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May 23, 2024
What are you doing? Well, we're on FaceTime with Allen right now, so I wanted to ask you, Alan. You know I'll be out of town for the next two days. Um, I wanted to ask you. If it was okay for you to take care of my pet Dorothy, Dorothy, do you remember the pet I had a couple of days ago, no, you never told me, it's okay if I come and drop it off real quick, because I have to go, I mean, yeah, it's okay . Great, I'll be there in about 30 minutes, you'll think this is some kind of little dog and then we'll show up with a fucking horse, so guys, this is my pet Dorothy, you know, coincidentally. walk your dog dorothy yeah just walk my dog ​​hello guys hello guys thanks for watching uh thanks for watching dorothy for me wait this is cool this is actually crazy what if he starts pooping right now?
i m dating my best friend s sister freakout
This was the last thing I expected when you said pet. I thought you were talking about a hamster, a dog, not a damn horse. I don't want this horse. Are you really leaving her here because she can't stay here? Yes, I'm actually living here, I can't stay here. Goodbye, Dorothy. Bye, I hope you have fun with Dorothy, yes, yes, you will probably do well, so today I am here with my grandmother and I am also here with my mom. Today we are going to find out something dirty about my mom. No way. So, did you ever catch my mom sneaking out?
i m dating my best friend s sister freakout

More Interesting Facts About,

i m dating my best friend s sister freakout...

No, she was too good at that. Well, of all her


s, so she has two


s. By the way, who was the biggest troublemaker? I did not go. What was the worst thing he did? her sisters put peroxide in the shampoo to make her sister's hair blonde now I know where I get my pants seriously I forgot about that oh my god it's okay mom what haven't you told her nana? Yeah, I think it was the The time we said we were staying the night with


s when we actually all went to Palm Springs and stayed the weekend in Palm Springs, I'm shocked, well, it was good to know that I discovered some juicy stuff, Lexi, right, yeah, okay, thanks. nothing you're welcome okay guys well thank you all for coming this is why we're here we're here for the broom oh my gosh so carry on too soon everyone come this way.
i m dating my best friend s sister freakout
It was such a short live broadcast. How stupid, what do you mean you guys know sexy doesn't exist anymore? The broom should remind us that this is not his fault. Well, thank you all for coming, I really appreciate it. We're here today to celebrate the life of Broomy Robbie, not his dead body, yeah okay everyone here we go, that was the first picture of the broom, look how young the broom looks, oh the broom hit me, on Actually, how do you feel about all this? I just don't do it. I don't even get it, it's a broom, oh wow, okay, so when Pierson was little, she always wanted to be a meteorologist.
i m dating my best friend s sister freakout
I did it, I really did. Well, show us what you've got. Welcome back to Channel 7 News and now it's time to bring it on. For Pearson, with the weather early in the morning, we're expecting some highs of 75, some lows of 69 and some light spaghetti and meatball showers, what the heck, and it looks like there's a slime downpour, it looks like there's a flock of birds heading towards us. oh and his feathers are everywhere oh, it's molting season this is the worst job ever why am I here pearson? you are the


meteorologist I have ever seen thank you I told you good job this is my


Andrew and this is his sister his sister lives 1500 miles away so today I took her on a plane to play a prank on Andrew by making him believe that I like a sister, we're basically going to flirt with each other all day and we'll understand Andrew's reaction, so Andrew, I've been condemning this girl.
For about three weeks and we've been talking, I really like her and she's basically in LA right now. She's from Texas and I want you to be my partner. I am the


companion there is. I will make this girl fall in love with her. You, I'm a little nervous because we've never met in person, this will be our first time, yeah, she's so cute, dude, really, she's really cute, that's a cute brand, I'm going to have to slide in there, no, really okay, what the hell? I forgot to tell you what to expect, stay away the girl you were talking about was my sister.
I forgot it. Did I forget to mention that this is a joke or not? I'm dreaming What the hell what the hell is weird? We've been like dmsing and um it could be, I mean, I don't know, stop guys, so I bought you flowers too. Oh, thanks, you're welcome. Hey, but he's better than anyone else. Can I receive your blessing? Andrew, what's happening now? What are we going to do? Well, let's hang out. I mean, you could be the third wheel. I assume you are the brother. Yes, now I will take revenge. I'm going to go for Lexie Andrew.
It seems a little. a little angry I don't really understand I don't know why Andrew Yeah, Andrew's been a little cranky today Oh yeah, there it is, there it is, what's up? Did Brent tell you that he was talking to my sister? What brother? Does he have a chance or not, I have your blessing, Andrew, we'll see, I truly believe, I think you guys are very humble, thanks dog, what are you doing? You let him go out with your sister. I mean, that's a different question. Hey, I was like, come on. What is this? Doesn't she have a hand?
Come on, like no, you're not no, you're not what. That's why you wanted me to meet with all of you. They could do that in front of me. We're going to take another break with Andrew where we're about to kiss you, Andrew, come down here real quick, what are you guys doing? Yes, yes, it's a joke, it's quite honest, Andrew, what is this? Was the kiss a joke or was this all a joke I don't like your sister you take your jokes to another level you got me pretty good for a second I thought it was actually real it felt real okay so with the holidays coming up I want to do something very nice for my friends last week Mason went to our friends houses and stole an item from each house and today we are going to surprise him with that item as a gift.
Okay, let's do this right, Lexi, so this is your start. christmas present i hope you enjoy it it's a photo of you and benji how did you get this from my apartment basically here my photo did you see how you broke into my apartment no we just gave you that you stole my photo i'm still waiting for a real christmas present for right because that doesn't count we got you an early christmas gift okay okay why don't i trust you? What is this my skateboard dad? Where did you get this from? Wait, you already have one like that.
This is my skateboard. Here you go, it's an early Christmas present for me, this is a joke, huh, are you kidding? I was in a panic attack for about five hours looking for this, okay guys I'm doing a giveaway. I'm giving away my new one. sweatshirts for many of you, all you have to do to enter is like this video and then comment below. This week's shout out goes to leah lund, thanks for liking and commenting on the latest video, also a first for black. On Friday my merch is 20 off so click the link in my bio to purchase some and I'll see you next week.
Goodbye friends, he was just a good broom. Okay, I'm done.

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