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Tren (You Cheer Me up) | Maalaala Mo Kaya | Full Episode

May 27, 2024
so you can focus on your on-the-job training. When was this? Why don't I know about this? That was taken the other night. Sorry, I couldn't ask permission. Okay, but next time... Okay. By the way, I've been thinking that since I'm almost done with my on-the-job training, maybe I could take on a side hustle. There is a television program that is looking for dancers. I was thinking that since I'll be doing it at night, it will fit into my schedule. What do you think? Hey. What's that? I said, maybe I can have a side job at night.
tren you cheer me up maalaala mo kaya full episode
It's another way to win. Plus, I already miss dancing. Your call. Do what you want. Is it okay if you pick me up after side work? You are calm. Is there a problem? I'm just tired of working. Come. Let's eat at your favorite restaurant. Let's go home. I'm tired. I couldn't pick up Aira on the first day of her side job. Aira. I forgot and fell asleep because she was so tired from work. -Aira. -What's wrong with you? I'm sorry. Last night she was very tired. Are you just tired or are you tired of us? Jason, do you think I don't notice?
tren you cheer me up maalaala mo kaya full episode

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It's like you forced yourself to be with me. The fun we used to have is gone. But every time I ask you what the problem is, you keep saying it's nothing. It's because you want to know everything I do. It should always be correct. Jason, we already talked about this, right? I'm also under pressure. Your parents expect me to guide you. But you're a much stricter guard than my mom. Aira, you're just my girlfriend. Just your girlfriend. I'm just your girlfriend. Just a girlfriend. Is that the only way you see me? Do you want a real talk?
tren you cheer me up maalaala mo kaya full episode
Really talk, okay? I'm very tired of understanding you. I'm tired too. I'm tired of following everything you say. With your restrictions, your way of looking at me, with your demand. That's all for you. For your future, our future. Or maybe I'm the only one who thinks we'll end up together in the future. Aira, I have my own life too. There are things I want to do and I can't because you don't want me to do them. It's suffocating me. You should have told me then! Then we wouldn't get to this point. I couldn't tell you because I knew you would react this way.
tren you cheer me up maalaala mo kaya full episode
But, Aira, didn't I really tell you? Or you just don't really understand me. I do not get it? Me of all people? Am I the one who doesn't understand you? I'm the one who's wrong now, I'm the one who's wrong! Well, then I'm wrong! It's my fault again! It's my fault I only followed your orders. It's my fault I let you suffocate me! Well? Jason, I love you so much. If you love me, you will understand me. So you're questioning my love now? Wow! You are something more. It would be better if we just got it over with.
Is that what you want? Well. -Okay, let's break up! -Good! -Let's go our separate ways! -Good. But remember this. I never go back to my exes! People say that the deeper the love, the deeper the pain. It's true. It hurts much. It was very difficult for me to leave behind the three years I spent with Jason. It was very difficult for me to let him go. Hello. What are you doing here? Jason! Surprise! Happy birthday uncle. Thank you! I'm glad you accepted my invitation. -Of course. I won't say no. -Happens. It's been a while since you came back.
Mmm, that's right. If it weren't for your uncle's birthday, you wouldn't come here. Sorry, auntie, I'm busy at work. The same as Aira. Since she started her OJT, she has been very busy. Can you still date? Rarely, aunt. Come on, let's eat. -Go Go. -Well. I'm hungry. Don't forget about our basketball practices. Bye bye. I'm sorry. I haven't told them yet. I understand. How's Aunt Tess? Do you already know? I don't know how to tell him either. They keep looking for you. I'm sure they will be disappointed when they find out. We don't need to rush.
Let's tell them when we're ready. But they will ask you, Jason. So let's pretend we're still together. That? Are you sure? Aira, they will get hurt if we tell them suddenly. Let's prepare them little by little. I go now. And since I still had hope, I agreed to keep pretending. Maybe if you didn't leave the Pep Squad, you'd be part of that group. I couldn't take it anymore when I moved on to a higher year. It was a waste of scholarship, but we managed the expenses. Because my brother can leave me now. Okay, yes. But it's good that you joined the group earlier.
Because that's where you and Jason met. Look at them love, so far they are both still going strong. You know, if it was really up to me and your Uncle Dennis, we hope they end up together. Can? Aira and Jason did not tell their families about their breakup for fear of getting angry and upset. They pretended to be together for six months until they couldn't stand it anymore and went their separate ways. Sorry if you had to wait a long time. Alright. I thought you weren't going to look for me anymore. I saw on my feed that you have a basketball game with your friends.
You don't want me with them, do you? Is that how you still see it? Jason, we're not together anymore. You can do whatever you want. They just suffocated me, Aira. And that's why I let you free, right? Lawrence will celebrate his birthday. -They are going to look for you. -Jason, I can't do this anymore. I can't stand that we're just fooling them. I already feel so guilty. Your family is very kind to me and my family is also very kind to you. We are lying to you. We are just giving them false hope. That is not fair.
Aira, they're not ready yet. Ready? We're not preparing them, Jason. If we keep this up any longer, more people will get hurt. Is this the end for us? That's what you want, right? To be able to move forward more easily, I got busy joining the Faculty of Dentistry's animation team. I found out about Aira's competition. I went there to support her and see her. Because no matter what she did, he couldn't forget her. But as they say, you always regret things when it's too late. Anger! Oh. -Jason. -I looked at you before. You're still fine. Congratulations.
Thank you. Where are you going? I'll take you there. Uh... -No, it's okay. -Come on Aira, so we can... We're going somewhere. UH Hello. I'm Dale, Aira's boyfriend. Jason. Come on. We're leaving now, Jason. Well. Take care. I'll carry your things. Thank you. When I saw Jason, I missed him more. It's like all our memories come back. And my love for him didn't fade one bit. But I know it's wrong. When I saw Aira with someone else I felt the pain even more... ...regret and sadness. And I felt how much I still love her. Aira, dear.
Aira? Oh, you're crying. Did you have a fight with Dale? To be honest, mom, he's a good guy. He loves me so much. But you're having a bad time. I'm trying to love him with all my heart like he loves me. But why can't I do it, mom? I don't want to hurt Dale. Darling, if he keeps waiting for you to... give him your heart and you don't, that's really going to hurt you a lot more. Darling, you can't teach the heart to love someone if he isn't the perfect match. It's like dancing too, dear. Each song has a movement that goes with it.
If you make one wrong step, then... Then it's over. The dance won't go well. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You don't have to apologize. - -I was the one who asked you to give me the opportunity to love you even if I knew that it is difficult to compete with true love. But I'm glad I tried. At least I was happy during the moments I was with you. Thank you. You tried to love me. Don't deny yourself the things that will make you happy. Sometimes you have to fight for those things to be happy. Hit it...Jason!
What... son! It's late. You haven't gotten up yet. Jason. Jason, what's wrong with you? Will you be like this every day? You're neglecting the work, Jason. You're always drunk. Are you going to ruin your life just because she's with someone else now? Aira's not the only girl in the world, Jason. Your life doesn't end with it. If you are so weak, then don't fall in love again. Jason, come on. Why are you like this? Mother. Jason, will you look at yourself? I don't like seeing you like this. Come on, why are you like this? Son, don't ruin your life because of a girl.
Mom is right. It's wrong for me to ruin my life just because Aira is gone. I tried to move on and got by. If I learned anything from my breakup with Aira, it's to realize the things I need to improve in myself. -Drink moderately. -OK bro. Take care. Hello. How are you? I'm fine. And you? I'm fine too. I am here, grateful to finally be able to work in a dental clinic in Ortigas. What about Aunt Tess and the rest? They are fine. Always the same. And your parents? Same. Sometimes they still mention your name. Well.
Jason. I still have feelings for you. Can you give me one more chance? I already asked you for many opportunities, Aira. I know, I know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was scared that... I got hurt. But Jason, I can't forget about you. I will do anything. All. Just so you can accept me again. All? Court me. Jason. I will do that. Good day. I bought you coffee. And here are sandwiches. Thank you. You are welcome. I just let Aira do whatever she wanted. I know she would get tired and she would give up like she did before.
But I was wrong. She continued to strive to soften my heart. Go away, Jason! Court! I admit, I get dizzy with the things she does. But I would refrain from showing it for fear of getting hurt again. I already know how it feels without Jason in my life. That's why I didn't stop persuading him even if she seemed stupid and desperate in the eyes of others. What are you doing here? Aunt. Aunt, I want to talk to you. Do not bother yourself. That's enough. Do you know you almost ruined my son's life? Now that he's okay, you're going to ruin him again.
Just go now. -Go! -Aunt, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, aunt. I know I hurt you. That's why I ask for another chance. So that? So I can fool him again? So she can look for another guy again? You hadn't broken up yet and you were already looking for someone else. That is not true. I didn't replace him with anyone. That's not true, believe me. Jason and I were separated a long time ago when I looked for someone else. I'm sorry. Jason and I pretended we were still together because we didn't know how to tell you about our breakup.
Happy Birthday brother! You've been wanting to get the dance team together for a cover dance for a while. You miss us already, don't you? So here you go. We will offer you our gift. - Brother! - Surprise surprise! - - Hey! Mother. Thanks guys. Thank you so much guys. Should they be the only ones with the surprise? I should give one too. Will I be the only one dancing here? That's all. Wow. That's my Boy! It was good? Really good! You did all this, didn't you, mom? Son, it wasn't me. So Who? Hello. Happy Birthday. I hope...
I hope we made you happy. I know this will never equal the happiness you gave me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I made you feel less of yourself. For being controlling, for being demanding, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I let him go. You weren't the only one who let him go. I did too. The mistakes I made to you. My defects. I'm so


of pride. I want to be better. For both. I promise you, I will do my best to be your


leader at all times. Jason Carale, will you be my boyfriend? Again? Aira is not the only one who was given a second chance.
They gave me one too. She gave me another chance, a chance I will never waste. I am sure that this will not be the last challenge we will go through. But no matter what happens, we now know that our love for each other is more important than any problem. We will cling to that to always dream of dancing together, hand in hand. With love and respect... -Aira. -And Jason. Every time we watch a dance, it seems very watchable. The pair seems very light and easy to carry, throw and catch. It's nice to see. But before we can see this, the dancers go through a long and intense practice to make their dance perfect before our eyes.
Love is the same way. You should make an effort to polish it well to have a beautiful and long-lasting relationship. You both need to dance in sync and feel the music until you both become one. I am Charo Santos reminding you that you are the star of the story of your life. "Train"

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