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Afghanistan, Peru: Cops vs. the Most Dangerous Narcos

Jun 03, 2024
About drugs and crime. This United Nations agency centralizes all information related to the war on crime. Most of the time, when we have a drug-related case, we confiscate the materials and take them to this laboratory for analysis. This is where they do all the science. Everything seized by the police is taken to this anti-narcotics laboratory to be analyzed and indexed. This is a very secure building. For security reasons, employees wish to remain anonymous. In this lab, they are trying to map drugs so they can better fight them. One of the


vulnerable places in Afghanistan is the warehouse where items from all over the country were stored.
afghanistan peru cops vs the most dangerous narcos
At this top-secret site, a small fortune smiles while we wait for the Department of Justice to do its job. It is very difficult to access. They have two inmates detained. They will take samples, but they don't want anyone to see it because it is a top secret, top secret case. They don't want us to film. After a few minutes, the warehouse finally opens its doors. This is heroin. They are explosives to make bombs. Is this opium? Yes, that's opium. The authorities burn the seized objects annually. This is more than 311 tons of smoked heroin, which is equivalent to more than 9,000 million euros in the international market.
afghanistan peru cops vs the most dangerous narcos

More Interesting Facts About,

afghanistan peru cops vs the most dangerous narcos...

In Afghanistan, as in Peru, the fight against human traffickers is endless and requires enormous challenges. The real danger is that we are fighting the mafia and traffickers 24 hours a day. We are not fighting small remote merchants. We are talking about an international mafia that has operations all over the world. Both in Afghanistan and Peru. The success of these units can be summed up in a few words: selflessness and intense training. Training means these officers know exactly what to do during patrol. Each Senshi has high abilities. Here we have an explosives expert, a sniper and a Zodiac pilot.
afghanistan peru cops vs the most dangerous narcos
They don't wait and ask me: "Hey Cat, what are we doing?" Here everyone knows what to do. Abdul Raab and Gato share a common goal: ensure that their men return home safely and neutralize the trafficking before it affects the entire country.
afghanistan peru cops vs the most dangerous narcos

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