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Hyundai Ioniq 5 Review | What Do I Think After Two Years?

May 29, 2024
Welcome to my 2 year


of my 2022 Hyundai ionic 5cl all wheel drive. It's hard to believe that I've been driving this car for 2


now and in that time a lot has changed. Software updates have greatly improved some of the features. of the car but at the same time some things have gotten worse so today we are going to talk about everything we are going to talk about




stayed the same I would buy it again if I could go back in time and what exactly the future holds for me and my ionic 5. However, I'm going to change things up in this video and start with the bad and the things that have gotten worse over time with the car, so to do that, let's change it. lighting a bit, so the first major update since my last big


video, which is pretty negative, is that at about 20 months my car's radar unit completely died.
hyundai ioniq 5 review what do i think after two years
It no longer had Highway Drive Assist for assisted cruise control, now it wasn't. At the end of the world I brought it to my local Key Hyundai dealership in Manchester and they looked after me, got me a rental car while they got a fitting part and then they just installed it and everything has been great since then but when this problem arose . Happened. I did a little Googling and it seems that this radar unit tends to fail relatively early in the life cycle of one of these cars and no I'm not specifically saying the ionic 5. I'm saying any modern Hyundai Kia car that has cruise control adaptive and luckily for me I'm still under warranty on that new car so they fixed it free of charge.
hyundai ioniq 5 review what do i think after two years

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hyundai ioniq 5 review what do i think after two years...

Another thing that has affected my ionic 5 in the last 6 months is the fact that the car overheated when fully charged. 11 KW level two charging potential. I'm sure you've probably seen my video. I dug deeper into the charging port issue. I took apart the entire charging port to try to figure out what was going on and in the process inadvertently fixed it. my level two charging issues at 11 Kow the car no longer overheats something was wrong and I just fixed it by taking apart the charging port and putting it back together the pins may have gone too far into the charging port during the year and a half of charging at home maybe it had something to do with DC fast charging.
hyundai ioniq 5 review what do i think after two years
I don't really know if it's possible that it also had to do with the thermistor that detects the overheated charging port, it may not even have been an overheated charging port. This temperature sensor may have misread because it thought it was overheating when it actually wasn't and then reduced its load to a lower speed if you haven't seen that video that was funny. I got the link above correctly. Now, and this is a widespread problem, it affects many Hyundai Kia and electric vehicle owners. I continue to struggle with rattles in my car, the main culprit is a rattle in the front passenger door, um, if I have music on with any amount of Bas it really vibrates at a high frequency and really bothers me if I pull on the door panel when I'm in the driver's seat and pull it towards me, it clicks on things in a different place and disappears for a moment, but it always ends up coming back.
hyundai ioniq 5 review what do i think after two years
I haven't had the dreaded trunk noise problem which has never affected me, but this door panel problem has really been driving me crazy. I just don't feel like wasting time at the dealership trying to get something resolved. Another thing that happened last year was the issue with Eco Mode being completely weakened during a software update earlier in the year, so I went in to get an update and realized that Eco Mode was basically unusable and it took me About 6 seconds or more to reach 30 mph. just absolutely stupid and as more people started installing the software we all started complaining and I don't know if it was Hyundai who saw my videos or not or the pressure campaign I put on them but they ended up releasing a fix for that problem. and now the eco mode is quite usable and works quite well, but it was still a really annoying problem to deal with in early 2023.
Some things I talked about in previous reviews that still drive me crazy are the lack of Android automatic wireless. and Apple Carplay, it doesn't look like this is going to come to any of our cars; It will likely come in the 2025 midcycle update, ionic 5, later this year. Something that still bothers me a lot is the lack of a rear wiper and I don't


it's something I'll ever get over but luckily for me the ionic 5 2025 will have a rear wiper so huzzah we'll finally have something more than It really sucks with the car and especially with the navigation system and DC.
Fast charging is the fact that only twice a year we get major map updates and with the speed of the DC fast chargers that are installed here in the United States it is not enough, they need to have these updates at least every month because everyone days Just read this article the other day, there are 125 electric car chargers online every day, which means that for the next 6 months you will be missing more than 22,000 electric vehicle chargers that you could enter as your destination and make the car prepare the battery for high speed charging so Hyundai please increase the frequency of map updates or you could just step aside and let Google or Apple handle this.
That would be much better. Another thing that drives me absolutely crazy about this car is the front parking sensors. God, they go. It goes off all the time for no reason there are no cars around me I could just be sitting in a parking lot they could go off it happens a lot in traffic a lot of times it happens behind Ford I heard it has something it has to do with the Ford and Hyundai frequencies, they just overlap or something with the radar and it just deflects them, but sometimes once it starts working it keeps coming back over and over again and it drives me crazy so I don't know what the problem is. es, but I absolutely hate the parking sensors on this car, another problem I have with the car will be this feeling I get from time to time when I exit a highway, get on the exit ramp and while I'm slowing down the car with regenerative braking while downshifting and creating more regen with the left paddle, there is a strange wave effect that occurs when the car undulates back and forth until you come to a complete stop, it's a very disconcerting feeling. and I've been experiencing it for a few months.
It seems to get worse during the winter, so I'm not sure what's causing it, but it's something I really don't like about the way the car drives. I wanted to do it. I made a video about this, but I really don't know how I would show you this. You really have to be in the car to feel it. I've seen people post in the Facebook group that they've been experiencing it too. so I know I'm not alone on this front, something I thought about specifically for winter is the fact that the heated steering wheel is only on or off, there are no one, two or three settings like with heated seats and sometimes it is like that.
It's just unbearably hot on a day like today where it's 10° and you get in that car, it feels really good for about 5 minutes and then you're like, "Oh my gosh, I wish I could turn this down a few degrees and I know it." They do this on other Hyundais and Kias so I wish they would release a software update to add this, I don't know if it's possible but I'd love to see it so now let's talk about some of the things they've improved. On the latter here, I'm actually pretty good and I'm still a little upset, but I'm just staying in this middle ground area, so one thing that has improved a lot since I bought the car is the navigation system and the preconditioning of the battery, you might remember when I did it.
I bought my car, it didn't really have battery preconditioning, there was no way to warm up the battery, so a DC fast charger would show up with a very cold battery and that's when it would start warming up the batteries after plugging it in. and it would take 30 to 35 minutes to go from 10 to 15% to 80%, so they were nowhere near ideal charging speeds in the winter. That's not to say that during the summer the charging wasn't incredible, but during the winter it was really mediocre, so in late 2022, they released a software update for the all-wheel drive Ionic Five that added battery conditioning. and that was a very important thing to gain with the car, but at the same time with the navigation system. and charging stop planning didn't really exist yet, it wasn't until May 2023 that they actually improved the navigation system quite a bit, they added multiple planned charging stops on a road trip with automatic battery conditioning, none of that existed in the navigation system before that, before the last software update, you might have had to jump from station to station, selecting it from your list of points of interest and just jumping until you reached your destination, which was pretty bad and I didn't do it.
I really have the best experience using it that way, so I've improved it tremendously, but there's still a long way to go. Another thing that has improved greatly with the functionality of the ionic 5 is Blue Link in general when I first bought my car. Blue Link was hot garbage. I mean, it worked so infrequently that it failed every time I sent a command to the car by at least 50%, but it's gotten a lot better now when I send a command to start my car remotely or unlock the doors, it usually happens within 5 to 10 seconds compared to when I first got it, sometimes it took me 1 to two minutes to even unlock the doors and I could be standing 20 feet away from the car, it just took me that long get to Hyundai's servers and come back to the car and it was really bad, so in my opinion they've done a decent job of improving it, they've done sort of a little redesign on it, it looks a little different than when it first came out, but that's like putting lipstick on a pig, still not great to use now regarding car software.
Hyundai has been consistently releasing two updates per year for the infotainment system, now what is not good is that most of the time we are not introducing many significant changes in these software updates as some of the biggest changes have been about adding nature sounds to the car, but you know, there are a lot of other software complaints that I would love to see implemented compared to nature sounds. So in mid-2023, there was a lot of drama caused by a YouTuber specifically called tech connections who made a video about the way the brake lights work on his ionic 5 and showed that an eye pedal could basically bring the car to a stop. completely and the brake lights never came on and this caused a lot of fury online about people worried about being rear ended and I'll be completely honest at first I was very excited about the software update they released that was going to turn on the brake lights when the car reaches a certain level of deceleration, so if the car accelerates more than x number of Gs, the brake lights come on.
My problem with that update was that it seems to be tied more to the amount of regeneration, not necessarily to G. So it seems to me that the brake lights come on too often than necessary, so some of you are perfectly fine, They prefer to drive a car that is cautious, whereas with me I would prefer my brake lights to come on. It doesn't turn on and off just because I'm letting off the accelerator pedal a little to just crawl up to a stoplight or something, part of me longs for the old way brake lights used to work, but I guess Too cautious is the route that Hyundai wanted to take here.
Hyundai has also fine-tuned the way the pedal stops, so if you don't know what you're pedaling, pedaling is basically a pedal for the ionic 5. So you just release the accelerator and the car will come to a complete stop. Hyundai has also apparently changed the pedaling programming a bit over the last year, as it's now not as aggressive as it was when I first understood the car's meaning. If you let go of the accelerator pedal, it would stop faster than it does now. Now it seems to take too long to stop completely, something I don't like in the most recent software update.
Hyundai pushed the ionic 5, they also made some changes to the sound system and it sounds a little better than the previous version and I must say I really appreciate that I still don't


it's a Great sound system but it is much easier to live with On a day-to-day basis, that's good for things in between, so let's now talk about the things I still love about the ionic 5 after two


. So the first thing I want to talk about is a software updatethat they pushed last year and that changed the way the car estimates the range it has, so before this update the car would use driving data from the previous two weeks to estimate. your range now they've changed it to just last week and that makes a big difference because you may have done a lot of highway driving for 2 weeks and then you drive in the city and it will think you have no range when actually you have a ton of range and that could be changed completely, it's much more logical to do it for a week, so once winter and cold temperatures hit this year I actually saw that change in range much faster than I did in previous years and that's good For new EV owners, they really need to see that change happen.
I know it will be surprising, but it has to happen faster rather than slower. Two other things that excite me about my car have been affecting others. ionic 5 owners, but not me, that is the dead 12 volt battery problem as well as the failed ICCU and fuse for the high voltage battery, these problems have been quite widespread among ionic 5 owners ev6 and gv60 to the point where many people have had their cars bought back under the lemon laws, but I guess I've been lucky and honestly I'm surprised my 12 volt battery hasn't died because I abuse this. Leaving my car in the yard with all the lights on inside and all the accessories on while I make videos and film the car so my experience should be worst case scenario so maybe I just got a good battery another thing I'm doing.
I am still delighted with my efficiency SL range. Now I put on a dedicated set of winter tires and wheels in early November 2023, so I'm not including that data in this because the rest of my driving was done stock. wheels with the original All Seasons, so for 22 months with those original all season tires I averaged 3.1 miles per kilowatt hour and that gives me an estimated range of about 240 miles now. The 2023 and 2024 Ionic Five were rated in the low 260 miles of range my car was rated at 255, so I'm only about 15 miles away from that rated range and I do a lot of highway driving.
I would say at least 80% on the highway, maybe 20% in the city, it could even be higher, it could be more 90 and 10, then. Seeing that number is still really encouraging and in terms of battery degradation over the last two years, I don't really notice anything. My car still gets great mileage in the summer, just as it did the first summer I had it, so I ran. In a pseudo battery capacity test, I drove the car until it basically wouldn't move anymore and then took it out to the garage and charged it to 100%. And that gave me a capacity according to the OBD2 scanner of approximately 71 kilowatt hours now which definitely sounds less than 77.4 kWh, which is what everyone is talking about, but you have to take into account the battery buffer of three to 4 Kow hours on the bottom of the package and that's because they don't want you to drain the battery to completely zero. so there's about 4 extra kilowatt hours on the bottom and if you add that to that you get about 75 kilowatt hours, there's also the buffer on top of the battery pack which is another 3 to 4 kilowatt hours which brings the total to about 7778 KW hours now, looking at the OBD2 scanner data, I saw that the health status of my IND IND battery is at 100% health, which is a little hard to believe after 2 years, but I I contacted someone who works in Hyundai engineering and they told me that this is a number that can be trusted, so if you want to check the health of your battery, you can buy one of these OBD2 scanners, plug it in and run a look at the data, so if you have a particularly high number. ionic 5 mileage let us know in the comments section what you see about the health status on the OBD2 scanner some of the things I still love about my ionic 5.
I will follow the list. I love the spacious interior I have. I've driven a lot of EVs over the last year thanks to your audience, you guys have gotten me to a point where I can get press cars from other companies and I have to say the interior of the ionic 5 can't be beat. I love it. space there is I don't feel cramped at all the cargo space is fantastic the back seat can't be beat. I put people back there and they feel like they're in a car that's 10 inches longer than all the materials actually are. the car is holding up great the seat material still looks great the steering wheel still looks great I still absolutely adore the styling of this car I think it is one of the nicest cars on the road today it has really been aging well in my opinion .
A lot of people didn't think the car was going to age well, but I think it still looks great even two years later, but we're about to do a mid-cycle update on the car, so it'll be interesting to see what kind of changes Hyundai makes. implements, we know it will have new front and rear faces and a new interior, but other than that, we don't know any of the major changes that are coming, so stay tuned to the channel because I'm going to cover that in great depth, loading speeds They are what I still think is probably the biggest selling point of the ionic 5, I mean going from 10 to 80% in 18 minutes is just incredible, road trips are effortless, assuming you find a DC fast charger that works and that it can generate 240 KW, and that is something that I What I would like to talk about is the fact that for me, when I was going to buy an electric car, specifically the ionic 5, I was very concerned about what the range was going to be, so in my mind, 250 Mi of range was actually pretty scary, but now 2 years later, I'm not worried about the range. 250 Mi is more range than anyone needs, but the big issue is DC fast charging when I go on a trip, and probably my biggest concern is not finding a working DC fast charger. one more hour to charge from 10 to 80%.
I check the percentage of plugs in my area all the time and the two Electrify America stations in my area are maybe always maxing out at 39 Kow because there is something wrong with them and they are reduced and that is just inexcusable, these companies need to do more so that DC fast charging works better. It's an absolute joke that when I bought this car, DC fast charging was a better experience than it is today and I only called Electrify America because my car came with three. years of unlimited free charging from Electrify America. I'm in my last year which will expire in January 20125 and the reason I have that extra year is because I was part of the reservation program for the ionic 5 so I was one of the first people to get it and we were rewarded with another year Free and unlimited charging.
Another thing I love is charging the vehicle. I love being able to plug something into the outside of the car and power it specifically for me at home. I use the ionic 5 as a generator to provide backup power when the power goes out in my area and it doesn't go out very often and when it does it's only for a few hours so when I know a storm is coming I charge the car 100% just for I have capacity in case I need it and just knowing that I have over 50 kilowatt hours of usable battery to power my house is a great peace of mind.
I don't have to deal with a smelly generator that will run all night making a lot of noise. I love not having to worry about having a gas generator on hand and dealing with cleaning carburetors and putting in gas and gas because gas will sit still for months and having a big battery is the way. of the future the other big part of owning the ionic 5 is the maintenance, there really isn't much. I changed the cabin air filter, rotated the tires, that's it, when I took them off in November they were at about 632 inches So they were reaching the end of their life, their wet weather performance was starting to decline, so I wanted to try some winter tires anyway, so I bought the new set of winter wheels and tires in the spring.
I'll be running some new All Seasons, the manual cooker ion, as a dedicated SUV EV all season, so expect to test them out next spring, the only real major maintenance coming up for the ionic 5, which I probably won't even have because I'll probably I will sell before it reaches that point is the change of low conductivity fluid at 36,000 miles. I've read all kinds of things, people do it themselves, some people take it to the dealer, the dealers aren't even flushing the system. We are just checking the fluid to see if it is still working properly. Some people receive quotes of hundreds of dollars to replace the fluid.
Others are simply receiving a certification for a small cost to the technician for a while, but it seems. like it's a pretty complicated process, if you need to drain it you have to remove the front bumper completely so it's not really easy, even if you want to do it yourself it will take a little time, another thing I still appreciate. The best thing about this car is how quiet the interior is, especially on highway runs, when you're on the highway it's almost like you're in a tomb, it's quieter than many other Eevees I've driven without the Genesis cars because They are luxury cars. and they just have a lot more sound insulation, but they're still a very quiet place to be.
I love the highway driving assistant in Hyundai cars. It works very well on long trips. It really helps with the fatigue of focusing on just keeping the car centered. Over long periods of time, I wish it was a little quicker to react when a car goes off the road. I also recently drove the North Star and that system is really aggressive at re-accelerating after the car in front. of you get off the road where the Hyundai is simply too slow to react, but on average I use it for about 40 minutes every day and the system works very well, especially in bumper to bumper traffic, there may be times when you sit there, you can go minutes without asking you to put your hands back on the wheel, it just drives great bumper to bumper, so my ionic 5 currently has around 25,000 miles on it, so if we take 25,000 divided by 3, 1 miles per kilowatt hour, we get gives us an average of 8,064 kWh if we multiply it by the average cost of electricity that I have paid for the last 2 years, I am going to estimate that at approximately 23 cents per kilowatt hour it gives us a total fuel cost of around $1,854 now you'll have to take that number with a grain of salt because my situation here is a little different.
I have solar panels in my house. I have an 8.6 kwatt array and from April 2023 to November 2023. I didn't have an electric bill so during that 7 month period I didn't pay anything to drive my ionic 5 other than the car payment and insurance. Now you can say yes, I'm still paying for it because I'm paying for the installation of the solar panels, but I did them myself so I saved thousands and thousands of dollars and next summer my solar panels will be completely paid off in about 3 years, so after getting to that point for 7 months Out of the year I will be driving with no fuel cost so I love, love, love the fact that I am no longer beholden to any major oil company so apart from That, those are basically the takeaways from the ionic 5, it's been an incredibly fantastic car. be owner for 2 years.
I know some people have had problems with them, but I'm not one of them, so until I have any of those problems, I can't really complain about any of those problems, so now that we've talked about all the good things. about the car let's talk about what the future holds for my Hyundai ionic 5 so it's a little bittersweet but this will most likely be my last major review of my ionic 5 and the reason I say it is Bittersweet is because I like making these videos, but at the same time I feel like I'm beating a dead horse.
I say a lot of the same things in each video so I'm excited to talk about something new in the future and what's in the future, most likely the 2025 Hyundai ionic 5 coming out later this year . I'm planning to sell my current car Cur, if any of you are interested in buying it, when I'm done let me know, but chances are around September. October November 20124 I'm going to get that new ionic 5 2025. See what it's all about and then you can expect these kinds of updates for that car in the future and it will be a little sad to receive it. getting rid of that car because it has given me a lot over the last few years, it has given me this business of sharing videos with you guys making all these cool products that I sell in my store at ionic,all accessories for the ionic 5.
If you had told me I was going to run a YouTube business, a manufacturing business, I would have said what the hell are you talking about? You have no experience doing any of those things and it's been an experience and definitely a learning experience. I've learned a lot about running my own business over the past two years. It's been a lot, but it's been a trip I would definitely gladly take again, but this is where I'll come off this trip and check out the next ionic. 5 I really hope that by the 2025 ionic 5 they have fixed a lot of these bugs that have been plaguing other owners and some of them, to me, they really need to make these improvements to make the car much easier to recommend. to anyone and I really hope that the videos that I've made and the complaints that I've put out to the world help guide you through some of these changes that you're going to make with the ionic 5 2025, so we'll see. the end of this year really isn't that far away, we're only talking 9 months right now and many of you have heard me talk about the possibility of getting an electric Kona for the canal and I'm still very hesitant.
I have a lot of things have changed in my life over the next 6 months so I want to wait and see what is going to happen. If you need accessories for your ionic 5 ionic 6 Kona electric ev6 or Genesis gv60, visit ionic I have all kinds of accessories for all those cars I have cup holders enlargers Sunglasses holders Load indicator covers I have magnets with the different wheel designs of all the cars and I also have the latest addition to my store, the automatic locking module that Once all car doors are closed after 10 seconds, the car will lock automatically.
It's like a proximity lock, but it's not based on proximity, it's just based on time, but it's easy to install and works fantastically. I have a video about that if I want to check it out. I'll have the link above here, but I think I'll call it here. This has been the 2 year review of my Hyundai ionic 5cl with all wheel drive. If you liked it, give it a thumbs up. above, share it, subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you in the next one, take care everyone.

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