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May 29, 2024
Hello Youtube, what's going on, welcome to the


friends, we were on the best winter vacation of my life a few months ago and we streamed it all and for some reason we never uploaded the best and I recently talked to my cat Willilbo about why I don't know just upload it and that's exactly what we're doing now friends, if you like everything, give it a like, subscribe to the channel and now have fun with the best of hello, okay, this one is coming. That's a big ramp, brother, it's very high, take others, is he alive?
dieses video hatten wir 1 jahr vergessen
Is it the same for you several times Mik several times oh my gosh, maybe maybe maybe you did, okay, okay, wow, boy, would it be amazing if you were? really standing like a quest giver, like a story game like that, Mike's there, there's no cell phone, but there's two beers that aren't yours. Seriously, shit, bro, I look like an advance in a game like that, bro, I'm standing there. on the table, one question is these nuts here, the nuts actually cost two hands Z hands well wieowob is basically equivalent to two hands so I'm here yes I wu so you can come down here yes, let's go well, come on, what are you doing with the lip?
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I think you can do it. What do you plan to do? He jumps now but he does. 36 No, for now he is driving normally. I'm very scared, friend. I hate you so much. I'm afraid. I think he's doing very well, no, but. I'm afraid his knee will come off. He will come out when he is warming up while playing football. Then nothing will happen, friend, do it now. What you're doing seems totally safe. , I got it, I got it on top and I turn front yeah, oh my God, old hell, let's go quickly, ah, what is this here?
dieses video hatten wir 1 jahr vergessen
Just digest it doesn't fit me I B so Zach here right now Urach Urach Urach all these ch down there no can you say that chicken or something or say what does chat mean foreigners hey okay okay I'm glad that say that, no, so the Austrians are full, the Nazis are one of them, go away? Whoa, whoa, whoa, oh shit, okay, should it be ancestors? I want one of you to see someone hit a hard V, then I drive with okay, let's go oh shit, digest, oh my God, ahead, oh my God, oh my God, slow traffic jam, okay, okay, Sorry, diger, it's opening. up B diger here I must be careful diger here it goes very down to the right oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God it's okay sure sure sure sure sure suddenly very fast oh my God I practice quickly oh my God oh my God come no no me sleigh bro what BR my sleigh drove here Bro he easily drove 50m without me diger I can't get in there now bro oh shit diger oh my god should I call Basti fatter?
dieses video hatten wir 1 jahr vergessen
Yeah man come on Kevin SOS what? Hello J B Pass, pay attention to the following, so the thing is Wait, now we are in rel J, so now the thing on the left is going down a cold 45° slope, right at the bottom of the thing Now there is my sleigh. , what do I do now to be like this I'm straight on the yes I'm on the slopes okay look Here's the slope and now I would estimate a good 50 m away from me, I swear down there, it's not just Erman waiting for D, so W are all monsters, yeah, the thing is, I don't know what's behind this, downhill, I don't know how far Naach diger went, he didn't brake either, he just accelerated through m Do you have a rope to belay?
No, what brother? I have an irich. I have an HDMI cable with me. How long is 50 m to 1? Why do you have it? I don't have the safety rope, what kind of safety rope, boy, shut up, you're sledding without safety, let's talk about it. Breaking news in the Austrian Alps: the abandoned sleigh has been seen racing through the center of a city at 200 km/h. The Austrian army has been called in to deal with it. the situation To control it, okay BR, what do I do now? I'm going down, but you don't know where to go or that's down there, so the damn BR back rooms are just dark, the thing is the way.
Going down is easy going up is hard, yeah I mean you can go back up with the stimulus, how many horsepower does the zero have? Yeah, I think I will, but take care of yourself, Kevin, okay? , I will write your Twitch password to WhatsApp if you can also close it. Our smallest problem, definitely don't do it alone, wait for others, wait for their calls, yes I will ALR Bro. So if I'm still alive, I'll be happy if we broadcast again soon. The question is simply whether it is around the corner. You know, maybe I'll come back to this slope just the W perfect D.
I should even have J Tim. happening oh my god, oh my god, what's going on brother, watch out, don't do it? It also happened that we did not cut two dogs. See those cheesy traces on the back, that's the one I don't? I don't give a damn now J Mike is there too Problem of course WF that's like oh my god yeah I'm drinking now I think my dick is in hot ass there's a speed camera here I have to drive Slowly, BR, we have. to drive what the fahen even not oh Oher I have done too much pain oh my damn God I fell on my back but good or bad oh bad it fell on my back there is something that is flashing from us there is the camera ne rou only the router Dier we are , we are still live, we have lost router n and ice, very briefly, what is it?
The hardest thing about the backflip is that I don't feel anything at all.

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