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My Least Favourite Scene in Every DEATH BATTLE! Episode

Apr 03, 2024
Yes, there is a biff who came up with the idea of ​​talking about his favorite


from each


of Death Battle, but since in most of these


s he and I have basically the same opinion, I'm turning it around and Talking to him of my




s in each episode of Death Battle, only the rulers don't get to choose


from any of these. Too bad, we're obviously only talking about animation, otherwise


episode of my Over Sun 2018 would probably be one. of the cut out gags, come on, this isn't going to convince anyone who really liked this show.
my least favourite scene in every death battle episode
Damn, samus sneaks up on boba and drops a bomb even though they say boba has 360 radar and boba completely remains unresponsive in the middle. Even when it explodes, this episode surprisingly doesn't have any really bad shots, but the singing sucks the soul out of a coomer for perhaps too long and then politely waits for a hit of criminal charges before running straight into a super crude, a woman throws the yellow line . from her elbow and turns left and right. The straight line of the willow swings freely on its own, stunning this stupid face which then changes the shot of the neck to the side.
my least favourite scene in every death battle episode

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my least favourite scene in every death battle episode...

This episode has so few shots in total that, by default,


frame has fart in it. The fact that I have to watch this on Rooster barely works as a website because the episode was blocked in my country, but other than Mikey's


, which I can't use, other than that, everything leading up to the Mikey's death, but it's about 10 seconds of him being defensive and doing nothing, this episode is just white noise. I guess this weird looking part is this beating on Leo, well I don't care, Yoshi's famous coward, since he's scared shitless. and torn or showing off clearly more terrifying than a mountain-sized turtle, tao kaka punches felicia in the face to do nothing resounding at all and then whatever, this is not particularly happy with the credit, certainly use god for three weapons, but that's a problem with the fight in general.
my least favourite scene in every death battle episode
I guess individually Kratos slides his bonfire and then doesn't fire the flaming arrow and gives us more time for his hand to glow and this bomb man throws a bomb down a hole and conveniently blows up a very small section of terrain in which, for reasons just know, almighty god and bomb man himself buried all his power-ups about 30 feet in the ground, right in the chassis, fought a mole someday with no intention of having all the effects of the exploding vans of chaos between frames and a comic pop when the shadow blades are super, they make the chaos explosion look like it really exploded with a sudden charge that changes to a red expansion effect very close to something, an explosion or a chaos explosion that was apparently just the chaos blaster who politely gave Vegeta a preview. of what would happen if it actually went off montage is fine, but it happens too early in the fight and kills the pacing a bit, it really feels like some sort of mid-


and says something happens in like 30 seconds, although I Yeah.
my least favourite scene in every death battle episode
As in the last part, Luke throws his entire hand along with his lightsaber towards Harry, who responds by using the Killing Curse with a lot of character, but luckily for Luke, his other hand is producing a bright bubble aurora that forces attacks. Harry's magic tricks to spin souls. of existence because apparently death fell I didn't realize the truth of the


requires that the attacks actually touch your hand this tree looks like a tiny penis wedged between two fallen balls and I suppose that was an intentional part of why I was chosen for this scene , fortunately, disappears immediately after, as all the tree-like genitals are known to make a rainbow that makes stupid faces, they are starchy, unpleasant musical parts, as it is just another middle finger, one of my favorite characters who will he ever get to use Doom Guy fires the bfg which clearly hits the master chief who somehow, for some reason, raises a bubble shield after being hit by it and then throws a plasma grenade through the bubble shield somehow that's not how it works or what he took the bfg shot and then threw the grenade and then raised the shield like it was the world's dumbest alpha move.
I don't care if this is too close to death to tell. Eggman places a lot of importance on his own robot's eighth, they simply jump into the air. and he boards within seconds of him showing up while hitting them with pym particles, so each ship has shrunk to about half its size. I'm going to cheat and say the worst part of this fight is the zelda sprites, hell, raiden jumps in the background and then passes the The next five Mortal Kombat tournaments just fly around waiting for thought to do something. Link throws his boomerang for no reason, allowing the clown to get close to him or while politely putting his sword and shield on his back to stay out of the way because Link is considered like that and knows that he can take a hit from the planet he dominates Sephiroth until a cloud fight.
Look, death is cool, but the worst part of this extremely good animation is that this giant web materialized out of the ether because Spider-Man. has thought like this, the beginning of the fight involves a completely still pikachu being harassed by a blanket without reacting, which is definitely not supposed to look as silly as it seems, if it counts, I don't really like the sketch in general, but if not I don't count, then, this shot of Superman's strange fish-eye lens face staring into my soul. The man sits in line. I saw how to make him instantly gorier and beat up, but he sounds too close to the sight of death and then Lionel shoots him. in a way that he is initially confused as to where the bison is, he goes through epic super form of him and then immediately shao khan steps on him, steps on his knee and hits him with an anvil on the stick.
This episode is literally nothing but the worst part of fighting Australia takes too long for my lag to charge the attack on him and reuse the bomb arrow. Ivy pulls the sword out of her, but it's clearly not attached to the orchid at all, and asks if that hurts, as if some blades are supposed to damage the organ. in a general vicinity and she knows that Bucky actually has a problem with his toes, but he wouldn't show up at all randomly in this group, if not completely, just to murder one of his companions and then he would go to Unless Bucky has some kind of frog. nazi, which is ironic given that his opponents are literally rana nazis right after robocop tells termini he fired nine shots even though he fought 10, robocop pulls out his batman on the wrong leg and blasts terminator and still roberto He finds his random jetpack conveniently in a place he wasn't crazy about before.
Damn, this scene is Tails picking up Louisiana flies in the air. Okay, Louisiana used the disappearing flower on him. Why is she supposed to make it intangible? Then Tails would let go or just look at Tails' hand, but. that's not what happened, tails clearly remains holding him tails seems too confused for some reason even though luigi is still clearly being held by him now, if luigi fell to the ground with a tangible sensation then i would feel confused but that's not the case . because luigi pulls out this huge hand that isn't invisible for some reason and tails doesn't know it either until a good second after he pulls it out and starts swinging what is this scene, this episode doesn't have particularly bad shots so the worst thing is how Charizard he chokes with both hands to stop his flamethrower, but then when the explosive hooks come off his neck, for some reason, he doesn't try to do it again.
This episode is so perfect, please don't hurt me, so I do it, but also. the worst scene is swinging through these lights looks stupid, actually very good, just not as good as the other parts. In this shot I see the crows, but Godzilla Fires tells me about the slower descent, it doesn't convey very well and it doesn't look anything like that. What is happening? The famously stupid superhero Captain America blindly throws his only weapon into a dense fog when he has no line of sight and his only visual indicator of direction is the trajectory of the


range when Batman has most likely moved from the point of origin of the catches. his face, the whole first theme of zex spits in his characters face, he doesn't betray well, he plays it as a joke and starts to abandon everything being his personality, a brooding guy who is darling for some reason, wow, really He gets this big moment to prepare his raging demon and Scorpion dodges it, but then he does this Olympian doom attempt where Rio jumps three feet to the left and dotted like a tiny breath of fire, Scorpion just politely decides to stop shooting, he goes away. he swings, puts his mask back on, and continues fighting with his fists in the sniper scene.
The audio is just not balanced, the sniper shots are too loud and my ears hurt every time I forget about the scene and don't turn the volume down because Kirby did it only because Boo could shoot lightning and turn a rock into candy . If there is something that would scare Kirby and not at all enthuse him to approach Ragna, the senior looks inorganically stupid, what is this strange metal line that was just pulled out and wrapped around her why is it gray when it comes out of the Sand, how does he do it? survive the sand burial why is it the sand barrel that black pieces of the sky appear who knows?
Because this black metal believes it has a core legend apparently that conveniently is never mentioned in the episode and comes out of nowhere. This is hard. One, should I go after Samus with a bomb exploding near her leg that destroys everything about her suit except the boots that were closest to the explosion or the fact that she kicked the lightsaber with her foot? her? Chuck's line here has weirdly balanced audio and just sounds weird that's not hell that's ash lex luthor has acquired ventriloquism because his mouth doesn't move say how about this five second long shot of a beast moving towards the ground while goliath is approaching this is not how people write he did not eject the USB before removing it for safety and after tuning the computer you can see here it is completely intact, horrible episode, what is this stupid force pulse?
Darth Vader, you can't even see Doom get hit by him, oh what's his head, but also? the end after death the end, I know, Knuckles is literally too stupid to live, but he doesn't even peel the banana, actually that's probably intentional, but also how the hell does Donkey Kong randomly teleport here in a bush that can . They don't teleport Wolverine. They ask him if he's a cyborg and instead of saying something in-character to him like no or not as much as you think, he explicitly explains what's going on and why Ryden can't get over it. Wolverine is famous for his thoughtfulness, yes, Hercules.
You, standing there, surrounded by your capsules that have not yet opened, are clearly holding the last remaining capsule. In fact, activating Yang's appearance is literally a transition swap between a model with normal hair and a model with brighter yellow hair with no effect as long as the hair is on. completely rigid and immobile, simply stunning, mega man ran out of ammo for his metal blade, the weapon most famous for having an unreasonably large ammunition magazine, of all the weapons he had to choose this one in a relatively quiet tone, the arrow Green speaks and Hawkeye, famously hearing impaired, listens to them from across the street in another building, whether it's Agamon's strange getting up animation here or Red's randomly appearing black bar eye shield, you can't say really, but Trish and Jean are supposed to be fighting on the same fluid platform. like dante and bayonetta you can't tell because they aren't there for a fight with zero rhythm.
It's amazing how they were somehow able to break the beat by having Daza throw a hammer at a chandelier and do a l4 on the floor before doing a jojo reference, intentional or not, the Dark Jack fight where there is absolutely no sound feels unfinished and Quicksilver's terrible lies about his stats, Flash tells him to test them, and instead of dropping a detailed essay on scale and cosmology, Quicksilver launches two attacks that match Flash. He will suddenly show the size that has made this ridiculous. Well, the police car moves towards the grass. You know you've got a good episode when they straight up forget to add a whole chunk of the background.
The church is somehow surprised that the meta isn't stopped by a few body whips like it's not, you know the meta right after we get this kind of cool close-up camera shot with good lighting, we get this horrible twist moment, Sonia Flight and then Cammy gets upset because her knife damaged the drone she launched and then a horrible close upSonia's looks out of place and they also used Cami's portrait twice in a row because that's not how bonk works. I haven't played tf2 and even I know you're up, can Terry's projectiles collide? and then there's this unnecessary, long-shot possibility of nothing, as Terry's attack appears a few seconds late why Amy spins around for 14 years to launch a tornado that slowly draws the arcade machines towards her.
The sight is so shocking that it is giving Ramona a flashback to some incident at Pearl Harbor. in his past is so disturbing that he doesn't notice a blow to the back of the head before Amy jumps in various ways to the arcade machines, which, depending on the size difference between now and before, she shows that this tornado also works as a tardis of some kind then she also hits ramona we don't see stay on the ground hulk hates the pointy beard hulk also a good line he's not a hulk say it this would be one of the animations of most accurate gun in the series' history if it were It's not taken directly from the anime instead of Pewdiepie and Deadpool doing some fun stuff with Amy versus Ramona they just have Pinkie Pie complaining about an arcade so why then it's just left with Deadpool becoming Friends, what was that the entire first half of this fight is literally unfinished with not completely random models, especially with Nathan's face and the Holy Grail, but the special manager goes to this scene that, even if fully rendered, does it include Lyra simply allowing Nathan to pull very slowly?
He pulls out the gun on him and then asks Nathan if he knows what he has done even though his gun was the one that fired the grail. We don't need taxes to tell us what these weapons are. We know the best analysis and anyone who hasn't seen that doesn't. I honestly don't know, the problem in that case isn't the episode itself, it's not that we need to know which is which when Scrooge shoots it at the same time, the random car between where Venom gets hit with the missile, the nightmare that looms over him, what it really shows. how this battle is a piece of dog garbage installed animation hey biff yeah nam wouldn't it be funny if we had a five second shot of Bane standing there holding a rocket launcher?
Why don't these ugly pilot models do it? It seems like a lot, this opinion comes from the first embarrassing installment of Manpad, what is this? Oh my god, there's another one, okay, but do you have a deep fryer? All of Sub Zero's lines are sincere for this since none of them fit, but I tend to also just include this bit of Sub-Zero's hand melting and then in the next scene after this ass fakes showing the wrong hand, they missed him with his super dog looking animation 18 throws a destructive disc at a rock and conveniently misses completely Captain Marvel, who also has strange straight pixels near her legs, is devastated with all these horrible shots in 3D from scratch, there is not even one of those that takes a long time to stop, rather this scene with one of the worst sound designs in the history of the series, but it also begins.
With one of those 3D shots, Lucario fires a large terror sphere and a random one politely runs straight into his path. How sweet the cutout on Balrog's stupid blue hoodie is most evident when he throws it out of this little combo, the beginning from Shredder lessens the The impact of the only attack must be made for whatever tone the rest of the episode attempts throughout the part of them throwing their hands looks like an idiot. Everything in this tornado is literally unfinished randos and that bothers me all the time here where. Ichigo tries to fight an army of Naruto clones.
It's so unclear and confusing. I do not know what is happening. Look. I know some people probably love this shot, but the 3D building was so out of place and you'll never get close to it. Everything simply. It looks so bad and evil that this is the only time during Virgil's fight with Sephiroth's illusions that his vision passes through False Master Mooney. It's not this shot's fault, but it's really strange that this is the only time it happens, especially before this happens. Virgil crashes. with that he's fine so it's not like it's because Virgil activates some Yamato property after this, there's a black panther throwing this rhino as the worst scene because it unintentionally made me laugh because of the slow war, the little rhino and the janky yonk in the air or not.
It counts as the best scene because he made me feel some emotion. This scene hurts my eyes. I hate it. How do you make a stance clash with the Hokutok yakiretsuken lane by having a fully clothed Kenshiro do it at the beginning of the fight, so there's no focus on who will win this because it doesn't matter and it's surely one of the climactic moments of battle, but it feels like an afterthought that, to add insult to injury, the extremes are some of the worst hand-drawn. I've ever seen in the series episode the way a full three second position clash, clapping, generates sparks that inspire reaction, it's hilarious, it feels like a type of bridge series where the character doesn't have a long and stupid reaction time, all this builds up like some kind of fireball, a slightly larger fireball that slowly hits the one they reflected and does nothing, there are things to complain about with franco's lion, but this part where they fight zombies isn't one of them, all that leads up to that though is a painfully slow sequence of arcade machines multiple shots of zombies and the zombies breaking through their fence and surrounding franklin leon shooting and then frank taking out his hammer is so long it takes forever this whole segment is just a reference to the turtles being underwater or in asgard now now we're in star wars whatever it is now they're in the back of some random dragon or some random world from some random time.
Actually, let's not use any of these pieces and you know, how about using any magic instead? they just throw hands like basic fighting and just use magic to teleport to the next area. Let's waste Jin going devil, unleash devil, whatever it's called, it's very well done, but he comes too soon, it would have been cooler between you. activating his v skills and triggers and reusing his shin show and shin kuna token if jin actually had a moment to counter using one of those iconic 10 hit combos, jack doesn't have a headband here, but then he does have it here. and then we get a mood whiplash with samurai jack's final card, that's all there is to complaining about what's going on with lucy's giraffe neck.
Honestly, I don't really like this Prime's performances, he just sounds like a generic deep voice instead of Optimus Prime. especially since they were definitely going for that Peter Cullen sound and he sounds like he's a deluded guy, but the worst thing about these installments for me is when he mocks Gundam as if the first installment is shit and the fact that Optimus clings to the raw Resorting to energy from the crash or any kind of handling doesn't help, but also this line is so arrogant when I think of Optimus Prime from generation one, I rarely think of a little arrogant, he tells people like he's Vegeta, this It is something that Vegeta would say pathetic, earthly. you've fought countless gods you think you could defeat me or even radomus maybe there's a fine line between being a hero and a memory there's also a fine line between being geon optimus prime having the movie optimus prime he's also talking about iron wings no. do that dead guy by lightly tapping the ground while Nightwing Dodgers is hilarious, I love it, this whole fight is basically just a very well animated silly skit, but this part where Mario starts clowning around on Sonic is the most awkward of all.
Ultron's cheerful little arm-raising here is strangely jovial it feels almost out of character for him, but then the karmic gold goes a little crazy, so it's probably okay, it's hard to find anything terribly wrong with this episode, but All the work they are saying and the samples in hand is really annoying. maybe the evil containment wave doesn't make much sense working in gamma bunta, but it's a fun use of one of the dash techniques that has a bit of utility and jorah is invoking jutsu, which you also know would have taken too much attention away from the dryer if this didn't happen, this is a really small planet or a really big dark side cluster between shots or Thanos shrank the planet for some reason, but then we also cut from the planet spinning really fast with these anime speed lines and the dark side is not in sight so this completely flat shot with zero energy where the planet is barely rotating and now it doesn't feel like it's moving with any speed and why is the planet so small not content with just having a name or shout imperious rex in the middle of the fight when it explicitly says for men to be shouted at before a fight, they also make sure the shout wasn't as loud as it should have been, but not teleporting between these cuts really doesn't It's cool, it's nothing important, but it has confused people who see it the way they had. to keep track of five separate characters that look similar after reasonably confusing teleporting between them, so it's not something you want instead of dealing with using hand-to-hand combat or Cthulhu's term, materializing something that exists for a few seconds to return to the ether from which we became mortal.
You are never meant to observe. I like the little power interaction that comes afterward, but Shazam's scream of Shazam leaves a lot to be desired. Wario's arms don't end with the rest of himself. What a shameful episode indeed, eh, thanks for the advice, why is it your little one? dancy poo here really looks so unnatural because of how he is animated, i don't like it, he should be much faster. This silly little run ang line after killing him isn't technically the death and it's a terrible line because you could have easily done it. This death is presented as an accident, but instead of him being a slime, he creates one of the most passive characters in the entire history of the show and intentionally murders someone even though the entire story with its archive season is about finding a way to deal with fire without killing.
He anyone who says that characterization doesn't matter and the death mistake and shut up because he wanted to see Aang in this fight, not in his performances. This fist fight is slow and boring and doesn't really make the characters as powerful as the rest. The episode is a fun fact: it takes more effort to keep your hands closer than a strong grip than to not do that, which means Tommy put in extra effort to make sure he couldn't let go of that spear. The whole key for you is a challenge. up in episode zero cannon like an absolute lemon hey we've got this amazing looking hand drawn Susano you know Sasuke's big trump card and his third most iconic ability let's flesh it out right away what the hell is it this?
That's not what you're supposed to do. you look like when you get hit what did gandalf do he just confronted dracula so hard that he froze in space and time tatsumaki at the end has a small potato head that is not completely reported to his body fortnite and bella defeated the bathwater of the girl player references the platonic concept of pain fell into a lower spatial dimension and then mixed with the idea of ​​agony, the metaphor of heartbreak and all the allegories related to death ever conceived, how the hell is all my breath, what? Have you ever caught the wind in your hands? trapped wind that explodes on contact in your hands the little static nod here seems a little stiffer than the rest and ling is too long, breaks the rhythm a little it's hard to choose between the slow rise of the butt leg and a hand drawing of 2 microseconds catch and slow down as the hair moves back and forth, leading to a strange throw and a bird line so cute because all of Cinderella's lines are misread.
Here we see a teenage mutant ninja turtle in its natural habitat having left a pizza place afterwards. buy a single individual slice of pizza without any disguise outdoors, oh but nemesis, the turtles often return to roaming outdoors, not outside the sky, it usually happens in the movie Turtles Forever, which bastardizes the turtles of 1987, it's also a thing in the We're buying a single slice of pizza, why would you do that? Oh no, animating a real fight takes time and effort, let's just repeat these four frames than whatever effects, camera moves or embellishments Mr. Marshall was doing.
Oh no, she launched a single attack that I blocked. that getting her injured is too much, I have to kill myself now, any of those lines of enthusiasm also explain this, by the way, because they are all delivered with the cadence and inflection of an angry background of the extra oil team in Ruby's second flame inplace of a confident and proud military general, the dab, this tyrant must have been drunk, one of the entertainers, four year olds, that's the only explanation, the way he says Kaiser, I guess I have the high ground, I It bothers me so much, they just don't give any direction.
For this line you killed the funny people inflection. Me and I can't even blame you because it's a matter of direction of literally everything in the museum, but if I chose just one shot, it would be Danny's completely motionless, motionless body. I picked up and threw something on Shira breaking one of them as the bracelets break by immersion and I like how a woman has such a delayed reaction. She's meant to activate her super form right away, isn't she? She feels like she has been activated. How about, instead of joking, the first time our characters with a lot of personality meet, we just make the galaxy blurt out a complete incongruity, no relation to anything that has happened or been said since then, oh , is it happening to you, toto Jesus, do I like it?
How is nal trying to make a deeper voice because they acknowledge in the comics that ultrasound has a deeper voice than normal sound, but it almost sounds like a parody voice he would make for a video? The line is embarrassing because the concept of sound. admits that someone else fascinates him, it doesn't suit him and the delivery, even if it was intangible, meant nonsense, it just sounds really stupid, man I'm going to ruffle some feathers, but I don't like the crowbar scene, I like the concept and I like the idea, but having seen what PTSD patients look like when they have an episode, it's much more of a triangle from the outside and they freeze and it's uncomfortable to watch and you feel terrible because you can't do anything to help them.
It certainly doesn't look like a Doug Walker parody where the actor swings his body around like he's in a cartoon. This is a genuinely hilarious overacting that breaks my immersion and ruins my ability to take this seriously if there are cases of PTSD causing this. kind of reaction then I apologize, I have never in my life come across episodes of PTSD that are something like that where the suffrage swings your whole body. I've never seen it online. I have never found it in person if this was done with greater precision. perhaps more chillingly, it probably would have caused Red Hood to start freezing, he stumbled back, shaking almost in place, offering no resistance to Bucky's attack, only breaking out of the end out of necessity and desperation, leading to this attack. clumsy who trips easily these wings look horrible you have a surprise pair of mvc style poison with these shitty wings from an unrelated source altogether this whole style of this fight is painfully slow like watching a stalactite grow mid turn in youtube, but as a stable single scene blocking the fire dragon, this looks horrible, it has no impact, why the hell does his shot reaffirm that Lopez is still alive?
We don't need a reminder of how not all reds died, oh. Also, Griff's cry of no is one of the worst line deliveries in the entire franchise, but still, Griffs won't leave me here. Also Griff takes down Lopez, honestly basically every grappling scene, it's unbelievable to me, such a bad episode, literally every single one. The animation shot drank too much, breaks the 180 rule, or serves no purpose in the aggression of the fight. I managed to get one shot that stands out as bad. Glenn was supposedly stabbed in the palm of his hand by this batarang, but Um, no, that's not even close to being right and when he pulls it out, the wounds on his wrist, so let's take Rock Lee, a character who Not only is he known for being extremely kind and respectful, but he also iconically believes that it is literally impossible.
Disliking crazy food and fruits according to data books is medium-hot curry and we'll make you complain rudely and abrasively that the scientists' curry is too mild. your favorite fruit is medium hot curry, which is basically curry made so that you can't stand real spices. He spoke like a real Asian, I know, but man, he was going to have Broly, I'll kill you lying because probably speaking in this state is a completely incongruous betrayal in the movie and besides, Broly never once expressed the desire to kill in that movie inside. a character, I mean, probably won't yell alkali at the guys who apparently caused his father's death, who's going to yell it at the guy who stopped them from playing with a deer, but the worst thing is that this completely impacts this ps2 bug ?
Broly appears to rip Hulk's head off, then there's a green door that looks really silly and also the effect cuts off in the corners and then Hulk punches Broly which has no impact and the animation looks okay and sped up, why? do you have no impact? hot diggity dog ​​this seems dumb ok I don't love the non super scene I explained before it's a little out of character that ryuka loses his scent, going out makes you like that it's just wrong no this whole episode is over. a cavalcade of boring mediocrity and although I would love to take advantage of one of the moments they stop to explain to you is if you are a baby and have no idea what is happening despite it being blatantly obvious, at least it is typical of these two to not shut up and let the fight have some rhythm so the worst thing is the fact that I can't get past Doom who is so shocked and surprised by the return of Lex's suit even though that already happened and he fought with Iron Man many times in the past and this all leads to very clumsy attempts by Lexus against Beerus, since I am the impossible line, this stone throw looks like my arm has been cut off, a horde of giants is coming towards me and my aura is depleted so if I turn in the wrong direction I hit a wall I will break my neck and I also just killed an innocent woman who is a bit abrasive and allows me to leave this place and now I can see these giants , so I know for sure. she was justified in her actions God I'm very happy with this incoming man at least the ear line is funny instead of a cool first person photo of professional fast kicks we have this side view that looks really strange because the massive body of the professional is suspended in the air, this fist fight is a bit, right?
Link shoots an ancient arrow and the result is a large, textureless blue circle.png that hits Cloud in the face apparently Batman decides the best way to stop Tony from shutting down the watchtower. is to hit it all with a beautiful frame counter, one of three in this episode, but the biggest of all and technically spanning three shots. I've heard some excuse for this like oh, it was being careful what you wish for, that's why you hit Tony with that, but that's really stupid and out of character for Batman or, oh, the watchtower got hacked, so what is compromised, but since cyborg exists, he can unlock it.
Problem solved, if Batman was worried about information leaking, he would have set it to self-destruct. instead, because this has a high probability of killing people when the huge pieces of the watchtower crash into the earth, this is a silly scene, you will never be able to convince me, otherwise the two featured scenes I would have chosen they managed to save Goku Black, conveniently losing all of these keys. Explosions on a stationary headset are saved by the ear line, as the drops are fun and the black transforms into completely different spikes. They are saved by the kamehameha delivery being one of the best on the show and the zoom out cinematography, so it is this hand. dropper where Eva appears to be running very slowly and then a barely animated black goku appears behind him imagine having all of that built up in this elbow for an explosion that's small you can see the wisdom boomstick right there for reference man uh battle to death, combined color. this scene for the rest of the fight challenge this spectacle they roar is embarrassing a completely inanimate just spins clockwise while interpolating in the air as a non-animated shao khan swings back a splash of non-animated blood flies through the air as if it were a single solid energy and not a liquid Cora makes this blade of ice, but its color is so bright that it loses all the details, it looks like a single block of cells and then a storm falls on it, which only It affects the upper half of your body for some reason.
Hideo 99 apparently just erased the meaning of frame rate. that jump force looks better, higher, 99 somehow and that's sad, psychotic, grunting in pain, a priest hits us. The finished Popeye is one of the most jarring things in this series. The guy is literally unbreakable when hit by the higher levels. from the verse of him you can more or less survive casual hits from him, but this guy getting splashed with a single hit later just made him go, boy, that shows the video anyway, go watch parts, have fun .

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