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A Roblox warning...

May 09, 2024
Finders Keepers you are a paranormal ghost investigator you find cursed disks that caused a series of events throughout the house it's up to you to find out what's going on Emily if I'm experiencing behavior with him wait if it's a person talking wait this must be the living bug this it must be the kitchen five nights that must be fun that's nice - thief oh okay scary ghost man whoever can find my wares in the represented column slang bar will get it if you shell out the money idiot nothing is free in this world your goal is to find the discs why uh-uh I want it to be a small pill OOP hello this is not scary at all here I can crouch no it's not okay it's not the socks oh wait so wait wait wait no will do? let me read it again wait yes in relation to where are those red circles where mermaid where am I my funny bone tingles today's sisters where am I oh this is the garage okay I was about to say that the design of this house is really strange let me go above, brother, it opens slightly differently, otherwise why hello?
a roblox warning
Someone is at home? Look at the green walls. Paige can do something fun because it's green and you can cut out the green and put something else in it. Where is the disk? Well, I'm really in my routine. Oh oh no, that was just me turning off the tap, bro, where's a record here? I always keep mine here now, you're driving me crazy, oh, you can run in this game, which, like I always say, means you have to run away from something and that sucks good, why didn't I read how to pay attention to the map you gave me? gave?
a roblox warning

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a roblox warning...

Oh wait, I haven't been here well, it's time to go completely to the line, time is the last place. I haven't looked hey, there's the disk, yeah, if memory serves, the laptop should be somewhere ooo over there. I know this because I've been in this house for a long time looking for these stupid records, so I write. from memorizing the place hey laptop hey what was that was my flashlight can you see the evil force huh or are they listening? what noise was it? It comes from the door. I heard they played. That sounds too real, brother, this can't be.
a roblox warning
It happens when I'm looking for a ghost in August, this ghost shows up it could be a random person who knows maybe one of the Davids that lives back here at that door, oh my god that scared me, look at that little outline of the whole shirt . arm right there I thought it was a little boy's armor the girl in a t-shirt hello hello it's time to get back to what she was doing please so I guess I'm going through pictures of ghost hunters. I actually did one of those before um, I went to something called Queen Mary in California it's like, oh, my door is closed, why don't you blow it? oh I got it, oh I took a look at what's there, oh it's just some t-shirts and pants. done well oh hey you're going to bed you're going to bed what was that? okay, seriously, yes, now I really wish this was just a normal house of a paranoid family, yes, I wish this room would change color.
a roblox warning
I swear, this is a different color. I swear on my life? Look, they were just some little shirts. Hey, wait. I swear, everything feels like it's a different color because it's okay. Red Red. I don't know a room. That's how I'm supposed to know. living room looks a bit like the living room because it was like one long room show yourself demon hey there we go there will be several of these disturbing number two someone let me just OOP there we go now we're safe Oh loading Oh No why is this happening ? The demons are approaching What is a computer?
Are they imitating what they are doing on the stupid tape? Oh yes, but I went on the Queen Mary. You know, we had to record audio to try to find a scary ghost and, um, Kirsten and We recorded like with the iPhone and we heard a whistle that we don't hear in real life, but we hear it when we hear it on the radio or in the clip of our iPhone, we actually heard a hissing sound that we heard here in real life. I'm not saying they were ghosts, what, oh, what else would be, oh, it looks like some plates fell, oh, they're all open, oh God, man, if you want to think of something scary to terrify you, imagine all the old people.
Your kitchen cabinets open while you're there ha oh oh he's not just professing for this oh that's nothing a little man is that right? the man confirmed what do I do in this situation I go after him I go after him I won't lie I did for a moment when I got scared of that guy a moment ago oh oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god too what is that? It's a splash of blood. Am I supposed to chase this man? Alright? Back to green, okay, I remember them, yes, there's no one there, sir, nothing matters anymore.
Why at this point? I mean, I would have been gone a long time ago. I wouldn't even have liked it. I won't even allow it. You even came here. The dishes are gone and now what do I do? I'll be back, don't go back to the computer, I'm going to do that, hey, oh, oh, no, oh, I have more places to go, so the living room, one of the bathrooms, maybe I had to go too. so that would be like over here over here maybe somewhere in here it's hard to tell what the thing says there oh wait this just goes around maybe like above you know, that's where I was before I left well I think I think it's here no, no, and here somehow Hey, look, I was right, why am I so smart? stalking number three, he's coming great, why are there no fish in the tank?
Ghosts catch them well. OOP, the TV loads, oh no. give me a chance the demons are coming okay then it's like there's nothing on the disk it's like hey stop oh god it goes off okay now it's long i can't turn it back on no one's okay hey if it goes off how's my flashlight at work Moo Ron okay I can't I can't look at the map so maybe I just have to oh no oh no maybe he would do it that way. This is a decoy. I know a decoy when I see one. I have tasks to do.
Can. I can't find him, I have to close things, well this sucks, there's nothing else that can beat us all, I've tidied up the whole house and now the feet, man, oh hey, he's not here. What he might want to illuminate. Oh, poop, not here. oh no, no, it's gone, there's no more reflection, stop, I can't move, stop, hello line, what is it that I can't move, where is my asthma eating me up, sir, oh god, oh god, no, no , no, no, no, no, no, no, gone again, great. He's okay, here we go, dad, dude, he doesn't have a face, ah, so he's somewhere around here.
I think maybe down here or well, why did I close all of these and have to open them all again? Okay, here's which one this is. aging well wait for anything terrible to happen is that the noise i'm going to make on the computer can you stop whoa oh i really can't see you again hello there's no one out there i just heard like a bucket move that's okay oop look, everything's okay shall I go outside uh hello guys oh oh god wait I've been able to understand all of this let me use my light now this sucks hello guys urgh I uh uh maybe I'll come out not just leave me outside of you much less fear okay nobles are strong paranormal are strong well there's nothing to be afraid of because there's no one here okay come back out now okay oh that under the bed that oh my god the bed oh my god oh my god these little hands that look like a skeleton hello oh wow I found you Now find me okay, huh?
What do you mean what you know? Oh God, yes, he really wants me to find him. I can't click on what he's trying to get like another CD, I just watch. under more beds I don't want I definitely didn't hate doing that I won't point out looking under the bed because who knows what's underneath hello I don't remember if I closed your door by the power of God, I can say it you go back to hell I don't have a priest level but that That should do for now I don't know what to say about it I mean it worked hey there it is I didn't want to find it there we go there are no voices great so there are girls like a big boy there is like a little girl and like another little girl oh listen , shut up, it's good, okay, we'll do it, but let me use this.
Hey, yeah, yeah, there's nothing here, so I'll just leave it. Hello, it's okay, we're fine. Well, who would put the TV in front? Why is the light bulb there? Why do you put the TV in front of you? Anyway, who built this house? Why did they put a light bulb in a knife? Oh God, yeah, hey, the powers are back, the ghosts are gone. I went back to that place that said Oh God, I wish I could see it, man, oh, okay, it's not a dog, this is getting old, look, I didn't close this, I didn't close this, I can't open it either, so no.
It doesn't really matter, hey doggie, let me pick up the knife, I want to kill whatever it was that growled at me. Boop, hey, small pants, socks, moving clothes. Oh, call, hear, hear, in the name of Jesus, the saints and all the angels, yes, I command you to reveal yourself. immediately, oh God, I demand that you return to the embers below and never return, does it work? It is a high level demon. He will return. I need to escape immediately. I have a door for you. Please let yourself out. Hey, what's that? Okay, this should let me do it. escape out the front door oh okay this is where I use my speed stop oh god oh god huh what happened oh god my loop yeah what's that stuck oh my god it's saying Same thing, stop, okay?
No, or is he wearing eyebrows? the main door I will accept that it goes where it goes it keeps appearing where the main door is in the back I was not expecting that and ah here we go I did it I kept many items there at the same time but no, I left it immediately there is something strange Dan your neighborhood wait for who you gonna call ghostbusters I'm retiring understandable here you go Jesus built the bathroom thank you this guy acts like he did anything every time he had a problem he said said Jesus help me with this and then you do it You need this guy so there are finders and guardians.
I liked. Someone. Roebuck Donation Book. Yes. Description. A pretty good game. Very unique and interesting. You put it in this thing and it's on the disk. It's a damn album. Well, I never see this, so I guess. This is a real one, yes, it must be the living room, wait, we're looking at families, a couple of these. I'm not sure what's going on, but it seems like every time it's played remotely, it's hell, oh that's it, why? Just looking at that, I would have realized so the family can live freely again. Finders Keepers is the way to seal the darkness, it's good time, it's time to go, well rep come/flamingo oh whoa I found this and it made me beat the game. moron

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