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Vortex Cannon vs Drone | xQc Reacts

May 06, 2024
the Rober brand is um what is this interesting


hidden inside this box is some absolutely wonderful engineering that you might find protecting you the next time you're at a public event that has a lot of people and although this may look like a boring old


, in reality It is one of the fastest in the world, it is autonomous and it weighs more than normal because the purpose of this drone is to lock on to a bad drone that is trying to do bad things and then break it into a thousand pieces now. Drones have become so incredibly cheap, fast and maneuverable that it's only a matter of time before they use explosives to attack key infrastructure or worse, but before you worry too much, there's some good news here and today we're going to take a look.
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Take a look at the latest technologies being developed to combat this very possible scenario and then, after seeing how the professionals are doing it, we'll investigate how some backyard YouTube engineers would handle the same problem and I know I want to give too much away. it could involve giant dart turrets, Tesla coil water guns, and the world's largest Vortex


. Now, to get started with a professional, I went to a company called Andre, which is one of the leaders when it comes to drone defense, where I met with their founder. Lucky Palmer, who, by the way, you might recognize as the guy who dropped out of school at age 19 to invent the Oculus VR headset and from the beginning set the stage in which the United States has the ability to defend itself against attacks of fighter planes or bomber invasions and no ability to control what happens in the first few hundred of our airspace, that is what we have to solve, we have to tame the Wild West Palmer, explain to me, there are six main ways to eliminate a drone with bad intentions and each The method has one major flaw, except number six: the first is jamming, where you simply overwhelm the drone with fake radio signals so that it can no longer hear the human operator's instructions and it loses the control. 70% of all consumer drones are from DJI and they actually provide the equipment to authorities that will block communications this way.
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The second method to take down a drone with malicious intent is to hack the drone remotely using the radio signal and then exploiting known issues in the software that can take over. control it and force it to land or crash, yes, but that takes a long time, although the potential Achilles tendon heals for these first two methods, all they have to do to avoid it is use a different brand of drone, use a different brand radio, use a different frequency. or build a drone that doesn't even need them, goes full speed, just runs for some time, super drones and frequencies means this would have no effect.
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Method number three is high power lasers where you basically just heat the outside surface of the drone to such a high temperature. which catches fire and this works quite well against plastic drone casings, but once again there is a weakness. What happens if I only hang a 5 cent ptin? It takes orders of magnitude more energy to burn a reflective metal. Stop, it just doesn't work with the following method. is a focused beam of microwave energy like an EMP, the goal here is to induce current in the Drone's electronics to a level so high that it fries the Drone's brain, but as Palmer explained, all a bad guy has to do To mitigate this is to buy something. cheap copper tape from Home Depot and once you cover the Drone's body it becomes practically invisible to this attack.
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It can reduce the amount of power reaching the internal electronics from an EMP by orders of magnitude and that means a microwave ray gun that could previously fry a drone 2000m away now only works if that drone with tape copper is 2m away, so now the ray


is basically useless and goes to number five. Our nets shoot into the air from other drones and this makes sense if we are trying to capture the bad drone for a forensic investigation, but drones carrying nets by default will be slower and less maneuverable, so they can be defeated with speed and agility. .
Now all of this would be really bad news if it weren't for the sixth method that even works if you designed a super drone that combined all the tricks to defeat methods 1 through five and is possibly the oldest method of destruction known to man. Strength to crush things and because the method is like that, Andre makes an ultra-fast drone appropriately named Anvil whose only job is to use kinetic energy to break a dangerous drone into thousands of pieces. Imagine a children's bowling ball thrown twice as fast as a major league baseball fastball. That's what it feels like when Anvil hits you, and naturally, after hearing all this, I wanted to see. in action, so they took me to their testing grounds where they created a scenario in which a bad drone was approaching our position.
Thank goodness we have Anvil. Now they immediately like the Royals to retire and that is due to the towers that each one sees here. The tower has sensors, such as radars, optical cameras or infrared detectors, and then they use computer vision, machine learning and artificial intelligence. What happens if it is shipped as a propeller? Track everything that is of interest in an area. It's so accurate, in fact, that it will identify and track every single bird on the testing ground. They call it a software system network and it's the real secret. It's the sauce at the core of your company, so what we do is detect a drone, classify what it is and if it's something Anvil needs, let's say. you try to lock it you try to hack it, it doesn't work Now you launch Anvil, oh here it comes Anvil immediately zoomed towards the bad drone, but the most important thing is that it didn't activate, it simply locked into position about 30m below it. perfectly mirroring the movements of the other drones, turn after turn, just waiting for a human operator to give the go-ahead to use its terminal guidance sensors to close the gap and attack from below by crashing into the drone at speeds close to two and now too survives. just Anvil, they also have other systems, such as Road Runner, which is designed to take out faster and larger drones where you would normally have to fire a Patriot Missile, but unlike a Patriot Missile Road Runner costs an order of magnitude less and if only If you're afraid to eliminate the threat without getting involved, then it can be reused another time, ultimately Andro comes close to using cutting-edge engineering to make things much more capable for much less money and you know they're doing something right. because they have some part of their Solutions currently implemented in many different places Southern border northern border National Parks military bases around critical infrastructure around nuclear power sites there are many sensitive places where you don't want to have any idea who is there and what they might be doing and now we have an idea how professionals do CH, there are only a handful of people who can function as rockets like that or whatever, there are no laws or similar things around that question.
I'm probably wondering how Mark Robber would do drone defense and I think the answer is that it would probably look like this: A 7 foot tall fully articulated Mega turret that fires a six-shot barrel with pre-loaded Mega darts, so the accessory we watched video One time, they had a rocket and the guy that was helping them make the video, whatever, was like yeah, we, he was limited and what he could say, whatever because it was like um effective, like that I called three of my Rockets and Sh came up with ideas on how to approach the problem and it became a sort of four-person backyard engineering competition, so in addition to my mega turret, their designs could include a fully electrified drone water gun, a Vortex cannon that can do some real damage, and even a very Scrappy system that does a bit of its own autonomous drone tracking, but to contextualize our initial engineering showdown, it's important that we first give you report on a super secret project I've been working on for over 2 years. because since I launched Crunch Labs, the biggest response has been that this is great for kids to have a lot of fun learning to create and build, but what about something for teenagers and adults?
Well I'm happy to say that as of today that exists now and this is what's called a hackpack and it's basically a series of really fun programmable robots that are delivered right to your door where we explain step by step the types of engineering skills that are included on my channel and don't be intimidated because All of these use a programmable microcontroller as the brain because if you can put together a Lego set, you can put this together and it will work right away, no programming required and it will still be a lot of fun, sure, yeah, which means the first desktop turret. robot, works just like my mega turret, where the infrared remote control can rotate it 360° and you can fire pre-loaded darts from a six-shot cannon, either one at a time or with rapid fire, after which you simply refill the cartridge Magnetic Snap-on Barrel. and then for the next box, you'll build this awesome domino robot that will follow any line you place on the ground and trace a path of Domino's right along that path, but then it will know to stop to reload when it runs out. that you have this oversized custom label maker that works with just a Sharpie and a roll of tape or this beautiful sand garden controlled by a machine that you like when you get home you have to scan your thumb and you don't I won't tell you if you pass the test or not, if you don't pass the test, you are an intruder, you open the door inside the house, you enter and some spikes stick into the earth bank and the intruders enter.
Bon the spikes like smash here which makes them totally different and this is the real magic of the hackpack. You can easily hack the brain of any of these robots in several ways to completely level up the functionality, for example for the desktop turret. You can password protect it so only you can control it and if your friend tries it and makes a mistake the robot will let you know or there is a party mode like a kind of cake face where everyone sits around the table and it will spin like It breaks terribly, it plays with your emotions or you can hack it so that when your dad turns on the TV, the receiver picks up that signal and autonomously turns towards his chair to discharge the poison.
There are even hardware hacks too so that you can continuously scan your office and if you add a proximity sensor to detect an intruder, it will give you six compelling Rapid Fire reasons to get ahead and hence all these cool ideas act as a motivation for you to check out the web based coding module where you can connect. your robotic brain and perform any of these upgrades and when you are there you will see that there are three levels in level one, the code is completely locked and you can only exchange the full code for new verified hacks, like the password hack in level two, Now you can change some key variables, like how fast the cannon spins or how many numbers to put in your passcode, yes, and chat like this, like this, in the chat, a naked victim is placed in the metal room with a tape rough sandpaper conveyor on the floor. the floor moves very slowly and never stops the victim would have to walk constantly to avoid being scraped the victim will get tired and faint and the transporter will pin him against the wall and start scraping his flesh this will wake the victim up and keep him inside agony until he bleeds out Days later, Mr.
Be's next video and at level three you have full access to change everything and since my goal is to take you from wherever you are and then level up, there is a community where you can post questions. as well as an AI chatbot called Mark robot who will check your code for you and help you implement your most creative ideas, and every really slick looking hackpack box delivered to your door not only includes a me together video, it simply I have not done it. I found out that the first B step out of my turret versus your turret your turret actually shoots things how do you know which one is mine?
It's right there, oh, that thing is the end of the video. It can be controlled with a hackpack. Turret remote control, no, I'm going to move it. Just like that, luckily for the kids, the turret was distracted as the first drone took to the sky and stopped at a height where only a mega turret could take it down. I could absolutely hit that with a and while, that could be true for the average person. None of us are exactly the first to be chosen in gym class type material anyway, it was time to see what this bad boy could do, let me line him up, wait oh yeah that looks good 3 2 1 oh oh that It was great, yes. but you missed it oh bird little one to the right fire this is the one i can feel buddy they literally hadthat get camera angles to make it look like it was going somewhere but shit ain't going nowhere 3 2 a brother that you oh Yeah, yeah, wait, okay, what the Drone recovered was so cool that the Drone is much more impressive than the Tur, but luckily for me, the rules definitely not invented at the time state that if a dart makes contact with the Drone, you get a final bonus. shot the mega turret had claimed he was dead hits AA check it out you actually did it yeah what's up man let's see how they beat this H.
The question is which one of you wants to try to outdo me oh god first we have Kevin , is there anything after that or not? Oh yeah, woo yeah. Kevin, yes, yes, he's coming for your drones. He feels like he's bigger than a fire. Wow, Kevin really, oh, him, and you, oh, this absolutely destroyed the Drone, oh my gosh, it actually completely died, yeah. Acquainted with this video. It was as if little Dy simply

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