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PUT GOD FIRST | Best Sermons Of 2023 Christian Motivation Videos - 3 Hours (Daily Jesus Devotional)

Mar 27, 2024
Put God


in your life and everything will fall into place. Everything today God wants you to put him


. We are also going to pray a powerful prayer with you asking God to bless you abundantly in the name of Jesus, so watch until the end. and open your heart to receive the blessings of this prayer in Matthew 6:33 the Bible tells us but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you now imagine that you are in the heart of a busy person City surrounded of towering skyscrapers and the endless hum of life, but in the midst of this whirlwind of activity you find an oasis of calm, a place where time seems to slow down and peace reigns supreme.
put god first best sermons of 2023 christian motivation videos   3 hours daily jesus devotional
This is what life feels like when we put God first. In the midst of our chaotic lives, among the many roles we play and the countless challenges we face, when we center our lives around God, we discover extraordinary peace, a deep sense of purpose, and divine direction that guides us. This is the journey we are about to embark on. Embark today on a journey to put God first and reap the many blessings that follow. There is a fundamental truth that resonates deeply in our hearts and that influences every decision and action we take. I'm talking about the deep understanding that it is absolutely essential to play God. the main focus of our lives our life is shaped by the things we decide are most important, just like when we choose to stop and watch the sunrise, rush to finish our tasks, or spend time with our loved ones, each of these choices shows what we value most.
put god first best sermons of 2023 christian motivation videos   3 hours daily jesus devotional

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put god first best sermons of 2023 christian motivation videos 3 hours daily jesus devotional...

In the same way we choose a place for God in our lives so we have to ask ourselves have we given God the first place where He should be or has He gotten lost in the mix of all the other things we have to do? about how everything in nature works perfectly the planets move around the sun in a specific pattern the seasons change one after another showing the beauty of nature even our bodies work in a certain way with our hearts beating and our lungs inhaling and exhaling this shows that everything has its own place and role, just like these God also has a special place in our lives, he must be in the center, the most important part of our lives when we make sure that God is in the center.
put god first best sermons of 2023 christian motivation videos   3 hours daily jesus devotional
Our lives become wonderfully balanced like a well-performed song the story of how the world began in the Bible shows us how important God is Genesis 1:1 says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth God made everything come alive with Only the earth, the sky, the sea and all the animals arose because God wanted it that way and we, who are made to be like him, carry something of his greatness like everything else in the universe. Our lives must also revolve around God. God takes priority over everything else when we put God first. It fills us with peace, purpose, and joy, but in the hustle and bustle of our lives it is very easy to lose sight of God's rightful place.
put god first best sermons of 2023 christian motivation videos   3 hours daily jesus devotional
We become entangled in the complexities of our mundane lives. We often forget our divine origin. Some of us may be tempted to do so. ask why we should put God first, isn't it enough to be kind and compassionate and live a godly life? However, in Exodus 20:3 the Bible makes it clear that when God gave us the first commandment, you will have no other gods before me when God says this is not out of a divine need for validation, but out of deep fatherly love. He knows that our true fulfillment comes from making Him our priority. Placing others or other things above God means that we allow them to take their rightful place in our lives.
Whether we recognize it or not, someone might say this is from the Old Testament, we don't need to get this right today, although in different words Jesus expressed similar sentiments in the New Testament in Matthew 22:37-38, Scripture tells us Jesus . He told him: you will love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind, this is the first and great commandment, so here Jesus is validating that the first commandment still stands. This verse means that we are to put God first. our lives, just as this Old Testament verse tells us, you will have no other gods before me.
Loving God with all your heart means putting Him above everything. Some of us prioritize our jobs, while others put family members, such as wives, husbands, children, or parents, ahead of God, for some God. He might even be in last place, while for others God might have no place in their lives, but today we will change our focus. Today we will rightfully position God at the forefront of our lives, putting Him above everything and everyone else when you do not put God first, it can lead to many challenges, sometimes we even end up fighting unnecessary battles today.
I urge you to put God first. Don't we all benefit when we put God in his rightful place? It's a win-win situation. we put God first we become better wives better husbands better human beings we become better in every area of ​​our lives Guided by God's counsel and wisdom God's commandments are not meant to control us, they are there to help us live our


lives. lives your first The commandment is not a burden but an invitation, an invitation to align our lives with his divine wisdom, by putting God first, we allow his infinite love and wisdom to guide our lives, this produces a profound transformation that fills our lives of hope and love now let's talk more about what happens when we place God at the center of our lives when we decide to put God first in our lives we embark on a journey that brings blessings beyond our imagination did you know that God will truly bless you further? than you expected if Ephesians 3:20 to 21 tells us now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or think according to the power that works in US to him be glory in the church in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever amen notice that the scriptures say about everything we ask or think that is speaking of blessings beyond our imagination the first blessing is that of divine guidance when we prioritize God we invite his wisdom into our lives we move forward under your guide secure in the knowledge that our steps are ordered by him as Proverbs 3:5-6 says, trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.
It means that when we put God first we will never be lost God will guide us in the right direction The Second Blessing is Peace in the midst of the storms of life when we prioritize God an inexplicable Tranquility surrounds us this peace comes from knowing that God is in control and that he works all things together for our good this piece as described in Philippians 4:7 surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus when we put God first he gives us peace that is beyond our understanding the third blessing comes in the form of divine provision when God is our priority, our needs do not go unnoticed, he is our provider, as indicated in the scripture mentioned above in Matthew 6:33, we are reminded, but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. you, the things here refer to our basic needs that God promises to provide when we put him first.
Another blessing we receive is protection when we align our lives with God's will, we are under his divine protection, this does not mean that we will not face difficulties. but he assures us that he will be with us in those times Psalms 91: 1-2 says he who dwells in the secret place of the most high will dwell under the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Strength my God I will trust in him when I place God first we obtain a protective refuge in him another Bible verse found in Philippians 4: 19 says and my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in Glory in Christ Jesus when we place God at the forefront we invite his vision of divine provision to our lives he ensures that our needs, whether physical, emotional or spiritual, are taken care of as we walk with God we experience his divine protection even in the midst of storms we are safe in the knowledge that he is our shield and our Strength and lastly put God first in our lives he blesses us with purpose life is not just a bunch of random things that happen it is like a beautiful story made by God he has a plan for each of us a purpose that fulfills us and glorifies him Jeremiah 29:1 tells us because I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not harm you plans to give you hope and a future when God is at the helm of Our Lives with which we live immense hope and joy prioritizing God brings numerous blessings of guidance peace provision protection and purpose takes us on a journey filled with his goodness and mercy so let us make a conscious decision today and every day in the future to put God first and partake of the abundant blessings he promises to those who do understand that when God has priority in our lives we receive his divine blessings;
However, when we put God first in our lives it is not only for the blessings we might receive in return, while God's blessings are precious gifts. The True Heart of our devotion goes beyond any tangible or intangible reward. We put God first because we truly love Him. It's like when you do something nice for a friend, not because you want something in return, but simply because you care about them the same way we do. We love and honor God and that is why we make him our top priority. We put Him first, not as a transaction or an expectation of blessings, but as an expression of our unwavering love and gratitude for who He is in our lives.
Let's look at history again. of Abraham, stands as a vivid testament to this. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac. Abraham was deeply afflicted but decided to obey God. He was willing to give up what was most precious to him, placing God above even his beloved son. The Lord intervened at the last moment, forgiving Isaac and blessing Abraham for his unwavering faith. His story is a powerful reminder of the blessings that follow when we put God first. Daniel's life is also another story that speaks of the blessings of prioritizing God. Daniel was a captive in Babylon serving under a king who did not worship the Lord, but Daniel decided to remain faithful to God even when the king's decree threatened his life.
Daniel continued to pray to God putting him above the king's commands, he was thrown into the lions' den, but God closed the lions' mouths and protected Daniel. His story serves as a beacon of hope showing us that when we stand firm in our faith by putting God first, he helps us in the most miraculous ways, how then do we put God first in our lives? the step is prayer and worship 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 reminds us to rejoice always pray without ceasing in everything give thanks for this is the will of God God in Christ Jesus for you communication is key to any relationship and our relationship with God is no exception in prayer we pour out our hearts to him we speak and listen through worship we express our love and gratitude this


communion Fosters a deep personal connection with God another way to prioritize God is by studying his word.
I have said this several times in the Bible. It is not simply a historical text, it is the living Word of God for us, it is his love letter to humanity full of his promises, guidance and revelations about his nature in Psalm 119 verse 105, the Bible says that your word is a lamp at my feet and light on my path. Therefore, studying the Bible regularly nourishes our spiritual life and helps us grow in understanding and faith, but there are also benefits to our physical well-being when we focus on its teachings and prioritize it in our


lives in the world. accelerated today.
Stress is often felt. It's like a constant shadow, but spending time in God's word offers a much-needed break from the chaos it provides. Comfort, wisdom and guidance, all of which can significantly reduce our stress levels. When our minds are at peace, our bodies naturally follow suit. A decrease in stress can lead. for better sleep a more robust immune system and an overall healthier body the scriptures are full of teachings that subtly guide us toward a healthier LIF style these teachings remind us of the value of rest the importance of treating our bodies with respect and the benefits of living a balanced life when we internalize these messages they often manifest as better physical habits ensuring our bodies arewell cared for also by studying the word of God our decision-making process becomes more informed we are equipped to make decisions that not only benefit our spiritual selves but also our physical selves, in addition, taking time to understand the scriptures helps sharpen our mind, encouraging mental clarity and focus in essence, while the spiritual nourishment of God's word is undeniable, its impact on our physical health is equally undeniable by aligning our elves with the wisdom of God and our spirit. and the body flourishes now obedience to God's word and guidance is another crucial aspect of putting God first obedience is not about mindless compliance it is about trusting in his wisdom and love it is about choosing to follow his guide even when the path is challenging obedience is a testament to our love for God affirming His rightful place in our lives John 14:15 tells us if you love me keep my Commandments and how we know how to keep the Commandments it is about obedience that Guide to the


results in life Consider that our resources, time, talents, and money are all gifts from God.
Using them in a way that honors Him is another practical way to put God first. This could mean spending time in service, which refers to offering yourself. volunteer by helping in the community or doing acts of kindness without expecting anything in return. a way to give back show love and make a difference in the lives of others or the community at large. We might also consider using our talents to further his kingdom or contribute financially to God's work. This further helps to reflect our recognition of God's lordship over our lives 1 Peter 4:10 reminds us how each has received a gift Ministershowing one another as good stewards of God's manifold grace putting God first in our lives is a conscious decision we must make every day it is not about convenience but conviction it is not about comfort but commitment when we make this choice Our lives begin to fall into place according to His divine plan, we may not have everything we want , but we will have everything we need because our God is a god of abundance, love and peace, so let's make the conscious decision today and every day from now on. put God first center our lives around him let his love and wisdom guide our thoughts words and actions remember the promise in Proverbs 3 Verse 6 in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths by putting God first You experience the deep peace and joy that comes from living in alignment with His will.
May you witness the miraculous unfolding of His divine plan in your life now for all those within the sound of my voice. Let us go to the Lord in prayer. I love you. to pray this prayer with me so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer, let us pray to our merciful Lord Heavenly Father, you are very powerful and deserve all our praise. I thank you Lord that your greatness and love know no limits. the name of Jesus I declare that you will be the center of my life Lord help me to always put you first in everything I do father I declare that my steps are ordered that my vision is clear and that my heart remains aligned with your will in the powerful name of Jesus I rebuke any force or obstacle that tries to distract me from your path.
I discard every thought, every doubt and every negative influence that tries to distance me from your purpose for my life father, pour out your Abundant Blessings on me. My cup overflows with joy, peace and prosperity as I continue to seek you first Lord, may you open the windows of heaven and bless the work of my hands ensuring that I lack nothing oh Lord Our God who heals our Jehovah Rafa I declare healing over every part of my body and mind in the name of Jesus father that you restore my health renew my strength and rejuvenate my spirit May every cell, every organ and every system within me function in Perfect Harmony reflecting your perfect creation Lord, you are my protector, I ask you Protect me from harm from all the powers of Darkness from all destruction as I journey through life Lord, may you be my refuge and strength, keep me safe from all accidents and negative incidents, from all diseases and from all evil intentions.
Faithful God, may you give me your Angels bear upon me to watch over me at all times in the name of Jesus. I pray for deliverance from any form of bondage, whether physical, emotional or spiritual. Break all the chains, free me from all the shackles and let me experience the true freedom that comes from knowledge. and serving you the true Freedom that comes from putting yourself first Lord, I also put my loved ones before you for you today I ask that you take care of them, guide them and bring them closer to you, let your love and grace shine brightly in their lives to who might also know the power of putting you at the center of everything they do as I say this prayer along with everyone listening.
I pray that our lives will be transformed by your grace, that we may experience a shift in our priorities, a renewal of our spirits, and a deeper commitment to putting you first. May our words, thoughts, and actions reflect our love for you and that Our Lives become testimonies of your greatness in the precious name of Jesus. Gold, amen. Starting your day with Psalm 121 is like wearing a warm protective jacket that reminds you. We know that God is always there watching over us, no matter what the day brings us, so no matter what you face today, God reminds you that your help comes from the Lord, the creator of heaven and earth, we go too. to make a powerful prayer with you asking God for divine protection and to bless you abundantly in the name of Jesus, so watch to the end and open your heart to receive the blessings of this prayer every morning when the world awakens to the fresh Light of a new day we are given a new beginning similar to how the waves of the ocean erase yesterday's footprints in the sand.
It is clear that the dawn not only symbolizes a new day, but embodies the promise of a new alignment with God now in the The core of our daily renewal is Psalm 121, this special and comforting Psalm reminds us that even when the world is feels heavy and the challenges seem too big, our God is always watching over us making sure we are safe and protected, it is as if God is telling us. you are not alone, I am here with you now listen to this Psalm 121, it is often known as the traveler's Psalm, but why this Psalm in particular?
Well, this is because this Psalm is a powerful prayer to begin your day's journey. reminder that no matter where we go or what challenges we face, God is always with us watching our every step, just as a traveler may face unexpected turns on a journey, we too encounter unknowns in our daily lives, let us explore this powerful Psalm and shocking. Verse by verse providing Ides with comforting assurance that even in the midst of life's uncertainties we are never truly alone, this Psalm offers us hope, strength, and a guiding light that reminds us of God's unwavering presence and care.
In verse one, the Scripture says: I will raise him up. I raise my eyes to the hills where my help comes from. Imagine yourself facing a towering mountain or looking up into the limitless sky. It is a moment of humility. It is not like this? This verse reflects that sentiment by directing our gaze toward the hills. It's like turning our gaze. thoughts about something much bigger than our daily worries God so this verse has a probing question where does my help come from this resonates with times when we are unsure or fearful pondering where to turn for support the beautiful answer is repeated in the verse two, but It is also very well captured in Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in problems, so when problems arise and we feel alone, this verse reminds us that God is always there for us. help us, he is not just an observer, he is our ever-present help. so today I ask you where does your help come from comes from your job your salary or income comes from your friends or loved ones where does it come from let's explore the best answer to these questions in verse two verse 2 says my Help comes from the Lord who He made Heaven and Earth.
It's human nature to be proud of our Creations, whether it's something as simple as a meal or as complex as a painting. We build our days by scheduling each hour with activities and goals, but this verse invites us to do so. Pause and consider something greater in all of creation, the heavens and the Earth, the magnificence of the bright stars, the moon, the sun and the beauty of our world with its varied landscapes, environments and life, all of this was created by the Lord, this is the great God that we. serve the God of all creation in the book of Exodus chapters 35 to 50 we remember the story of the Israelites during their construction of the Tabernacle in the desert each worker was filled with the spirit of God to design and create consider that their abilities were not exclusively theirs , were gifts from the Divine Creator, similarly, our abilities, intelligence and even our ability to plan our gifts from God, this realization is both humbling and strengthens the power of the EMP, if our daily plans seem grandiose, how much more great is he who created the universe?
Recognizing that our true help comes from the creator of Heaven and Earth, we place our trust not in our limited abilities but in the unlimited power and wisdom of God. This verse in its simplicity reminds us that no matter how big our hills are, our helper is infinitely. greater our God is bigger than our problem now let's look at verse three he will not let your foot move the one who keeps you will not sleep every day we wake up we enter a world full of surprises and uncertainties some days can feel like walking on a rope lazy with challenges ready to throw us off balance, but here in this verse there is a powerful promise.
God will not let our foot slip or move. It's like having the best balance keeper in the world by our side. Consider the story of Peter walking on water. In Matthew 14:22-33, as long as his eyes were fixed on Jesus, he could do the impossible, but the moment he focused on the raging storm he began to sink, but even in that instant of hesitation, Jesus immediately reached out his hand. to make sure Pedro didn't drown. God's protective hand is like this, ensuring that even if we stagger we will not fall. The last part of the verse paints a comforting picture.
God never takes a break from caring for us, unlike us who need rest and sleep. God's vigilance is constant. Imagine a guardian who never blinks, never gets tired and never sleeps, that is our always active God guaranteeing our safety. Verse 4 says, behold, he who keeps Israel will not slumber or sleep. This verse serves as a beautiful echo of the previous verse, but broadens the scope, while the previous verse might seem more personal, this one extending that guardianship to all of God's people by referencing Israel. The story of the Israelites' escape from Egypt in Exodus 12-14 comes to mind as they were pursued by Pharaoh's army with the Red Sea in front of them.
It seemed that all was lost, but God, who never sleeps or slumbers, made a way for them by parting the Red Sea. It wasn't just Moses or Aaron, but the entire nation. This verse reminds us that God's attentive care is not just for individuals but is expansive and covers communities, nations and even generations, his trustworthiness does not extend just to one person, but covers all of his people. Verse 5 says this: The Lord is your guardian, the Lord is your shadow at your right hand, the reality is that these mornings bring with you. them the Rising Sun sheds light but also heat in life we ​​also often encounter situations that can be intense or challenging but here is the promise God acts like a shadow offering relief a place of comfort in the midst of the heat of the challenges of The life story of Jonah in the The book of Jonah 4:5-8 provides a reflection on this after delivering God's message to Nineveh Jonah sat outside the city and God provided him with a plant to give him shade although the experience of Jonah was short symbolizes the constant protective shadow that God offers us. mentioning the right hand in this verse is also significant in biblical times the right hand was a symbol of power Authority and honor when God is our shadow at our right hand it is not just about protection but also empowerment every task we undertake every challenge we we face The face has the hand of strength and honor of God guiding us and supporting us is a reminder that with God at our side who or what can be against us now let's move on to verse six tells us the son will not hurt you by day nor the Night Moon, let's face it, every day has its ups and downs, much like the scorching heat of the sun andthe mysterious darkness of the night.
The sun can be harsh and reminds us of the clear problems we face during our daily routines. These can be big things, like problems at work. problems at home or even our own worries and fears fears on the other hand the moon although it brings light to the night often symbolizes the unknown the challenges that we do not see coming or those that confuse us remember the story of the Israelites wandering in the desert this can be found in Exodus 13:21-22 where God guided them with a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire during the night, this means that He was with them during both the clear challenges of the day and the uncertainties. of the night Similarly, this verse comforts us with the promise that whether our problems are clear as day or hidden in the shadows of the night, God is there providing protection and guidance.
God is so good to us. Verse seven assures us that the Lord will keep him from everything. evil he will keep your life think about starting each day with a shield around you not just any Shield but one that can protect you from everything bad that may come your way this verse is like a promise of that Shield every day there are many things Seen and invisible, that can hurt us, but here we are told that God will keep us safe from everything. The story of Job might come to mind in the Book of Job 1:1. Satan pointed out that God had put a protective shield around Job. his family and all he had even in his intense trials, God's protective hand over his work life was similarly evident, this verse is not just about protecting us from physical harm or challenges, it is deeper than that, It is a promise to protect our being, our Essence and our life, that means that even if we face problems deep down, where it matters most, God keeps us safe and protected, it is like having the best promise of security as we face the challenges of each day and the last verse, which is verse 8, tells us the Lord.
It will keep you going out and you will come back from this moment and forever, as we know it, life is a series of journeys, sometimes we go out, maybe it is for work or to face a challenge or even to take advantage of a new opportunity other times . We come in search of rest, we return to our loved ones or we reflect on our experiences. This verse describes God's constant care no matter which direction we turn. It's like having a protective Friend by our side every time we walk out the front door. and the same friend who welcomes us back home remembers the story of Jacob fleeing from his brother Esau and heading to a foreign land in Genesis 28:15 God promised him: I am with you and will keep you wherever you go and I will bring you.
Back in this land, even in unknown territory, Jacob was not alone. God was caring, he leaves and enters in the same way, this verse from Psalm 121 assures us the same. God's care is not just for today or tomorrow, it is forever, whether we are facing a new day heading on an unknown adventure or returning from a long journey God's promise remains unbreakable he watches every step we take from now until At the end of time this thought offers us a warm blanket of comfort in knowing that in the great story of Our Lives the protective hand of God is always there watching over us, so that as we journey through the hills and valleys of life we ​​are never really alone.
The verses of Psalm 121 remind us that our steps are guided. Our paths are watched and our lives are surrounded by God's unwavering love and protection, whether you are taking on a new challenge or finding your way back from a long journey. Cheer up. God's promise of care, protection and guidance is unbreakable. Remember in the great story. of Our Lives The protective hand of God is always there watching over us as you approach today, as you enter tomorrow and every day afterward carry with you the comforting Assurance of this powerful Psalm and in moments of doubt or fear simply lift your eyes towards the hills to the heavens and let us truly know let us know that your help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth take heart and continue to trust in God knowing that God is always with you now to all who are within the sound of my voice let's go To the Lord in prayer I want you to pray this prayer with me so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer.
Let us pray to our merciful and loving God, heavenly father and eternal King, creator of Heaven and Earth, you are the king of kings and Lord of lords. the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob your greatness and faithfulness knows no limits and I thank you for your grace mercies and love Lord I thank you because your mercies are new every morning reminding me of the eternal love you have for me today and every day I claim the promises of the Psalm 121 about my life I declare that I will walk confidently knowing that you guard my steps and watch my path Lord I recognize that you are my very present help in times of problems and you are my guardian I thank you Lord because you are my shield and buckler taking care of me day and night protecting me in my exits and entrances and freeing me from all evil I thank You for Your Divine shadow as You protect me from what is seen and invisible in the name of Jesus I rebuke every challenge I face knowing that you Lord are greater than my problems I declare victory over all negative circumstances progress in every challenge and blessings in every setback Lord I thank you because you change all things for the good of those who love you and serve you in the powerful name of Jesus, I oppose every plan of the enemy to hinder me from the path you have placed in front of me.
I rebuke any spirit of fear, doubt, anxiety or confusion that tries to take root in my heart because you have not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind, father, I lift up my loved ones before you, to be come to you and come to experience your truth, love and grace, Lord, I ask you to show mercy. Guide and protect them on their journeys, Father, as I say this prayer along with all who listen. I am grateful for every Soul listening right now and I pray that every person will be touched by your loving presence.
I pray that you will pray for those who are burdened every your burden is being lifted right now that those whose minds and hearts are troubled will find rest and peace in you that you will comfort us through your Holy Spirit for those who are suffering and those who are being attacked through illness or symptoms of illness may your healing anointing flow through your entire being let the power of this Collective Faith among us create waves of blessings, peace and positive transformations in lives near and far. Lord, I put all my worries, dreams and desires in your capable hands, let your will be done in my life, thank you Lord. for hearing and answering my prayer in the name of Jesus Jesus I pray you amen remember the promise that Jesus made before he ascended to heaven he told us that he would send the Holy Spirit to be with us in John 14 verse 16 he said and I will pray to the father and he He will give you another helper to be with you forever.
Jesus promised us a Helper and today I want to encourage you to hold on to this promise and receive the Holy Spirit into your life. part of your day each day presents an opportunity to walk with the spirit allowing it to guide and shape your life according to God's perfect plan. Interestingly, have you ever thought about how you usually start your day apart from those who start their day with prayer? it may be very different for some of us for some you may stumble out of bed with blurry eyes searching for the alarm to grant you a few more precious minutes of sleep you may be pacing the room a bit making coffee it may be taking a few minutes of the Morning News preparing for the day ahead, while for others the way the day begins may be quite different, you may gradually rotate your arms, sliding out from under the covers, you make a careful and deliberate movement, your hand you are looking for the familiar cold, hard surface. of your phone resting on the nightstand as you bring it closer, your thumb swipe across the screen and start checking for messages or updates, the quiet hum of the morning interrupted only by the occasional ring or buzz of notifications, so your day begins, but in these moments we can overlook something vitally important we can neglect an opportunity a gift that could fundamentally change the way we experience our day that gift is the Holy Spirit you can invite the Holy Spirit to be your constant companion knowing that he is faithful to be faithful to you and work in and through you for the glory of God, then you may be thinking what it really means to start your day with the holy spirit.
It's not as simple as pouring a cup of coffee or tying your shoes. Not starting the day with the Holy Spirit is much more than that, it is the conscious decision to invite God through his spirit to guide you. Inspiring and walking with you in everything you do is the desire not only to live but to live in communion with our creator allowing him to guide us in his perfect wisdom and love in Acts 8:29-30 the Bible says that the spirit told Philip to go to that chariot and stay close to it, then Philip ran to the chariot and heard the man read to the prophet Isaiah, do you understand what? you are reading Philip asked in these verses Philip, to one of Jesus' disciples, the Holy Spirit tells him to approach a chariot.
There is a man in the Chariot reading the words of Isaiah, a prophet from the Old Testament part of the Bible, because the Holy Spirit told him. Philip by going to the Chariot was able to help the man understand Isaiah's words. This shows us how the Holy Spirit can guide us to be in the right place at the right time, just like Philip when we start our day with the Holy Spirit. we can access God's direction and wisdom. This is a good reason why we need to pray each morning and ask the Holy Spirit to be with us as we go through the day.
Consider also the apostle Peter in Acts 10. Peter was praying on the roof when he had a vision that led him to a deep understanding of God's unconditional love. God through his Spirit spoke to Peter, guiding him, teaching him and preparing him for the works he had done. planned at times you may think that these stories seem far away or only happen in the Bible but that is not true. The same holy spirit that guided Philli and Pedro is the same Holy Spirit available to each of us each morning. The same God who provided strength and wisdom is there for us at the beginning of each new day.
Every day our challenges may be different, but we all face our struggles, it may be a health crisis, financial difficulties, or personal struggles that threaten to consume us, but here is the deep truth: when we begin our day with the Holy Spirit, we do not face these tests alone. As Paul assured us in Romans 8:31, if God is for us, who can be against us? So how do we invite the Holy Spirit into our mornings? It begins with a simple invitation in The quiet moments before the day takes you, take a moment to welcome God into your day does not require eloquent words or elaborate prayers a sincere holy spirit guide me today is more than enough let the Bible Be your morning food as you feed your body and feed your spirit let the word of God be the first thing you consume each day as Deuteronomy 8:3 reminds us, man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of his mouth. from the Lord Lord inviting the Holy Spirit into your mornings is a Daily Commitment is a journey full of growth Discovery and transformation there may be days when you feel difficult, days when you might wonder if the holy spirit is really with you, but remember that The Holy Spirit is not based on feelings but on God's promise that he is there with you guiding you even when you don't feel it and by starting your day with the Holy Spirit you anticipate the transformation that will take place, you will experience peace in the midst of chaos, strength in weakness and clarity in confusion.
Beyond these blessings, you will develop a relationship with God that is deeper and more intimate than anything this world can offer, so let us embrace this spiritual practice not only today but every day beginning each day with God with his holy spirit in second Corinthians 13 verse 14 the Bible encourages us to say May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the The love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all now for all those who are within the sound of my voice, let us turn to the Lord in pray. I want you to pray this prayer with me so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer let's pray to our merciful God Heavenly Father you are the alpha and the omega the first and the last you are the creator of the universe the maker of heaven and earth you are the God of all things visible and invisible you are the light in the darkness a refuge for the weary and a strength for the weak your majesty fills the heavens Your Glory fills the EarthEarth today I seek your holy presence make me know your presence Lord Holy Spirit you are the one who formed me who knows every thought of my mind, every beat of my heart and every detail of my life, father, I invite your Holy Spirit into my life.
Holy Spirit, please fill me, guide me, teach me and empower me, be my ever-present friend and help me from the moment I wake up. until when I lay my head to sleep, I can feel your comforting presence in my life, not just now but in every moment of every day. Lord, may your Holy Spirit fill all the space around me. May the Holy Spirit be everywhere within me so that he can feel your comforting presence in my life. I can feel the special power of God and live as a child of God come upon me Holy Spirit fill my spirit my soul and my mind so that there is no room for anything that is not from God fill me so much that when I have any attack from the enemy The only thing the enemy will see is you, father, fill me with your presence and help me live as God wants me to live.
I invite you to come and stay in my heart to always be with me and be in my home. Holy Spirit, I want you to mold my mind. and my thoughts change me so that I can think in a new and better way father I ask you for strength I thank you Lord that you are my strength and shield when I am weak you are strong I thank you Lord that I can run to you knowing that you will give me the strength to move forward. Lord, may you give me wisdom today. You are the source of all wisdom.
Help me make wise decisions to say the right words and live in a way that pleases you father I pray for good health in my body that serves as a home for your Holy Spirit Lord I pray for complete and divine health from the crown of my head to the soles From my feet I ask for your healing touch I ask that every cell, every organ, every system within my body function exactly as you designed it. May my body be strong and capable of fighting any disease that may try to attack. I pray for protection from harm and danger and for you to protect me. from any harmful substance or practice that could harm my health Lord I ask for your blessings all good things come from you and I ask you to pour out your blessings on me to bless the work I do Bless the people I love bless life I live but even more than that helps me to be a blessing to others you use me to bring joy help and hope to the people around me father I ask for your Divine protection there are many dangers and problems in the world but I know that you are my protector you are my safe place my shield keep me safe from harm deliver me from evil and keep me close to you Lord I am grateful that the holy spirit is my help Lord may your Holy Spirit help me remember that when God is on my side, nothing can resist me.
I pray that the holy spirit will always remind me that nothing can take away the love of God from me. Holy Spirit in difficult times, may you remind me that nothing, neither life nor death, neither angels nor demons, neither the things I worry about today nor the things that scare me about the future will ever be able to separate me from the love of God May the Holy Spirit remind me that I am precious to God and help me understand who I am through Christ Jesus Holy Spirit change me make me more like Jesus fill me with the fruits of your spirit love joy peace patience kindness faithfulness gentleness and self-control Lord help me show the fruits of the spirit in my life not only for my own good but also for the benefit of the people around me as I say this prayer together with everyone listening to each person who opens their heart to you at this moment I ask you to fill them with your Holy Spirit and with your love for anyone who needs strength to get through the day Holy Spirit, may you give them Strength and courage for anyone who woke up feeling hurt or in pain Holy Spirit, may you be their comforter, help them feel calm when their heart You are worried about the person who feels lost and needs help knowing what to do.
I ask you holy spirit. May you be like a good friend giving them guidance and direction Lord thank you for listening to this prayer and for all who listen thank you Lord for being my father my friend my helper and my guide in the name of Jesus I ask you pray amen ask God to give you your daily direction when you seek God first you seek guidance every day something happens your life will never be the same today the calming voice of God is telling you but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you Proverbs 3:5 -6 says trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight so it is not about knowing the way but knowing the one who knows the way but listen to the catch no it's automatic it doesn't happen that way you have to do it on purpose as you open your heart to God Jesus taught us in Matthew 6 verse 11 to pray this way give us this day our daily bread each day presents a new opportunity to tune in and say Lord what is your plan for today or Lord what direction would you like me to take today is like having a spiritual compass that always Points North admits that we may not know the way, but trusting that he does know is the first step in opening closed doors that We didn't even know they existed.
Letting God take the lead in our lives is like trusting someone else to drive while we are there. In the passenger seat it is about handing over total control and trusting God, we are not trying to do everything ourselves, but we are counting on God because he knows the way better than we do. This reminds me of one of my favorite Bible verses, Jeremiah 29. :1 which says says because I know the plans I have for you declares that the Lord plans to prosper you and not harm you plans to give you hope in the future by believing in this promise we find peace and genuine freedom knowing that God is leading We move towards the best for our lives every day.
Now it is tempting to draw up the blueprints for our own lives and then simply hope that God will simply approve them, but this approach can lead us astray. It's like Noah trying to build an ark without God's help. Specific instructions just wouldn't float well, instead let's turn the tables before every decision, big or small, why not consult God first? If you recognize the guidance of the Holy Spirit and there is peace in your heart, then you can move forward if there is unrest, perhaps it is a sign to wait, remember when Abraham was told to leave his homeland in Genesis 12:1, the Bible It says that now the Lord had said to Abraham, go out from your country, from your family and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you.
Abraham did not have a road map, but he had peace in his heart, he had faith in God's instructions, that is why we need to seek God daily. It's about constant companionship. Think about it. Would you use last week's news to understand today's world events? You would not do that. Similarly, our relationship with God is based on daily and sometimes hourly conversations. It's about keeping that channel open. When we seek God daily, we gain clarity. Life is full of decisions, some are minor, but others have the potential to change the course of our lives. These decisions can be overwhelming, however, by constantly consulting with God, we gain knowledge that is beyond our human understanding.
He provides us with a unique perspective that guides our steps and ensures that we walk the path He has laid out for us. Every day challenges are faced. a new word from you that guides us toward choices that align with your plan consistency in any relationship relationship leads to intimacy my friends, let me repeat that again consistency in any relationship leads to intimacy the more we engage with God the more we understand his character his love and his desires for us this closeness generates trust when we know the heart of God it is easier for us to put our worries in his hands our faith grows as we witness how his promises are fulfilled day after day a daily commitment to seeking him ensures that our bond with God becomes unbreakable even in the storms of life also in a world full of noise uncertainty and Chaos seeking God daily becomes our anchor his presence brings a piece that surpasses human understanding when everything seems turbulent a dose Daily use of His word acts as a calming bomb assuring us that He is in control Our spirits are rejuvenated and we are reminded of the bigger picture His eternal plan for us It is this peace that helps us face challenges with courage and hope in every interaction God imparts wisdom the world offers knowledge but God gives wisdom which is the ability to apply that knowledge correctly by seeking it daily we take advantage of this Divine wisdom that helps us discern situations and react in a way that produces positive results this wisdom not only benefits us but also to those around us, allows us to be beacons of light that we offer.
Pious advice and solutions in essence, seeking God daily is not a mere religious ritual, it is our lifeline, it keeps us connected to the source of our strength, love and purpose, with each new dawn we are given the opportunity to draw closer, support us and be. transformed by the richness of his presence let's look at the Israelites in Exodus 16:13 even when they were wandering and felt lost God gave them provisions daily like the quails the Bible says that that afternoon the quails came and covered the camp and in the morning there were a layer of dew around the camp, so this reminds us that God is concerned about our daily struggles, our victories and everything in between, are we sometimes caught up in our own past successes?
Thinking that old methods will solve new challenges. We might think that this sounds familiar to us. I know how to do it. handle this but King Solomon in his wisdom said in Ecclesiastes 3:1 for everything there is a season a time for every purpose under Heaven this means there is a time to change our methods and our approach our world evolves rapidly clinging to the past or letting go spending life on autopilot can leave us in the dust thanks God's mercies are new Every Morning Lamentations 3:22-23 assures us through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed because His compassions do not fail they are new every morning great is your Faithfulness If you've been following the same strategy for a while maybe it's time to take another look at the guide Maybe God wants to do something new or something different in your life Can you handle it?
Paul reminds us in Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, so let us be ready for change, renewed daily by his word and guided by the holy spirit, in essence, the journey of life is not about of sticking to what we know, it is about the constant guidance of those who know best. so as we navigate the twists and turns remember that we have the best guidance at our disposal, let's dive in and seek His guidance Your Divine Compass awaits each day it is very important to seek God's guidance talk to God first remember the story of the Israelites and the golden calf this can be found in Exodus 32 verses 1 to 4 and the scripture says and when the people saw that Moses was slow to come down from the mountain, the people met with Aaron and said to him, make us gods to go before us.
Because we would not want what had happened to this Moses, the man who brought us out of the land of Egypt, and Aaron told them to break the golden earrings that are in the ears of your wives, your sons, and your daughters. and bring them to me and all the people broke the gold earrings that were in their ears and brought them to Aaron and he received them from their hands and fashioned it with a carving tool after having made it a molten calf and they said these be your Gods, or Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, we see here where Moses was far away on Mount Si and the Israelites became impatient instead of waiting and seeking guidance, they took matters into their own hands, which resulted in similarly regrettable decisions when we Facing challenges is not always about moving forward, sometimes it is about pausing, reflecting, and seeking God's guidance, as we are reminded in Proverbs 3 verses. 5-6, trust in the Lord Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways, acknowledge it. and He will direct his path instead of acting hastily.
What would happen if we took a moment to consult with God seeking His direction that can lead us away from conflicts and unnecessary decisions that we might later regret? Reflect on David, a man after God's Heart, even after defeating Goliath and never assumed that he knew many enemies better before each battle or important decision. He sought counsel from the Lord, but why did David do this? Wasn't he already an accomplished warrior? True, but I knew that God's perspective was infinitely more valuable than his past experiences in our lives. In our lives we might think I already did this before I got this, but like David, we must remember that every challenge, although it may seem familiar, It has its unique aspects.
We seek God's guidance and alignour steps with your plans instead of our assumptions. there is the warning of Joshua and the deceitful Hanit in Joshua chapters 9 and 10, their deceptions made them look like allies from afar, but in reality they were close neighbors, if only Joshua had sought God's wisdom, his oversight meant years of unexpected alliances and challenges. We learn from this that not everything is as it seems, the world can present us with golden opportunities that, without Divine guidance, could turn out to be mere illusions. You've probably heard of the saying "All that glitters is not gold." This reminds me of a funny story. where two women mistook a rat for a chihuahua, it seemed innocent, even charming, but upon closer examination, its true nature was revealed, so before we invite situations or chihuahuas into our lives, let's make sure they are genuinely what they seem, a quick check with our celestial.
The father can save us a lot of headaches, my friends, as we navigate the vast landscape of life. Let us remember to seek God daily not only in big decisions but also in the smallest and seemingly insignificant ones, whether it is a business, a new relationship, or even a seemingly family one. challenging God's wisdom is essential if you have been relying solely on your understanding and experiences, perhaps it is time for a change today. I invite you to seek new guidance, a daily touch from God as you do so. I believe that God will guide your steps.
He will protect you from traps and lead you to a destiny filled with his blessings and favor. Now to all those within the sound of my voice, let us turn to the Lord in prayer. I want you to pray this prayer with me so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer let's pray to our kind and loving God heavenly father to you be all glory honor and praise today I come before you with gratitude in my heart and hope for the day to come give me today my daily bread I seek your forgiveness as I forgive those who offend me I thank you for life and for your many blessings Lord I ask you to guide my thoughts, words and actions today Guide me along paths of righteousness and help me to be a beacon of light and love for those I meet father I Pray that I remain rooted in your truth equipped to face the challenges of the day with Grace and courage in the name of Jesus I declare Clarity for every step I take I seek your wisdom in every decision I make and I ask that your voice be The Light that guides my life in the name of Jesus I rebuke any confusion, hesitation and uncertainty that attempts to cloud my judgment.
Lord, take me away from any distractions. Temptations or deceptions that try to lead me astray. I claim trust. Clarity and guidance in the name of. Jesus knowing that you are directing my path Lord I ask you to bring complete healing to my body mind and soul through the wounds of Jesus I am healthy Lord I ask you to strengthen me renew the right Spirit within me and bring me the peace that surpasses all understanding fathers I seek Your Divine protection over my life and over the lives of my loved ones. I declare that everything is working in our favor and not against us.
May You bless us in our exits and entrances. May You free us from all evil and shield us from negative influences, Lord. keep us safe from the traps of the enemy as I declare that no weapon formed against us will prosper father I ask for your Abundant Blessings in my life that you open doors for me shower me with your favor prosperity and joy Lord as I say this prayer along with all who listen, father , I am grateful for all the hearts that are giving themselves to you at this moment, may each of us feel the warmth of your embrace, the trust of your guide and the joy that comes from walking hand in hand. with you daily father father help us not to depend on our own understanding but to seek your guidance and direction in everything we do let your guiding hand be upon us all giving us daily direction towards your perfect will in the name of Jesus I declare that your love Grace mercies blessings and abundance will flow into our lives today thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayer in the name of Jesus I pray you amen I want you to imagine a scene something that Jesus himself painted in Mark 4: 26 to 29 image of a farmer cradling a small seed In the palm of his rough, worn hands, the Setting Sun casts long, spreading shadows over the waiting Earth.
Now this farmer parades through the city showing his seed talking about its potential or his possibilities. No, instead, he walks to his field and finds one. stain and plant the seed there, hidden from the sight of the world, this is a secret and silent act of faith between him, the seed and God, and then, over time, with care and patience, that little seed sprouts, grows and It becomes a fruit-bearing plant that feeds many. the seed is very similar to our dreams our plans our goals today I want to talk to you about a topic that we don't hear often why you should never tell anyone what you are doing now we live in a time where everything we do seems to be transmitted some of us share our breakfast our holidays our good and bad days on social media and if it is not broadcast on social media it is shared within our Social Circles but sometimes we talk too much Have we ever stopped to ask ourselves if I need to? tell everything to everyone well, I am here to tell you that telling everything to everyone is not wise, you should be careful when doing that.
James 1:19 reminds us, then, my beloved brothers, let every man be quick to hear, slow to speak slowly in the face of anger, have you ever seen a little bird in its nest high in a tree? When a baby bird is born, it is weak and can't even fly, but it needs to be safe from things that could hurt it, like cats, dogs or even people. That's why birds build their nests in secret places. These hidden nests are where the baby birds live. They get stronger Learn to fly and become big birds This is a bit like what the Bible says in Matthew 6:6 Jesus tells us but when you pray go into your room close the door and pray to your father who is invisible then your father who sees What is done in secret will reward you.
Did you hear what this means for us? He is saying that our secret place like the little bird's nest is significant. place this secret place could be your room where you pray it could be a quiet place under a tree where you read your Bible it could be inside your heart where you talk to God this secret place is far from the noise other people's eyes and words you are just you you, you and God in this secret place you can grow you can learn more about God you can grow stronger in your faith like the little bird grows stronger in the nest not everyone needs to see this growth happening like the little bird does not invite everyone to see its nest this growth It is something special between you and God so let us remember to spend time in our secret place with God we do not need to tell everyone what we are doing or learning there it is a special place where we can strengthen ourselves in our faith and just like the little bird one day we will be ready to fly one day you will be able to share your testimony or share a part of your journey, but God's timing matters here now let's take a moment to look at a man named Nemiah from the Bible Nemiah was a great worker who was busy rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem One day while he was working some people tried to distract him, they called him to come down and stop his work, but Nemiah knew that if he stopped his work to entertain them, his important work would not be finished, the scriptures tell us in Nehemiah 6:3, he said, so I sent them Messengers saying that I am doing a great job and I can't come down, why should the work stop? as I leave him and get to you nayah he didn't let himself be distracted he knew his work was important he didn't tell everyone what he was doing or how he was doing it he just stayed focused on his work we can learn a lot from Naya, sometimes we allow People distract us too easily, sometimes when we tell people about our plans or what we are doing, they may try to distract us and we may not even understand or they may say things that make us feel bad or confused, but we we could avoid. that's all why sometimes it can be a good idea to keep our plans to ourselves keep away distractions that can hinder your success remember that when you have something important to do it's okay to keep it between you and God you don't have to share it with everyone like neiah stay focused on your work or goals and don't let others distract you keep working hard and remember that god sees your efforts even if no one else does do you remember in the bible when


healed a blind man? in Betha is in the Book of Mark 8:22-26 then he came to Betha and they brought him a blind man and they begged him to touch him, so he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town and when he had spit in his eyes and He put his hands on him and asked him if he saw anything and he looked up and said I see men like trees walking so he put his hands on his eyes again and made him look up and he was restored and he saw everyone clearly and then he sent him to his house telling him not to go into the town or tell anyone in the town, so we see here that after Jesus healed him, he told the man not to go to the town or tell anyone in the town.
He knew the right time to do things and he also knew that sometimes it was better to keep things quiet. This is also a good lesson for us again. It shows us that not everything has to be told to everyone. Sometimes it's better to stick to our plans or whatever. what we are doing is secret, even Jesus who did amazing things sometimes chose to be discreet, just like Jesus we can be wise and decide when is the right time to tell people about our plan and when it is best to keep secrets. things in secret. We always have to let everyone know what we are doing.
Sometimes it is better to get on with our work and let what we do speak for itself. Remember that being wise means knowing when to speak and when to be silent. Not everyone needs to know everything we do. We are planning or doing it, let us be wise as Jesus was. There is a beautiful line in the Bible in Psalm 27 verse 4 that says wait for the Lord to be strong and let your heart be encouraged, wait for the Lord, this is a reminder for us to be patient to wait for God's perfect timing so Like a flower does not bloom immediately after being planted, our plans and dreams also take time to grow.
God knows the best time for everything. We can trust him. We do not have to rush or be in a hurry. It is okay to wait. It is okay to be patient. Just because we're waiting doesn't mean we have to tell everyone what we're waiting for, we don't have to let everyone know our every move, we can keep our plans. to ourselves and when the right time comes our plans will come true so let's be patient let's wait for God's perfect moment let's not rush to tell everyone what we are planning let's trust God and let our plans happen in His time remember that the Good things take time and God's timing is always best.
Have you ever thought about what true success means? Is it when people applaud us or is it when we know we have done the best we could? The Bible in Galatians 1:10 tells us something important about this, it says Am I now? trying to earn the approval of humans or God or I am trying to please people if I was still trying to please people I would not be a servant of Christ this means that we should not work just to make people happy we should not do We plan or do things just to make people like us or think we are successful.
The most important thing is that we do the best we can and that God is happy with us. This is what true success is. We don't need to brag, we just need to. work hard and do the best we can and remember that we are doing it for God, not for people, so let's focus on doing our best, work hard and make our plans without worrying about what others think, because true success It's about pleasing God, not people. The Book of Matthew Chapter 7 ver 6 says do not give to dogs what is sacred, do not throw your pearls to swine, if you do, they may trample them and turn and tear you to pieces, so what does this verse tell us?
It is saying that we should not share our precious things, such as our plans or other personal details, with people who do not value them. Sometimes we may have secret enemies, people who don't wish us well, but we may not know it if we tell them our plans. They could use that information against us or even use it to harm us, and sometimes it can be the root cause of conflict or envy. Do you remember the story of Samson found in chapter 16 of the Book of Judges? Delilah persuaded Samson to reveal the secret of his strength was his long hair.
Samson told his secret to Delilah because he thought she loved him, but Delilah was secretly working with Samson's enemies when Samson told her secret. She used him to help the enemies capture Samson. This is an example of what can happen when we share.our plans or secrets with the wrong people, that is why we must be careful, we must be attentive and wise, we must not tell anyone our plans or share personal details of our lives. We must ask God to help us know the people in our lives who want the best for us, these are the people we can sometimes share with, but it is often safer to keep our plans secret until they are ready to show yourself to the world.
Don't hinder your own progress or block your own blessings by sharing too. much with the wrong people now to all those within the sound of my voice, let us turn to the Lord in prayer. I want you to pray this prayer with me so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer. Let us pray to our kind and loving God dear heavenly father you are great you are the creator of Heaven and Earth Lord your wisdom and power are unmatched I praise you and glorify your holy name I come today before your throne of grace grateful for your grace and mercy towards me and My beloved Lord, I am grateful for your love for us and I am grateful for your presence in our lives father, you are my guide, you are my protector, my comforter and my strength.
Lord, as I travel through life, I lift up all my plans, my dreams and my ambitions, I ask you for wisdom and discernment to know when to reveal my plans and when to keep them to myself, direct my steps, beloved Lord, and help me make decisions that bring glory and honor to your name may my actions my words and my decisions be pleasing to you reflecting your love, your wisdom and your justice, Lord, while I also bring before you the people I care about, today I pray for your arms of protection over us, protect us from distractions, unnecessary criticism and any plans of the enemy. that are destined to bring us down I declare in the mighty name of Jesus that no weapon formed against us will prosper.
I stand firm against any plans of the enemy to distract or discourage us and I rebuke such plans in the mighty name of Jesus heavenly father. I cover myself and my loved ones with the precious blood of Jesus. I plead the blood of Jesus over our plans, our dreams, our health, our finances and our hopes. I declare that they are safe and secure in your hands Lord, I come against every spirit of fear. and the doubt that threatens to distance me from your will in the name of Jesus I rebuke the spirit of discouragement by placing my trust in you Lord I thank you because those who are with me are more than those who are against me Lord I am grateful that you are always at my side side and that you guide, protect and bless me in all my endeavors father, I also ask for patience to wait for your perfect time in all things.
I rebuke the spirit of impatience in the name of Jesus. Lord, I am grateful that your timing is perfect and that in your timing everything will fit together beautifully and perfectly. Lord, thank you for a deeper understanding of what true success truly means, may my loved ones and I never seek validation from the world but from you our God Lord help us to strive to please you in all we do I declare that as we work diligently and we trust in you success will be our portion according to your will father you are my rock my Strength and my liberator I love you Lord and I surrender to your perfect will thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayer.
I ask all of this in the precious and powerful name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Our God has infinite wisdom and power and that is why I encourage you to put aside your worries and fears. and he leaves the things you can't control in God's hands. Have you ever tried to control something and realized that you just can't imagine that you are in a small boat and trapped in the middle of a big scary storm that you don't have? The power to stop the storm, but what if you knew someone who could? Our lives are often like this, we find ourselves in situations that we cannot control, such as the storm, but sometimes we often forget that we have a choice.
It may not look like you have one. There is no choice, we can worry and try to fix things ourselves or we can trust the one who has power over everything, even the storm. As humans we love to be in charge, it makes us feel safe and powerful, however, we must understand our limits, God. He made the world and everything in it, he is the one in control, not us, but we can find comfort in knowing that we are part of God's great plan. Job 26:7 reminds us that God stretches the north over the void and hangs the Earth. nothing our God is all powerful we all know that life can be complicated with surprises around every corner the Bible reminds us in Ecclesiastes 3:1 that everything in life has its own time this means that things happen that we simply cannot control or predict We can't control the weather, right?
And just like the weather, some things in life are out of our control, that's just how it is, it's natural to feel like you want to be in control of everything, we like to feel safe and secure. in control seems to offer that but the truth is we can't control everything no we can't there are things in life that are simply out of our reach when we try to control everything we only end up tired and stressed this is because we are human and we have Boundaries in the Book of Ecclesiastes says there is a time for everything, sometimes the time comes to let go of our need for control and let God take over, to let go and let God so why should we let God take control? control God's wisdom and power are beyond what we can imagine, unlike us, God is not limited by time or space.
Psalm 1047 ver 5 says his understanding is limitless, he knows the beginning from the end and everything in between, he knows what is best for us, even when we can't see it, we often face things we don't understand and that's okay , we can be sure that God knows what He is doing, His ways are higher than ours, as we learn in Isaiah 55:8-9, because my thoughts are not His. Thoughts are not your ways, my ways declares the Lord. Giving up does not mean that we have lost or given up. It means that we have faith in God. When we stop trying to control everything and trust in God, we show our belief in his great power and wisdom.
The Bible is full of people who trusted God during difficult times, let's look at the story of Jehoshaphat as told in 2 Chronicles 20 Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, was terrified when large armies came against him, but instead of trying to control the situation himself, he turned to God. He prayed saying we don't know what to do but our eyes are on you so guided by his faith Jehoshaphat and his people went out to meet the armies instead of fighting they sang praises to God and God took control the enemy armies were confused and destroyed each other , josaphat and his people did not have to fight at all, We trusted in God and saw his power in action when we trust in God, we are showing our faith in him, let's look at another story, the story of King Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20, he was very sick, so sick that the prophet Isaiah told him he would die, but Hezekiah went to God In Prayer we are trusting him even in the face of death and you know what God heard his prayer and added 15 more years to his life just like Hezekiah when We trust in God in the face of the uncontrollable, we allow his divine plan to be fulfilled. unfold in our lives, that is when miracles will begin to happen before our very eyes, when we trust God with things we cannot control, we can feel a peace that is difficult to explain, it is a peace that is more than we can understand. and although we may face difficult times God promises us peace in our hearts Philippians 4:7 says and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus our peace comes from knowing that the God who made the universe the God who puts the stars in the sky and knows each one by name is the same God who cares for us knows our struggles and our worries sees our tears and cares about what we are going through Psalms 34:18 says the Lord is near to us of broken heart and save those who are crushed in spirit when we let go and trust in God we can sleep peacefully even when the world around us is in chaos we can face tomorrow without fear knowing that no matter what happens God is with us we can walk through fire and not be burned and through waters and not drown no wonder the composer says Because he lives I can face tomorrow because he lives all fear is gone now the peace we get by trusting God no It means that there will be no storms, it does not mean that we will not face difficulties or go through difficult times, but it does mean that in the midst of those storms and difficulties we can have a calm, a stillness, a peace that is not of this world because our trust is not in this world but in the God who made it and knowing that he is in control, knowing that he will never fail us, gives us a peace that is difficult to explain but wonderful to experience God's love for us never, never fails and he is always True to His word, the Bible is full of examples of God's unfailing love and faithfulness.
Remember the story of the Israelites in the desert after being freed from slavery in Egypt. They complained and turned away from God, but God remained faithful. He provided them with Manna bread from heaven. to eat he demonstrated his power and love even when people were unfaithful this reminds us that God will not fail us he loves us more than we can know it also means that everything God promises he does if God says he will do something you can be sure What he will do is like if your best friend promises to help you, you believe him because you know that they always keep their promises.
God is like that, but much better whenever he makes a promise in the Bible, he always keeps it. Now when we give our worries to God, we can do it through of prayer this is how we talk to God when we pray we can tell God all our worries and fears and God because he loves us gives us peace 1 Peter 5 verse 7 says cast all your anxieties on him because he cares about you give our worries to God in prayer means we stop trying to deal with everything on our own means we trust God to help us we say to God I can't do this I'm just giving My worries to you Lord please help me when we do let's stop carrying With all those heavy worries about ourselves, we share them with God, we give them to God and because God is so big and strong, He can handle any worry we have and the best part.
It is that God wants to help us with our worries because he loves us very much, so prayer is like saying God, I trust you with my worries. I need your help and when we do that we often start to feel better, it's like a weight has been lifted off our shoulders. our shoulders that also considers the idea of ​​Victory through surrender it may seem strange Victory how we can win by surrendering but in the kingdom of God surrendering is how we gain Victory when we stop trying to control everything and trust in God we become victorious that is how we conquer fear worry and stress look at the story of the Israelite city of Jericho in the Book of Joshua the city walls were too strong to be conquered by force God instructed Joshua and the Israelites to march around the city for seven days and on the seventh day to blow their trumpets and shout according to world standards, this plan did not make sense, but the Israelites surrendered their understanding and followed God's command when they did, the mighty walls of Jericho fell and the Israelites won a victory that they did not they could have achieved in theirs in our lives there are also walls that we cannot break down with our own efforts these may be problems or challenges that we cannot solve no matter how hard we try or it may be a person that we cannot change or a situation that we cannot control when we find ourselves in such situations we tend to feel stuck, helpless or discouraged we can try everything we can think of to solve it but nothing works we just become more stressed, worried and tired if it is like trying to open a door that is tightly closed , but when we surrender these situations to God, he can do what we cannot imagine.
God has the key to that closed door, when we give him our problems he opens the door, now this doesn't mean that everything suddenly becomes perfect, but it does mean that we are not alone in facing our problems. God is with us working on our problems in ways we can't even imagine. Once we surrender our situations to God, we may not see changes right away. The weather is different from ours, but one thing is certain: God is working on our behalf. His ways are always better than ours, and like a father stopping his child from touching a hot stove, God sees the big picture and knows what is best for us.
Those moments when we feel like we are knocking on a closed door, remember that this God has the key, we just need to hand over our problems to Him, trust in His perfect timing and believe in Him.his infinite wisdom. When we do, we will find it. God will do what we can from today let's learn to leave the things we cannot control to God he will never fail us give it to Jesus Remember Jehoshaphat the way in the desert and the walls of Jericho these stories teach us that when you surrender to God, He takes charge and when God takes charge, miracles happen, remember that God loves you, he cares about you, he is wiser and stronger than we can be, trust him with your worries, give them to him, Pray to him and in him you will find victory. and peace now to all those within the sound of my voice voice, let us go to the Lord in prayer.
I want you to pray this prayer with me so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer. Let us pray to our merciful and loving God. heavenly father I praise you and give you all the glory I exalt you oh Lord above all Lord I ask for your forgiveness and your mercies that are new every morning Lord I come to you seeking your face and asking for your divine intervention father help Lord, help me to leave all things in your capable hands because you are the Creator, you are the sustainer and the master of the universe.
Lord, I declare in the name of Jesus that I will not be paralyzed by my fears or worries I declare that I will not allow stress to dominate my life, instead I will let faith guide the way through the blood of Jesus I break every chain of anxiety and worry that binds me I rebuke every spirit of fear and uncertainty in the name of Jesus father I trust in your infinite wisdom and power I thank you Lord because you see the big picture and your plans for my life are perfect teach me the art of surrender dear Lord teach me to let go go and let God help me trust you more to give you total control and leave things to you Lord I ask you through your protection over my mind my heart and my soul protect me from negative thoughts and fill me with your peace Lord you I give thanks for Your Peace that passes all understanding I rebuke You every spirit of restlessness fight bitterness and division in my relationships in the name of Jesus I declare peace love and harmony over my relationships I come against every spirit that seeks to steal my peace and joy in the name of Jesus I claim victory over the battles in my life I declare victory over all sickness and disease I declare victory over lack and debt and financial loss in you Lord I find strength and hope I hold on to that promise that you will never leave me nor forsake me Lord I declare that I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus I declare that no weapon formed against me or my loved ones will prosper.
I declare that I am a conqueror not by my power but by the power of the blood of Jesus. Lord, guide me every day to live according to your perfection, open my eyes to see your work in my life and understand your plans for me, help me to trust you more and to surrender to you completely. I pray that the blood of Jesus over every area of ​​my life cleanse me, protect me and guide me in the name of Jesus I rebuke every negative Force every stronghold and every Power Of Darkness that seeks to derail me from your path I rebuke every spirit that seeks to kill steal and destroy Lord I thank you for hearing my prayer I thank you for Your Love Your Grace your mercy and your faithfulness I give you everything knowing that you will never fail me in the name of Jesus I ask you amen just as Psalm 91 assures us even in the darkest


there are a refuge where waiting for you is a hope that will never fade and a promise that you will always be protected under his wings today God offers you this special promise.
I am also going to pray a powerful prayer with you asking God to be your refuge and strength in the name of Jesus, so watch to the end and open your heart to receive the blessings of this prayer think about this for a moment what is the deepest desire of the human heart when life feels uncertain when dangers and trials loom when fears take over you do you know that this is what we long for? Refuge, protection and comfort, we long for a safe abode where we can find refuge from the storms of life, but you must not despair for we have a mighty fortress and an eternal home in the refuge of the Almighty.
Psalm 91 is a source of Divine assurance in times of trouble promises that as long as we remain in the Lord no evil will conquer us. This powerful Psalm still has as much relevance and power today as it did when it was first written years ago, so the question is how we can all unlock the power. of this Psalm are the promises of Psalm 91 one only for some people before we delve deeper, let's quickly examine each verse in Psalm 91:1 says that he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will dwell under the shadow of the almighty our refuge and shadow of Protection is in the highest God we all face storms in life but God is our refuge and shelter ready to cover us with his wings when trouble comes.
I encourage you to run to him first when you need protection. Verse two says. we will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Strength my God in him I will trust our faith and trust in God is what allows us to say he is our refuge it is not only knowing about God but it is putting our complete trust in him who gives life to the benefits of this Psalm, so you have to ask yourself do I really trust Him in all situations or do I sort through my problems and decide which ones are too big for God to handle and which ones aren't. 4 says that he will surely deliver you from the hunter's trap and from the dangerous pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will take refuge his truth will be your shield and buckler this tells us that God will deliver us from traps and dangers he will cover us with your feathers but know that God does not always prevent us from going through difficulties but promises to be with us in them supernaturally protecting us even when we cannot see how having faith that he is protecting you verses 5 to 6 assures us that you will not be afraid of the terror of the night nor from the arrow that flies by day nor from the pestilence that walks in darkness nor from the destruction that rages at noon so that we can be sure that no evil will defeat us because God is our defense believe that no weapon formed against you can finally triumph or dominate you when God is on your side stand firm in that confidence no matter what verses 7 to 8 say, a thousand can fall at your side and 10,000 at your side. your right hand but will not come near to you only with your eyes you will look and see the reward of the wicked.
This reminds us that God faithfully protects those who love him even in the midst of judgment our relationship with Christ ensures that we are covered we cling close to him obey his words to remain under his protection verses 9 to 13 reminds us why you have made the Lord who It is my refuge to the highest point, your abode, no evil will befall you nor any plague come near your abode because he will give you his angels, they charge you to guard you in all your ways, in their hands they will support you so that you do not crash your foot against a stone, you will tread the lion and the cobra, the young lion, and the snake, you will trample, this is a promise of protection and supernatural care over every part of our lives when we belong to God thank you daily for being your refuge verse 14 says because in He has set his love on me, so I will deliver him I will set him high because he has known my name our God delivers and protects because we know and trust in his name our faith in who God is and what he can do allows us to access Liberation from the one spoken of in this verse strengthens your knowledge of his nature and character trust him and verses 15-6 tells us that he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and I will show you my salvation these verses express God's unwavering commitment to us when we call on God, he is there when we approach him in prayer, not only does he promise to answer, but he also assures us of his constant presence during difficult times, delivering us from those challenges.
He blesses us with a full life and at the same time reveals the depth of his saving grace, so run to the Lord instantly in prayer when you need help or protection. he promises to be there by your side our God is faithful sometimes all you need to say is help Lord cry out to God he promises to answer you and set you free so when we put it all together, we unlock the benefits of Psalm 91 What does the Psalm mean? 91 really offers I am going to discuss five powerful Promises of this Psalm number one promises Divine refuge notice that Psalm 91 begins with these profound words he who dwells in the sea secret place of the highest will dwell under the shadow of the almighty what a beautiful promise for our souls weary, for those with heavy hearts, the shelter of Almighty God provides not only physical protection from danger but also mental and spiritual refuge from fear and worry, so, no matter what storms may come, God offers himself to itself as a safe hiding place in our modern world.
In the world we are often dealing with economic uncertainty with many false realities in traditional and social media with political divisions Public health crises and much more as a result of all this the need for shelter is as crucial as ever, but the promises of the Psalm 91 remain constant if we remain under the wings of our Lord he promises to cover us with his feathers and under his wings we will find Refuge his faithfulness is our shield and buckler when we dwell in the highest we can confidently declare that God alone is our refuge our Strength Our God in whom we trust safely sheltered in his presence we must not fear the Terrors of the night nor the arrows that fly by day verse 9 reiterates see the presence Refuge of God because you have made the Lord your Dwelling, the most high who is my refuge verse 4 He also assures us that under his wings we will find refuge then verse 10 expands on this thought no harm will befall you no disaster will approach your tent this is a remarkable promise of supernatural protection and security for those who remain close to the Lord number two offers us the definitive shield against fear.
Our world today is marked by fear and anxiety about many things, including our future, our health, our finances, our relationships, and public safety, just to name a few, but Psalm 91 addresses these fears that can dominate our thoughts. Verse three promises that God will deliver us from deadly pestilence and plague. In addition to physical illnesses, we could also apply this verse symbolically. God can free us from contagious and harmful thoughts or emotions. Later in verse 5 he also echoes this promise of protection against the terror at night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that walks in the darkness which is why God is our ultimate shield against everything that seeks to instill Worry and fear verse 6 expands on this theme of protection by stating that the plague will not come near our home that offers security even in the midst of widespread chaos, while the sources of our anxiety and stress may be different than the times. ancient.
God's power to protect his children remains unchanged. Number three offers angelic guardianship. Psalm 91, verses 11 to 12, paints a beautiful picture of God commanding his angels regarding us to guard us in all our ways and hold us in his hands so that we do not strike our feet against a stone. Those who take refuge in the Lord have heavenly protectors assisting their every step, intervening supernaturally even though we cannot see them visibly. Your Work Believers can receive great encouragement from knowing that powerful angelic beings are assigned to provide us with guidance, protection, and rescue us from harm. When we feel unsure of the path ahead of us, we can call upon God to allow these Guardians to illuminate our path and remove obstacles that might cause us. that we waver in our faith number four promises triumph over trials Psalm 91 also uses symbolic language to describe the power that God gives his children to overcome difficulty verse 133 declares that you will tread on the lion and the cobra, the cub of the lion and the snake.
You will trample, therefore, you must begin to declare that the enemy is under your feet because he is and he knows that it is only fair that you also know it and act accordingly. For modern believers, our lions and snakes probably take different forms, like a bully. relationship addiction discrimination depression or religious persecution among others, but through faith in the inexhaustible protection of God we can have the courage to face these challenges by refusing to give in to adversity, trusting in the strength of the Almighty we can crush these obstacles under our feet and number five offers the power of relationship now listen to this as Psalm 91 makes magnificent promises the psalm itself clarifies that its Provisions are not unconditional two prerequisites are mentioned for resting in the Refuge of God its promises are for those who know His name as mentioned in Verse 14 and those who love Him, which is also mentioned in verse 14, so a personal relationship with God is essential to unlock the power of Psalm 91.
His promises are not for everyone, but everyoneThey have the same opportunity to access benefits. From these promises, amid the many messages that proclaim the power of Psalm 91 as if it were generally for everyone, we must discern the truth. This is indeed a powerful passage, but it specifically promises protection to those who truly know and love God. name means to really know who he is on a deep level just knowing that God exists is not enough we have to get closer to him and truly learn about him loving God is not just doing things for him it is truly honoring and pleasing him in everything What we do, when we know Him and love Him, that's when we can truly unlock all the power of staying in His refuge, that's when we can unlock the power of Psalm 91, so if you're listening and you've never accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior if you have not yet come to know and love God deeply do not worry the journey towards a close relationship with him is open to all salvation has come to you and you can accept Jesus today look to the end and I We will say a prayer special salvation with you so what is the practical application of all this?
How can we apply Psalm 91 to our lives? First, make it part of your daily refuge. Followers of Christ should make Psalm 91 part of their daily spiritual meditation reading. Reciting or meditating on these magnificent promises places our mind in their protection amidst the uncertainties of the day that ends each day. Reflecting on these divine assurances also allows peace and comfort to lead us to rest. Let this Psalm penetrate deeply into your soul. Write their verses on your sticky notes. taped to your mirror doors, desk, or anywhere that keeps your eyes fixed on the words during your daily routine, there is no better way to claim the Refuge of the Psalms than by constantly renewing our minds with their truths.
Romans 10:7 reminds us so that faith will come later. listening and listening for the word of God secondly responding to the call to trust trust is an act of the will a deliberate dependence on God's faithfulness despite our feelings or circumstances in the face of uncertainty anxiety tries to drink away our perception of God But you can fight fear with radical trust. Choose daily to believe in his promises above your perceptions. Remember past situations in which he protected you and set you free. Take refuge under his wings until your trust in his care becomes greater than your concern in Third, by accepting angelic help, begin to recognize out loud when divine guidance and protection appears in your life when a coincidence diverts you from danger or a call or text message arrives just when you need encouragement.
You begin to recognize it as a possible angelic intervention. Prepare your mind to detect the angels that God promised to send your way. Use your spiritual. eyes and senses to feel their presence, you may never physically see these guardians, but their work is everywhere for those who have eyes to see it and lastly, with the assurance of an answered prayer, you must carry Psalm 91 boldly before God's throne of grace in prayer. Verses spoken out loud as Statements of Faith about your mind, body, family and circumstances allow each promise to fuel your requests, then look forward to these prayers being answered, knowing that Heaven is mobilized on your behalf, write and share testimonies of God's protection with others before you know it.
You will have many testimonies to share, so Psalm 91 in just 16 verses forms a powerful Declaration of radical trust in our loving Creator. His promises reveal that despite the ever-changing threats we face. The refuge of dwelling close to the heart of God remains constant. Swim and tremble. his determination to protect those who take refuge under his wings. May the words of this Psalm settle deep in our hearts and remind us daily of God's unwavering faithfulness, love and protection as we claim the promises of him each morning or each day. Let it be a reminder to us to find Refuge under the Wings of God let us not only read it let us live it finding in it the protection peace peace and purpose that our souls so deeply desire now to all those within the sound of my voice let us go to the Lord in prayer I want you to pray this prayer with me so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer let us pray to our merciful Lord Heavenly Father creator of heaven and earth I praise you and give you all the glory because you are my shield and buckler you are my Hiding and secret place dear Lord Father I come before you today with a heart full of gratitude believing in the promises of Psalm 91 I declare in the name of Jesus that I dwell in your refuge and rest in your Shadow Lord you are my refuge and strength my Fortress and only in you do I trust Lord You I am grateful for Your Divine refuge I declare that no harm will befall me and no disaster will approach me or my family in the mighty name of Jesus because you command your angels to guard me in all my ways lift me up in your hands so that I do not stumble with my foot on stone Lord, free me from every negative influence, from every whisper of doubt and from every shadow of fear.
Lord, deliver me from all evil, from all pestilence. who walks in darkness from every arrow that flies from all destruction and from all the Terrors of the night father I declare that in the face of danger I will tread the lion and the Cobra I will trample the great Lion and the snake under my feet because I know your name in the mighty name of Jesus I rebuke any force that rises against this promise and any voice that seeks to sow doubts in my mind Lord your faithfulness is my armor and protection that you protect me from visible and invisible dangers I will not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day I declare that I am protected from the pestilence that lurks in the darkness and from the plague that destroys at noon Lord, I thank you for reminding me that a thousand and 10,000 may fall at my side at my right hand but they will not come near me Father, may you shower favor and abundance over my life in my work my home and my dreams may your goodness pursue me and your mercy cover everything that concerns me Lord I claim your promise of long life and salvation to those who dwell in your refuge and trust in you that I can experience the richness of a long life not only in years but also in Joy purpose and fulfillment father may my time on Earth be a testimony of your goodness and Grace reflecting the depth of your love and the power of your protection father, I pray for my loved ones, may they also find refuge under your wings, Lord, may you draw them closer and allow them to experience your divine protection, love and grace, mighty God, I ask you to bless me and My loved ones bless us in our comings and goings, precious Lord, as I say this prayer along with all who are listening.
I thank You for every person who is opening their heart to You right now. I pray that the assurances of Psalm 991 become our reality. may we walk confidently, secure in your promise and surrounded by your love, may our lives become testimonies of your faithfulness and protection Lord, thank you for listening and answering my prayer in the powerful name of Jesus, I ask you, amen, do not block your blessings, remember . Our God is a god of abundance and he wants nothing more than to bless us beyond our wildest dreams, so let's not get in our own way.
Embrace his will, his love and his blessings today. God wants to bless you with abundant life. We also. I am going to pray a powerful prayer with you asking God to bless you abundantly in the name of Jesus, so watch until the end and open your heart to receive the blessings of this prayer, my dear friends, there is a sad reality that we must face in our walk with God sometimes without even realizing it we become our own obstacles sometimes we wonder why the heavens seem silent or why our prayers feel unanswered we pour out our hearts in prayer waiting and longing for a sign, an answer or even just a whisper to make sure.
We who listen to us ask ourselves, have we been forgotten? Is there something we have done wrong? But the truth is that God's blessings constantly flow like a river. Very often it is our actions, our choices and our attitudes that may be preventing these blessings from coming. We, you see, God's love for us is so vast and his desire to bless us is so immense that his blessings always flow like a mighty river that never runs dry. This river is full of healing hope, breakthroughs and miracles, all waiting to enrich our lives. but just as a river can be hindered by obstructions, sometimes it is our own behaviors, decisions and even the state of our hearts that act as barriers that block these blessings, we may not even be aware of these obstructions, since sometimes They are often disguised as everyday choices or Dee rooted.
Today's attitudes allow us to deepen our understanding of these barriers and how we can restore the free flow of God's grace in our journey of life. God continually weaves threads of grace, favor, and love for each of us, but it is up to us to recognize and receive them. threads to allow them to enrich the patterns of our lives today we will look at five barriers that can block your blessings and advances number one unforgiveness and holding on to resentment think of unforgiveness as holding on to a heavy rock in our hand day after day that rock It becomes increasingly difficult to carry, it slows us down and makes us tired.
That is what holding grudges does to us. It is like that heavy Rock, making our life more difficult than it should be. The Bible tells us clearly in Matthew 6 verse 14. Well, yes. you forgive others when they wrong you your father in heaven will also forgive you this means that if we want God to forgive us we need to forgive others it is a simple idea but sometimes it can be difficult to do depending on the situation but we can all choose to forgive no matter how hard what God wants you to do and God will take care of everything else now let's travel back to an often overlooked Bible story: the story of Esau and Jacob, these two brothers had all the reasons to hold a grudge.
Jacob with the help of his mother was deceived. his older brother Esau to take away his birthright and bless the pain and betrayal led to years of separation and bitterness. Esau was so angry that he even considered killing Jacob, but over time something transformative happened when they finally met again instead of anger and revenge. This is what happened Genesis 33 verse 4 says but Esau ran to meet him and hugged him and fell on his neck and kissed him and they cried this reunion shows the power of forgiveness and how it can turn years of bitterness into a moment of love and Reconciliation .
However, it is vital to understand that forgiveness is not only for the person who hurt us, but also for our benefit, it frees us, holding on to anger, resentment and resentment is like drinking poison and hoping that the other person will get hurt. , affects our well-being. our relationship with God and with others and prevents us from experiencing the fullness of God's blessings. When we forgive, we are not saying that what the other person did is right, but rather we are freeing them from our judgment and letting God be the judge. in doing so. Break down the walls that block our blessings and pave the way for healing peace and spiritual prosperity, after all, every time we recite the Lord's Prayer we are reminded to forgive our trespasses, just as we forgive those who trespass against us, in essence, every prayer is a call to embrace forgiveness and release the chains that prevent us from receiving divine blessings from God number two doubt and lack of faith doubt can cloud our spiritual vision making it difficult to recognize and appreciate the miracles that God manifests in our lives daily like a dense fog. distorts our perception and direction when Jesus beckoned Peter to walk on water, it was pure, unwavering faith that allowed him to take those initial miraculous steps, yet the instant doubt crept in, he began to sink as James 1:6 tells us, but ask.
Faith without doubt for Him who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. This wavering and unstable state of mind prevents us from fully embracing the blessings of God. Imagine trying to paint a beautiful picture, but every time you are about to do it. make a stroke, you set it, guess the color. Choose the brush size or stroke direction. Because of this, the canvas remains incomplete and the image never fully comes to life. Similarly, in our spiritual journey, when we constantly doubt or lack faith, we avoid it. As our relationship with God reaches its full vibrant potential, we end up with a patchy and unclear picture of his plan for us rather than the Masterpiece he envisions in the Bible.
Hebrews 11:1 now tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped for to the evidence of things not seen this means that even if we cannot see something we can believe it is there just as we believe the wind is there. there when we feel it in our face even if we can't see it faith isbelieve in God and his promises even if we can't see him, there is a story in the Bible about a man named Barack in the Book of Judges, chapters 4 to 5. Deborah A prophet told Barck that God wanted him to lead an army against their enemies and that God would make sure they win. but Barack hesitated, he said he would only go if Deborah went with him, this showed his lack of faith so Deborah said that the honor of Victory would go to a woman and instead of him and that is exactly what a woman named J went through. was the one who defeated the leader of the enemy this story shows what can happen when we doubt or do not have faith we can miss out on the good things that God has planned for us we can miss out on our blessings so doubt as a human emotion is natural for everyone Many of We at different times deal with questions or uncertainties, but in these times it is crucial to turn to God for His wisdom and guidance.
Embracing faith, especially in uncertain times, illuminates our path by providing clarity and purpose. It's like having the right colors and vision to complete our path. painting that reveals a beautiful divine masterpiece God is always ready to guide us, but it is our faith and trust in him that transforms his divine guidance into blessings for our lives number three Disobedience and deviation from God's path, not obeying God can make you get lost, think about a time when someone gave you a map or directions to a place but instead of following them you decided to go your own way thinking it could be a shortcut but soon you found yourself lost wishing you had kept going the original path.
This is similar to our spiritual path God gives us a map through his words in the Bible guiding us along the right path but when we decide to follow our own path and not listen to him many times we find ourselves lost and F of him God is clear about the obedience in the The Bible in 1 Samuel 15:22 says that obeying is better than sacrifice and paying attention is better than the fat of rams. This means that God values ​​our obedience more than any gift or ritual we can offer. He wants us to listen to him and follows his ways because he knows it is best for us.
A story in the Bible that is not often talked about but is very relevant to our topic of disobedience is about King Saul and the Amalekites in 1 Samuel chapter 15 God gave Saul clear instructions to destroy everything belonging to the Amalekites because of the damage they had done to the Israelites, but instead, Saul spared his king haak and kept some of the best animals. He thought that he could use these animals as sacrifices to God, but God was not happy because Saul did not do so. He followed his exact instructions even though Saul thought he was doing something good by saving the animals for sacrifice, he missed the point, obedience to God was more important as a result of his disobedience.
God no longer wanted King Saul to remain king and his reign. took a tragic turn when we deviate from God's path and do not listen to him it is as if we missed the best path that he has planned for us God's path is always for our good even if we do not see it immediately by being obedient and adhering to With its instructions we avoid many problems and anguish, it is essential to always consult with God, read his words and pray for him to guide us, like that map or set of instructions, the word of God will always take us to the right place full of blessings. and peace so let's make an effort to stay on God's path and enjoy the journey that he has prepared for us number four pride and self-sufficiency here I am talking about the tendency to trust in ourselves more than in God consider that you have a puzzle and You are Trying to fit a piece where it doesn't belong, no matter how much you push or turn it, it just doesn't fit, but instead of looking for the right piece, you keep forcing the wrong piece thinking you know better, this is what happens when we let it pride controls us and we become too dependent on ourselves we try to force things our way even if it is not the right way instead of listening to God's guidance the Bible has clear words about pride Proverbs 16:18 says that pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall, this verse is a reminder that when we think too much about ourselves, we are setting ourselves up for trouble.
God wants us to be humble to realize that we do not have all the answers, and to lean on him, let's look at the story of King Oziah in 2 Chronicles chapter 26. Isaiah became king at a young age and for many years he did the right thing before God. in the eyes of God, he was successful and powerful, but with this power pride began to invade his heart and he began to think that he could. do anything, even tasks reserved for priests one day he entered the temple to burn incense a job that only priests could do when the priests warned them instead of listening and humbling themselves aah he got angry but God saw his pride Isaiah broke out with leprosy In At that very moment, Isaiah's pride led to his downfall.
Trusting ourselves and thinking that we do not need God's guidance is a dangerous path. It's like refusing to ask for directions when we're lost just because we're too proud to admit we need them. We don't know the way, so some of us must admit that we don't know everything. Some of us are too proud, but God is always waiting for us to reach out and ask for help. He wants to guide us and lead us to the best. ways the key is to be humble to admit when we need help and trust in God's wisdom over ours by putting aside our pride and leaning on God we open a world of blessings peace and true success in our lives remember that it is okay we do not have everything the answers as long as we know where to turn for guidance don't let Pride block your blessings and number five neglecting prayer and praise this is like moving away from our Safe Harbor thinking about being in a boat and floating in a vast El ocean near the coast is a safe harbor where you anchor every day, it provides protective guidance and a sense of peace, but gradually you start to neglect the anchor, one day you jump it thinking it's okay to drift a little the next day and you do the same slowly. you find yourself far out at sea, adrift and the once familiar harbor is barely visible.
This is similar to our relationship with God, when we constantly engage in prayer and praise to God, we anchor ourselves to the presence of him, but neglecting these practices is like neglecting that. anchor letting us drift further and further away from God's protective harbor the Bible is full of calls to constant communication with God in Philippians 4:6 we are reminded to be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving be given to know your requests to God on The Scriptures emphasize the importance of not only praying but also offering praise and thanks affirming our trust in him.
In doing so, we strengthen our anchor by making sure we stay close to our spiritual harbor. The story of Jonah reflects very well the importance of constant communication with God when God is first. He called Jonah to go to Nineveh. Jonah escaped and chose to board a ship that was going in the opposite direction. He tried to escape God's call and in doing so, found himself in the middle of a massive storm as he neglected his duty and his connection to God and went adrift. further from his spiritual harbor, it was only when he was in the belly of a great fish, after having prayed and repented, that he returned to the right path.
The story of Jonah is a vivid illustration of what can happen when we neglect our spiritual duties like prayer. and praise and how we can always return to God, our firm port, no matter how far we have strayed in our busy lives, it is easy to think that today we can skip a prayer session or skip a daily


or miss a moment of praise to God . tomorrow you might be thinking that taking care of my kids and grandkids when they go back to school is now the top priority or that taking care of my other family or work obligations is more important right now or you're probably just thinking that I don't have enough time to spend 20 or 30 minutes with God every day, but each time we do it is like allowing our ship to drift a little further from that safe harbor;
Over time, we may find ourselves lost in the immensity of life's challenges. Prayer and praise are more than simply expressions of devotion, they are also conduits of blessings, just as rain nourishes the Earth, leading to its blossoming. flowers and prosperous crops. Constant prayer and sincere praise open the floodgates of Heaven allowing God's blessings to flow into our lives when we communicate with God through prayer. aligning our desires with his will giving way to blessings tailored to our truest needs, on the other hand, praise is our recognition of God's sovereignty our genuine gratitude for his works when we praise we recognize and celebrate the blessings we have already received regardless how great or small we also recognize and celebrate the blessings and advancements we hope to receive this grateful heart in turn attracts even more blessings Psalm 6 67:5-6 beautifully shows this let the people praise you Oh God let all the people praise you then will the Earth give its increase and will God, even our own God, bless us?
The Scriptures clearly link praise with the outpouring of blessings, so that by embracing a life rich in prayer and overflowing with praise, we not only anchor ourselves to God but also position ourselves to be one. in the direct path of his abundant blessings. Now remember this as we journey through life, let us be wise, recognize the barriers in our lives, remove them and realign ourselves with God's purpose, thus ensuring that we do not block but accept the blessings that he has. For us, today is the day of the transformation of openness and abundance. Abundant blessings that our creator and his Infinite Wisdom gave us Free Will and with that comes responsibility for the decisions we make if our hearts and minds are filled with doubt, negativity or distractions.
It becomes difficult for God's blessings to find their rightful place in our lives. The ever-flowing river is always there. We just need to be open and ready to receive it. Don't block your blessings. Let them flow now for all those who are within the sound. of my voice let us go to the Lord in prayer I want you to pray this prayer with me so that So that you may have all the blessings of this prayer, let us pray to our kind and loving God Heavenly Father, creator of all things in heaven and on earth. I exalt your powerful name.
I thank you Lord that you are the Giver of all good gifts and the Source of Abundant Blessings Lord today I approach your throne with a humble heart asking your forgiveness for the occasions when, knowingly or unknowingly, I put barriers in the path of your blessings, please cleanse my heart and guide me to always remain open and receptive to your abundant blessings. Father of grace, may you forgive me of my trespasses, just as I forgive all those who trespass against me. In the name of Jesus, I declare that every barrier in my life, every obstacle that hinders my blessings, be uprooted and cast aside every chain of doubt, fear and unbelief that binds me I break them now in the name of Jesus I rebuke spiritual laziness every Spirit of negativity of resentment or Pride that may be working against my spiritual growth in the mighty name of Jesus I declare that everything is working for me and not against me Father, may I walk in the fullness of your blessings.
I thank you Lord for the blessings I have already received and for the blessings to come. Lord, thank you for healing me. I thank you for your divine protection and I thank you for your amazing grace. and goodness Lord I bring before you my loved ones I ask you to take care of them guide them and bless them abundantly father just as you have revealed to me the importance of not blocking your blessings I pray that their hearts are also receptive to this truth protect them from all force that can be working against them and in the name of Jesus let them experience an overflow of your grace, love and favor in every area of ​​their lives as I say this prayer along with all who listen.
Lord, thank you for every heart. who is humbled before you at this moment. I pray that a powerful wave of Spiritual Awakening and realization runs through every heart. Let the scales fall from our eyes so we can see clearly the ways we might be blocking our own blessings. Ignite in us a fervent desire to draw closer to you to live in harmony with your will and be open vessels ready to receive your infinite gifts. Thank you Father for hearing and answering my prayer with an expectant heart I look forward to the manifestation of your Abundant Blessings in Me.
Life in the precious name of Jesus, I pray, amen. Have you ever wondered if you have the Holy Spirit or have you ever wondered if the holy spirit is active in your life? CertainlyYou are not alone, if we are honest, many of us struggle. With these same thoughts at different points in our spiritual journey then how can we identify the signs of the holy spirit in our daily lives today as we take a look at some of the signs of the Holy Spirit? I want to encourage you to not only know about the Holy Spirit, but to truly know Him there is a big difference, come experience the Holy Spirit and let Him guide you every step of the way.
Your life will never be the same again. I am also going to pray a powerful prayer with you in the name of Jesus, so watch until the end and open your heart to receive the blessings of this prayer. The Bible offers clear ideas and assurances about the presence of the holy spirit in our lives. Romans 8:9 says, however, you are not in the kingdom of the flesh, but. you are in the realm of the spirit if truly the spirit of God lives in you and if someone does not have the spirit of Christ they do not belong to Christ this passage highlights that having the holy spirit is a definitive Mark of being a True Believer in Christ also Acts 2:38 advises us to repent and be baptized each of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the holy spirit.
This tells us that the holy spirit is a gift given to all who genuinely turn to Christ, signaling the beginning of a transformative relationship, they imagine holding a worn Bible with its pages filled with tiny scribbles, highlighted verses, and bookmarks, though each page they turn tells stories of faith, resilience, and redemption as they read familiar verses that comfort them. As new ideas challenge and grow your faith, every word, every story of this Bible reflects God's unwavering love for us and that gentle nudge, the still voice in your heart that guides you to a particular verse or insight, this is Just one example of what it is to be led by the spirit really means that when we talk about the Holy Spirit we are not just talking about a distant concept or vague idea, we are talking about the promised Holy Spirit God's ever-present helper in our lives the spirit holy is the living Breath of God the force that can move mountains the spirit is our helper who is at our side the teacher who reveals truths the comforter in times when we are downcast and the guide who directs our steps along unknown paths and guides us to through the storms of life just as Jesus said in John 14:26 but the advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of everything I have shared with you at every turn and turn of life The holy spirit is there playing multiple roles always guiding the teaching.
Helping and comforting us on this journey as believers we realize that entering faith is more than just a voice of choice, it is an invitation to a life filled with the power and love of Christ, it is about feeling a new energy, the same energy that gave power to Jesus to act. Miracles heal the sick and touch countless lives, but remember that in Zechariah 4:6 the Bible tells us that it is not by might or power but by my spirit. This verse emphasizes that it is God, the spirit of God, who enables us to do extraordinary things just as Jesus was empowered to perform miracles and heal the sick, from the stories of the New Testament to the exciting adventures of the book of Acts. .
The presence of the holy spirit is evident. These stories are not just events of the past, but are alive and relevant today, reminding us that the holy spirit continues to work wonders in our lives, so today let's explore 10 signs that show the presence of the holy spirit among us sign number one of character transformation in our lives change is inevitable like the change of seasons, we too undergo changes both within and without, but when the Holy Spirit is actively working within us, there is a particular type of change, a special transformation that It is not like any other, as the Bible in Galatians 5: 22 to 23 explicitly says, but the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control these are not just words but transformative changes, their presence is an indication of a heart deeply influenced by the grace of God and the Holy Spirit where whether you are referring to your own life or the lives of others, these changes must be present in the life of a believer. . character it is as if a garden once dominated by wild weeds suddenly blooms with colorful and fragrant flowers consider that this transformation is not always instantaneous nor is it always easy there will be days of struggle of doubts, days of attempt and failure, so I am not here to tell you that your walk with God is going to be perfect but the important thing is that in the midst of these trials we persevere relying on the unbreakable strength and grace of God because it is not the absence of challenges that defines our faith but our resilience and Trust in He as we experience them is the holy spirit that nourishes us, gently cares for our souls and guides us through those challenging moments, just as a potter shapes clay, the spirit molds our character, smoothing the rough edges and filling the cracks with the love of Christ over time. desires change from the worldly to the heavenly, from pleasing ourselves to pleasing God, it is a journey from being self-centered to being Christ-centered and it is truly one of the most beautiful adventures one can experience, sign number two, desire to pray, prayer is like a song of the heart. a sacred Melody that we share with the Creator, but there will be times when our voice will falter when emotions Cloud our thoughts and words They escape us It is in these silent spaces, these pauses where the Holy Spirit intervenes as Romans 8 verse 26 beautifully states as well.
The spirit also helps in our weaknesses because we do not know what we should pray for as we should, but the spirit itself intercedes for us with groanings that cannot be uttered. This tells us how spirit becomes our voice, translating the deepest longings of our heart into language. Only God understands is like having a friend who knows exactly what is on your mind, even when you can't find the words to express it. One of the beauties of prayer is its simplicity. It doesn't require grand gestures or eloquent words, all it takes is a sincere heart, the Holy Spirit amplifies this sincerity by turning our simple whispers into deep conversations with God.
He becomes our companion in prayer, guiding our spirit and deepening our connection with the almighty, so that when we kneel to pray, we are never truly alone. It is there with us, ensuring that every sigh, every tear, every unspoken word, is heard, felt and appreciated by God, sign number three, conviction of sin, we have all had moments in our lives when we feel a tug on our heart indicating that something we have done. This deep sense of conscience is not simply a feeling of guilt, it is the Holy Spirit working within us increasing our sensitivity to sin and moving our hearts toward repentance.
Look at what Jesus himself stated in John 16 verse 8 and when he has done it. Come, he will convince the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. We see this happen in the story of King David and the prophet Nathan. When David went astray, it was Nathan's gentle rebuke inspired by the spirit of God that guided him back to righteousness. The Holy Spirit plays. a similar role in our lives offering gentle corrections and guiding us back when we stray, but here's the challenge that arises when some of us overlook the gentle nudges of the holy spirit who has been urging us back on the right path over time. if we ignore them.
These sins can form habits or strongholds in our lives that can become difficult to break free from, not only entangling us but also further complicating our lives. Sign number four: understanding of the Scriptures. Have you ever read a Scripture that you have seen countless times? before but suddenly it speaks to you in a new and profound way. I can surely testify to this and know that this experience is not unique to me, that is the work of the holy spirit that makes the word of God come alive and makes it resonate deeply and personally with us John 16:13 assures us however when the spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth the Bible tells us about the unic Ethiopian in Acts 8:27 to 39 while reading from the book of Isaiah the unic Ethiopian approached by Phillip without the guidance of the spirit, the only one fought by understanding the Scriptures he read, but with Philip's Spirit-led explanation, the message became clear and he was baptized As we delved deeper into God's word, the spirit constantly sheds light on the Scriptures, revealing deeper truths and making connections that we might have missed our own sign number five, empowerment for service.
Imagine finding a well of strength and ability within you that you never knew existed. That is the transforming power of the Holy Spirit that equips believers with the strength to serve as witnesses and testify for Christ. Acts 1 verse. 8 says but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth think of the apostle Peter before the Holy Spirit came on him. He denied Jesus out of fear, but then, filled with the spirit, he stood before thousands of people boldly proclaiming the gospel in the same way the spirit works within us.
Our God-given talents and spiritual gifts not only become evident, but are also refined and used for good. glory of God sign number six greater compassion compassion is more than a fleeting feeling it is an overflow of the love of God in our hearts Romans 5:5 States now hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy The Spirit given to us, this love transforms us and leads us to genuinely care for those around us. Remember that the Good Samaritan, his compassionate act toward a complete stranger, showed a heart touched by divine love;
However, it is essential to keep in mind that sometimes other individuals can also act externally. acts of kindness without genuine compassion at the center, but true spiritual transformation is marked not just by actions but by authentic love that arises from a deep connection with God, so there is a difference in the extent to which it relates to the Good Samaritan in a similar way to the Saint. The Spirit awakens in us a genuine concern to align our hearts with Jesus' profound command to love God fully and extend that same love to others under the influence of the holy spirit.
Along with this love for our fellow human beings, there also arises a deep and genuine love for Jesus himself. a sincere affection that goes beyond mere ritual or religion as it brings us closer to his heart and his ways. This transformation is a testimony to the power of the spirit to redirect our affections and priorities, anchoring them firmly in Christ. Sign number seven speaking in tongues on the day of Pentecost a miraculous event occurred Acts 2 verse 4 tells us and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the spirit gave them expression, this was evident in the early church where believers were empowered by the spirit expressing their faith in diverse but unifying ways, but even today this miraculous gift of speaking in tongues is still present in the lives of many believers and serves as a testimony to the active presence of the spirit .
Consider that speaking in tongues is a supernatural sign that shows the magnificent work of the spirit within us. Divine declaration that allows our spirit to communicate directly with God, although not everyone experiences this in the same way, it remains a genuine testament to the overflow of the spirit in our lives, so if you ever doubt the presence of the spirit in your life because your experience differs from that of others, remember that it is not about comparison, each of us has our own story. Your unique experience because it is genuine and valid is a testimony to the ever-present overflow of spirit in your life.
Interestingly, I can vividly remember my first experience of speaking in tongues that occurred in the night just after I came out of a dream, so these spiritual moments manifest in their own perfect moment. Like many believers, you can seek God's guidance and request the gift of speaking in tongues as a sign of the presence of the holy spirit. Be patient and avoid comparing yourself to others. Remember that it is a gift of grace and a unique experience. what is required of you is to have an open heart and welcome sign number eight guide in decision making life is full of crossroads decisions that can significantly shape our path these decisions can sometimesmean the difference between life and death success success or failure seize an opportunity or miss it but with the influence of the holy spirit as believers we are not left wandering in the darkness or navigating alone in these moments as we tune into the divine guidance of the holy spirit We find clarity even in the most complex moments of life Romans 8 verse 14 assures us All who are guided by the spirit of God, these are children of God, so the holy spirit is our compass providing divine direction and wisdom.
Consider the story of Paul and Silas in the book of Acts when they were imprisoned for preaching the gospel instead of falling. In desperation they sang praises to God as a result there was a miraculous earthquake that opened the prison doors their unwavering faith and the guidance of the Holy Spirit not only led to their physical freedom but also to the spiritual salvation of the jailer, therefore this guy of divine direction not only enlightens us with the truth or shows us the right path, but also gives us peace, ensuring that we are aligned with God's will. sign number nine biblical sign signs and wonders the Bible is not just a book of past events, it is a testament to the enduring power of God and the Wonders that come through faith Mark 16: 17 to 18 promises and these signs will follow those who believe in my name they will cast out demons they will speak new tongues they will take up snakes and if they drink something deadly it will in no way harm them they will lay their hands on the sick and they will recover such divine demonstrations are not limited to biblical times reflect on the journey of the apostle Paul in Acts once blinded on the road to Damascus he later regained his sight thanks to the prayer of Anas showing the miraculous power of God in the world today Believers are still witnesses and instruments of the wonderful works of God that prove the eternal nature of their promises and the omnipresent power of the Holy Spirit and sign the number 10 of peace and faithfulness in the midst of the whirlwind of uncertainties and challenges of life there.
There is a sanctuary of calm available to every believer Philippians 4 verse 7 tells us and the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus this is not a temporary feeling nor a short-lived comfort it is a deep lasting peace that anchors our souls We consider the apostle Paul imprisoned and bound, yet his letters radiated an inexplicable peace even in chains he wrote words of encouragement and hope that revealed the deep well of peace that was his through the Holy Spirit such inner peace It is not dictated by our environment, but comes from the Holy Spirit who continually reminds us of God's eternal love and care, also in a world where people often change their minds and do not always remain loyal, the holy spirit gives to those believers a strong and lasting commitment to faithfulness, so if you are struggling to stay faithful.
You may want to seek the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit to help you maintain your commitment to your spiritual beliefs and values. Consider that, as a believer, if you are unfaithful to others, you are also being unfaithful to God. resist the devil and he will flee from you the devil will stay if he finds that you are not resisting in 2 Timothy 2:13 the Bible reminds us that if we are unfaithful he remains faithful he cannot deny himself the strong sense of commitment or The ability to remaining faithful is not just something we do on our own, it is a Divine gift given to us.
Think of Stephen, the first Christian martyr, as stones fell on him. He looked up to heaven and saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God instead of wrath. or fear that Steven's heart would overflow with faithfulness as he prayed for his persecutors. Such unwavering commitment to God's teachings, even in the face of terrible adversity, is a testament to the transformative power of the spirit within that guides us to hold fast to God's promises and live our faith boldly. It is comforting to know that in our journey with God we are not alone, the Holy Spirit actively works within us, nurturing our growth, guiding our steps and instilling virtues that reflect the heart of Christ.
Let us embrace these signs with Open Hearts trusting in God's plan and purpose for our lives as we move forward let us stand firm leaning on his unwavering love and grace with the Holy Spirit at our side we can confidently face tomorrow knowing that we are guided and loved without Please remember that we are living in times where many voices cry for our attention, but there is one voice, the gentle whisper of the spirit that can guide us through the most turbulent storms and into the calm of God's Embrace. Let us not simply look for the signs, but long for a deeper intimate relationship with our creator through the transformative power of the Holy Spirit changes us to be more like Jesus in that intimate relationship we find true purpose, peace and the deep joy of knowing that we walk hand in hand with the almighty, so let us continually foster our bond with the Holy Spirit making sure we remain in tune with his daily guidance and influence now let us go to the Lord in prayer.
I want you to pray this prayer with me so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer. Let us pray to our merciful and merciful god, heavenly father, almighty God, you are the Alpha and Omega you are the creator of Heaven and Earth God of both the visible and the invisible I praise you and give you all the glory you are a bright light in the darkness giving comfort to the downtrodden and strength to the weak Lord today I come before you to seek your holy presence I invite your Holy Spirit into my life make me know your holy presence Lord Holy Spirit you are my helper and comforter may you fill me Empower me guide me and teach me hold on Holy Spirit I ask you to cause a true change in my character to fill me with the fruit of your spirit love joy peace patience goodness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control Lord help me to show these changes in my life not only for my own good but also for those around me May my heart align with your desires and may my actions reflect your love, father, as I seek to grow closer to you.
I leave my burdens and seek your guidance through the Holy Spirit. I am grateful that your Holy Spirit keeps me from sin. and towards your justice and Grace Lord may your Holy Spirit help me to have a deeper understanding of the scriptures may your word come alive in my heart bringing light to every corner of my being and leading me to your truth I ask you for empowerment Lord so that Through your Holy Spirit I can be a vessel for your service by reaching out to others with love, compassion and kindness, father, let me recognize the gentle nudges of your Holy Spirit in my decision making, ensuring that every step I take is aligned with your perfect will, Lord.
As I grow in faith, may signs and wonders manifest in my life in ways that bring glory and honor to your name, may you guide me to understand and receive the gift of speaking in tongues using it for your Divine purposes, father, may your Holy Spirit give me. with me the peace that surpasses all understanding that you bless me with unbreakable faithfulness to remain firm in the trials always remaining in obedience to your word and your will in the name of Jesus I rebuke any force that seeks to derail my journey father I ask for your divine protection I thank you that you are my liberator, you are my shield and buckler Lord, you are my Hiding Place I declare that everything works for me and not against me Lord, may you bless the work of my hands and bless me in my comings and deliver me from all evil, do not let me fall into temptation. and keep me close to you in the name of Jesus I declare good health and healing over my body mind and spirit I expel from my life every spirit of confusion, doubt and fear in the name of Jesus thank you Lord that you are greater than any challenge I may face Lord, as I bring my loved ones before you, I ask that they seek you more every day that you show them mercy and lead them to experience your peace, love and grace, father, let their lives resonate with testimonies of your goodness and that they find refuge under your wings and comfort. through your Holy Spirit Lord as I say this prayer along with everyone listening for each person who opens their heart to you right now I ask that you fill them with your Holy Spirit, I pray that we experience Your Divine Touch, a revelation of your love and a deep understanding of our purpose in you for those who feel weak.
Holy Spirit, may you give them strength and courage to overcome those who experience sadness, illness, pain or pain. Holy Spirit. May you be his comforter and healer. Lord, help those who are worried or disturbed in their hearts and minds to feel your peace and love for those who feel confused or lost. Holy Spirit, may you help them come to know the whole truth and be their advisor, providing guidance and clarity. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name.
I ask you amen if you were blessed by this message write the word amen in the comments section below. I declare that all the blessings of this prayer are now upon you in the name of Jesus. You can help us reach more people and spread the gospel. You can do it by sharing. the video with a friend or family member who you know needs the blessing of this prayer and by clicking the Like button also remember to subscribe to the channel for more


that will bless your heart and uplift your spirit. We thank everyone who supports us.
You are blessed to be a blessing, feel free to leave your prayer request in the comments section so we can present it before God for your blessings and victory. We also invite other believers on the YouTube platform and around the world to join us. and start praying for yourself right now and we want you to know that even if you don't see a response to your prayer request, it doesn't mean you weren't prayed for, rest assured that we are actively elevating every request to God. that is, according to His will, we believe in the power of prayer to bring comfort, healing and guidance according to God's perfect plan, remain in faith with us as we pray to God, be all the glory, may the grace and the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. be with all of you

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