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I Built a SECRET ROOM to Hide with Daughter

Mar 18, 2024
the elephant, he nailed it instead of telling you that I am. I'm just going to show you, come out, come out, what yes, yes, yes, that was amazing, oh my god, I had no idea what was in here, I couldn't hear it outside, look, so this



is still tamper-proof sound even though we. I didn't put it on the entire wall thank you so much guys you were amazing you can stay in the bath


no you won't stay in the bathroom checking the


room this looks so good oh my god you really did it it looks realistic it looks like our cabinet is almost done here, it's just plugging all the holes, there's no way the AOS family alone can find this Zam.
i built a secret room to hide with daughter
I'm giving away a new iPhone to one of my subscribers, just like Who won in the last video, so make sure you're subscribed.notifications on thank you, thank you Matt and Rebecca, okay Matt, what do you think this is pretty cool? I would never know this was here. Well, now it's time to see our secret room completely transformed. No way, ready, our secret room. Mt, what do you think this is? Amazing, right? I have a live camera set up so we can watch them as they walk around our house trying to find this, but you won't find it completely designed to be the best zamfam room ever if we play tic-tac-toe.
i built a secret room to hide with daughter

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i built a secret room to hide with daughter...

Can I be X Matt? We're focusing on making sure they don't get into the secret room. Okay, so you'll film them, but you can't give them any clues as to where Z and I are. Do you know what is it? very good room. I'm just worried that they'll still find her. No way, they won't find her. They are really good. Well, we're about to find out. I have to get sad and then. building the room from scratch and turning it into the most epic game room, it was time for the Moment of Truth. Hey guys, so you


this secret room to


from me and now we're hiding from you, and if you can find us in 10 minutes, we have a mystery prize for each of you, oh easy, even including Noah, listen, today alone we brought our brightest Minds, give us 2 minutes to get situated, okay good luck and then Matt will go out searching. guys oh my god this is going to be the easiest thing ever okay zie it's time for us to hype Z this is where we're hiding we go in okay good luck K Sam fam we got this, make sure. are you subscribed and smash the approve button to find us yes no we don't want M to find us it's a secret okay here we go here we go it's a decoin what this here before you look yes I look at the video is it here? mil thinks that's the secret room because it's from my video wow okay maybe P they're looking at the painting always check the painting wow good they thought the painting was a secret room but that was a decoy honey we have less than 10 minutes let's lose, I swear they're heading to the cinema, they're not going to be waiting for what's there, no, oh my God, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, we lost, there are sweets there, they found the surprise in the cinema, baby , we don't have time to go quickly.
i built a secret room to hide with daughter
You're not going to get the mystery prize bro, come on, you're going to take one for the team, there's nothing, you made a mess, that was the goal, but I think there's nothing, but I'm not sure that's right. Do you want to take it? risk or not, oh no, just my hair is very pretty, okay, next they head towards the pantry, zie, that's the secret refrigerator, no time, let's lose the mystery price quickly, oh, there's a refrigerator Oh yeah, this was never here. before right look look look look oh my god secret room there's something in the pantry they won't be expecting go go go go you I'll stay here in case you know you never know there's no one here that was a decoy, look at this bonus round, oh my god, everyone is here except me, oh my god, they've wasted their time, they've found most of the decoys.
i built a secret room to hide with daughter
I'm nervous because they're really going to find us honey remember she found our secret room so easy if you don't find it it's going to be so bad wait you're stressing me out let me think okay and if it's there okay there's no one here there's no one here just I wanted to let you know that you only have 5 minutes left oh Cam we have to go up quick oh look who's here Noah oh my god Noah was the perfect decoy to get him out of the secret room sck scores to the area scissors look at this hello dad you better not tell them where we are distracting We by we are being distracted what are you doing how much time do we have M how long how long less than 4 minutes right now that's 4 minutes here my oh oh my god I've never been oh my god what's going on oh wow that was a trick they're so pretty oh my god she has nice clothes there's something here honey I swear to God I think it's here I swear to God I think it's here oh oh oh that's what the thing was okay there's a secret room in my closet but They're not going to want to tear that down oh I got it I got it bing balls just went all over the top floor hey guys we're not in the attic but nice try 2 minutes where would I be?
Be okay easy easy where would I be where would I think I think it'll be in the room that said don't enter every time we walk into a room that says don't enter it ends up not being okay at all we just try wow what's up? wrong to say no no you are not wasting your time we have 2 minutes less than a minute now there is a door here that is not a door it is not even a door okay, I'm going to push it I have it I have to get it what if something? jump one 2 3 come on luckily that's not the door we're hiding behind okay honey it's not here we have less than 1 minute let's go here okay wait oh my god what's here okay okay wait wait this okay this one maybe this one This Tedy, what is needed?
I don't think he's going to be here guys, I think he might be somewhere down there, Dad, what are you doing? You're wasting your time, okay, there's one more place that's different, no, it's the same, no, it's. different I'm 100% sure I don't think this is the room I think it's somewhere finished, wait, wait, how many seconds do I have left? 3 2 one this is so cool yeah the whole arcade inspired by you still found this. I can't believe you did it since you did it everyone is going to open Noah's okay open it so you did it you did amazing you're a secret room approved 3 2 1 open it since you guys are family oh wow, we thought you guys would get all matching oh look at this, yeah, that's very important.
Thank you very much, you guys will have to take a photo and all your matching gear. Oh trust me, check it out on Instagram Z if you haven't already. I'm sure you are subscribed to the Anna zaa family who definitely inspired this video and watch her video here. Come on Rea, subscribe to Rebecca's channel to subscribe to us.

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