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Doctor Reacts To Rhett and Link's Injuries | Good Mythical Morning

Apr 23, 2024


YouTube Legends it's time to diagnose some of your health issues you've had on camera, let's start PE, we didn't discuss beforehand how fast we were going to run and all I remember thinking was as soon as we started running wow


is really going for it he's running as fast as he can i gotta run im going to act like i'm filming link while he runs next thing i know link is no longer by my side oh his scaffolding fell down at least that's what it looks


here this is where I make the diagnosis


good step good step makes sense because oh St jagged so he hit the lump falls on an outstretched left hand then rolls makes a fold and rolls which is actually Well, tuck and roll is actually about momentum, so that's something they actually teach in parkour, you'll have a rash on your right arm, but you'll probably or potentially break your left wrist here.
doctor reacts to rhett and link s injuries good mythical morning
I think I broke my elbow, really broken, no, I just jammed it, oh, you messed up your side pretty good too, right, oh man, look, he's got a rash on his right arm, let me see if you can, yeah, It's not broken, yeah, it's just a sprain, it just got stuck, how do you do it? He says it's not broken with the best medical advice, honestly, it's the equivalent of watching some of these health gurus on YouTube, being like you have a headache, take some salt, like wait, I don't even you examined, how do you know?, so just take.
doctor reacts to rhett and link s injuries good mythical morning

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doctor reacts to rhett and link s injuries good mythical morning...

Okay, red will go first and Chase will be behind the pain wall inflicting pain on a specific part of his body. Now I will be watching just his face react to the pain and then I will say where I felt the pain. feeling to see if it matches, if so I get a point at the end of this whole very scientific study, we will know who is the best friend based on who has the most points, ready to go, it's like testing your friendship telekinesis give it pain it's a whip oh don't do that oh, no, oh, oh, that's a real whip that's not even a Play Whip in there just a little bit of tickling just a little whip on the left rear really throws it was my butt yeah you won't be able to Realize if I go in second place.
doctor reacts to rhett and link s injuries good mythical morning
No way, they are shooting at each other. No, come on, we know that's not good. I wish they would do this themselves on the ground. Because it could actually temporarily paralyze and stun your muscles, which is why one of the biggest dangers of Tasers is hitting your head on the ground from a fall. Oh, that looks so bad. I told you it was going to fall. Did it hurt? Yes, it hurt a lot. most Tasers these days to have a heart problem, unless you are already predisposed to a heart problem, very rarely cause heart


, rather they cause muscle


or injuries from falls or skin injuries.
doctor reacts to rhett and link s injuries good mythical morning
My front tire. I think it just took a really, really hard boom, turned right when it hit this um divot Wham and then it just flew forward threw me yeah I'd say it hit me more than it threw me over the right side of the bike my forward momentum It took me and it happened so fast that I didn't have time to take my hand, my right hand off the handlebars, isn't it amazing how humans have this natural reaction to always protect themselves with non-vital structures like when we fall, no matter what we put our hands on. hands?
That's like automatic, you're not even thinking about it. I was diving into my right shoulder, it was the first thing that had a collarbone injury, so the first thing that hit was the top of my right, which feels like a collarbone injury, collarbone. on the ground the collarbone is broken like on the right towards the end so remember when we talk about injuries and trying to understand what the injuries are, the way he explained it to me was very good because I was able to deduce that it is a collarbone injury without knowing All this history and that's because the mechanism of injury is largely what allows us as


s to understand what's happening.
Well, we are here in Santa Monica in the cryozone to try out the new trend of cryotherapy now that I turned 40. I'm looking for anything to give me a reason to keep going, maybe this is sad, not sad, actually everyone who gets older, everyone wants to turn back the clock, the world is looking for the Fountain of Youth and I promise cryotherapy is not the answer. The claims they make in these cryotherapy centers are absolutely ridiculous, none of them are supported by evidence, so the machines will tend to lower blood pressure, which is why we are checking for very low blood pressure at the moment, 141 over 75, so it's a little high, but we're, that's good, that's not good and it's also wrong because you took it while he was talking, he just walked in, he hasn't sat down for 5 minutes, in fact, taking the blood pressure of wrong way leads to so many false diagnoses of hypertension.
I need to know that when you are doing a blood pressure check just because you have a high reading doesn't mean the person is automatically diagnosed with hypertension, it takes a little more than that so there is an exemption. I'll go over a In some of them there is an exemption if you die, it's not our fault. It will take about 30 seconds to reach the temperature you want it to rise to. What temperature is that? 60° when approximately 60° when you enter. Yes, and then what does it come down to? It will drop to -167 for your first time, how is that possible and how is it safe?
The thing is, you're going into this -167° chamber, don't you want to know why? You're going to go into this chamber, we tried it and saw that it can help with pain perception, but it doesn't really change anything about the function of the lesions, then we tried to see if it helps with the arthritis conditions that it presents. the same as putting an ice pack on your arm, so why do you pay hundreds of dollars for a session like this and go to such extremes, putting your body in an extreme situation? It is an extreme that is largely unnecessary.
I don't feel like I should be in charge of getting in, now it's in, dude, the FDA actually put a warning out there saying there's nothing this is medically useful for, like there's no FDA approved uses for this and that's not it. it means that not everything that doesn't have an FDA approved use doesn't work, but this especially doesn't work because they make it look like it's a medical device just at first, it'll take about 90 seconds to peak and I don't. Do you know if you've noticed that the hype around cryotherapy has really died down and shifted to cold water immersions because what these researchers discovered was that you don't need to get the benefits of cold at -167, when your body is running at 98, 6, can you get them? the same benefits go to the 40° bath and then they realize they can't make money telling you that, so they start selling you the bath as if its soak is colder than your real bathtub, just run the cold water four three two and you have all done a great job my nipples have never been so hard your belly is also turning red yes, the reason you blush after exposing yourself to the cold, the same thing happens when you put an ice pack on is that you Redness is normal, as we initially thought the reason for applying ice to a sprain was to decrease the amount of blood flow going to the area, which would decrease swelling, and then we realized that When the ice pack is removed, even more blood may reach that area. the benefit was more blood going to the area, not the fact that we diverted blood for 15 minutes;
In fact, there is debate in the medical community about whether applying ice is valuable after a sprain. I don't feel any pain. I didn't feel any pain before I went in there, I should have eliminated it. I guarantee you that this place you are going to will use it as a promotional reel and say that I don't feel any pain afterwards. I don't even feel like I need to wear clothes again. It is not appropriate. What this has done for me is that it has shown me that the only thing a human being needs is skin.
We don't need clothes. We can just beat people with skin. fabric the skin is dressed it should be a tagide in one of their products what's going on what I'm seeing is they just drop Orbeez on their face that's what I was about to say I'm worried one of those will go in their mouth they are groceries what's in an Orbeez my ear my ear F cut the music cut the music cut the music I can imagine one of these gentlemen ending up in my office and saying I have something in my ear. I'm like, oh, you?
Lose a piece of the swab because you shouldn't have used it and they say I have an Orbee now. I have an Orbee in my left ear. I can't get it out now, don't push. This draw sucks softly now oh this is so uncomfortable oh you why did you blow? You didn't blow, you didn't blow, no, I sucked, man, you know what's funny, there's like this little brat, that brat that we use for pediatric patients that the mom. You can use it and it actually filters the snot or something like that or traps the snot. Here's a video if you haven't seen it.
You know what I really think came out, but the problem is they're getting all this water and liquid. inside the air, if they don't get it out properly, you could develop something known as otitis externa, also known as swimmer's ear, where you get a nasty infection of the canal inside the ear, which is very painful, like if you press on this area or pull this, it's so painful that you actually need treatment, which is usually antibacterial drops or a combination of antibacterial drops and steroids, it's not fun and people get this obviously from swimming but also from washing their hair, dying their hair swimming in Orbeez, come on . to push our bodies in the safest way possible to see which of us can urinate the longest it is time that when we can no longer ignore the call of nature we will finally know who can urinate the longest with their penis what caffeine is a diuretic meaning Promotes the loss of water through urine.
I'll explain to you why coffee and soda don't actually dehydrate you. The chemical caffeine in them is a diuretic, but remember that most of what's inside a can, a cup, a bottle, is water, it's liquid, so if you can. If you are urinating more, you are also drinking more fluids. The only time this could become a problem is if you start taking caffeine pills where you don't include liquid like you would with a cup of coffee, oh god I have to do that now. By the way, PE and carbonated drinks can be a trigger for bladder irritation and there are certain lists of foods that I give to my patients who have a sensitive bladder as a way to potentially eliminate some of those foods.
The ideal is to have the bladder under control. Ways to activate the bladder with certain foods and carbonated drinks are one of them. I really need to go. I'm trying. I'm pinching it. Oh my, holding in urine for too long could lead to medical problems. I mean, obviously. A urinary tract infection comes to mind, but you could also have problems with things like kidney stones because when there's not enough urine circulating, you can have urinary stasis which stretches the bladder and causes damage to the bladder because the bladder is a muscle. It is a muscular organ and you can cause damage to it as a result.
There are also pelvic floor muscles that work in sync allowing the bladder to be emptied and if you hold it for too long you can cause damage there. How long did it last? It was 2 minutes 56 seconds, how long did you hold it? That's dangerous, so we wanted to see what happens when you drink those 400 milligrams of caffeine, which is the FDA's acceptable daily amount, all in one, that's not the problem that people see. like the maximum amount they go, that's the right amount, that's the maximum, so we don't say we recommend that amount, people go straight to the maximum, how will that affect the human body, the human mind?
I could tell you it's going to cause palpitations, a feeling of anxiety nervousness restless muscle aches maybe a little delirium if you've had enough you might be thinking I drink I drink like at least five of those when I'm playing my one night games what when I'm playing or whatever Listen, you have a problem, okay, you have a problem, it's not good for you, especially if you drink it close to bedtime and some people drink that amount of caffeine and say, "I can still fall asleep." Yes, but you're not resting. you are not sleeping you are not going through the proper stages of sleep your memory is going to suffer the next day you will not feel refreshed when you wake up in the


I feel like I am accessing a different plane that is beyond everything Red Bull studies Stevie.
I would like you to think of a number between one and 334 100, only it's on the screen now, but we can't see that for me I was getting 71 or 17, it was my number. Are you kidding me, my number was three, did you do something 71? I told you I'm 71. These are some of the craziest moments that happened on real live television. Click here to watch it, and as always, stay happy and healthy.

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