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3 Stunning Butterfly Card Designs by Kristina Werner Showcasing New Card Kit!

Jun 03, 2024
Hello everyone, Christina Wner, welcome to another simus video. Today I'm going to use the stamp set that is included in the March 2024


kit. The stamp set is called mix and match butterflies and in the


kit you do that. Get the dyes for one of the butterflies and the body of the


, but additional dies are available in the simus store. There are die cuts for each image in the stamp set and I am not going to use the dies. today, but I just want to let you know that they are available, so today I'm going to make three different cards, there's a lot of patterns, a lot of colors, and a lot of complicated cuts, but I'm just going to walk you through creating the three cards, so what's really fun about this stamp set is that when I designed it I made it so that you could use different top wings and different bottom wings and you could mix and match them, hence the name to create a bunch of different butterflies.
3 stunning butterfly card designs by kristina werner showcasing new card kit
I think in total you can make nine different butterflies and I'm going to make quite a few today, so I'm going to color the butterflies with an alcohol marker, so today I'm going to use Copic, so I'm going to use an ink that's compatible with alcohol markers. I'm using Simusa Stamp's deep black ink and as I stamp each


, I stamp it twice to get a really solid impression, so I basically stamped either the top or the bottom first and then came. I went back in and lined up the other half of each butterfly and then stamped it and as you can see my stamps have already been used.
3 stunning butterfly card designs by kristina werner showcasing new card kit

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3 stunning butterfly card designs by kristina werner showcasing new card kit...

I tried this card a couple different times just to practice and some of my stamps had a little bit of ink on them, so to make sure I didn't accidentally transfer ink where I didn't want it to be before I was ready, I used a placement guide or this sheet of grid to just pick up the stamps and move them around in my project and then close the door of my MTI to transfer those stamps into the position where I want them and this was a great way to finish all my stampings for all of these butterflies so I made all the stampings at the same time, where I stamped all the wings and then went back and stamped all the bodies of the butterflies and since I was making three cards at the same time I made a bunch of butterflies.
3 stunning butterfly card designs by kristina werner showcasing new card kit
I just wanted to have options, I wanted to be able to move. I also stamped all the little flowers and the heart that are in the stamp set, so I stamped this last butterfly here and made sure to ink them a couple of times so that all the lines matched up, so after I stamped all the butterflies, I used my heat tool just to warm them up a little. Now you can let the ink dry on its own. It's perfectly fine, but since I stamped them twice. To make sure we had a really solid line, I thought it was best to warm them up before coloring them.
3 stunning butterfly card designs by kristina werner showcasing new card kit
I cut out all the different images and then I'm going to start working on each card individually and I'm going to apply some ink. mixing and coloring Copic, so I wanted to figure out all my colors beforehand. I'm using the cabbage color from Simon's positively saturated ink line and I'm also using the color ballet from the Rainbow Splash ink line and I wanted to see how it looked. like a whole rope, you know, putting that ink directly on the paper and also when it was mixed with ink, so for my first card I'm going to use this Circle D cut to create a mask to go behind my butterfly, so I only measured the size.
I made a different circle die from the Simus stamp nested circle die set and then I have a sheet of masking paper and this is Simon masking paper and I just put it on the left side of the masking paper and then I cut out my circle and because I'm not going to use the inside of the circle or the positive die cut. I decided to just label it as masking paper and then put it back in my storage pocket, so I'm using the outside area of ​​my masking paper and I'm putting that directly on top of my card.
On the front, this is an A2 card, so the card is cut to A2 size and the masking paper is also A2 size and just to make sure I didn't accidentally lose any of those edges when I was masking. I used some Post-it tape just to protect those edges. Now I'm bringing in the cabbage color, that color I tried before and mixing it with ink until I have this nice circle when I remove the masking paper. I can see that I have a sharp line around that green circle, so I'm going to set this aside and let it dry completely while I figure out the colors for my copit coloring now, as you can see that green color and also the pink color that I left them before, they've faded, they've completely dried out and they look very, very solid, so I wanted me to do that before I chose my Copic colors, so here are the four Copic colors that I'm going to use for coloring. my butterflies for all three cards and I'm labeling the colors on my little swatch sheet here in case you're wondering what colors I'm using for all my colors okay so let's get into all those colors I'm actually going to speed up the video so you can see the color.
Now I made a small note in the bottom corner of this poster board. Here you'll notice it says margin and that's just to remind me that for this card. I'm going to trim the butterfly with a white margin around it and I wanted to remember that so I didn't go over the edge of the butterfly and I had to correct it later so I just used all four colors on my butterfly. The solid coloring kept it really simple and then for that margin I used a pencil to draw around it, this will make it easier when it comes time to cut out this butterfly so after I color it and add that pencil line then delicate cut around those edges and I'm really glad I made that line in pencil because it made it really easy to go around it and make sure I had a uniform white border around my butterfly, so now I'm going to prepare the The greeting for this first card has some black cardboard.
I'm adding my anti-static powder tool very generously all over this black cardstock. I'm placing the hello greeting from the stamp set and then stamping it in white. simus stamp pigment ink I discovered recently, probably in the last 6 months or so, I get a better result with white heat stamping on a dark surface if I stamp my image or greeting with white pigment ink and then apply the white ink. embossing powder in this case I'm using Alabaster by Brutus Monroe when I do it this way if there are gaps in that embossing powder the white ink will show underneath and it really cleans it up and gives it a nice clean look and then I can take a microfiber cloth after it has set with heat and the dust has melted and I just wipe the dust off and using a little bit of firm pressure on my fingertips I wipe it off so here I have my black cardstock band with the salute and I realized that my salute was too far to the left, so what I'm going to do is cut that black strip of Naro so that cut is hidden behind the butterfly and then I'm sticking to the left side of that black strip on top of a foam adhesive I'm going to adhere it to the left side of the front of my card and then I'm going to put my butterfly right on top of it and it's at this point that I realized that I forgot to erase my pencil lines after cutting my butterfly, so first I erase those pencil lines and then I stick this right on top of that black foam strip using just a little bit of masking tape and then I brought in the other half of that strip and using a square ruler.
I helped line that up so it looks like a continuous black band with that rating and that will finish off my first card. Let's jump right into the second card for this second one. I'm stamping directly onto what will be the front of the card, so I'm going to mask a little, so while I stamp it on my cardstock I also stamp it on a masking paper, so after I stamp each image to create my butterfly, I'm going to swap I got out my nice white cardstock and I'm going to bring that masking paper so I can stamp The Mask too, this is so I don't have to keep moving my stamps in and out of my MTI, so Also with this masking paper I'm going to stamp the body of the butterfly.
You'll notice that all the images are separate on the masking paper, but they are together on the front of my finished card, so I'll take that front of the card. and in fact I'm going to reduce it a little bit. I originally thought I wanted to make a 5x7 card, but then I decided not to. I think I want to make an A2 card so I just used some A2 layer cubes of waffle flour for that and then using the grid on my uh the grid on my glass mat I use that to help guide me while I added a bit of Post-it tape to intersect the center of that butterfly so I can mask and blend the ink. the bottom half, so I carefully cut out those butterfly elements and then I'm going to place them on top of the front of my card.
Now this will protect those areas so I can then color the butterfly and then I took the Rainbow Splash ballet. ink and ink mixed and I originally thought I would have more saturated ink on the top edge of this section on my card, I will eventually go back and make it all one uniform color, then I removed the masks and this reveals the white card I glued it underneath and It turned out beautiful. I removed the Post-It tape that I had protecting the top half of the card and then I'm going to jump right into all those copit colors.
I love how these pinks match each other. They are very similar colors and it works very, very well for all of these colors because I was making very simple colors and just the solid colors came together very quickly. Now I'm going to create the greeting for this card and it's a very similar process to What I did for the first card, I'm using black cardstock, I applied that anti-static powder and then I stamped my greeting with white pigment ink and just like with the first Greetings, you see it up there at the top. Corner, this worked great.
I stamped my greeting and the white pigment ink, sprinkled on some of that Brutus Monroe alabaster stamping powder, heat set it with my heat tool and then I was able to take a microfiber cloth and just wipe it off. my Tim Holtz mini trimmer to trim that grade out as well so there's a little more stamping on my card. In front I have this little secondary qualification that says uh, may you feel loved and celebrated, so it will say happy birthday and then may you feel happy. loved and celebrated and I stamped that greeting with the same black ink I used for the butterflies so simusa stamped deep black ink at this point was when I realized I wanted it to just be solid pink at the bottom so I added more pink at the bottom and the ink hasn't dried yet so it's quite intense.
You'll see in the final photos that it's a very solid pink, so I took the design from my color card and put some Tombo extreme adhesive on it. on the back and adhered it directly to a card. On the front I'll then add my very narrow greeting and at this point I realized I needed it to be even narrower so I temporarily adhered it to some white cardstock. So it acts as a handle and then I used a ruler and a craft knife to cut it a little narrower. I also put some V-shaped ribbon ends on each side of the greeting and then adhered it directly. over the center of that butterfly lining up with that pink and white line in the center of the card and that's my second card, we're going to move on to the third card for today and I'm going to start by creating a pale green card base for the my card design.
I wanted there to be a very pale shade of green for the type of background on my card and I didn't have the right color of cardstock for this so I simply created My Own by mixing cabbage ink on a white cardstock and then started coloring all my butterflies and this is where you can see the huge variation in how different these butterflies look, but also how similar they are because the top half and the bottom half have the same line thickness, so you can really mix and match these butterflies to so you can get different styles, so this top and bottom are actually meant to be together, you can see they work really well and then the next one, this one is too. a set that is meant to be together, but now I will split them in half and mix and match them.
I have that first butterfly with the bottom half of the third butterfly and here's another one where they are mixed together. I think it looks very, very cute. I also colored all those tiny little elements I stamped from the stamp set. Now is when the most time consuming part of this card came up. I decided to carefully cut out the five butterflies and all those little ones. tin images and I knew I wouldn't be able to cut around the Butterflies antenna so I'm actually planning on stamping the antenna later so here are all those little images cut out and most of the time when they are cut out. an image right next to the line, if you're not extremely careful and really good at rough cutting, it can look a little messy, so to clean it up I like to take a black brush marker and paint very carefully. the white borders of each of these shapes and I even have somemistakes, you'll see them on the final card where my brush tip marker slipped after I had all my images prepared.
I then adhered my green background to a 5x7 card base and you can see that the ink mixture has really evened out and smoothed out. I have a little fingerprint right there in pink ink, but it will be covered by a butterfly, so no problem, then I applied a little foam adhesive on the back of each butterfly and kind of an x ​​pattern, just you know, a strip of adhesive on each of the four wings and then I took everything to my MTI and I'm going to place each butterfly where I want it to be, I haven't glued it.
I put it down or whatever or adhere it, I just leave it there, put the butterfly body on top and then I close the door on my Misty and I pick up that butterfly and when it's time to stamp the butterfly body. I'm going to mask off the bottom of the body of that butterfly and then I'm going to remove the masking tape and I'm just going to stamp around the top third of the body image and I'm going to do it this way so that if I don't get my butterfly. perfectly adhered in that area, um, it's not going to be seen, so I removed the backing paper from that foam tape and glued or adhered it directly onto those patterned antennae and did the same for each of these butterflies that I placed first. the butterfly and then I placed the masked body on the bottom of the body and stamped just the top third and then adhered the butterfly right on top of it and you'll notice that I'm moving up and down in my card design and that's like that. that I can place them around an area that will leave an empty spot for the greeting, so after adhering three butterflies, I stamped my greeting and then proceeded to continue placing all of these butterflies, so there are quite a few spaces along the butterflies.
I'm going to fill that in with some edges of the butterflies that I cut out, so I'm using a ruler and a craft knife just to cut out the areas that are bleeding from the edge of my card and I'm I'm going to save each of these butterfly bits for be able to use them in other areas. I didn't use all the ones I set aside, but I did use quite a few, especially those larger pieces, so this little butterfly tip. To the. I'll have that right on the edge here on the left side. I thought it fit really well and then I'm going to take this other big piece and put it on the side making sure it bleeds out.
On that edge, I filled in some larger spaces with the small images that I cut out and made sure to stick them down and press them really hard and then I just cut off everything that was hanging off the edge and this will finish the third one. card, this was definitely the most time consuming card, but I think it turned out great, so overall for all three cards it took me about 3 hours and that includes all that complicated cutting and masking and ink mixing, which is not so bad for three cards I guess the average is about an hour per card, although the first two cards came together much faster, so as I mentioned at the beginning of the video, the stamp set I built today is included in the kit.
March 2024 cards from Simusa seals everything I used today, including the card kit, which is linked below in the video description, as well as a link if you want to subscribe to receive this card kit and the card kits Future. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in another video very soon Hi, I'm Heidi Simon's mom and founder of simones Thank you very much for watching our video. If you like what you just saw, be sure to hit the thumbs up and subscribe for more great content.

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