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History of the entire Church, I guess...

Mar 24, 2024
Christianity is the largest religion in the world, it is almost 2,000 years old and very diverse, sometimes it looks like this and sometimes it looks like this, how did this happen? Right after Jesus ascended to heaven, he left the Twelve Apostles in charge until he returns. When? He would come back all right, he said it wasn't for them to know, but still everyone thought Jesus was about to return, so at Pentecost the Twelve Apostles received the Holy Spirit which gave them power to preach the gospel in many different languages. . We are living together as one big happy family and preaching to people and their numbers start to increase dramatically, they are worshiping in the temple and the Jewish temple leaders really don't like these new followers of Jesus so they start persecuting them. and they even kill some of them, starting with Steve, one of the people who persecutes Christians is Saul of Tarsus, it's all like Christianity is shameful, I changed my mind, he changed his mind and name, and now it's his work preaching Christianity everywhere, not just to the Jews he goes to a bunch of cities and starts preaching to the Gentiles, which are people who are not Jews, which begs the question: is Christianity Jewish?
history of the entire church i guess
Yes, said Peter, no, said Paul, who is right? Paul is right, you don't have to become a Jew to become a cool Christian now that we have Christianity completely figured out and just in time because everyone still thinks Jesus is about to come back, man. I am very glad that we have all these apostles who can teach us. Oh wait, no, they're going extinct fast. preserve his teachings so that people would begin to preserve his teachings and writings and compile them into what would eventually become the New Testament and it's a good thing we have the New Testament because in the 2nd century a lot of strange heretics and schismatic groups start appearing .
history of the entire church i guess

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history of the entire church i guess...

We have the Gnostics who hate the world, the Martianites who hate most of the Bible, the hillbillies who sometimes go a little crazy, and the Docetists who think Jesus was too cool to be human, and the apostolic fathers like these guys who are the successors of the Apostles. If you can use the New Testament as a shield against these heresies, it is a little difficult to officially deal with these heretics because remember that Christianity is still illegal unless you live in Armenia, but in Rome it is illegal, but it is difficult to keep it illegal because people keep converting don.
history of the entire church i guess
Don't worry, the emperor will solve this. Oh wait, no, he just converted too. He now wants everyone to be a Christian, so he gathers all the Christian leaders in Nicaea to clarify what Christianity is while he worships Jesus because he is God, he says almost everyone said something. a guy named Arius Jesus is like God, but he is still created by God. There was a time when Jesus did not exist, brother, that is a heresy, said Santa Claus, punching him in the face, so the Council of Nicaea clarified that Jesus is truly God. Arius was expelled and they wrote a statement that summarized the basics of Christianity and the Aryans kept trying to get back into the


, but fortunately St.
history of the entire church i guess
Athanasius was able to defend the true faith even though he was against the world in great times, now that we have discovered the Christianity. Just kidding, we need a second Council to clarify what the First Council meant: the holy spirit is also God in case you were wondering, and Jesus is also fully human because this guy thought Jesus had a human body but not a mind human, okay? They kicked him out and now we have Christianity completely discovered. We know that Jesus is truly human and truly Divine. A guy named Nestori said yes, but humanity and Divinity are really different things, so we have to separate them, the human part of Jesus.
Aren't it God and Mary who gave birth to the human Jesus, but not the Divine Jesus, brother, that is a heresy, said Cyril of Alexandria? The goal of Christianity is for God to come down, become human, and die for us, so they had another Council and Cyril wins and the stories are kickass. They decide that Mary is the mother of God, but someone is still on the famous man's side. You could make a nomination from this. Okay, so we know that we cannot separate the humanity and Divinity of Jesus. Now that we have Christianity, we all discover some people.
They really want to avoid the Nestorian error and do not want to separate the humanity and Divinity of Jesus, that is why they say they are united in one nature. Jesus is one person but he has two natures. That's Nestorian, no it's not, yes it is. no, it's not Jesus has two natures we can't separate them like the historians did but we can't mix them into one like you are doing he has two natures and they are united in one person they have another Council and both of them Nature people win and the main people are expelled, but some people still side with the people of the only nature because they thought the Council of Chalcedon was stupid.
A name could be made from this. Well, then Jesus has two natures, human and divine, we can. Don't mix them up or separate them and St. Augustine just made it clear that we need to depend on God now that we have Christianity, we all discovered the good news, now it's great to be a Christian. The bad news. A lot of people are just Christians because it's cool, bro. That is so stupid that I am tired of all these fakes, say the unconditional Christians who go to live in monasteries to show how Christian they are, there they pray for hours, deny themselves and sing Gregorian chants, which are a new style of cool music invented by Gregory. knock knock it's Muhammad he is politely asking everyone to become Muslim and when that doesn't work he asks less politely so the Muslim armies spread rapidly and take over many formerly Christian lands and if you are someone who doesn't is Muslim and you live in a Muslim country.
On earth you have to pay not to be a Muslim and there is a lot of persecution of Christians, so in these times it is very important that Christians stay united and defend themselves against the Muslim empires, so it is important that Christianity remains united despite cultural differences, remembers the Nicene. Credo the document that says what Christianity is the pope wants to add something to clarify that the Holy Spirit comes from the father and the son friend you cannot change the Creed says the patriarch of Constantinople yes I can no you can't they kicked you out no, they kicked you out so Christianity is divided you can make the nominations from this brother the Muslims keep invading we should defend our land and maybe even retake the holy land it's time for a crusade they recruited soldiers from all over and I have the war highly promoted, it's going to be the most epic holy war in


and everyone thinks that Jesus is about to return, maybe the war can reunify East and West.
Just kidding, they turn on each other and don't retake the Holy Land, but they retaken Spain and Portugal that's really impressive they reconquered Spain they retaken the Spanish line Very inspiring


anyway the Crusades end up being a little anticlimactic they weren't that violent and definitely not were as bad as your high school story The textbook probably said yes, even though they didn't do much, there's still a lot going on because Saint Anselm just discovered that God exists, he exists because of the way he is and just in time for the period of medieval scholasticism. Thomas also arrives later and finds other reasons why God exists.
He also has something where he takes non-Christian philosophy and becomes a Christian because all truth is God's truth. He has a whole system to solve everything and the Catholic Church joins the Orthodox Church. The church has an alternative and he is not the only one doing this. Everyone is trying to discover everything and since we are discovering everything about God, we must also learn about the world because the world is God's creation, so they learn about astronomy. The sciences, mathematics and music and lay the foundation for modern science because theology is the queen of the sciences and they begin the modern university and hospital system.
Now it seems like we finally understood Christianity, bro, the church is getting a little corrupt, yeah, shut up, it's time. because of the black plague everyone is dying and no one knows why so everyone thinks jesus is about to come back but after the plague goes away the church has time to have fun so they make a lot of art really cool and stuff, it's the Renaissance, but who pays? Just like that people give money to the Pope and the Pope gives them less time in purgatory yes this is really corrupt it's time for some brave man to speak out against Martin Luther no it's Huss he's going to reform the Church, you can make a nomination. of this, except it fails and they execute it, that's a shame, maybe I'll try it again in 100 years.
Martin Luther has something to say, actually 95 things, so he nails them to the church door, maybe he can fix the church, except no, they kick him out. but the churches keep signing with him and doing the Reformation anyway, so he begins to reform the teachings of the church by saying that salvation is by faith alone. Purgatory is not real and the Bible is our highest authority. Things get really heated and everyone thinks Jesus is about to return. The Reformation spreads throughout Germany. I wonder if it's happening somewhere else. It's actually in Switzerland. What if we could unite the two reforms and reform the


church so that Luther meets with the head of the Swiss Reformation to see if they agree on the issues, brother?
What do you think of the Lord's Supper so the bread is not really the body of Christ? What do you mean he says this is my body? Well, it means represents no, it means, it's, it means, calm down, Luther, come out zwingly, so that failed and now there are two reforms that you can make denominations out of this and there are also some radicals that don't want to be part of either two because they want to change everything and that means not baptizing babies, you can make a denomination out of this man all these reforms. passing by says King Henry VIII don't worry Pope, I will never leave you brother, you can't divorce your wife, says the Pope, so Henry cancels the Pope and becomes head of the Church of England.
You can make a nomination from this. It seems that Zwingley just died, so John Calvin is predestined to take charge of the Reformation in Switzerland and he is predestined to write a big book about a lot of things, including the fact that God is in control of everything, especially if you will be saved or not and him. He wants to unify with the Lutherans, so he modifies the Reformed vision of the Lord's Supper. He says that we really receive the body and blood of Christ only spiritually. He sends them his vision, but they are predestined not to read it.
John Knox takes the Reformed ideas of Calvin to Scotland and makes the church run by elders, you can make a denomination out of this, but the Church of England is still not sure if it is reformed or catholic. I


it's somewhere in the middle, brother, that's not good enough, says the Puritans who try to purify the Church of England of everything Catholic, they can make it a nomination out of this, some of them give up trying to purify the Church of England. church and simply flee to the United States. It takes a little time for the dust to settle, but once it does, it's time for Protestant scholasticism, let's write down everything we believe and bring our beliefs into conformity with theological systems.
The Dutch Calvinists are running everything they believe in, including the whole predestination thing. Arminio is one of them, but he doesn't like that part, so in response. the Dutch Reformation to clarify what the Calvinist position is, but other than that, this inspires people to start a bunch of universities to study all kinds of things and people's religious beliefs. It inspires them to make advances in mathematics, music, law and philosophy, and now it seems that We have already discovered Christianity, brother, this is all going too far, we need less of this nerdy theology and more personal piety, say the pietists who think that Lutheran churches are getting too nerdy and inventing the concept of a Bible study because everything needs to be more personal something similar is happening in the American colonies where a group of preachers go around and preach personal religious experiences about religious rituals, it's a good thing that The church is divided on this.
One of these Awakening guys is John Wesley who wants to wake up. The Anglican Church, believing it has become spiritually cold, starts a movement that ends up making a denomination out of this, so all this questioning of religious authority is leading people to question everything that leads to enlightenment. . America wonders if they need a king. France goes. even more and wonder if they need God. I bet they will be the most enlightened people who have ever lived. Oh wait, no,They just killed everyone. Let's not do that, but anyway enlightenment makes everything more secular and some people adopt a more deistic view of God. which makes other people think we need another Great Awakening, people are starting to distrust traditional religion so now we have revivals, social movements and society galore, there is also the restorationist movement where people are trying to rebuild Christianity From scratch, you can create a lot of denominations.
Outside of this, some of which is actually heretical and I don't even need to say it, but all of that is happening in America, how is Europe doing? Prussia just said that the Lutheran and Reformed churches in their country have to unite and end up just being Reformed. Some of the Lutherans flee to the United States. I wonder how the Catholics are doing. I haven't visited them in a while. They just had a council where they said that the Pope can make infallible declarations. Things are pretty crazy for Protestants too. If you are being influenced by the enlightenment that leads to theological liberalism, which is basically where Christians stop believing in Christianity.
Look, now we are enlightened, we know that miracles can't happen because there are no examples of them happening because all the assumptions examples of miracles have a natural explanation because everything has a natural explanation because miracles cannot happen it makes a lot of sense so there is no virgin birth there is no divine revelation Jesus did not perform any miracle and there is no resurrection brother, you are denying the foundations of Christianity, they say the fundamentalists yelling at the modernists who are starting to take over the mainline churches, but the instinct of the fundamentalists is not really to reform the churches it's more like they want to run away because they are still coming out of the Great Awakening and are starting to distrust everything conventional, like conventional schools, conventional universities, conventional science and they want to retreat from the cities because they think Jesus is coming back anyway, so they should just retreat to the rural areas until that happens and with the fundamentalists gone, this simply makes the mainline churches even more theologically liberal.
A group of people just had some serious spiritual experiences on Azusa Street. a nomination by Carl Barthscher, who is also tired of theological liberalism, is because after the First World War he realized that human progress cannot save us, but he is also not a fundamentalist, so he has a kind of term medium and signs a statement with Dietrich Bonhoeffer. saying that they are not going to be fascists and after World War II starts, yes, after the war ends, the State of Israel is formed, which causes a rise in dispensationalism, which is where people think that Israel It's going to make Jesus come back.
Also, some fundamentalists want a more diet-friendly version of fundamentalism, partly because they don't like racial segregation, speaking of evangelicals, many churches are now non-denominational, they are actually Baptist, but don't worry about that and many conservative Christians are flocking to these non-denominationals. churches from the mainline churches, which only makes the mainline churches more theologically liberal. I wonder what the Catholics are doing. They just had another Council, they clarified that the Pope is only infallible in very special cases and they said that Protestants are still technically Christians. So that means you can start to be more ecumenical. How is the Eastern Orthodox Church persecuted?
How is the Eastern Orthodox Church persecuted? Hey, can pastors be women? Yes, he said the liberals don't, he said the conservatives and the liberals win, so the conservatives get kicked out, not really, that's not the case. They don't really kick them out, but they flee anyway and create their own evangelical denominations, which only makes the mainline Church more theologically liberal. These evangelical denominations have a new style of worship music and their numbers are increasing despite Christianity in the West in general. It's collapsing it's exploding in Africa and Asia although well, can marriage be gay? Yes, he said the liberals, no, he said the conservatives and the liberals win, so the conservatives flee again and at this point the mainline churches are as theologically liberal as most of the churches within them.
I don't even believe in Christianity at all, so if you're in America and you go to the historic old church in the center of any city, like the First Presbyterian Church or the First Methodist Church or any other church, chances are it's a Main church. that is so theologically liberal that it doesn't even have true Christian believers. There are evangelical churches that have many passionate believers, but they are on the outskirts of society, so Western Christianity is basically dead unless we take back the mainline Church.

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