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Stole Spaceship, Littered in Space Like a Jerk - Sol Traveler - Let's Game It Out (Global Game Jam)

Jun 02, 2021
Hello everyone, welcome back to playing. I'm Josh, I'm the only


, so this


is part of the Global Game Jam that recently happened and was held and I think 48 hours every year the Global Game Jam chooses a unified theme that everyone. makes its


s and this year it was what home means to you and I was attracted to this one because I like


games but also because it was made by samurai punk who also made the path to the killer vacuum cleaner, let's do a little exploring what I understand is that we're just trying to get home, wow, those are books from the future, okay, the size of a coffee table shining in the middle, this probably isn't necessary to get home, but let's go ahead and make a mess, shall we? okay?, if it is ever a


stole spaceship littered in space like a jerk   sol traveler   let s game it out global game jam
I have seen one that I call the upper bunk, there we are space chess. I wish I knew how to play. The parts don't work, so this will remain a mystery. What do we have here? Is that a joke? We are established in a strange language. well, I think I know what this is for, so if we just, yeah, that opens up and then it comes out to whoa whoa whoa whoa oh, we're not going to get sucked Oh, probably kids from this big button here, well, let's push it in good Oh So, well, could we just hang out?
stole spaceship littered in space like a jerk   sol traveler   let s game it out global game jam

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stole spaceship littered in space like a jerk sol traveler let s game it out global game jam...

Oh, it turns out there is gravity in space, oh, there goes the


. Well, it seems like we're in free fall now. I think this is probably our life now. Henry, back. A bit of a reboot was required, so for the sake of continuity, we'll have to throw all these books on the floor again and I must emphasize, by the way, that these Game Jam games like this are a tall order to make a functional game. looks like space lettuce. space mushroom I guess we're space vegetarians oh and our space smoothie it's very important that things shine in the future otherwise how are you supposed to know it's from the future?
stole spaceship littered in space like a jerk   sol traveler   let s game it out global game jam
Hey, come back here to where you're going, this gives us more food, more Soylent and what? Do you agree? More space mushrooms. Oh, just more space vegetables. I see. Oh, it turns out those curved monitors are really going to become popular in the future and then go ahead and add some ripple. Because no more? We will have good news for everyone. I think the replicator works and I feel very confident that it will be able to produce enough space shakes for us to find our way home as if it were just a small margin. I think everything will be fine.
stole spaceship littered in space like a jerk   sol traveler   let s game it out global game jam
I can't help but think I made a few too many smoothies. Here I think we're going to have to shake off a space goodbye shake. I guess I should close the hatch, I shouldn't leave it open. I was born in a barn. Well, good news, you can litter in space. What was he doing again? Who? this is the mission grab a shake and look at the rest of the ship this looks like the cockpit this looks like the Death Star those look like shakes okay so we have the technical terms here we have Zam zip zorp and WHAM we have these lovely little purple things here, okay, smoothie, I'll need you around so I have the strength to continue, thank you, stay there, so what do you do if I just press this?
Okay, so it looks like Thorpe is asking me to come. the lamb on the right seems to turn the ship and you're willing to bet these take me in the opposite direction, yeah, so zip takes me left and Zam turns me back. I see that's okay, so if I move Zorb, here's my immediate thought, which is if we're looking at the cockpit and this is at home, we're trying to get to planet Earth there to be able to do that, we're going to have to square up like they did. with Apollo 13, where they had to look at the earth outside their window to find their way home it's like that, use it easy, okay, I feel like that's nice, it's pretty aligned, I feel pretty good about that and I don't know if we need rotate, although I guess it doesn't hurt at all, let's see where the accelerator pedal is on this thing and then that's the shake, so there's no accelerator pedals here, there's room out there.
I'll see, we have two switches here, we have bridle and Swiss drink, I hope. I don't have to go back there, okay, you must be the warp drive, you certainly look like a warp drive, so let's see, we have a drive there and a drive here, what the hell is this thing that looks like it's saying garbage? oh, wait, wait, wait, can we just put garbage in here? No, I don't know what you're for. Well, let's try these buttons. This is definitely going to see what he's doing here. Well, we're definitely going to get into Panavision.
Here it seems. Like we're getting closer, yeah, you know, I feel pretty good about this if we turn on the other one. Wait, let's try this. I'm willing to bet, let's turn this off here we go, let's try this one now like I predicted. we're moving, yeah, we're going in reverse, we have to turn this off, that's not what we want, all right, go ahead, okay, then we've got it, let's line up a little here, there we go, look we're practically square. up with planet Earth, let's go ahead and rotate it, try not to hit this asteroid, asteroids, okay, okay, okay, we're aligned, this looks great, I'm glad you can be here with me. beaten by a moment like this, the planets get much closer, try it.
Thinking about where we are going to crash, sorry I meant land, are there any preparations we should make if we sit down? Oh, these buttons don't do anything. Oh, getting closer, getting closer, okay, South America, it looks like you are. our new home, let's do this, come so close, oh, oh, that's the ocean, well, you know, beggars can't choose. I guess we'll see. Oh, okay, I'm okay, we're probably dead now. I bet it's just left to our interpretation. so that was all it sold,


, we did it, it was obviously a very simple premise, really lovely space music.
Personally, I think this is a lovely little game and honestly, with the talented people at samurai punk, I expect nothing less, so I hope. You enjoyed this relaxing space trip filled with space food and space smoothies before landing back on planet Earth. What do you think will happen when we reach planet Earth? Do you think they will rescue us? Do you think we'll find our way home? Where is the goal? journey to get home and what home means to us, you have some crazy ideas of your own. I would love to hear them in the comments.
There are thousands of entries that you can consult, so if you want to see this one or many many. other games head to their website. I'll put a link in the description so that's enough for this let's play as usual episode. I'm Josh, thank you very much for joining me and I'll see you next time.

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