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Woody Is The Class Clown | 2.5 Hours of Classic Episodes of Woody Woodpecker

May 12, 2024
you're sure? There's no one here, what do you say? I said there's no one here, no one here except us


s. PE, okay


, if you see a lion, let me know if they're gone, but sit quietly and I'll check. Now is my chance to escape. Don't try again. woodpecker, now hide me, understand, okay, but no more of this and this, okay, no more of this and this, now hide me, yes, sir, okay, King Louie, this will hide you while I'm unconscious. I'm getting fast. Wait, special. Newsletter, a $1,000 reward. They have offered me $1,000 for the capture of King Louis the Lion, right, $1,000 wow.
woody is the class clown 2 5 hours of classic episodes of woody woodpecker
I'll hold Lou here and collect the reward. I already had it. I'm out of here. Wait, don't go out. They got the place. surrounded you will be recognized you need a costume I will give you a haircut sit down don't take off too much of the top leave it to me Lou a facial now for the costume friend relax how about that how about this how about this perfect your own mother won't recognize you there it is he there is the lion of Tous here he is Chief he is all yours hand over the $1,000 reward for that yes, you keep it he is all yours hey just a minute wait hey hey come back come back Mr. clumsy, come back here, come back, oh no, no, no, show time, here comes Woody, don't go, I'll be back soon with another cartoon, I'm the captain.Bla, the old SW eyes and I kill H my Sea Dog crew.
woody is the class clown 2 5 hours of classic episodes of woody woodpecker

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woody is the class clown 2 5 hours of classic episodes of woody woodpecker...

I keep my seat and never let him sleep and give him mael stew, so give him three chairs and three more chairs for the nasty old captain. I saw that I am Sea Dog. Med from the old, I saw, I rubbed and I rubbed and I never finished, but it's just me doing the work, you see, I'm the H bang of a one-man team, too, don't stay in the fat, this is all what you have to do. make Shanghai yourself a crew Shanghai yes Shanghai a crew rad to land take a hand and I'll have a crew of two then we'll have one more sailor thanks to the captain of the old monstrosity of the old monstrosity thanks to the captain of The old eyes down of the old now down now it hurts and Shanghai a little help.
woody is the class clown 2 5 hours of classic episodes of woody woodpecker
I'm Captain BL and don't bother me. I'm going to take a nap. Shanghai someone says and now the Woody Woodpecker show have you been to Shanghai Shanghai, yes. Shanghai go to work boy I don't like work I don't like work no I don't like work well that's very bad bad for you it wasn't that bad for me bad for me yes bad for you bye I'm going home now get busy work and don't make any noise Captain BL just taking a nap hey come back here kid next time you wake me up I'll kill you Hold Your Hide hello Captain BL come down you mutinous sea dog.
woody is the class clown 2 5 hours of classic episodes of woody woodpecker
I'll count to three if you do. You're not down by three I'll put you on Iron one two 3 oh no don't do it boy stay out of the captain's trouble open up open I'll give you 3 seconds to get out one two brain mix what's going on? Here, good job, Smedley, would you mind letting me go? Oh no, sir, now get busy and clean the deck, you idiot, captain. Oh, no, help, someone get me out of here. I am Captain Jo isore and very good. Captain too, go give him three and more Fe for Captain Chile of the old monstrosity.
I'm on my way to see a w wer cartoon. Let's find out who can have the big city from now on. They are open spaces for me. This looks like a good place, I'll settle here, ah, I see a good place to build a cabin right at the top of the mountain. Good morning boss, excuse me boss, I dropped my hammer, woodpeckers, in my TP, I must be dreaming, I need a tranquilizer, vitamins, lots of vitamins. vitamins I'll be fine a little fresh air that's all I need here's how kind a real woodpecker is woodpecker you come down here I say I don't want no birds on my head what a grouch nothing worse than a grouch Neighbors calling Dr. killjoy Calling Dr.
Killjoy, soon to be mother, try grandpa's pies, it tastes so good it should be strained three times for quick, quick, quick relief, are you smoking more now? Relax and enjoy it, of course, everyone knows that. This means war. I'm so angry I could scream and now a word from our sponsor, good evening ladies and gentlemen, now you can all sit down and enjoy the Woody Woodpecker show. It's time for another cartoon. I won't donate another penny until you get an emperor penguin an emperor penguin well they are very dangerous and the last eight men I sent didn't even come back.
I'm out of scouts, so leave, what will I do? smile, come here, good man, yes, sir, smile, you've been working like a dog around here oh, I'm a dog, sir, how would you like to go south for the winter? Oh my gosh, south for the winter, yes sir, I fasten my seat belts. medley this is where you get off thank you ma'am Aloha count to 10 then pull a ripcord well ma'am 1 2 3 4 5 South Pole why that's not good wait you're a penguin yeah maybe you're a penguin emperor yes, maybe I guess I hate cheating on the little one uh, let's go for a walk, what's bothering you?
Chile, a polar bear chasing you, you mean a cat. Oh you mean a dog, well don't worry an emperor penguin can. Handle any old dog, this is what we'll do, what's a father for, give us your hand, let's go now, bye, that's a mighty little old penguin, oh, so you want a snowball fight, huh, now you're coming With me, little fall, we're leaving. to go on a little trip, well, my brain is fine, uh, that's why you keep trying to catch that little guy uh, well, uh, you see, they sent me here to get an emperor penguin and why didn't you say so?
I am an emperor penguin. And besides, I always wanted to go to New York Mr. Abery, here you have your mission accomplished. Well, well, I'll call Mrs. Moneybags, yes, yes, that's right, I have the giant emperor penguin, that's exciting news. I'll be there, oh, I say. what a wonderful specimen we will have it stuffed and assembled right here stuffed nobody is going to stuff me let's go back home Chile me too the emperor penguin eh sure don't go I'll be back soon with another cartoon oh I like rope and like Wrangle I like boots and Spurs in jangle is the West the best for me take me to the lonely PR and F and I'm worried about the end the dog is man's best friend I can't seem to get it while I pick them up just keep reaching for the woodpecker in the sky I'm going to take that horse to Goodbye, old Bell, come on, cry baby and cut that slime all over, you can't get away with it, oh no, oh, for crying out loud, now get up, take it, where did it go?
Yeah I wanted McNasty dirty $11,000 reward why that's the steep dirty horse that stole my horse $1,000 reward hoh dude where's that guy that robbed my friend? Okay, dirty horse SE, the real dirty McNasty, please pick up what I bought you, now cut off the runaway attempt, you're going to be my horse, now get back there, how do you see friendly Red Wood Becker around here, yeah, he left like that, stop anything funny happening around here, jackpot, I got it, okay, wood gatherer, you ask for it, so that's it. It's the reward you wanted, well do you have any last words before you receive your reward?
You have a five-cent lemon, don't leave. I'll be back soon with another cartoon man, we're sure we're building a great igloo here, Chile, hey, how's it going? some more blocks, boy, no, no, more, no more ice blocks, no, all right, we better go cut out some more eyes. Chile, okay, Chile, let's load her on the sleigh, keep those blocks going, kid, what's up little buddy, do you see a cow, a buffalo? aose santa ma poor little one fell frozen go make a fire Chell we better get him out yah what's been going on yeah well uh you were fro stti and we thought about who you are you been and I'm just the baddest Ving in the whole world h H what year has this been, sir, it's uh 1966, they've been frozen for 800 years.
I think I've been hungry, I bet wait, now you can't eat that little flower because he's my lot, look at this sausage. hungry could eat a horse a horse now they could eat a bear hey a minute that's good you ch and and now I'm angry oh there you are or that let's rest a minute in just what I wanted sish meatball I'm crazy about sish me, him, you have a little at the Yow Yow, open the door, well, I don't want to see that Rascal anymore, oh my God, help him, he's back, it's you, it's me, relax, my little friend, it's time for a Woody Woodpecker cartoon. here at hjge Podge Lodge and the only one left is the caretaker SMY, his job is to close the lodge for the long winter ahead, come big boy you can hibernate in your cave, this happens every year, people outside of our dreams and plasant during The Long Winter, the caretaker's constant companion, is his lying transistor radio that should keep anyone attentive.
Yes, minute, uh-oh, I'm sorry, boy, but you have to go. The hostel is closed during the winter. I know we're coming, buddy, okay, right away. go and get out of here you're trespassing around here boy now look here buddy I told you before the shelter is cold well I uh uh uh that tree and then uh I told you to go away oh my god let's not wake up bear, no , no, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, I better change the GRE station and not worry about it, man, you see, that's just my little old radio making all that noise, well, sir, I thought that uh, Oh, dog, he's gone, hey, boy.
Come back here with my transistor radio. I'll count to five. 1 2 3 4 5. It's time for another cartoon. Here's who's for sale. She, man's best friend. Foy, she's taking you home. I get lost. Well, well, look carefully. Well, a dog is half the big deal. Anyone can make that fantastic little dog. You just found a home. Here is your new home. Wait here. I'll be right back. Get on the suitcase. I'll sneak you in. Hi, ma'am. meie, what's in that suitcase? uh-oh, I better hide you before she supports her, open this door right below Dy, I'll hide you in this defeat oh no, no, open the door, open the door, you can't fool me, mister woodpecker, you got a dog there and I open.
I'll take care of you and that dog, just wait, where is that dog? Where is that dog? No one here except us woodpeckers, so you thought you could fool me. Now remember, Duffy, stay quiet and keep smiling. Get it. I just got married. married, meet MS, well congratulations, can I kiss the bride? We certainly made it, we made it, we'll celebrate, I'll get the food, you set the table, hey, take it easy, take it easy, you're wrecking the house. Mared 10 minutes are you happy Duffy e por

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