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How To: Get Rid of Hiccups

May 16, 2024
Hi, I'm Dr. Alan from Evolution Chiropractic, and I'm going to teach you how to get rid of


. Basically when we hiccup what happens is our diaphragm spasms and this technique will be used to relax the diaphragm and restore muscle tone now there are many different reasons why people hiccup and some of them can be quite neurological problems severe, so if you try this technique and it doesn't work and the


persist for a week or more, I know it's a good idea to check that out, uh, but again we're going to try this exercise to see if we can reset the diaphragm and I say most Of the time people who try this can get rid of hiccups, so what can we do?
how to get rid of hiccups
What we need to do is use our breathing to reset our diaphragm, so the first thing we need to do is exhale completely and when you feel like you can't exhale anymore, you're going to exhale a little bit more and then you're going to hold it and I want you to hold your breath. as much as you can comfortably when you feel like you need to start breathing in, you're going to breathe in, so don't hold it until you pass out, that would be a bad idea. We'll hold it until you feel like you want to start breathing and then we'll breathe all the way in the same process if you feel it. like you can't breathe in anymore, you're going to breathe in a little bit more and you're going to hold that now while you hold, I want you to swallow three times one two three now while you swallow.
how to get rid of hiccups

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You're actually moving your esophagus in and out through the diaphragm and that also affects the muscle, so again we're going to exhale completely a little bit more, we're going to inhale a little more now you're going to Swallow three times, I'm going to keep holding and all the way to the top, so it will repeat that process three to five times, all the way, all the way to the bottom. Swallow three times, repeat the entire process. Let me know if this works for you. Like I said, a lot of people try this technique, this is a very successful technique, so next time you have hiccups and they don't go away, try this technique, let me know how it goes, see you soon.
how to get rid of hiccups

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