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The Kids Guess Professions while Playing

May 06, 2024
What profession do we need? We need a firefighter. What profession do we need? We need a constructor. So we need a police officer. What profession do we need? We need a dentist. Too many sweets are bad for your teeth. Wow, you have to brush your teeth. teeth twice a day you need to eat healthier, oh I can't do this alone, let's work together and clean this up, do it at the beginning, so um, um, waste is bad for the environment and for animals, we need to put the letters in the correct order an airplane builder sea chicken d dentist then e elephant fire truck make oh eight helicopters i ice cream truck yay hey chef m and there oh all-terrain vehicle um car you mean grab it sweeper eh tractor are you an underground miner oh oh w whale So x Christmas, why yes zookeeper?
the kids guess professions while playing

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