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Season 4 Marathon | Kitchen Nightmares

Mar 19, 2024
He would be the only one who will listen to every storm light. I'm waiting tonight. I need every next. I need two bolognese right behind ready, yeah, they're going to bring this back, okay, start cooking. another one because they're going to send it back this is going to the table five do it now the fish was bad I was like ah let it roll that was a bet I mean it doesn't look pretty but if they like it they like it if they don't. Sorry, this was too dry. Sorry, I have salmon on the table Fly five through Drive, what did I tell you?
season 4 marathon kitchen nightmares
Frank, you knew he was coming back, why did you send him? They do not receive complaints in any way, they will wait. Too long but they will return it. I would rather they wait and have it perfect and wait and ship to come back. The sad thing is when one chef doesn't care that means the rest go downhill quickly and that's exactly what's happening tonight. I think Frank is too exhausted right now before he gets more depressed than anything unbelievable, it's already been an hour and a half since dinner service started at table 20, Table Three, that's what I'm preparing and the food is slowly reaching diners, but unfortunately that is not the case.
season 4 marathon kitchen nightmares

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season 4 marathon kitchen nightmares...

It's worth the wait Frank, this is lukewarm, motherfucker, he says it's exaggerated, shut up, that's how it is, don't come back with it, this is, this is the breaking point of this restaurant, the food right here stinks of anyway and I put enough Frank needs to commit to working hard and if you don't have that passion you don't have it and you have to get out of here any little slip that comes Frank, we're screwed, I'm not a son, so what? You don't like this It's warm Too dry He says it's overdone He may only be halfway through dinner service but owner Frank has had enough.
season 4 marathon kitchen nightmares
He may not come back in tonight. I have definitely lost the passion for cooking, not for being in the restaurant's business period I no longer know what to do with Frank leaving the


sous chef Eddie and the rest of the staff finish a painful dinner service friends thank you very much have a good night Tonight I saw something pretty scary, it wasn't a bad meal it wasn't the complaints and it certainly wasn't the service, it was Frank and here's why seeing him is so exhausted he's given up it's like a ticking time bomb that's about to go off blow.
season 4 marathon kitchen nightmares
I know I love him and I. I've seen how much he's done over the years for everyone and everyone and he feels so defeated. I can see it, that's why we called you because we want to help. This isn't about a guy who can't be bothered to cook. He's already done. On the ground, I know and he's barely breathing, what do we do? We start by bringing him back tonight. Take 10 minutes and think of something you've never said to him before that might help inspire him to understand. Yes, good night, good night, thank you. I really think he is stubborn but he has a good heart I think he thinks I'm against them it's really not like that you know he's my brother I love him but if we can't work together we will definitely close the doors.
The foreigner has clearly lost his passion and unfortunately his family and his business are being dragged down with them, sir, sit down. Chef Ramsay knows that if this restaurant has any chance of surviving, he must find a way to inspire Frank, take a seat when I watched you last night from start to finish, it bothered me and here's why I witnessed a Broken Man. I could see that all the stress has killed your spirit. I talked to Kim and Anthony last night and they both just wanted to tell you something personally Anthony, I wrote it in a great speech Frank, we both know we're not good at this stuff, so it's okay Frank, I think you've been so overwhelmed for so long and For good reason, I know how much damage I've done together now.
I think you should take care of yourself, you and I know that you have the ability to come back to life no matter what we tell each other, you know? If it comes to that I'm always there I think we lost sight of what we're really counting on I think we can really make this place work you know we can if we put in the effort we never say it but I love you that's all my brothers we never It's the first time I've heard any remorse from him, legitimate remorse, I should listen, I should listen a lot, oh okay, saying I love you is a statement and saying I'm always by your side.
I think you know the last 12 years have been the hottest of our lives, but we made it together because we love each other and I will understand the way you talk to people lately and the bad things that come out of your mouth and I think. it comes from you carrying this burden for the entire family for so long on your shoulders that you haven't worn this Chef Jack in four years because I think inside you felt like you didn't deserve it anymore, but in reality you are. of the most talented people I have ever met in my life that lack of passion that was shown at lunch yesterday for Gordon was a cry for help, you are worth it and you deserve success and you have worked hard for it and you deserve it true, but the only The way this place is going to do that is if you have to look inside yourself and tear down this wall that you've built, please put this back up.
No, I'm serious, I don't deserve to wear that jacket because the jerk might. put the food he was taking out don't wear a uniform if he doesn't produce it put it back on yet not after an emotional we never say it but I love you and I hope for your family please put this back not yet Chef Ramsay is going to work I don't care what that they gave you years ago you have to cook trying to rekindle Frank's passion in the


I want you to think of something you want to cook and put the passion on the plate, not the anger Ramsay, he didn't like it at all because of what he did yesterday.
I don't know what to do to please the boy. What are you thinking of doing? Oh my god, it's totally blank. I hope you think she's good. fans say this in a simple limit draw line. Nice, I'd like to see your mind working. Yes, it means your passion is returning. Frankie has a talent for preparing that kind of food. If he is dedicated, it can be done, if not, it will be over before we do. I put a pinch of rosemary in the sauce, Charlotte's time, it doesn't work, it's delicious, he's always on the defensive, whoever said it doesn't work, you're giving me a new ride there, they served me yesterday's main course, it would be like a snack, he liked it Cooking with Chef Ramsey made me feel like I was cooking in the old days, the way he had a passion for making absolutely delicious things, now that Frank's spirit has been lifted Chef Ramsay decides to move forward with phase two of his plan by giving the tire a facelift.
Decoration by Davide, good morning, Frank, how are you so nervous? Great, let's get in, let's get in, get in, oh my gosh, look at this pretty oh beautiful welcome to the uwd, where should we start a new modern calling? God, those are awful old chairs. I have replaced them with stunning new mahogany chairs. Beautiful, take a look at this, it's amazing. By replacing those hideous white walls over stone, we modernized the dining room. Now that we have textured material, it's lit underneath, it's going to look absolutely beautiful. And what about W-day appliqués? Aren't they beautiful?
They are absolutely beautiful. Take a look at these boots. You know, we changed the blankets for Boost. Now there is a fresh and modern atmosphere. Absolutely beautiful. Everything is perfect. Gordon, we couldn't have asked for it. If nothing else, these were things we never got to do and to see if we can cry is overwhelming and down here in this grave for 27 years it's like everything is totally different and modernized. I can feel that hope is returning. please put that away Frankie please you need to wear a chef's jacket because you're a chef take this off and please please for me you're a chef you're really here the first time I wore a jacket 40 years ago.
I don't want people to know that I was a chef here. I am the right way. See that they look good. Seeing him put on his coat meant yes to me. I'm taking all of this seriously and it means a lot to me. Now you look like the chef you are because you can do it by touching the settlement in Hawaii, but Jack doesn't make the person give you a way to go there, but he doesn't make the person now that Frank seems ready to rule. the kitchen it's time for the final phase of Chef Ramsay's plan the menu check this out wow oh my god the future of Davy's day is right in front of your eyes on the table it looks so pretty the terrible fights of the kids are over 80s the appetizers bruschetta roasted peppers are the capers several marinated baby tomatoes Morata how could we be a modern Italian restaurant without anything cheap then the piercing the Renaissance is the main course homemade gnocchi ground butter truffle oil and some fresh chives at the end the homemade stress that every time homemade, yes, pork tenderloin, Frank, your chicken, lemon chicken, we also have a copper onion, tonight we relaunch the modern David.
There is no one in another city that makes this amazing new menu. I'm overwhelmed, it's a spectacular menu. It's delicious according to your touch, it changes the whole menu to what it needs to be for this type of city with so many restaurants and that's what will set us apart from everyone else, it's only an hour before dinner service and Chef Ramsay has one . most important message for Frank Anthony will never be perfect in your eyes but for a recovering addict to be clean for two years that's good, not bad I wish my brother was clean I wish he had quit his habit, there was a similar age and the Shit What we go through every day is just extraordinary, but call him a little lazy and take him to your side, help him because I believe that when you start helping him, he will also come back 10 times, yes, maybe I have too.
It's hard when Anthony, Anthony and I have to work together at the restaurant. Yes, of course, it will be difficult. It will never be easy. Yes, nothing is. If you want it, you can do it. I know you can do it. I will not leave you. below you got my passion back it's so incredible that this is coming it's relaunch night on Derby day Frank is already feeling the pressure Holy Mary, Mother of God I never thought so nervous before I don't want to disappoint anyone and I want to prove it I tell myself I can't do it myself, but Chef Ramsay has important information that will make the evening even more intense.
I just had a cold, listen to me, yeah, tonight, Boston magazine is coming tonight too. The stakes were raised from the beginning, so our eyes were wide open, yes, and now there will be Boston magazines in the restaurant and that's a big deal. I'm ready to go tonight. We change the menu. We order a lot of different apples this way. Please, with the restaurant full, the Boston magazine has just arrived 15. Enjoy, the first tickets are ready and Frank is about to face his first big test. Okay, five goes up on all the high priority tables right here, let's look at the magazine.
It affects the business. and they write a drum, oh that's really fun, this is really good, while the critics at Boston magazine are clearly pleased with their appetizers, it's great, they're not the only ones and for the first time in a long time yes, excellent, this picturesque dining room. in the north end of Boston is buzzing Frank, a new order just came in, but he's back in the kitchen, at table 12. Frank talks to each other a little, yeah, yeah, the mood is starting to change and tension is rising between the brothers at the second course and I'm punching Billy right now while Anthony pushes Frank to finish the main courses of the Boston magazines. together let's go coordinator yes table 15 plan next course two ravioli a pig yes yes we start at 15. it's very strange that the Boston magazine comes out like this, I'll leave it and the walk is working well, please, okay, I have the port, like this that I could complete, come on, Frank, there I have the other program, bring me, they said, never rush me, come on, give me, give me, give me enough when it's ready, give me, thank you, it's like pink but not red, you know I want. makes a good impression oh my god it was a disaster even though it's the boston magazine oh my god we're so right it'll be the biggest one in boston in five minutes yeah come on the next one came back that table had to come back So. it's a disaster oh it's davide's grand reopening a critical mistake at the boston magazine table has completely shaken frank's confidence omg we're so up ramji i want to disappoint myself and disappoint everyone an option came back that wasn't the listen table I We've put this back on, we can take it back, come on, okay, we can get it going, yeah, I'm mad.
I always went back to the old ways, but I took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I have to refocus this." i'm not giving up i'm tired but i'm not giving up make sure it's good call me sometimes time of 21 cable 23 answer hey youtube keep talking let's get there yes sir good the relationship with Anthony I'm still fractured that's what's holding us back in the restaurant, but he has tried harder. I see it, so I'm willing to make a deal with Anthony supporting Frank in the kitchen. Anthony, nice, come on guys, get it together there. Beautiful welcome.
Manning. The two brothers complete the dinner service. a high, it's a long restaurant for me every night, wow, how nice, yeah, good in bed, trust me, mostly good. Think about my first day here. I saw a family in crisis and a chef sitting in the kitchen depressed, but tonight I saw. a family gets together andThat the lasagna served today was made a week ago, would be humiliating after making a shocking discovery about today's special last Thursday. Chef Ramsay made an announcement that the lasagna served today was made a week ago and it doesn't agree with them.
Customers, my apologies to those who ordered the lasagna. Take a look at other possible special offers. Bon appetit, thank you. This is humiliating. It's absolutely best, of course, when it's fresh and served right out of the pan, but it's not horrible. I will simply call the customers that today a Samuel was reheated a week ago the response was shock horror 86 in lasagna yes sir yes with Chef Ramsay's announcement fresh in your minds receive the bill well, the customers seem to have lost their appetite for the lasagna after to witness a dinner service full of Trouble, you have two seconds, please, yes, absolutely.
Chef Ramsay is eager to chat with the owners. My God, did you hear the customers tonight? I told them the lasagna was a week old. Did you hear what's happening? Cook lasagna and it doesn't sell. throw it away no, we don't throw it away, we wrap it up. I'm here to help you, but I tell you what I can't help you when you're standing there trying to find excuses why, because you pay good money. for Frozen they cooked it a week ago and you call it special we don't feel that they put out a horrible product you don't care about the food it's not true your passions for portion control measures frozen foods microwave restaurant preheating no It doesn't work like that I don't agree I don't agree with that Also definitely trust me You're not a restaurant You're the owner You're paying for here When you start dealing with all this crap and your name is on that lease So tell me what you want me to do after you've been blocked by owners in denial.
Good morning, Mr. Chef Ramsay, a two-minute staff meeting is being called, please, in the hopes of bringing all of the restaurant's problems to light. Okay, I want you to tell me about the frustrations, the anger, and the things that really bother you. you are the most Emil um. I feel like I'm constantly being hit with a sledgehammer when I walk into this place. I went from working 40 hours to working about 50 for 400 a week, which bothers me. I feel like I don't I don't get any respect I'm here all the time I can't eat lunch I should eat I should eat in turns This is a disaster They talk down to us like we're trash and it's not okay Listen um I really appreciate the openness and the honesty and it was bad, but I didn't understand it at all.
It got to that level of pain. I think it's just sad that we're all sitting here and we actually have to even win at this point. I think everyone, the entire group that is here, is fighting, no one is conveying that message. I need to communicate with them. Daryl and Ellen are about to arrive. I want you to tell them that everyone said what they wanted to say and understood it. They vent, but it's a little different from telling Chef Ramsay versus telling Daryl, don't be nervous, I don't need to be afraid, I've got your back, okay, and here they are, good morning, I've been here with a staff.
As we meet, we have gone through some issues this morning that have been bothering you, but rather than me trying to tell you how they feel, I think you should talk, certainly who will go first. I'll go first. I don't feel like we are. I gained a lot of respect around here. I don't think you, as the owner, will support us. Candace Ashley. That's how you feel like you're really talking trash to us. Sometimes my intention is not to put someone down, but that's how Jason comes out. talk to Daryl please my biggest problem I have is I don't think you have any idea how this place runs me yeah wow I think you are so stuck on the numbers the real essence of owning a restaurant and serving. good food and customer service and happy employees that's gone I don't understand we hear it every night every day from our customers what needs to be changed and why they don't come back we tell you these things and you don't You don't care about anything already done, no do you care wow, okay, passing is ridiculous here.
I really don't want to break down because I've been here so long and I'm not getting mad, but someone is going to be here that long. I've been here since 2006. Why have I never received a raise? Well, let me say something real quick, since we're all telling the truth, first of all, Daryl and I have taken thousands and thousands of dollars out of our personal money. account to pay their paychecks, so why not close the place? We won't give up, we don't want to give up, if you want to give up, that's fine, this is none of your business, we don't want to leave each other. because we all love each other, we don't want to leave at all, but I need to earn money to support my family, you know what?
And we all act like it's us against all of you and it's not, this is a business we have costs and expenses I'm asking you to take that pay cut is that or labor costs are getting so high I'm out but you can go on five vacations in the summer and you're fighting for money that's it period if you don't want to be here don't be here after chef Ramsay arranged for the staff to air their grievances. I don't think you have any idea how this place works. The defiant owners won't have any of that if I don't want to be here, don't be here.
If I was hoarding my money there, then I might see you angry, but we're not going to hoard that money there. I can't show dollar appreciation at this time. maybe you have this photo of me with this pile of money no one is going to receive it we don't have the money I am accepting the truth from you accept it from me please things are not going well I understand it but in terms of morality there is an era of discontent, it is They feel abused and I'm not saying the staff is perfect but you are the owners and you set the example, we have to fix what is broken inside so how about we start over and turn the page and the beginning of a new chapter, I understand those frustrations, you are wonderful people, so I love you all here and you will have my respect, I guarantee it and there is a lot of love for you from Ellen and I, and I really mean it, yes, we.
I made some progress, but yeah, it's clearer, okay, it's a new day here at Zeke's. I have a few ideas I need to implement to start putting this place back on the map. Thanks, I honestly don't think Daryl and Ellen heard what we were saying, they were just saying what was right just to get Chef Ramsay off their backs. We'll see what happens after trying to open Daryl and Ellen's eyes to staff morale issues. Chef Ramsay has devised a plan to test the chefs and show off his skills. Okay, it's been so obvious that Darren has handcuffed you and this is what we have to do.
Show how creative, how inspiring, how exciting you can be with seafood. There is a grocery store literally two miles from here. okay, check out the ingredients, get inspired, come back, be creative, I want to see it on a plate, yeah, thanks, well I'm pretty excited right now. Gordon Ramsay himself says Jason, it's time for you to get inspired, he goes and lets it happen. We'll see what you guys got, okay, let's see what you got fresh. How can I help you? The redfish are fresh. They took it out an hour and a half ago. That's what we're looking for.
It is extremely liberating to have this freedom to exhibit and do what we want. cooking good food nice to meet you thanks guys I'm looking for red onions with asparagus the red pepper this will be the last thing I'll get when you're ready to ride there it's there it's there. Show the skills, very happy. think of something creative and let it go yeah okay come on guys yeah now I'm going to make a chicken fried steak at the same time okay cool thanks you got it yeah sure you can put some juice in it lime, yes. yeah I'm not done yet okay yeah I love the idea of ​​bacon and cherry so in terms of inspiration tell me what it is try to keep it southern with the grits fresh with the salmon and classic with the capers. with onions with tomatoes, well, save it with steamed New Orleans redfish and then roasted vegetables, fresh rice, fresh ingredients, just a fun dish, very good job, the difference is night and day, let me tell you, they are beautiful , don't say anything, you didn't cook them. cook them, you understand?
Yeah, okay, let's go guys, please see what you think of Louisiana. The first thing they think of is freshness, but when I walked into their restaurant, what I wasn't expecting was frozen seafood, so I asked my team. Get me some ingredients, it's like they both have a little flavor, taste the freshness, a beautiful boy called salmon made with semolina, creamy, tasty, it's absolutely phenomenal. Can I get some marinated redfish zucchini with some rice and a really delicious mango salsa, oh my? Oh my gosh, this redfish is delicious, it's phenomenal, it's absolutely absolutely phenomenal, absolutely watching them eat my plate and not knowing it was mine and saying you know it looked like it was from the heart of it.
I'd like to try some of that chicken fried steak. I just pounded it lightly and then fried it twice so it melted in your mouth. It literally melts. Jeff literally melted and couldn't believe how good it was. It was the presentation was beautiful and they were fresh ingredients and they tasted wonderful, they are all absolutely phenomenal, you can taste the difference, there is absolutely something you need to know about seafood dishes. I didn't cook them, the two chefs prepared those dishes. wow, the seafood dishes are delicious for your guys, absolutely wow, but they're not really, they're phenomenal.
It really opened my eyes to what I wasn't letting them know, honestly, food is art and I wasn't letting them create their art, these aren't. simply delicious, they are beautiful and come from the right society. I know you did a fantastic job. It feels great that Daryl and Ellen recognized my potential and I think my abilities have been demonstrated and I hope this is the first step forward. I can see the new six, that's what we're looking for and the only thing I can really think is it's about time you saw it. Very good job, well done after finally having at least a little progress with the owners.
Chef Ramsay decides to have his team. working all night on the biggest restaurant makeover they've ever done, good morning, excited chef, are you ready to see the music? Yes, welcome to the Newsies, here we go, look at that, oh my goodness, let's start with the walls gone. swamp, look at all the other old doors, recover doors, you have that nostalgia and it has that field of comfort, look at this, you have the most incredible chairs, new chairs, it feels authentic, let me tell you this, please, you have found it. our identity is wonderful, this is wonderful, we, I'm amazed, I really didn't have any expectations, but this has surpassed anything I could imagine.
There is one more thing I would like to show you. You're going to start urinating. your pants, there we are our cooking room, oh my goodness, from shucking your oysters to cooking your shrimp, this will be a substantial part of a meal menu, it will take a lot of pressure off you and Jason, this should do the trick on its own. and should almost double turnover. Did I see you smile again? It's the second time in 24 hours. Oh, they're going to arrest you for being too happy. Jeff Ramjin has given this place to this staff. Of my family.
Our friends. Our clients. A new beginning. Honestly, it's amazing when people ask me where I work, I would never say Zeke's. I'm just saying I'm a cook now. I'm proud to say I work here. A fresh start and a new identity for Zeeks, plus making the decor more Handsome Chef Ramsay has replaced Zeke's stale and outdated menu with a modern update of classic New Orleans cuisine. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, but this is going to put zinc back on the map. Be careful, it's cool. Every plate is absolutely beautiful. Okay, let's start from the top. table Zeke's House Boils yes, shrimp bucket, yes, blue crab bucket, great for sharing, localized holiday bucket, push them back to the menu, the main dishes, pecan crusted catfish, so with a classic tartar sauce and a herb salad, country fried steak, great success, say no more. a delicious sauce, slightly warmed in that sauce, so you get a nice little burn on the back of your throat.
Blackened crocodile. Wonderful Creole sauce. Absolutely delicious because now this hasn't become the old Zeeks, your Zeeks, thank you. Now you have your identity. Make it yours absolutely amazing, beautiful, come here the way the Chef created the menu and dishes. They don't have a menu like that around here, dig in and enjoy, so not only do we have something great to put on the table, but it's not close to anyone else. the more it has it, oh my gosh, I mean, it was phenomenal and we're proud to have it and excited and we can't wait for everyone else to come and try it, it's delicious.
I feel like we now have the most diverse menu in South Louisiana. It means we may very well have the best menu. Richard flavor rich in texture. Hey guys, welcome to Zeke's. CommunityMetairie had a love affair with this restaurant that turned sour. Enjoy enjoy enjoy. The shrimp are amazing. Chef Ramsay's revamp and relaunch tonight will be strong. indicator of whether this love story is likely to resume, I'm going to try the black at the alligator and with so many changes in the place and so many people in the dining room, Chef Ramsay hopes the brewhouse will take some of the pressure off the kitchen there is nothing in the guest house anymore, so contact the waitresses, let's call him and say: "ok, stop pressuring them and we have to use that place you have to get used to." We're going great, we sell boiled food, we sell one.
Okay, sell one to a big table please, tonight we have a special: boiled lobster for two. I don't know if you saw it on the menu, but they sell it by the bucket. Just bring a student who comes with two laughter cubes for the table. five two dollars please let's put some butter on it give it a nice glaze okay that's it two lobsters let's see what I have for you all enjoy wow with the Boyle house now being used and satisfying customers. Clearly I allowed you a break from the kitchen. You're eight minutes into Baycraft at 33.
However, it's now up to Daryl to manage time wisely. I worked hard today, let's make it happen. You have to focus on that window. Contact these guys. once we left a table working so as not to stagnate yes yes chef an alligator I need a shrimp give me three minutes for that come on we have to push the food there and cook it as fast as we can great tomatoes chocolate glaze leave it quick and we're looking for three chops an alligator wait a second Daryl I'm on the chalk how we like it Gerald slow down for a minute let us catch up uh hell with Daryl calling multiple tickets at the same time time to smash red sweet potatoes and more focused on speed than anything else the ticket is for the kitchen is now completely confused how is my nut catfish where are my New York strips I have to go just put them in the window and we'll figure out how to put them on a plate yeah whatever you have make sure it's ready huh.
They told me I need this and this right now and I'm just trying to move as fast as I can and get the food out. Say it looks like shit, do you agree? Yes, without garnish. No, it was in a window like that. Daryl got the cooks to produce the food at a much faster rate. Thank you, thank you, but the dishes are not at the level they should be, so that's what happens. Excuse me, can I? get something else yeah guys the fish is raw not tonight just stop on the 24th everyone stop what a joke it's relaunch night at 6. 2 Cook the kitchen quickly.
Can I get another one? Unfortunately, it will also come back quickly, guys, the fish is wrong. Not tonight, oh man, stop everyone, stop, I'm here, Jason, come on. I'd rather be three four minutes later than fast food and shit will come back. Not tonight, an expediter should definitely set the tone for the rest of the kitchen. I think Daryl lost control today it's just a big catastrophe what we have to do is focus on one table at a time we have to communicate don't talk to me don't get one where you are with dad what day were you with Daryl?
Take responsibility, stop refocusing, let's get these tickets out one at a time. I need to do a better job of communicating very simply, okay guys, let's focus on where Daryl are now, pecan and black catfish and alligator in his hand, down table one, let's go to the next ticket I have 33 black walnut catfish and alligators coming in right now, even if we follow Chef Ramsay's advice to focus on one table at a time, what about table 10? Yes, Daryl and the chefs are now in sync, please let's get this going. eh 31. Perfectly cooked dishes come out of the kitchen and are enjoyed by excited customers, that's delicious now that this restaurant is on its way to a successful relaunch Jeff Ramsay is ready to spread the word about what happened to the restaurant before it place out legendary um he lost his wife now he's back on the map two new owners who are going to start their own beginning of a new chapter what's the safety feedback you got tonight? that the food is fantastic.
I mean, the menu is fabulous. I highly recommend you do so. come in and try it, let's finish, let's finish, someone take this to 14, please, yes, no more tickets coming in, let's get these things out of here, delicious, that's all. Jack standing tonight, the way he finished made you feel good. I think Daryl showed more personality tonight. From what he showed in recent years, we still have some improvements to make, but you can see that he is on the right path. Good job, good evening ladies, thank you very much, okay, tonight was all about establishing a new enthusiasm and you achieved it, yes, yes, yes.
The first time I was in New Orleans, did you give me a challenge if Chef Ramsay had told me a week ago that all these changes were going to happen? Keep going dear. I don't think he really believed it. Guys, have a word with you too. Incredible look at this place, the potential is huge. I know fantastic, now it's your Zeke who runs it and Daryl, you care and you have a heart, a big heart, show it to your staff, in fact, don't hide that I'm ready to do things the right way ready to starting is new is a new life is new energy good job thank you thank you good night good night good night we had a lot of problems here when I first arrived the staff were at war with the owners the food was miserable and the restaurant was seriously struggling for a identity, but what I witnessed was a phenomenal comeback and how fitting that that took place here in the most resilient city in all of America, New Orleans, which we call not-so-special lasagna in the weeks. which followed a glowing report in the local news as family as restaurant is back on the map brings a surge of customers to the restaurant Hello, how are you?
Daryl and Ellen are doing everything they can to boost staff morale. Everyone did an excellent job. work, I can't do this without you and I'm reaching out to the community. We really thank you all for coming. It means a lot to us, thank you, but Zeke is back on the map.

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