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I Challenged Dream to a Build Battle.. With a Twist!

Jun 06, 2021
in 20 seconds, so we'll just hope we don't forget it. whatever is my main, my main thing, okay, I think, oh, that's the time, oh, so, okay, do you want to look at mine first or should we look at yours first, let's look at yours, look at the mine, okay, so if you want? so you can jump over this wall quickly, there's a big reveal, oh okay, so it's a little rushed inside, but we went with a kind of Victorian style house on the outside, a little pond there which was very rushed at the end , but yeah, just some little planters and cool stuff, this is really cool, we have some cows going. moo sheep chicken chicken yeah cluck not only was it really embarrassing listening to me trying to make these animals i messed up with two of them and a pig too uh this is so cool yeah I love the little arches at the bottom with the walls and the glass that It looks really nice, thank you and if you want to get in also a little rushed in some places, but we have a nice little craft area here with some ovens and I actually won't.
i challenged dream to a build battle with a twist
I have a nice smoker, a little enchantment in the chest area, so obviously I need to challenge them and the bed is a little hidden back here, but that's perfect, you don't want your privacy and stuff with the zombie skull on top of it, huh Yes, but if you look. at this end of the bar is a lamp oh of course no, okay, yeah, okay, oh yeah, that looks really good, so there you go, that's my


, don't look at the ceiling, yeah, nothing on the chest, wait, have you filled your chest, uh, I mean? maybe oh you have to do it you have to check it and see that that's an extra effort we should take a look at you yeah the roof is but it looks a little cool on the outside but it looks really good so Your


house, oh, okay, okay. oh, we have some little stables over here, very nice, we have some hay for them, I have to feed those horses, okay, I like the glass panel walls, you haven't seen that before, that's great, wait, this one glass and glass paints, how does it work, what goes here, wait, they are glass panels, they are double layer, they are glass panels and there is double glazing behind, you have soundproof windows, yes, exactly inside, oh, you have something in your furnace melting, you have some chests, oh I like the quarter of the chest with the leaves look good, anything inside them is fine, this is much less impressive compared to yours, but I mean, yeah, no they're doing the best I can so you guys don't


for someone who's not a builder it's pretty good yeah I like glass.
i challenged dream to a build battle with a twist

More Interesting Facts About,

i challenged dream to a build battle with a twist...

Honestly I've never seen double layer glass before and I like your little bed area it also looks very romantic trying to be a little clever. Is there a jukebox above? It's a Jupiter. Oh, so you could put on some songs while Where Do You Sleep? Yes, beautiful, okay, we'll take it off, but very good, so there you go, that's the


house and that's my house. Do you remember your secret challenge and what it was? Have you completed it? I do it and I have completed it. I think it's okay, what was it? Revealing now my challenge was to place a donkey somewhere visible in my build.
i challenged dream to a build battle with a twist
Oh, the other player, if the other player comments on it, you lose. I didn't notice the donkey, yes you didn't. There is a donkey on this horse. I decided to dress it up, yeah, that's good, that's good, okay, I'm pretty sure I failed at mine because I'm going to say I failed because it was pathetic. Mine was to make the noises of a pig, a cow, a chicken and a sheep. I tried to do it but very badly and I feel that my impressions were bad, so I am not going to tell what I did. Listen.
i challenged dream to a build battle with a twist
I heard you. I heard you. You did it. Did you make them all? Yes, I did all of them. but they were so fat that I literally went cluck, cluck for a chicken when I was pointing at them, I added them in the last 20 seconds, it's like I need an excuse to say these animal noises, but yeah, that probably counts, it probably counts. Okay, I didn't realize, I didn't think anything weird about it, I thought you were just describing or you're just being, you know, weird, but you dream. Thank you so much for coming and doing this Bill


here with me today.
I'll put your channel in the description, but obviously I'm pretty sure everyone knows who you are. Yes, thanks for joining me with your construction skills. Thanks for inviting me. I feel like I'm impressed with myself even though I may not be the best, I just need a few more lessons so Dreamgets has 25 added to the survey which will be in the description below. I don't understand the 25 because apparently two of them were dolphins and cats, and I made a chicken instead. so no bonus for me, thank you very much for watching. Make sure to subscribe to the channel if you're new and leave a like and comment and vote in the poll.
See you another time, goodbye.

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