Mercedes E320 w 124 which is technically not like a sports car. I guess a lot of these. The cards we've been talking about aren't technically sports cards right now, but it's still a cool car, comes with a 3.2L inline 6 that makes 217 horsepower and is rear-end.
Finally he drives another car that makes over 200 horsepower. I just had one with a crown, bad thing, I missed it, uh, but yeah, pretty decent car, it's older, but at least it's bigger, so it will be more comfortable than the E30, but overall, only one other Mercedes in 80th place. a bit underrated in my opinion, is the Ford Pro/Mazda MX6, now I'm pretty sure, but don't quote me on this. You need to get the Probe GT if you want this engine, which is a 2.5L V6 that makes 164 horsepower in its front drive, but they also have under 10k, it shouldn't be hard to find them and the MX6 comes with those anyway, so buy one of those if you can't, they're pretty much the same cars, why?
Put them both here, side by side, they look different, so choose your poison. The 79th place goes to another Honda, the Honda Accord cb7. I love CB7 Accords in terms of their body style. I think it's a beautiful car for most people. It may look like a box on wheels, but it looks like heaven to me, but everything else needs some work. It comes with a 2.2L inline-4 engine that makes 150 horsepower and is front-wheel drive again. Number of horsepower. it's not the best it's a deal and usually Accords have a history of not getting the best engines except the 77 with the K series um but yeah it needs some work okay. 78.
I'm going to make this video and then check because the boiler just came on so I want to make sure it's not too loud but number 78 is a sixth generation Toyota Celica GT again there's that damn word sixth hate it's coming with a 2L inline 4 making 173 horsepower and it's front wheel drive no you can't get a GT 410k if you could omg I'd run up the stairs right now and kiss him on the forehead to my mother, but it is still a pretty good car, you know, number 77 is the Audi TT. First generation spoiler alert. The second generation is not on the list, but it is also a car you can find for


than 10k.
It's a good offer. The first end comes with a 1.8L turbo inline 4 engine that makes 170 horsepower and is front-wheel drive. The drive looks a little weird, you can get a model of these with all wheel drive, but I think they're like TTS or something. I don't know exactly, but they are a little more expensive either way, it's just a Well, the car has a Mark4 GTI engine, although that's pretty good. 76th place goes to the Saab 900. The 900 is definitely the type of car where you have to be a certain type of person to buy one of these. with a 2L inline-4 engine and only make 99 horsepower with front-wheel drive.
I think that's the lowest horsepower number on this entire list, but I could be wrong, but again, you're not buying a Sub 900 to go really fast in a straight line, you're buying an s 900 for corners, uh , for the strange unique factor of everything it does to the 900 and that's it. Number 75 is the Chevy Corvette C3, it is not the best, although it is one of the most attractive. Corvettes out there, so the reason it's here in 75th place it comes with a 5.4L V8 that makes 300 horsepower, uh, and it's rear-wheel drive, this was during the oil and gas crisis, all those things that were happening in the United States, etc. each year has a different number of horsepower, it all depends on the year you are in, you should do a lot of research before purchasing one of these and make sure you know exactly which one you are going to purchase because there are many changes for each of the years, the 74th place is for the Subaru empreza 2.5 RS GC GC is just a chassis code so if you're looking up don't look for the GC part, but it's the first generation of the empreza right?
The first impressive, oh my god why am I blanking now is that it's not the first sh, I don't know, but either way it comes with a 2.5L flat 4 that makes 165 horsepower and has all-wheel drive , it's more or less like a Subaru. Forester, but you get it in sedan form and it looks really cool. I love the look of these. The 73. goes to the Volvo 240, just like the sa 900 we just talked about. You have to be a certain type of person to buy this one. however, this one is definitely a little more appealing to a larger audience, it comes with a 2.3-liter inline-4 engine that makes 114 horsepower in its rear-wheel drive, again low power, and the car is definitely not as light like the sa 900 or some other cars. they're on this list but they're kinda fun like winter drift cars dude rear wheel drive they're incredibly safe they're incredibly reliable just plain fun little beaters 72nd is a car I admit I don't talk about enough enough on this channel. the Nissan Ultima Coupe, my friend just got one and they are really fun little cars, it comes with a 2.5L inline 4 that makes 175 horsepower and is front wheel drive but it also comes with a VQ actually , which is a 3.5L V6 that makes closer to 300 horsepower, which is definitely a lot better, but since it's front-wheel drive, it won't be as fun as something like a G35 coupe or a 350Z, but either way It's still a very good option, they are heavy, keep that. in mind the 71 is a car I wish was more reliable, it's a Mercedes SL600, I think they call it R12 or something like that.
It comes with a 6-liter V12 that generates 389 horsepower in rear-wheel drive. Yeah, that's crazy. The car looks amazing, yes it is an amazing deal, however the ones that cost less than 10k will be very risky cars to buy. I don't think it's a bad idea per se if you know how to work with cars or if you have a couple extra cars to drive daily and things like that, um, but as a one-time kind of deal for a car, not at all. Making its way into the top 70 is for the Hyundai vaster turbo. This is the first generation of the larger second generation turbos.
I don't think they are under 10k yet, if they are I would be surprised, but I don't think they are. This comes with a 1.6L turbo inline 4, which generates 2,200 horsepower in its drive.front again, these little ones. Inline four turbo engines, although you have to remember they never stay stock, whenever you modify this car, it will never stay at 200 horsepower. The 67th place is the Subaru s SPX, in fact we were talking about this not long ago, what video was that? Oh my goodness, we talked about this in two recent videos. In fact, it is a very, very good car.
Like, this car comes with a 3.3 L Flat 6 that makes 230 horsepower and has all-wheel drive in the United States, but if you're in Europe, that guy has front-wheel drive. Driving I think, I think it's your fr drive or rewh drive I know it's not all smooth sailing Driving either way is pretty unreliable, it's not the fastest car out there but it looks so weird and crazy I had to respect it so which is here in the 67th placeThe 66th position is another Honda we are talking about, we have a lot of Hondas here, I just noticed that it comes with a Honda Del Soul.
I didn't even say what it was and I almost said that the engine I have comes with a 1.5 L inline to generate 106 horsepower in its front drive now, if that engine sounds familiar, it's because it's more or less the Honda Civic EG, but it's lighter and that's why I put it higher. Yeah, the EG gets a lot more praise in the community, eh, people. They modify that thing a lot more than the Del Soul, but I honestly think the Del Soul is a better option nowadays. The 65th spot goes to another muscle car, but don't worry, this one comes with a V8, the third-generation Chevy Camaro Z28.
This is like the Irck generation that my dad has, one of these really cool cars, it comes with a 5.7L V8 that makes 230 horsepower and it's rear-wheel drive, of course, because it's a Camaro, all Camaros are Honestly, I really like the look of the third one. gen, they do have a retro look, however if you're going to buy one be careful with the heroin needles because I feel like everyone who drives one of these things nowadays is just a crack addict. The 64th is a car that could definitely go much higher depending on who you ask, but it's the E85 BMW Z4.
I really didn't know where to put this car. I put it here at #64, but again, if it was a Tuesday and I had made this list, I would have put it a little higher. If it were Wednesday I would have put it a little lower, it also depends on the day. It comes with a 3-liter inline 6 that makes 225 horsepower and its rear-wheel drive is actually the same engine that they put in the 330ci uh E46 and the z3s um, it's a little heavier than the z3s and a lot more expensive than the z3s so I'm going to put it much lower. 63rd place goes to the Nissan 300ZX z31 um, I don't think it has the z32 on.
I'm going to do a very quick sweep here. I don't see it, so don't wait for the z32. The reason I included the z31 over the z32 is because everyone knows the z32. The z31 is a little different. It comes with a 3-liter V6 that generates 222 horsepower in its rear-wheel drive. Now that I'm talking about it, I definitely have the z32 on this list somewhere. I seem to remember writing that number down again, um, and then the reason the z31 is so much lower, they really sharpened the edges when they did the facelift with the z32.
It is much better than the z31. Next up is the Ford Mustang GT. Fox body. Yes, a Fox body is up to here at number 62. Now yes, it is down on the list, but you have to remember that it is still on the list. You know, it's still a good car in my opinion, it comes with a 5L V8 that makes 205 horsepower and has rear wheel drive. A lot of people really exaggerate what the Fox body can do with the stock engine uh almost all the Fox bodies you see that are really fast are swapped with an LS and if you're not up for it then it's really not a good option . 61st place is the Mercedes C280 w202, just a box on wheels, but I like it, something tells me it's a little newer than the w124 we talked about before, so I like it a little more, it comes with a 6 engine 2.8L inline that makes 190 rear horsepower. wheel drive obviously it's just a Mercedes C Class there's nothing really special about this honestly um but it's an older Mercedes so it comes with a manual you can have fun with it since it's rear wheel drive and that's enough to make my way.
Among the top 60 is the seventh-generation Toyota Celica GT. Yes, I like the 7th generation Celica GTS a little more than the 6th generation GTS. I like the look of the 6th generation better, but the 7th generation looks the best. The paper comes with a 1.8 L inline 4 that makes 170 horsepower and front-wheel drive. Now this engine was made by Yamaha, if I'm not mistaken I think that's the case, which is why I actually have a lot of people in my comments saying. which isn't really the most reliable engine out there eh, however, it shouldn't be hard to beat it with low miles for under 10k It's not a great Porsche, it's not, but it's still a good car for under 10k, It comes with a 2.7 L Flat 6 that makes 217 horsepower and has rear wheel drive, it's a lot of fun because cars under 10k are like the golden number which is between 150 and 300 horsepower, that's what that you are going to find and the boxer, still has the guts of Porsche.
You know, #58 is going to be one of my favorite cars ever made, but I admit it's not that good compared to many of the other cars on this list. So that's it, the BMW 635 CSI e24 comes with a 3-liter inline-6 ​​engine that generates 282 horsepower in its rear-wheel drive. Yes, its performance is excellent and yes, it sure looks great because that shark-nosed man is counting on me, oh, he is such. nice looking car, love it, but it's so old it's so unreliable you should definitely have at least one other diary for this. The 57 goes to a car I used to talk about all the time and completely forgot about. about it, but it's here again, the Acura TSX, you wanted an RSX but didn't have the RSX type money?
Here you go, it comes with a 2L inline 4 engine that generates 197 horsepower and its front wheel drive, that engine is a K series, yes, there is more. that just the RSX that came with the K series, I think even the CRVs came with the K series, if I'm not mistaken, but they're just, it's a fun little car, it's a sedan. The RSX 56 position is going to be a Tik. Special touch today, the Lexus LS400, literally every 16-17 year old kid wants an LS400 nowadays. I don't really understand it, but it's a good car, it comes with a 4L V8 making 270 horsepower and rear wheel drive.
Yes, it is incredibly reliable. Yes, it's fine on gas for a V8, but it's still a V8, so it still drinks quite a bit of gas, and yes, it's fun, but you have to remember that it's heavy, it only comes with an automatic, it's not the best sports car. that exists. However, it is a fun little sports car. I made a whole video about this, so many of you will probably love this. It is the third generation Honda Prelude. Did they want four-wheel steering? Did they want it to be active? Did they want pop-up headlights? You want a reliable Honda, well here you go, it comes with a 2L inline 4 that makes 109 horsepower in its front-wheel drive.
Yes, in stock, this car is quite slow. I'm not going to lie to you. 109 horsepower. I mean, I could probably run faster. that yes I am yes I am yes I will keep it with you for a dollar 50, but it looks very fun 54. Remember I told you that there was going to be another V6 muscle card that you didn't know about. Believe me, it's a 5th generation Chevy Camaro RS, yes it comes with a V6 because it's the RS, not the SS, it's a 3.6L V6, like the Challenger, but this one makes 323 horsepower in its rear-wheel drive and it's a little bit lighter than the Challenger, obviously it's going to go up a little bit more, yes it's still a V6 muscle car, but again guys it's got 323 horsepower for under 10km which is still pretty quick, it's still going to be very funny. 53.
I'm from 54. and from 55 I'm not from 53 it's a Subaru Forester sf/ FG yes I know King Bon says 64 and 65 but I'm not going to say that because I'm from Connecticut in a very nice neighborhood it comes with a 2.5 L Flat 4 generates 165 horsepower and is all-wheel drive. I love Forcers, as you all know, but again, compared to the grand scheme of cars, in the sports car world for under 10k, it doesn't really compare to some of the top competitors, but I still think that These cars are so underrated, man, it practically has an enterprise, but in a body like a crossover SUV that doesn't look bad and is still fun to drive.
The 52nd is a car that I absolutely love over and over again. I think it's really underrated, we have to hit like a line of underrated cars here, uh, it's the 9th generation Honda Accord Coupe. Honda Accords in general are underrated but then the punches are even more underrated, it comes with a 3.5L V6 that makes 278 horsepower in its front drive which is a decent number of horsepower for a damn Honda that is only meant to get you from point A to point B on time. You can obviously get more horsepower out of that, but these also look a lot better than regular ACC sedans, so I really like them.
The 51 is the other Porsche that doesn't really feel like a Porsche, it just feels like a science experiment. . The Porsche 944, everyone loves them and somehow they are still cheap. I don't know how it's happening. They come. with a 2.5 L inline 4 engine that generates 147 horsepower in its rear-wheel drive. I saw a Porsche 944 on Facebook Marketplace the other day and it was in excellent condition. 120,000 Mi and sold for 4K. It sold out in 3 hours, but it's still crazy to break your The road to the top 50 will be one of the most dominant cheap sports cars in the world today, the BMW 328i E36.
There is really nothing wrong with this car, it comes with a 2.8L inline 6 engine that makes 190 horsepower and has rear wheel drive. good for tuning it's lightweight it has rear wheel drive tons of aftermarket support it's a lot of fun it looks good everything about the E36 is great buy it at number 49 however it has a couple of issues but I think it's so cute it's so small it's so adorable It's the Mini Cooper S R53. This is the second generation of the Mini Cooper. I really like them, but they have problems. They come with a 1.6L supercharged inline-4 engine that generates 170 horsepower in its front-wheel drive.
Now again, it's not reliable. The car is very unreliable, they have a lot of problems, but they have a really good engine to tune and you can find them with very low miles for very little money. Speaking of cars you can find for ridiculously cheap, number 48 is the Acura Integra DC4 that I own. one and I paid 3K because they are cheap, it comes with a 1.8 L inline 4 engine that generates 140 horsepower in its front-wheel drive. That engine is a B series, so you can have fun with it, not as much fun as a K. but hey, depending on who you ask, I guess some people like the B series more, um, but it will be a lot of fun, It is incredibly light.
TR believe me its a fun car but if you want something that is fast and straight line just a fast car overall its not the one for you out of the gate 47th place goes to the Toyota MR2 sw20 s every time I say sw20 when I talk about MR2 it reminds me of something and I can't think of what I just thought, oil because they make damn 5W30 or whatever. Oh my god, I always thought what that reminds me of, but now I figured it out anyway. The car comes with a 2-liter inline 4 engine that generates 165 horsepower and rear wheel drive.
Drive like the Fierro GT we talked about before, this car is mid-engined and therefore you experience a fast supervisor not as much as the GT, but you do experience some, so be careful. 46. ​​There it is. I hate that word: Audi a58. In fact, I was thinking about buying this car for a long time before I decided on BMW, uh, and it's such a good car that it comes with a 2-liter inline 4-cylinder turbo engine that makes 210 horsepower and ​It has all-wheel drive. It's just beautiful. It's a coupe version of the A4, if I'm honest, they're literally pretty much the same car, but I think this one looks a lot better than the A4.
It just screams Elegance, you know what I mean. 45 exactly in half. the list and my voice is already starting to sound hoarse is the Mazda RX7 FB, FB stands for Facebook Marketplace. A really very interesting fact. The car comes with a 1.1L twin rotor rotary engine that makes 100100 horsepower, just flat uh, and it's obviously rear wheel drive. light, fun, small car, uh, incredibly unreliable, very very risky purchase, don't buy this, it's like your only daily driver, that's just it's just looking for problems. Another car that you are just asking for trouble if you buy, as your daily driver, is the 44th Mercedes E55 AMG W210 one of the only amgs you can find under 10k nowadays and it looks amazing too.
It also comes with a 5.4L V8 that makes 350 horsepower and its rear-wheel drive is a monster, it's a rocket, but the reason they are so cheap is that they are so unreliable that people are too afraid to deal with them yet, so don't buy this as a daily 43rd is the third-generation Dodge Charger RT. Chargers are like any charger, apart from the generationYou're not a daily driver, don't buy it daily, but if you want a fun car, here it is, it comes with a 1.2L RoR twin rotary engine that makes 160 horsepower and rear-wheel drive, the rear-wheel drive is combined with the light car. obviously means it's already a pretty fun time, on top of that it's a rotary so it's going to sound crazy talking about crazy sounding cars we're just banging Clips back to back I feel like I'm going to send this to the phase , is the Volkswagen GTI Mark 4/m Mark 5 are relatively similar.
I know they come with different engines and so they are not exactly the same, but they are very close and I didn't want to include both. of them and I didn't want to do 91 places, that would be strange, so here they are, it comes with a 1.8L turbo inline 4 that makes 180 horsepower in its front drive, that's the markv uh, the mark 5 makes a little else and I think it comes with a 2L turbo, but either way, really good cars, fun little tuners, front wheel drive monsters. 17th place goes to a wonderful damn muscle car. Pontiac should come back because it's a 4th generation Pontiac Firebird, why did they leave?
Oh, bankruptcy. I'll give you money I'll give you Here's $2 Can I help you? It comes with a 5.7L V8 engine that generates 335 horsepower and now has rear-wheel drive. Firebirds just got rebadged as Camaros, all of us. I know that, um, this is just a rebadged fourth-generation Camaro, but the reason it's so much taller is because it looks so much better. Check this out, it's way cooler than the 4th generation Camaro. This thing is sick. 16th place is the BMW. The big brother of the Z3 and the BMW Z4, the BMW 330ci E46, again, all of these cars share the same engine so it really depends on how you feel that day depending on which one you get, but I think this is objectively the best of the three.
It comes with a 3-liter inline-6 ​​engine that makes 225 horsepower and has rear-wheel drive. Now the reason I say it's a lot better than the rest is because it's a sedan, you have more space, a lot more legroom or practicality. It also has a lot more aftermarket support a lot of people drift them it has a little longer wheelbase but the wheelbase is perfect it's just good. I just realized I said it's a sedan when I was talking about the 330ci which is a coupe, uh, it's not a sedan, but you get what I meant anyway. In 15th place is the Nissan 300ZX z32.
I knew I included it but I couldn't find it when I did my little my little one flipped through my ring but yeah I love this thing so much more the z31 it really is better in every way it comes with the same engine or V6 of 3 liter that makes 222 horsepower and is still rear wheel drive, but just look at how it looks on its own, you can tell it's much better, but then they changed literally everything else. over the car and turned it into a monster of a vehicle in every way better. 14. Did you think we were done talking about the Audi S4?
No, no, because I like this one just a little more, but it's the Audi S4 B7, in my opinion, it's a little better. than the S4 B5 uh, they're both incredibly unreliable, although that's a good thing, so you know you're always going to exploit them no matter what comes with a 4.2L V8 that makes 340 horsepower and is all-wheel drive, It's obviously a lot more horsepower than the B5, but the car itself looks better. Actually, it's difficult. I think the B5 looks better. But it's newer, it's a little more reliable than the B5. In my opinion, it is a better car in all aspects. 13th place goes to the Ford Mustang GT s197, a mouthful of a car but yeah here it is obviously the Mustang gts1 197 has to be on a list of best cars under 10k, it comes with a 5L V8 which generates 300 horsepower at the point and rear-wheel drive.
Now no I mean sometimes you can find a uh s197 face wash for under 10k but most of the time it's a pre face wash but honestly I don't understand why people hate pre face wash so much , it is still a very good option. 12th place, however, goes to the subu WRX stink eye. I wanted to include this in the top 10, but the way I'm doing the top 10 is a little different, so I didn't, I just didn't have room there, uh. It comes with a 2.5L Turbo Flat 4 engine that generates 260 horsepower and has all-wheel drive. My friend has one of these, they sleep incredibly well in the cars, in my opinion, they are a little heavy, you know, a little heavier than the regular WRX. but overall it's still a very fun little rally car, especially if you live in a winter area.
Coming in at 11th, although just missing the top 10 for performance, is the eighth-generation Honda Civic SI. I love the 8th generation Civics. I think they slept incredibly well. um and they really are like today, they are about the same price, it's like an EK or an EG, at least in decent condition and in my opinion they are just better cars, I really don't understand why people hate them so much. A lot, they come with a 2L inline four that makes 197 horsepower and front-wheel drive and that K-series Motors, there you have it, it's a fun car, but now we're in the top 10 and the way what's this going on?
For work, each of these cars isn't necessarily the best on this entire list, but they are the best in their respected class. So number 10 is the Pontiac G and in my opinion this is the best drag car if you want it. I just want to build a drag car, this is the one for you, the reason is because it comes with a 6L V8 that makes 400 horsepower and it has rear wheel drive from the start, but it comes with an LS, so which has tons of spare parts. support and can be much faster and is still relatively cheap for what it is.
Ninth goes to the third-generation Acura TL, which in my opinion is the best daily driver, no, you know. Fun parts, I mean, even though it's a fun car, uh, but it's not, you know, it doesn't care about that at all, it's just a daily driver, this one is the best one because it comes with a 3.2L v six that makes 252 horsepower. of power and front-wheel drive, um again, that's still pretty quick and it's still going to be a bit, it's definitely a bit of a fun car to drive, but use it mostly on a daily basis and you'll be very happy, 8th place will be a bit double because They are relatively similar, the Volkswagen GTI Mark 6 and the Mark 7 again.
You can find both for under 10k and in my opinion they are the best hatchbacks under 10k. They are just incredibly small. They've always been like the Hondas of the German world, but they're hatchbacks and I know Honda makes hatchbacks too, but I'm just saying they're really good, they come with a turbo two-liter inline four that makes 210 horsepower. In its front-wheel drive, obviously, that number can go up a lot while still being quite reliable and has tons of space. Seventh place goes to the Infinti G37 coupe. This car is the best. I wrote the best daily coupe, but what do I mean by that.
It's more like if you want a daily but you also want to have a cool looking, you know, sporty looking car that is very fast and fun, but still reliable, that's what this car is for. a 3.7L V6 that makes 330 horsepower and has rear-wheel drive or all-wheel drive, which is obviously very good for a daily driver. The car is incredibly reliable. Don't let people lie to you. The motors are very reliable. However, sixth place goes. a I six six sixth sixth place should go to Satan because of whoever he invented this damn number, either way it comes for the Lexus SC300.
The Lexus SC300 is simply the best Flatout drift car in my opinion right now. I'm not saying it's the best drift car ever, but for under 10K it's a very good deal nowadays, the drift tax is crazy. The car comes with a 3L V 3L inline six cylinder engine, the bad thing is that it generates 225 horsepower and has rear wheel drive. We'll probably only be able to find an automatic for under 10k, but it's still a good deal. Fifth place goes to the Acura RSX Type S. I almost bought one of these instead of my Integra and I actually like my Integra. but I really wish I had bought this instead of the Integra, just a better car.
In my opinion today it is the best tuner for under 10k, if you just want a tuned car, you know you live the Fast and Furious life, here you go. with a 2L inline 4 engine that makes 2011 horsepower and it's front wheel drive, that series, that engine is a K series and as we know we've talked about a couple of Cas series on this list until now, but I still think the RSX guy did it better. best oh that's a 4th place though oh my gosh we're almost done with this list ladies and gentlemen it's the Subaru WRX bug ey/bloby Hawkeye they are the exact same car just with facelifts and , in my opinion, are the best rally cars.
This list, if you're only interested in the Flatout Rally or the Offro, I guess you can say here it is, it comes with a 2.5L turbo flat 4 that makes 225 horsepower and they're all-wheel drive. There's a reason these WXs get so much praise as rally cars. They really are that good. I have seen people. I live in a very similar field and everyone has wx around here, but we are finally in the top three for the bronze medal. It's been the same for every list of 10,000 we have. What I've done so far, the top three have been exactly the same because they really are the best cars under 10k.
I can not lie. In third place is the Nissan 350Z. I think it's the best JDM car out there without a doubt. In a way, the last three are the best and have been proven. I tried to make them like the best cars overall, but mainly they are the best in their country, eh, but yes, the Nissan 350Z is the best JDM car and it comes with a 3.5 L V6 engine. It generates 36 horsepower in its drive rear, yes I'm biased because I had one, but man, it really is that good. I know people don't like the 350z because a lot of little kids buy them.
Put your prejudices aside and look really. the car is an amazing deal for under 10k nowadays but you know what's a little better than that second place silver medal chevy corvette c5 my uncle bought one of these not too long ago and omg They are so good with the ones they come with. a 5.7 L V8 that makes 350 horsepower and they are World Drive rear, obviously this is the best American car in every way, so if you like it, you know drag racing and street racing, more than this is more for you than the 350Z, while the 350Z is more for the guy looking to drift and drive things like uh, the Corvette C5 comes with an LS engine, so obviously you can get a lot more power out of it.
It looks crazy, it has pop-up headlights. God bless you, taillights. They're great too, it's a little bigger than most people think. I feel like they're really big cars, but they're still so good. 350 horsepower is something to leave off, but finally ladies and gentlemen, first put the best car under 10k as of Right now in my opinion it is the BMW 335i e92 or just the e9x. If you get the E90, it's still good, the E91 is still good, E93, whatever, but the e92 is the best looking one in my opinion, so I'm going to Include it here, uh, and this is just the best kind, it comes with a twin turbo 3 liter inline six and it makes 300 horsepower and it's rear wheel drive or all wheel drive you can choose between those two so that's obviously really decent but also if you keep it stock if you do you want on a daily basis, it's fun, it's a good option because if you keep it stock it's pretty reliable, however, if you want a car that's a lot faster and kind of a good combination. from Japan and the United States, where it is fast in a straight line but also very fun in the corners, it is also good for that.
The engine is called the n54 and is notoriously good at making power. Now reliability is definitely an issue and that is something to learn. the car but everything else is too good not to put it lower it's a good car man but anyway ladies and gentlemen this is the end of today's video of 90 sports cars under $10,000 again , thank you very much to all. From the bottom of my heart, my heart, heart, heart, for giving me all the support that you have had over the years, it means a lot to me, you are the best people on planet Earth, so thank you very much, obviously, when we reach 100,000 subscribers, that will be.
It's going to be huge but I'll do the 100 car video but after that I won't do any more because they take too long and it just wouldn't make sense to do the top0 cars under 10km, maybe I'll do it when I like to get to 150,000, you know, and then maybe I'll do 150 cars or maybe if I do 200,000 I'll do 200 cars or something, but not every 10,000 subscribers after that, you know what I mean, it's crazy anyway, thanks. Thank you all so much for watching, thank you all for bringing me to 990,000 subscribers. I owe my life to you, not like my real life, like I wouldn't like that, but I owe my career to you, so thank you.
Very much man, I love youto each and every one of you. Das padania and have a good night.

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