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Leo the truck & new attractions for friends! Full episodes of funny cartoons for kids. Cars for kids

May 17, 2024
The robots Lefty and Scoop have a lot of fun, they build the


that have such a good wheel motor and Hood who brings the parts is Leo Leo the


Leo the


it is raining a lot outside it is very windy, it is better not to leave the house at At the moment there is no one outside where you are going you want to go for a walk aha oh it stopped raining Now it's time to go out with


the wind has blown so many leaves off the trees hello robots hello shovel hello oh wow there are so many leaves and not just leaves , come with us we found something I wonder what the robots will show you Leo hello Leia look what I have here a ship we found that first really matters


now that is a real ship eh the robots are already planning to go sailing there is no way that works look the mast is broken and the red ear and the water would pass through here even if we fix it it won't sail anymore hmm I guess it will have to fly yes oh we can make a swing park what a wonderful idea the robot has lifted the boat and he has loaded it on the crane we are going to the amusement park the friends have brought paint new boards and pieces for the swings everything is in place let's change the old boards for new ones and paint them now let's install a platform for the swings purple supports cross beam joints red accessories and some blue connecting bars to keep the boat up let's paint the deck here we go let's put in some seats with lap bars also for the


and robots portholes joints to attach the boat to the bars a ramp and a lever to turn it on picker robot you're going for a walk let's start we're already attached let's check everything first yes, yes, we really should do a test and one, two, three, the boat started to rock back and forth thank you, keep going up oh, the boat It tipped over and the paint fell out, they can't put it together like that, hey, I told you see, yeah, I see you and Leia forgot the paint can, we forgot the fasteners, we have to put some in, then the can won't tip over, where can we get them?
leo the truck new attractions for friends full episodes of funny cartoons for kids cars for kids
There is always something in the junkyard, quickly, the guys try to find the bras that everyone really wants to have. assemble the robot has decided to clean up the mess good idea here we go oh this will do thanks scoop the friends have rushed back to the park the fasteners are in place you can assemble it now look it's not that it's really not that Scoop tall, what are you afraid ? No, not me yet, although it is good, we have the fasteners, now they managed to make a great trip from the broken boat, they build the cars that are so good, the motor for the wheels and Hood, who brings the parts.
leo the truck new attractions for friends full episodes of funny cartoons for kids cars for kids

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leo the truck new attractions for friends full episodes of funny cartoons for kids cars for kids...

Leo Leo the truck Leo the truck the friends are at the farm today we have done quite well we have collected all the hay there is a lot of work to do on the farm in the fall but the friends have managed to finish everything on time there eating our apples hey stop, Let's see who was eating the apples the horses yum yum eh where are the horses eh? They escaped, they are in the field, they are eating the hay, where are the horses going to live? in winter it will probably be very very cold foreigner we are going to build a house for the horses and some troughs with apples let's go I know a place Leo decided to show his friends where they will build a stable a house for horses here what a wonderful scoop he is going to dig the foundations concrete mixers loading Wet concrete is pouring the mixture into the holes for the supports but where are the horses? eh, come here, come here, he laughs, they're a little scared.
leo the truck new attractions for friends full episodes of funny cartoons for kids cars for kids
Leo brought the wood, these are the supports that they I have to fix the pens and the doors also on the top. The arches support the roof under the pens. The walls and the ceiling. The stable is ready. Let's build a small fence around it. The dock too so there is more space to walk. Do you like it? he also laughs hooray, it's nice and cozy, we forgot about the feeders, that's right, they must be connected to the pens, which ones do we need, eh, these here, the drops are in place, robots, can you bring us some hay Please, um, eh, now the horses? you can walk and exercise here you can jump over this barrier and drink over here oh the red robot can't lift the bale of hay it's too heavy what happened to him be careful don't fight now look at the tractor here they come The robots have brought the hay, let's put it on in the feeders.
leo the truck new attractions for friends full episodes of funny cartoons for kids cars for kids
It's all done now. Can we call the horses? The horses are entering their new home. OK OK. Horses like their house. Hooray, eh? It's time for us to eat too. I want to pet him but the horse hides from them oh robots lifters and pickers and capes having a lot of fun building the cars that are so good, wheel motor and Hood who brings the parts is Leo Leo the truck Leo Leo Leo the truck The red robot is loading the van. That's it, you can unplug the plug. The other robots are loading heavy boxes into the trunk.
Something is wrong with the appearance of the tire. You have to inflate the tire. Everyone has ignored him and is leaving. the city, what should I do now that I'm stuck? I will call my friend, tow truck robots driving with a flat tire can be very dangerous, impossible, even the tire couldn't hold and exploded, oh yes, changing the tire with a new one is the right idea the red robot is removing the tire ruined, let's unscrew the nuts now we need to lift the car a little oh, it's heavy the robots can't hold the truck anymore hello robots, what are you doing?
Are you having a picnic? Leia the robots want to replace their flat tire but they can't lift the truck to do it, okay? Do we need a crane? Why is there a spare tire here? We can fix the truck here. Let's make a jack that they can use to lift the truck. a jack is just what the robots need to unload the pieces Leo a flat red platform some wheels so the cat can get under the van a yellow panel that comes up a metal closure to join the two pieces a rubber pad round that will care


y hold on top of the truck and a lever, the jack robots ready, you can change the wheel, the robot is rolling the jack under the truck and pushing the lever, oh look, the truck has been lifted, that Will make time to get the new wheel in place, let's make the bolts a little tighter, put the lid on, okay, time to put the truck down, flat tires in the trunk, boxes are in place, robots You are ready to go on your way, thank you friends, don't worry, don't forget the Jack you have.
Also put the cat in the trunk. What is that sound? It's not important. You have a flat tire. You can't drive. You need a bomb. Where are you going? I'll look for a bomb at home. Raising the scoop. Come to the amusement park. to jump into the bouncy castle now it's my turn robot no, you want to take the bomb from the amusement park the bouncy castle will fall down immediately oh stop, it wasn't me robots, what have you done? Their tires are flat and they need a pump to fix it but they can't take this pump, they need it here to make the castle work so give it back hey scoop don't be mad the robots need to pump up the tires okay let's take a look.
Leo is looking for a pump in his house hmm those are gears I didn't find it quickly go and take the pump to the robots Leo hello everything is ready and the pump also let's put the tube in the nozzle and turn on the pump the tire has been inflated we can continue Go ahead, let's continue playing the bouncy castle and they're gone until next time Lefty and the shovel robots have a lot of fun they build the cars that are so good, the motor for the wheels and Hood who brings the parts is Leo Leo the truck Leo Leo Leo the truck where the cars are playing with the sand molds Scoob, can you give me some sand?
They need to fill each mold with sand. Flip it over and hit it. What have you done? Take out a plane. Can I have some sand please? Leia wants to make a sand cake that looks like sand. It's a shell ah, let me see, hey, I saw it first, I dug it up, where are you going? That's not very nice, you know, they can play with the shell together. Leia is chasing the scoop, oh wait a minute, put it in your ear. Can you hear it? It sounds like the sea. Yes, shovel and the other cars go to the seashore.
Can you see what's in the distance? Oh, it's an island, there are trees on it, many multicolored stones and many shells, oh shells. treasure how are we going to get there? a boat a submarine a raft a speedboat we need something bigger friends so we can all fit inside uh fairy the cars are going to build the ferry use it to sail to the island and collect the treasure Meanwhile, Lifty is collecting the toys and molds sand. Oh, it looks like I have them all. Leo, did you bring all the pieces from the ferry? Yes, download everything.
This is the hull of the ferry. Two large, heavy anchors. Propellers. An elevator to the top. On the deck and upper deck there will be bridge doors with windows or portholes, escape funnels and antenna barriers so that no one falls overboard. The rudder of the ship. The foreigners are ready. It's time to throw it into the water. Cars get on board. Robots can't. decide who will wear the captain's cap so that Leo is the captain. Everyone on board look Leia has a lot of toys in her container. The cars are on board the ferry and are waiting for it to leave.
Turn on the motor robot. AHA. The propellers have started to get lucky. She has fallen. Now, understand it. He is Leia's favorite toy rabbit. Stop throwing the lifebelt at him. Oh no, they don't have a life belt. The robots are trying to catch the toy rabbit. Foreigner, well done, scoop, you saved, hope


y. We don't have life jackets, so we can't set sail, how could we forget about life jackets? Yes, let's find a lifeline here. Will this help? No, and these are just toys, I got it, one, two, three, the life preservers are in place. the fairy can go at full speed Go ahead the ferry sails towards the island thank you drop anchor hurrah we have arrived so many seashells enough for everyone Maya look it's our treasure whoa our treasure Lefty and collect robots and capes having a lot of fun build the cars that are so good , wheel motor and Hood who brings the parts is Leo Leo the truck Leo Leo Leo the truck Hello, scoop, today is very cloudy, right?
And it's very windy, oh yeah, look at all the leaves, good morning, scoop, right? Ready, good morning, okay, then let's go. I just hope it doesn't rain today. The cars are having a picnic. Leia will love the cookies. Thank you. Many leaves have fallen on the plane. Robots can't remove them all. the robot has fallen on a pile of leaves hello, are you ready to go? oh, we're busy, there are so many leaves and the plane needs to be clean. We can protect the plane in the hangar, this hangar is very old and rusty, oh wow.
I didn't know we had a hanger, let's give it some paint. I'll fix it myself oh maybe I'll stay and help, let's get to work on the shovel and Leia can fix the hanger and we'll take care of it. the plane the blue robot goes inside the plane he will be the pilot the plane's propellers are spinning and he is flying the robots turn it off it is really the best way to move a plane not to move a plane you need a recoil tractor That's right Leo download quickly all the pieces, we will build one which is the chassis.
Wheels, cabin doors, flashing lights, driver's seat, steering wheel, headlights and steering wheel grip of the plane, hmm, eh, the blue robot has sat in the driver's seat of the gliding tractor. tow the plane oh no, we forgot about the windshield wait, I think I saw the right parts in the hangar, we looked, I said orange, orange looks better no, dark blue, well, I'm going to paint it without you, give me the paint, no , oh oh, what's wrong? bad you two it was just him him and Leia are throwing paint she wants to paint the doors orange oh and you and I wanted dark blue the orange will look much better oh but maybe we could paint it both colors sorry good idea um here are the right parts we need the windshield is that Leo uh-uh and this hmm and what is this low windshield thanks Lefty Leo is carrying the windshield back to the Tractor oh dear here it started to rain you better hurry the robots are standing low his umbrella the blue robot has noticed something it's Leo and lifts up bringing the windshield the pushback tractor is ready to use let's hook it to the wheel of the plane and tow it to the hangar it's already excellent the plane is in the hangar let's wait until it stops raining and we can eat the cookies Yeah, look at a rainbow, the rain has stopped now, that's a real picnic.
Lefty and the picking robots and capes have a lot of fun. They build the cars that have such a good wheel motor and Hood who brings the parts is Leo. Leo the truck Leo the truck is Leia what are you looking for not here hmm and here there are not so many different parts in the scrappy hello Leah come on, let's play hello I can't, I'm ordering oh, let's order everything together and then we will go to play abroad the cars are starting to organize they need to put the different parts in place headlights Leia wants them to lift only the headlights the robots organize the gear wheels they take everything behind the house why are you? being so bossy being bossy, yeah, I'm getting organized and Leia is going to remove the sprockets herself and unload them here. the shovel is picking up the big pieces and the elevator is picking up thelamps.
Are those robots playing again? Take it, oh, the purple one. the robot found a horn and lifted a wheel which is strange hmm it looks like a wheel I found something


the cars found a lot of interesting parts but what the hell is it guys let's put all the parts together and take a look at what we get? Great idea Leo, take the pieces home, all the pieces to the purple chassis, the engine, the cabin. the seats the wheels two wheels on one side and two on the other side the doors the windshield the hood the radiator grill the fenders the headlights and the brake lights door bumper and the front one the born steering wheel and the mirror have made an old car people used to drive cars like that a long time ago 100 years ago oh Leo forgot to fix the spare wheel it doesn't fit in the trunk you need to fix it the spare tire on the side of the beautiful car the robots are ready to go for a ride they leave the old car goes very fast and Leo drives after they hit the brake what happened the robot is hot because the sun shines a lot using an umbrella is not a real roof that roof is no good for this car no what's wrong with this one no it's not good yes fix the roof of the car and open it oh look the robots have found some old hats in the scrap heap it's time to get back to the car beep beep, well done friends, it's a good job you decided to order I think that's enough for today thank you let's play now catch me the robot decided to fold the roof oh oh the hat has flown away oh lift and collect layers of robots having a lot of fun build the cars that They are so good, wheel motor and Hood who brings the parts is Leo Leo the truck Leo the truck these are radio controlled cars oh my gosh look how dangerous they are driving what is happening crash a car is driven into a tree and rolls over what those who play with toy cars shouldn't drive on the real road oh, it looks like Leo has an idea where you're going, what you're going to build here Leo, a proper race track, a proper race track, what a great idea.
It's much safer to play on a proper race track, the cars won't get in anyone's way. There they unload the parts. Leo Scoop is digging a trench, they are putting the sections of track inside those black rings, there are old tires, so they form a barrier, huh?, and here. There are some brushes and paint. The race track needs to have markings. Get to work. Robots. The brands are ready. Oh, the robot has paint. Does this sound like your plan yet? Leo, we don't have enough tires. Lefty, do you have any tires left? None in all we need are some tires, let's go find out what's going on, stop playing with cars, we've arrived at the scrapyard.
Lots of old cars, there are a lot of used tires here, looking for tires too, have you found any? Be careful, look at a pink car. I wonder who. It's a scoop Leo just one we need more there are some more tires but can you carry them well? We need to ask permission but who from there there's no one here oh yes there is oh it's the pink car give it back it's mine hello I m Leo Leah can we take the tires please? They are in no way from my house. Oh, scoop, and Leo is really upset that they're leaving.
They need to think of something quick to cheer everyone up. Why don't you come with us and then? build your house great idea Leia is going to build the race track with the other cars it's always more fun to play together Leo and Leia are putting the tires in place and lifty has brought some cones the track is ready now the race cars can drive for her scoop she has a lifty controller she has another Leia wants to try also take the controller Leia Leo wants to share with you come on the race is starting everyone loves to play with the finished race cars they did it now they can collect the tires and help Leia build your house, let's see?
Wait for me guys.

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