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Extraordinary Power Of Plant Based Diet & Meditation (Multiple Sclerosis Recovery)

Apr 17, 2024
Bob Cafaro was enjoying a successful career as a professional cellist with the Philadelphia Orchestra when at the age of 40 he began to experience numbness in his leg, 2 months later he began to lose peripheral vision in his left eye. In 1999 he was diagnosed with



and doctors found 3 lesions in his spinal cord. He then began to lose peripheral vision in his right eye. After he was given intravenous steroids, Bob says that's when everything went off the edge. He began to suffer severe dizziness and vomited so much that he could not keep anything down. He was admitted to the hospital with dehydration;
extraordinary power of plant based diet meditation multiple sclerosis recovery
The disease had taken over his entire nervous system. He was totally disabled, unable to use his hands, legally blind in both eyes, incontinent and unable to walk. He couldn't even align 4 fingers on a string of his cello and discovered that he had no control over his muscles. It was at that moment that Bob thought about suicide. He had over 50 active brain lesions and 1 spinal cord lesion over 3 and a half cm in length that separated the entire central nervous system from the brain. Bob's neuro-ophthalmologist told him that he would be permanently disabled and prescribed an antidepressant to help him cope with the loss of his career, his livelihood, his passion, and his independent existence.
extraordinary power of plant based diet meditation multiple sclerosis recovery

More Interesting Facts About,

extraordinary power of plant based diet meditation multiple sclerosis recovery...

Bob told the doctor to take that disability letter and use it as a suppository and proclaimed that he would be back in the orchestra in six weeks. And that he was going to beat MS. With limited vision, he got on the computer and, making the font as big as he could, began researching. He first came across Dr. Batmanghelidj's information about the water cure for the body's many requests for water and began drinking half his body weight in ounces per day, so he drank 80 ounces of water every day and He started to feel a little better. Surprisingly, he returned to work within 6 months, but he could barely move his hands and could barely see music.
extraordinary power of plant based diet meditation multiple sclerosis recovery
He studies MS rates around the world and focused on the fact that Japan had very low rates of MS, which then led him to look at the Okinawan


and the study of Okinawan centenarians. He also studied Dr. Roy Swank's work and book on the MS


and went a step further and switched to a diet of 100% organic raw foods, watercress and eliminated caffeine. He also began researching the placebo effect and how


fully our mind can control our body. He began meditating commands for 30 minutes twice a day, for example using commands such as “My MS is going into remission, it is leaving my body, I can feel the lesions healing, I feel the use of my hands returning, my eyesight is improving.” .
extraordinary power of plant based diet meditation multiple sclerosis recovery
Getting better every day, I know the disease will leave my body. He did this for 2 years. He imagined those things happening in video clips in his head. Watch videos of the lesions disappearing in his brain and watch videos of his brain finding new pathways to his muscles. He also studied the lives of people who achieved the impossible. He also began cycling 11.2 miles from New Jersey to Philadelphia every day, no matter how he felt. He committed to a 24/7 regimen to overcome the disease. Then in 2013, after being symptom-free for a decade, he underwent MRIs that confirmed that all 53 brain lesions and several spinal injuries had disappeared.
His neurologist exclaimed: you have done the impossible. Bob regained the use of his arms, hands and legs and regained his sight. In 2015, Bob published his story in a book titled When the Music Stopped: My Battle and Victory Against MS. In 2017, Bob gave an extremely moving and insightful TED Talk that had the most incredible ending and that's also how we'll end this video.

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