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Jul 02, 2024
The developers of Black Ops 6 just did something incredible in this new


that we will see today. They talked about how Black Ops 6 Zombies is the best Zombies mode they've ever made and why they brought up Edward Ropan. They even started to explain. Things from The Ether's history that were a mystery up until this point in Mob of the Dead of all places. Such an interesting


just before we start. If you want to get a discount on these figures, they are available on YouTu. shop now for a limited time and you can use code Milo for a discount.
treyarch dev speaks out new black ops 6 zombies interview is crazy
They have a teddy bear, the Pack-a-Punch machine and all kinds of stuff, so use the code Milo in the YouTube store, that's my affiliate code anyway. Let's get into the interview. I reacted to everything. I'll play it for you now. Bo, just jump right into the questions because I have a lot and I don't have a lot of time. Sounds good, how do you balance including lots of questions? That old big part of that story, a lot of the things that people love with the new chapters and what, all things considered, they just did, I'm, oh yeah, do it, start with me, yeah, this one's for you, my friend.
treyarch dev speaks out new black ops 6 zombies interview is crazy

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treyarch dev speaks out new black ops 6 zombies interview is crazy...

How do you balance the old and the new? Come on, moving from Black Ops 2 to 6. I like the energy of this guy going through his head. I think there are different answers for each part of the game. We have a campaign, we have multiplayer, we have


and me. I might speak for the


when I say it's bro going straight to the zombies, man, that's not the treatment we normally get here like we normally get in these interviews. I can speak for the Call of Duty brand in general. I can speak on behalf of Activision Publishing Inc as It's Never Just Zombies.
treyarch dev speaks out new black ops 6 zombies interview is crazy
I love that mode which actually started as an Easter egg in World of War and has grown over the years. Initially it was like the wild west, so every time we did it. When making a new zombie game, we would just try new things that we thought were cool, but over the years, in Black Ops 3, certain things we realized are very important and we sort of established the DNA of the zombies. zombies, it is very different, as advantages. and Pack-a-Punch and really cool maps and hidden quests and all kinds of things, and we realize that those certain things are very sacred and we should preserve them, iterate on them and improve them, but then always strive to do so. new stuff because that's the heart of this mode, it's almost like a counterculture for Cod, bro, no, Kevin Drew's been watching my videos, bro.
treyarch dev speaks out new black ops 6 zombies interview is crazy
I'm going to insert clips here of me talking about zombies being a Call of Duty counterculture, it should be. anti-Cod like zombies I really think it should be anti-cod in the thesis of it, right? It should be counterculture to whatever Cod is proposing. the zombies should almost feel like it's going the other way. Zombies used to be a counterculture place, so it felt like Of Duty, so that was very much Treyarch's DNA, counterculture. The fact that you mentioned that here is really funny to me and honestly, it gives me a lot of hope. Sorry, Kevin, for dwelling on such a fun topic. screenshot of yours here, but that gives me a lot of good positive signs about the fact that they recognize this point, they don't shy away from that as part of the zombie DNA, as he's talking, that's extremely positive yes or no, have you seen my videos and you've learned the language there, or if your marketing team is like, I think it would be a good idea this year for us to position ourselves as a sort of Call of Duty counterculture. the way is I don't care who's responsible, I just care that it's happening like this it's so good to hear him say those words, let's move on to where it's like we can put things in that you would never see or think about. that would be in Call of Duty, I didn't expect it, yeah, absolutely a lot of that Brotherhood theme and you can actually see some of that in cod and speaking of that, like we have a very good vision of how you guys are actively developing the game.
How did the technology that you're using impact that a lot, especially player movement and different things that people can do? Yes, for the zombies. I'm very curious about this. That's the Omni Highlight move. If everyone saw it today, it's revolutionary and the way you play the game fundamentally changes the way you move and removes this artificial construct of like you know, in real life you can run backwards. You can run to the side like pro athletes do all the time, so once we released it or realized we could do that and made this huge Endeavor, everything changed, the way you play in multiplayer is different. , how you play Zombies. be different, like the ability to know how to run backwards while you have a zom, so first of all, obviously, it will be very interesting to see what it's like to be able to run backwards and still shoot all the zombies like me.
I really want that to be equivalent to you running forward and not shooting zombies correctly, which will potentially unlock a new kind of skill level where you'll never look ahead, like why would you bother if you can learn the map and learn? the map by navigating backwards blindly you can just shoot the zombies at all times, that's a bit flashy, but also the fact that it's back to the zombies here. I love that Kevin Drew is on the panel for this, like the fact that it's not just some other Activision exec or some other developer high up the food chain at Treyarch, the fact that it's him means he can actually talk with the zombies at all times which is a breath of fresh air, those are some of the things I've been asking for, so so far this is going in a very good direction because it was very different than where you're taking advantage of other things like Supine and all that stuff, so look for us, let the people with abilities can run away from I have to look back we're thinking about that I appreciate it hey, you know what your people expect, how do we address that, especially as we enter a new chapter ?
It's about trying to offer something new and also what I know attracted people to the franchise at the same time. I think it's very similar to a lot of the things I saw on the Bops live. You know, when you said before about the pandemic, there were challenges with that in the last game we did. I had to make compromises and you know there were certain things that we wanted to bring to the zombies that we couldn't and now this has been the opportunity here to fully realize and do what we think will be the best version of this, friend first.
The whole fact that they were making concessions on Cold War, we all knew, obviously, we knew that Cold War was a pandemic game, but the fact that Cold War, a game at the level of quality that is for zombies, specifically I had concessions made and things like that. that they couldn't fully realize them and he just said that they've been able to fully realize them now that's pretty exciting, sounds pretty good, the important things is bringing back a team like this, the idea of ​​who you play in the story. It matters a lot, you're growing with them as you go through the cutscenes and the moment-to-moment gameplay, that now you have these emergent moments and when you have the characters actually have personality and interact with each other, that's huge, right for both of them. .
An interesting connection between zombies and gears is that you are inhabiting characters and also playing with your friends and going on shared journeys and stories that sort of involve you and the people in the game. It's cool, it's like when you see how they react like you can bond with this character more than that character based on his reactions, which is really true. I want to know specifically in zombies if there are some personal touches that everyone put in that she likes this was this is what af it is yeah so I've worked on all the Black Ops games so I have a lot of very specific examples to what Throughout the year, like if you're working on the game, you're putting a part of yourself into it, this is the moment where Kevin Drew tells us that there are like five unsolved Easter eggs that we never discovered that he personally put in the game and in the early days when I was working on campaign levels I ended up like in Black Ops 2 I I.
I named a redshirt in one of the levels I was working on Crosby because of a previous game in Black Ops 1, he was like that, a one-line character, but he was very funny to all of us, so I started naming him there and then I went to another campaign level and another and soon there were like eight levels with Crosby. I had full character art, meaning Crosby is the Carmine of Black Ops Black Ops and he has his own wiki page, but when it got to the zombies, it was uh sometimes our personal touches are accidental um when I started we were working on Black Ops 2 we were like a new team working on it wait, what is he going to say here?
I'm actually very curious and we hadn't already done it. I hadn't followed all the rules yet, so when we were determining the eye color for Mob of the Dead, a producer asked me what color to make them and he just said, "Not me." you know red and then no what excuse us, oh my god, are you, are you actually serious? You too, like us, we released the trailer and the community says, what is this third faction? What do the red eyes mean? and we thought, oh. Well, that was a wild way because Mob of the Dead was obviously the campaign team that was doing it led by Jason at the time and Kevin was on that team, so that's the unit that Kevin was in at the time. and that's why the The fact that they didn't really know the rules and that's why they just made the eye color red is so funny because it goes against anything Jason would ever admit, always as always, Jason would always say that There is a reason for it, there is a secret there. there's an easter egg, it's impossible for Sol Kevin, no, no, bro, that's really fun for me, intentional, yeah, totally, it worked, but I think in the last few years no, no, I've been directing the gameplay and design systems.
I really want to bring zombies to more people, so accessibility has been a key part for me in the game, so I really like to raise the floor for a lot of people, it's a very challenging mode, so when people try La first time you can survive for 2 minutes and it's like once you get in there and experience the higher rounds it's a lot of fun so we want to make sure more people can do that one day. to those higher rounds that you are going to do this is the year this is my moment this game we have all kinds of things for you to help you with that this year they have all kinds of things to help you be more accessible interesting I would have loved it if in At that time he would also have commented on the hardcore players Kevin.
I know you're well aware that those hardcore gamers are eager to hope that there will be some good things for them this year, the things I talked about in my recent video towards the right about the fact that online-only gaming It's looking very negative right now, so I think it's necessary to talk to the hardcore community even more than normal and address them, in a way. help calm some of their anxieties and fears, uh, but obviously I recognized that this wasn't necessarily the format for that in this interview, but at some point I would like to see that happen for those high speed runners, those speed runners over those who need answers about certain things. and ideally they need them sooner rather than later.
I would say that Black Ops is like choosing a 1990 War right in 1990. 1990 War. 1991 right after the Cold War. Those shots of seeing Bush and Clinton talking ripped straight from my memories. I'm dating myself a little. a little bit, but picking a very specific moment, what was going through my head when we chose that moment, uh, to set up Black Ops 6, well, you know, maybe you can't talk about it from the zombie side, but you can. give me, I could give you. a light touch that's part of our DNA, just like the Black Ops series, it goes into very historical memorable beats and gives you this version that could have existed where there's a deeper story, there's a lot of espionage and betrayal and he's talking my language again. the fact that it's delving into these themes, things that we as a community all talk about so often, the kind of alternate history element, the developers essentially realized that just as zombies could be the Call of Duty counterculture, in some ways so could Treyarch's own campaign. story line the basis in reality the fact that he's calling these here is just it's good it's good you know we don't always get this from Treyarch or from Call of Duty or from Activision so I think Kevin is For to be honest, it's killing it in this interview, Shadow Operations and in this version, like this idea of ​​you becoming an enemy of the state, like the real government is betraying you, because they're doing something bad and youyou want to fix it.
It's so, um, it's also a very nostalgic era, right? I think a lot of us, at least the Elder Millennials, are kids during this period of time and it's like revisiting those things with a mature perspective, um, it's going to be me. Thinks very funny, but on the zombie side, yeah, we leave in a big Cliffhanger, so basically Cold War was racking up a lot of Beats, the fact that he gave a complete answer and then said and also zombies again like if was my inner child. Feeling nourished by this is great. In the end, like we just did a huge 180, the director ended up being Edward Rfen, who is a long-running zombie character, betrays your entire team and sends them out of prison for 5 years, dude.
The fact that he's talking about this stuff too is so cool yeah Kevin oh my gosh and here we are now in the early 90's picking up the pieces so the team has been in prison for 5 years . They've been, you know, Sarah doing a bunch of push-ups and getting ready for Revenge. Okay, look, the voices in my head tell me we don't have much more time. I want to know what. you have final thoughts to guide people before they have a chance to do their own research and sometimes when the developers comment on the story and explain it too much it feels frustrating, it feels like exposition that should have been in the game and in the game it should not have been pure exposition, it should have been shown as shown and not told correctly, as if it were almost two steps away from what would actually be ideal.
I think Kevin really walked a very good line there. I think it's managed to appropriately reference the events that we all know took place at the end of the Cold War, it's given it a little bit more flavor as if we're now seeking our revenge or something that as a concept as a premise is something That It hasn't been explicitly stated in any marketing material so far, but the fact that it's now implied is really cool, it's cool to think what that would look like with Edward being the bad guy basically as we move towards the end of this. content of the year, but I think he's done it in a very smart way because he hasn't gone overboard and just started explaining too much and that's done very easily, so again I want to give credit where credit is due, I think I think the same .
It's like I've been waiting literally years to say that Round Bay Zombies is going to be Black Ops 6, yeah, um, and you know, I think we've set out to make the best version, so I think I'm just all very passionate about the mode. and what we were doing, we're bringing in things from the past like gobblegums um and among other things, and I think among other things, we're going to do something really interesting here and we hope everyone liked it, like it if you liked the video and remember you can get a discount on these figures if you go to their site and use the code Milo.

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