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Let's Watch DEATH BATTLE | Terminator VS RoboCop

Apr 01, 2024
Hey guys, how about we


Terminator vs. Robocop? So if you


ed my Fox vs. Bucky, watch Robocop. I like Robocop Kroeber's handcuffs, great, so you know I prefer Robocop, but this is based on simple memory and goes back to when. I was just a little kid, you know, when I was young. I remember getting a little Robocop action figure and it was totally awesome. I haven't seen the movies. I don't even know what rating they have. Now, but yeah, it was awesome to get that little toy for some reason. I really remember it with sadness, of course, as the years go by, you lose a lot of things, you give up a lot of things, so I don't think I have the toy, but I know that once I did.
let s watch death battle terminator vs robocop
I've seen some scenes from Robocop. I remember at one point I think someone was being pointed with a gun or a 9 point or something, threatening the shooter or whatever, if Robocop didn't do something you know, but. then Robocop ricocheted the bullet off the wall because he could pay. He was really great. You know, I haven't seen any Terminator movies, maybe bits of it, but I didn't even realize they were Terminator if I did. I've seen the whole I'll be back thing, that's Terminator, right, but that's as far as my knowledge goes, so I don't know anything, that means I'm going to rely heavily on analytics.
let s watch death battle terminator vs robocop

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let s watch death battle terminator vs robocop...

Keep in mind that this is all my Opinion what I gather and the conclusions I draw from watching this, so be cool, okay, be cool, now let's watch sci-fi movies. They have taught me two very important things: one, I want my own lightsaber, who doesn't, the future. blows, it is inevitable the warrior of the next millennium is the machine like Terminator, the time-traveling metal assassin. Oh, time travel. Detroit cyborg defender. These mechanized combatants have fought before, but never in an unrestricted one-on-one duel. or without brand restrictions, you are wasting your time, let's go. Little did he know that they actually target their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a


to the


in the distant future of the year 2000.
let s watch death battle terminator vs robocop
Emana or the government implemented the world's first automated defense network, Skynet. to keep everyone, I think, around the world, the machine age had quietly begun, why would they blow up the world? Skynet developed a specialized breed of robotic soldier affectionately called the Terminator, who stands six feet two inches tall and weighs nearly 400 pounds. The t 850


is a cybernetic organism, living tissue surrounding a hyperalloy endoskeleton, this was the perfect disguise capable of infiltrating the enemy ranks with its human visit. Basically, the Terminator's goal was to blend in with normal people and then kill them, so he's the only one who gets there in time. power live new champion Arnold Schwarzenegger yeah Everage guy sure but only the 101 class model looks like yeah I can't Terminator has hundreds of different possible faces what was that one designed to attract women and make men Men feel inadequate wearing time displacement equipment? was sent back in time to stop Skynet's greatest rival, John Connor, leader of the human resistance in this model, he was first sent very early aboard John Connor, then they protect John Connor, protect our cutter again and they blow this up, you're done.
let s watch death battle terminator vs robocop
Wow, the t8 50 is Powered by twin hydrogen fuel cells, a single cell can last up to 120 years, but it is quite likely that the damage could rupture the cell to a critical condition similar to the explosion that brought down the Hindenburg. Fortunately for Arnie, he is able to recover the damaged cell before that happens. works fine with just a left moped Lance Armstrong without the steroids The Terminator is programmed with a wealth of subroutine data, including Skynet's extensive records of all combat and weaponry throughout Earth's history which, hopefully, would include data on all previous t800 models through this material that looks at experience and skill in war that any human being could achieve, but while he is a master of all weapons, he has his favorites in the future.
The Terminator wields an M 27 phase plasma rifle that is too heavy and powerful for any average person to use, oh. When the time period doesn't have space weapons around, his weapons of choice include a long hard slide gun, a Franchi 12 gauge shotgun, a portable m79 t2, what a habitus and the beautiful m134 miniguns, really, oh man, just look at them makes me feel pants wonderful feelings talking about feelings The Terminator is a learning machine that adapts to human behavior through observation and interaction. He can even learn to feel really sad, which is strange since Skynet designed him to be a ruthless mass murderer.
Jesus, you're going to kill that guy. of course I'm a Terminator, it's like that's the point. I swear I wouldn't kill anyone. Terminator is a beast in combat. He even knocked him down. Superior. I will see the Gentie Nine Hundred knives, the almost invincible T1000 and even the TX which is actually an anti


oh the terminator is a master marksman with advanced analysis, calculation and observation tools, it cannot survive massive hits, shortage of energy and being dragged across an entire city by us after the last t800 was melted down in a steel factory. Skynet upgraded its endoskeleton from titanium to coltan that can withstand extreme temperatures of more than 3,000 degrees Celsius.
I even bother to make new terminators. The t8 50 is clearly the best. I still love Easter baby and of course everyone knows mine love that line. Good line, it's the line from the movie. Now each Terminator is not unique. made by assembly for rapid deployment at some point, Skynet foregoes high-end software protection, leaving Terminator easily hackable, in fact, where the 850 that protected Connor on Judgment Day were reprogrammed not once but four different times just screams lazy, lazy design. Wow, but it's a bit. It's hard to hack something that can kill you with one hand in 20 million different ways.
The Terminator is one of the deadliest assassins in film history. If you get in his way, don't bother running, you're already dead. I had no idea of ​​the context. of that line was and now I still don't really know that Alex J. Murphy was a good police officer with a good family like many st. Giles changed when he was transferred to Detroit, Michigan, what began as a routine patrol around the city became the most important moment of Murphy's life. Is that almost where those guys were if megacorporation Omni Consumer Products hadn't intervened by privatizing Detroit's police force?
OCP technically owned Murphy's corpse, that doesn't seem legal at all, no, it's rampant crime on the rise. Oh, forward-thinking CPS executive Bob Morton proposed a bailout plan so ridiculously absurd it might work. They would rebuild Murphy better, stronger and with less flexibility. Of course, it means Robo pieces, the result was a bad Robocop, so what is that tomato soup? I guess I serve the public here, trust what a good guy, oh, he sat through her. Wow, that's the durability of a tank and the firepower of a one-man army. Robocop almost. He wiped out all the crime on Detroit Street in just a couple of days the man was unstoppable but was it man or machine this guy is really good he's not a gas machine Robocop is 99% artificial but it's based on the most complicated machinery known than a brain human can imagine After OCP attempted to turn him into their personal Robo mascot, the man named Murphy still lived with no family, a twisted public image, and the constant threat of deactivation by his corporate owners, the fight to regain his humanity would consume every moment.
Murphy's vigil while fighting crime. and that's just his good days, luckily the cutting edge Arsenal makes Locke enough for the bad guys, the easiest part of this nifty right leg is the custom automatic nozzle twists, that's fun, one of the cannons of most powerful hand ever made on his left leg. I have several tactical artillery grenades, each with adjustable power levels at level 3. A single artillery can annihilate a metal security door, so imagine what level 10 at most can do. Yes, Danny needs a little more firepower. Murphy has an attachable weapon armed with a flamethrower machine gun and anti-tank smart bomb missile and for those extra special moments there is the Cobra assault cannon that goes boom and then there is no way MEC, a dog like that, has a robot of his own, like if he also had a subsonic jet pack and some jumping sharks, hello, no Murphy is also equipped with state-of-the-art hardware and software, including a thermograph, a video recorder, and a terminal strip for collecting data in gorges that look more like the murderer's cries that are falling apart.
Although USB flash drives can function as switches, Murphy's armor is made of carbon-ceramic reinforced titanium with laminated Kevlar, which basically means he'll stop just about anything. It's like the Pepperidge Farm bread package with titanium armor. I don't think so, so it's not. as good as what the terminators now make up of your move, except it was really just to protect against melting, he didn't say there was any other that could anchor it to the ground to stop fleeing motorboats and speeding cars, It also has a targeting system, so precise, it can catch and even shoot bullets out of nowhere.
Wow, an expert marksman, rather a master of the impossible, that's what he was talking about. Bounce Murphy was a baby, not a woman, but she was amazing with machines and he heard dozens of seemingly fatal situations. He is strong enough. to lift a 10 ton blast door strong enough to survive a bazooka brave enough to dive into a giant nuclear plant monster and kill it from inside the area remember to weed the garden and if that's not crazy enough for you, he even rescued Sting from the four. Horsemen in WCW wrestling really yes, this is real Wow Murphy may be a walking tank but he also moves like one, he's so slow that his main function is chasing bad guys.
You think OCP would have prioritized running legs, say his frisbee skills, and Murphy's drum kit. He can only last about 24 hours without recharging, but the constant damage can quickly deplete his power in prolonged combat with someone like his equal. Murphy is in constant danger of a power outage and to top it all off his human parts add extra vulnerability which is stupid because it means they can even catch the common cold Robocop is a badass Dane stay good shooting son what's your name don't say Robocop perfect yes, said Murphy freak yes, okay, the fighters are ready, they told him there was no axon Medi and Paz, yes, those were like the perfect times buzz, okay, so let's talk real quick.
I was starting to think about the analysis that Robocop was going to win because I doubt maybe it's just because I heard about his stuff more recently, but it sounded a little better. Terminator was covered in stronger stuff but it might just have a higher melting point so maybe it wasn't really stronger otherwise we can both assume they are some kind of titanium yeah I don't know about the other metal , don't judge me, but Robocop in the end. with how slow he was and especially the part about how his battery could run out when taking damage, but that made me lose faith a little, I guess now I'm thinking that Terminator is going to win because he has two hydrogen things and yeah. if they're damaged you know they can run out but he has two and can run with one and his Robocop just has a little life left especially considering Robocop has human characteristics that make him more vulnerable yeah yeah I'm thinking .
I'm thinking he's going to lose and Terminator, you took down something that was made to defeat him, maybe RoboCup did it, I'm sure he did, but they didn't say that, so even though I want Robocop to win, I'm thinking he's going to be in Terminators Favorite Favorite Favorite so let's watch and find out, okay and let's play, here we go, that looks good so far and in Amasian terms, I mean wondering if it's going to be something like the tournament or not, sorry. Superman vs Goku, time travel is that. You're coming out of this and right at the shot, hey, where did you come from?
How did you do that? Give me a gun in your clothes, now, wow, that guy was dressed quite stylishly, wasn't he? Terminator impersonators are fun too. It looks like it's going to be the buzz in 3D like Superman vs Goku, that's amazing, you're under arrest, let's make this power that will be a negative problem, stay away if you want to experience the


, it will come with you dead or alive, yeah, like I don't have no effect except the. the same as without effect, right, that will be a little bit faster, he is faster, no the glasses always attack the face a lot.
I see that the underpants ask for reinforcement maybe maybeokay though yeah yeah scum you're not under arrest anymore go to Robocop. I wonder how each one's batteries work because that was the most important thing. I don't know if I could do that. That is incredible. It might be damaging the building, but that's okay. Do you plan to hide forever? Many weapons can destroy things. Yes that's how it is. Bring pasta. You're going to Europe, okay, there you go, these animations are good. I like resisting arrest, assaulting an officer. Your good streak ends the season. You idiot, you want, you have the right to remain silent.
Court. I suggest you exercise, but again I feel like he will be fine, just maybe. his robot lady revealed yes Wow, well, he's not made for that kind of thing. Is he the function of many nine shots? You don't die, what are you doing? This fight is broken, you're done, throw it away, no, it has to save black people. I feel like he was still in town enough to cause a lot of damage, but I'm happy, I don't think he'll come back from that. The Terminator may have had the speed advantage, but Robocop surpassed everything else, his arsenal certainly had more. destructive force behind this, you would think that space rival Terminators would be enough, but Robocop has launched plasma shots before, in fact the difference in survivability is very clear.
Robocop fell from the top of a skyscraper into a gas pipe which then exploded and he was fine Oh Terminator and he was blown up by a pipe bomb Robocop pushed a building destroying bomb into a warehouse that solid brick by the way it detonated in his face and he The Terminator was destroyed by the same type of explosion, Robocop stopped and reversed a 3000 psi hydraulic press with his bare hands. You see where this is going now. Being part human means Murphy can think more creatively, adding a level of unpredictability that The Terminator couldn't immediately understand.
Terminator almost had a victory until he blew up in his face, okay the winner is Robo, amazing, they don't show much depth in the analysis of your leg below. I'd like to see him here, let's go next time Luigi is still aah, that's it. He's going to be amazing again, fade out here and well, okay, that was amazing. First I want to say it real quick before I talk about the actual


battle, the next death battle, Luigi vs. Tails, well, I already knew who it was going to be, but anyway it's cool to see and I'm really excited about it because I love to Luigi and Tails.
I have one I want to win. I won't tell you which one until the actual death battle comes out, but now it's going to be awesome. for this battle to the death again I feel like sometimes they hold things back so at the end they can say that like I knew the RoboCup fell off a skyscraper into a gas viper whatever you know and it exploded and he was fine, that would have meant something to me, you know, I would have thought okay, maybe he can take on the Terminator a little better if we knew that the Terminator got blown up by a pipe bomb, yeah, you know, I would think that kind of thing, but it doesn't.
And you know, I guess that's his choice, but yeah, I thought it was really cool. I'm glad Robocop won. I still think Terminator did a very good job. Even at the end, when you meet Rover Terminator, he lost his arm and everything. Pulling out that gun, he wasn't sure what was going to happen. Robocop was lucky because he ran out of ammo on that last shot, otherwise he says his face might have been exploding a little and that part of his face is human, so yeah, now. I really want to see those movies, the Terminator movies and the Robocop movie, even it's young, I don't even put off the new Robocop movie, because I haven't seen any of those yet and from there the characters really sound great and I want to know more about them. them and their stories and what they can really do is see that for myself so I hope I get a chance so if you agree with the winner of the death battle, if you agree with me let me know in the comments , be kind. about that, I would like to talk about things and you know, learn more about things if you have new information to share that would be great, but with all that, thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed it and if you did, of course, feel free. to the combination of lights to even subscribe means a lot it really helps me and I would love to take you out to dinner next time in an upcoming video and until then take care.

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