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Fortnite SEASON 3 is HERE!

Jun 13, 2024
Hello, what's up guys? This is Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 torn apart and t


's a whole new desert biome with a ton of new weapons. Vehicles. A sick new battle pass. I'm going to show you everything t


is to know about this new


and get the Victory Royale, let's get it, so I'm going to come over here because there's a vehicle station at this POI and then there are two medallions around me. I'll turn to those medallions and show you what they do. It's actually cool how you place the attachments. in the vehicle and because we are close to a vehicle station, we can repair the vehicle and fill it with fuel almost instantly, so let's show that, let's show that, so blow up SMG still in the game.
fortnite season 3 is here
Let's pop some minis here, we've got some tailgating. this actually heals your health and a small amount of shield over time so it's actually pretty legit and then this is the Nitro the Nitro Splash is everything by the way it will help you when you're in a vehicle and it will help you. help you when you are fighting people and when I say it helps you, I mean it will really help you, so what happens when you activate it? It actually makes you run faster, your Sprint runs out slower, and you can run through walls. I'm not even kidding, you can walk through walls, okay, which is absolutely ridiculous.
fortnite season 3 is here

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fortnite season 3 is here...

I know people will complain about that, that's so op. I'm going to show you how op. is when I get into some fights this


. It's going to be assault, so there's a car here. I think there was a Jeep and, by the way, the Jeep. I'm going to blow it up. The nacac tail gives you health instantly and then Shield over time. There are actually some custom Jeep skins. which are in the item shop, if you plan to get something and want to support me, use the code Cypher PK # epic partner, so this is what you do: you drive through these boxes, grenade launcher, turret, bulletproof tires , probably the most OP accessory because they can't shoot.
fortnite season 3 is here
You no longer have to remove your tires, so now I have a tower and tires and can change seats to access the tower. Whoever is in the passenger seat can use the turret like this, pretty crazy. It'll be better when you have a teammate, but come on. take a real quick look at our car right now, let's say our car is weak and we've used up some fuel, you know, we took a few shots, we took some damage the way the tactical assault rifle I know it's usually pretty weak , but it was actually polished, so it's probably worth using, all you have to do is drive your car to the station like this and it immediately starts to be repaired and filled with fuel, all good, before filling up with fuel , so, brother, so you start to receive that, so these stations I can see them on the map, that will be your reference place.
fortnite season 3 is here
Wait, wait, wait, we're talking about Nitro right, I'm pretty sure I can carry Nitro Barrel, how do I do it? Okay, so he just gave me the Nitro effect, but it also explodes on impact, okay, that's nice, that's pretty sick, so some ambient Nitro is available for you, okay, now we have to drive to the brutal Beach Head because I want to get the Medallion. I want to show you the new uh. Nitro Fists because there's a mythical version on the beach over there and I want to show everyone how to use them because Fists are actually crazy one of the most powerful offensive and movement items they've added in a long time so I've got some materials, I don't have many, I really don't think I'm going to need that much because I have Nitro, so I'm going to play extremely aggressive with these players it looks like the person with the Medallion is fighting right now, let's get up, see how much damage we can do.
I'm going to be a third party using my grenade launcher, that's what I'm really going to do, so these guys. They're fighting full metal boxes here like they're the FNCs and I'm going to pull over with him in the passenger seat. I got this, that guy is on the run. I haven't even shot my my, oh, here we go, hit him for 70. bro, I hit him for 70, okay, so he's walking away, he's walking away with The Medallion, that's just he's walking away, that's okay, so I actually need to take some Nitro so I can drive faster.
Look at this, look at this, look at this, so he keeps driving. he's driving I think I'm going to switch to my passenger seat pop Nitro and my car is going to go crazy change pop Nitro okay so now my car drives faster it does more damage and uh dude look look I'm catching it real fast Wait , bro, he's got momentum, oh, these cars have momentum, now, bro, he's weak, he doesn't want to stop, okay, buddy, this is a high speed chase, this guy doesn't want to stop. I hit him for 70 targets and he didn't do it.
He ain't healed yet, so oh, look at that drive, man, holy shit, I hit him for 70 whites, okay, chasing the wrong people, bro. Just no, no, no, no, no, man, oh my gosh, you're so protected when you're. you're using it, okay, we got the fists holding the Nitro, okay, okay, this guy's using the crossbow, he's using the new crossbow, bro, the crossbow is actually pretty good, I'm not gonna lie, it's been a long time. damage to the vehicle. So I hope he doesn't hit me with that. Wait, wait, wait, man, he's going crazy with the Fists.
Who just hit me? He hit me? I think he shot a bow at my box, but I think I just got the Medallion. I took the crossbow from him and raised the crossbow. What makes this Medallion ring? Master Scars Medallion your weapons have infinite ammo and increase weapon damage oh yeah because this bow actually has limited ammo it uses rocket ammo so I only have 15 shots right? Now if I don't have the medallion, I'll eventually run out of ammo, but if I have this medallion, I have infinite ammo, so this is like an explosive spike that does a lot of damage to cars, which is good, we have the Nitro. fists that you basically like, you can right click to do a hook and while you're in the air, left click to punch, it's crazy, like it's crazy for Mobility, okay.
Many of these cars are already equipped with things like this car already has three accessories. grab the turret and the indestructible wheels so let's start moving let's start moving oh yeah wait wait new combat shotgun the combat shotgun is pretty polished now okay it does more damage so I guess It might be worth using, it's not completely useless. they did a good job they even changed the appearance a little bit okay let's stop some people we have fists now we have we have a lot of things to do this guy has Nitro he's ready to fight wait I did it I don't want to reload it just started reloading automatically, that's very annoying, okay, the combat shotgun is aggressive.
I like it, I like it, but what I don't like right now is that I don't have any shield. We are actually falling off the face of the Earth and we are getting out of here because I have no shields right now. Your boy needs some shields and he's chasing me, but it's okay because I have a boost right here and I'm already gone. He is still chasing. I don't even know he has a medallion, so I can see it on that thing. I think he has two medallions. If I kill that guy, I'll get two more medallions.
I will have all the medallions. okay okay I need to play smart I need to really need to grab some healing so I got the cow hunter if you remember the cow hunter just passes things on what the new healing cacti are so real quick guys. just to show you this, the fist once again in action the fist is basically like the kinetic hammer and blade mixed into one, you can left click to hit with it like there's a normal combo and you can right click to do an uppercut . and while you're in the air, if you left click you also do this hit and if you hit down while you're in the air and actually hit the ground, you do even more damage and more destruction, so they're They're very sweet, they're very sweet and guys, there are no snipers this season, so you don't have to worry about getting shot in the head now that you use the crossbow, although I'm pretty sure the crossbow can still work.
Some serious damage to a player and as you can see, causes serious damage to structures. Am I hitting him all the time? What is really hurting you? Okay, let's push this guy. I don't know what he's doing, but everything. true brother, really this car is freshly cooked okay this crossbow is actually a bit crazy especially when you have infinite ammo oh oh oh oh okay that's what we're doing we're just shooting with the crossbow and taking out to the players. Dude, ah, dude, I love this. I don't know, there's so much psycho crazy stuff they added this season.
I haven't even scratched the surface, but this is just a game. There are still many more, but like me. I'm vibing, bro, I'm vibing right now, this is a very aggressive, very aggressive season, bro, your car is getting Ted, bro, you gotta be kidding me, what happened to your car, bro, uh-oh, what hell, oh Lord? have mercy oh that's not him doing that oh the bow is crazy bro the the bow is crazy we gotta get involved I mean I can just catch her bro I can that's crazy bro what the hell am I doing? That guy tagged me a little bit, so it's okay, he wants me dead or alive, he wants me dead or alive, I'm just trying to survive, okay, being this big, I need to kill that guy, I need to kill that guy, are you kidding?
Me, where did I push him? Oh, he's recovering, brother, he flew, brother. I uppercut him like he was out of the fight, bro he's gone, which is kind of boring because I feel like I had him dead right there, he's fine, I need to kill him. boy, that guy has two medallions, bro, if I kill him, it's over for everyone else, ah, him, let's focus on, let's focus on making sure we're in a circle and we'll get these guys. I see that I see a bit of an interactive thing. here I'm wondering if uh oh it's just the map thing okay a little nape Cola I'm just going to blow it up because I can I like it yeah I don't need ammo I have infinite ammo my car is pretty weak Is there a station of service?
Is there a gas station in the circle? I don't see any. There is a surface station just outside the circle. Okay, we have to take the whip to the gas station. Use the fuel, it doesn't matter. use the fuel it doesn't matter because wait why is my fuel consumption so low okay okay we just have to stop refuel refuel resort okay we have everything we need that's perfect okay let's stop stop these guys what's going on there 77 tag, oh I'm tagging him baby, come on, come on, gotta catch that guy, that guy, that guy's in ruins, he's in ruins, man, you seem to hurt 'em like every time you tag.
Every time you tag them, you damage them by four, even if it's not a direct tag like a little indirect tag, imagine, this other guy blew up my car? Okay, no, my car is still on the attack, brother, I'm bullying right now, wait, I hit, brother. but I didn't like damaging it. Which I mean, I didn't like taking the burst damage afterwards. I don't know what they're cooking. What I do know is that I have to win this game. Okay, that guy, that guy is a pain. The problem with the butt is that I'm out of shields now, so I have to do it.
Brother thinks I'm playing, but no, how is he labeling me? I have infinity, I have infinity, by the way. infinite ammo, so yeah, I won't let you, no, I won't let you touch me, bro, I won't let you, I love how this guy and I agreed to fuck this guy, he ran into him. Vault oh my god Who whoo whoo build oh my god I couldn't stop hitting bro no way guys I sold the win but there it is thank you all so much for watching what do you think of the new season? Don't forget to like it.
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