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Bitten by 1000 Deadly Mosquitoes!

May 02, 2024
- Oh, wow. Check it out. They just went straight to my wrist. Oh, it's time to go. We recognize the scream of the attacking buzz from him. We squirm at the thought of his bloodsucking bite. There are more than 3,000 species of


worldwide. And every year more than 1 million people die from mosquito-borne diseases. What are the chances that you will be next? Oh, actually the one right in the center of my hand, I can really feel it. Being


by a single mosquito is a nuisance that we are all used to. Being


by hundreds of them at the same time is an experiment best done under the guidance of experts.
bitten by 1000 deadly mosquitoes
Catherine Pruszynski is a mosquito expert and in her laboratory she has created a nightmare scenario so that we can educate you and, of course, entertain you. Now, Catherine, here we are. And there they are. Are these the


that are going to eat me? - They sure are. This is the yellow fever mosquito. It is also known as the Aedes aegypti mosquito. - Well. And you say yellow fever mosquito, that sounds dangerous. It sounds life-threatening. - These are one of the deadliest mosquitoes. - Is there any chance that these mosquitoes have yellow fever? - No. No.
bitten by 1000 deadly mosquitoes

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bitten by 1000 deadly mosquitoes...

These are mosquitoes from laboratory colonies. These guys have never been outside. - So you grew these mosquitoes just for me? - Yes absolutely. -How many do you think there are inside this container? Because it seems like a lot to me. - Today we have raised about a thousand mosquitoes for you. - Oh wow. Well. So there aren't necessarily a thousand chances of being bitten because some could be males and some could be females. - Correct. - Males will not sting. The females will do it. - Very sure. - And the goal here is to get bitten as many times as possible.
bitten by 1000 deadly mosquitoes
Now I'm going to break into this unit and you're going to let them out and they're going to assault me? - No no. We'll take these guys to the next lab. - Alright. Well, I'll let you lead the way. Let's grab our box of blood drinkers. Yuck. This is going to get a little crazy. Oh boy. Eaten alive by mosquitoes. The moment they wanted is about to happen, right now. Warning, never attempt the following experiment unless under the supervision of trained professionals. Mosquito bites can transmit harmful diseases that are considered fatal. Here I am. There they are. 1,000 bloodthirsty mosquitoes.
bitten by 1000 deadly mosquitoes
Now my arm is going into the box and there is a good chance that hundreds of them will bite my hand, wrist and forearm. Of course, I will take off this leather bracelet because we don't want to protect any of the points where the blood flows. And in fact, to make it even more interesting, I shaved my entire arm and hand so we can see the results of all these bites. Without further ado, it's time for the mosquitoes to eat Coyote Peterson alive. And they are hungry. They haven't eaten in over 48 hours. The hand is entering.
I want to make sure. Oh, wow. Check it out. They just went straight to my wrist. Oh, it's time to go. Oh my God. They won't waste their time going to town for my hand. Oh yeah. I can feel a little bit of something there. And when it comes to mosquitoes, the process of being bitten is very interesting. Remember, this is a bite and not a sting. Mosquitoes want to do their best when landing on a victim so as not to be detected. Obviously the mosquito itself is very light, but the way the female's proboscis works, which is the little straw apparatus with the front suction cup, is that they land and then slowly start to unsheath that proboscis.
The trunk essentially has six needles. Two of which have these little saw-shaped points. And I definitely feel like something is happening right now. Those two outer needles start cutting into my tissue, the other two, right next to them, separate the tissue, and then it's the center needle that starts probing around, looking for a delicious blood cell, which it can suck out. draw the blood Now they say you can't feel anything when a mosquito bites you. I definitely feel like something is happening right now. But to make mosquitoes drink more blood, they use an anticoagulant that they insert into the blood.
Oh, my hand is starting to shake a little. So that the blood flows better and they can eat faster. Oh. Actually, the one right in the center of my hand, I can really feel it. I turn here. Check it out. All over the top of my hand. There must be about 150, if not more, mosquitoes currently on me. I start to sweat a little, and that's mainly because I really want to get them off my hand and arm. The itching begins to begin. And that's my body's natural reaction when saliva gets on my skin, it forms histamines, which is basically my body saying, ah, foreign substance.
Get him out of here, swell up, make a lump, put liquids in that area so that his saliva doesn't sink any further. Oh, and right now it's really the mosquitoes between my fingers that are the most uncomfortable. Now, when it comes to mosquitoes finding a feast, they are attracted to humans based on a couple of different elements. The heat coming out of your body, the chemicals in your skin and, mainly, the carbon dioxide coming out of your breath attract these blood suckers. So watch this. If I blow hot air into this box (Coyote blows air), that will agitate them even more and they'll say: Hey guys, the blood buffet line is open and ready to go.
And that blood is really very important. Females drink the blood because they need it to help lay eggs. Ah, it's getting pretty unbearable at this point. Oh, I think they're getting pretty crowded. Well, it seems that most of them have decided to land on the rear screen. I can see that most of them are outside my arm. What do you think? Do we have enough opportunities right now? - Oh yeah. - Excellent. I love knowing when I can take my hand out of the mosquito box and see how bad these bites really are. When it comes to mosquito bites, whether a single specimen or a spate of proboscis invasions, the results are almost always the same.
Itching, swelling in an uncomfortable discomfort. The level of agony is best described as the itch you can't scratch. My arm has been out of the mosquito box for about 10 minutes. And you can clearly see the hives starting to form. I counted, as we stood before the cameras, nearly 250 bites. That's not to say there aren't bites on top of bites. So I'll round up a bit and say I got 300 bites in that matter of time. The top of my arm, the bottom of my arm and between my fingers is the absolute worst. Now, to combat the unbearable itch I'm suffering from right now, let's try Chiggerex.
This product has been around for over 50 years. This is the original, designed specifically for chigger and tick bites, but also for all other types of insects and mosquitoes, as you can see in the cool mosquito image at the top of the lid. Now this is armed with benzocaine, which is the active ingredient. It also has aloe and chamomile for a calming effect. Now I read that there is no oily residue that comes from Chiggerex. So what I'm going to do is start applying this gently to the bites and see how relaxing it will be from the beginning.
Here we go. It is cool to the touch. Oh, that's actually very, very nice. Well. Wow. It's actually pretty immediate the moment it starts working on your skin. Holy Cow. Yes, really, the lack of itching that occurs here on the front of my wrist, compared to here, is immediately noticeable. Alright, I'm going to take another sample of Chiggerex and I'm going to go ahead and cover my entire arm at this point. Now, in most cases of bites, one or two bites, you will only use a small amount of Chiggerex. I'm going overboard because my arm is really itchy right now.
It was very gratifying to be able to spread Chiggerex over the hundreds of bites covering my arm. And I would say that at this point, Chiggerex, with double the power, works immediately. Well, how about that? Everything you needed to know about mosquitoes. Why they bite, how they bite, what happens after they bite, and of course, a foolproof solution to the uncomfortable itching caused by these pesky bloodsuckers. I'm Coyote Peterson. Be brave, stay wild. We'll see in the next adventure. Oh man. Things I do for scientific entertainment. Phew. To learn more about Chiggerex and where to get it, be sure to visit their website.
And if you find yourself under attack by blood-hungry aliens this summer, trust me, this is a product you'll want in your first aid kit.

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