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Jorge Medina en El minuto que cambió mi destino | Programa completo

Jun 03, 2024
and yes yes how are you very good evening welcome welcome thank you for doing you the great favor of joining us today one more broadcast of the minute that changed my destiny in a very respectful way test greetings to gustavo adolfo infante the guest we have tonight has simply had a career overwhelmingly he sings for the suffering and when women listen to him he smells of danger since he was a child he wanted to be a singer but later he decided to see another side of the coin and wanted to be a doctor for things in life he said goodbye to the white coats and returned to the microphones despite After all the success he achieved with one of the most important bands in Mexico, his love for fame ran out, he walked away from music for a while and they told him I will be waiting for you but as he himself said, God, if you forgive time, no.
jorge medina en el minuto que cambi mi destino programa completo
A year later they answered him, sorry for my frankness and it is too late, wounds are healing and he is free again, now he tells his audience that I am your exclusive and he is not waiting for a call from his ex. He is very happy to receive Jorge Medina. minute that changed I have to talk about tickets because all the songs work, it's nice and thank you very much, welcome as you are well, getting the hang of it and very happy right now to say hello, mainly to save the people who are at home, a kiss to all the fans who they made it possible for all that history and well now in another facet of very happy with my new single hey there's one thing I'm like it's cacalotán del rosario without giving way to those where you don't do I was born in cacalotán that's my town it's one side of Rosario the municipality is Rosario Sinaloa and well because Qatar is a very small town we are about 1500 more or less 3,500 if I think that about two thousand people from a very small small town and the Medina family as it was integrated is a It's a complicated story for me to tell you because my parents separated as the little one was like, there are many things that, even adrift, I get along very well with the Medina family, not with those that I managed to meet because there are people who are related, not so that I know that by knowing about destiny, because work came to us, they went to live elsewhere.
jorge medina en el minuto que cambi mi destino programa completo

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jorge medina en el minuto que cambi mi destino programa completo...

When I grew up, I met many people who were my uncles or cousins ​​or someone like that, but my family is the main base of the family because they are the branches, the family, the family. maternal, who are the ones who loved me with my grandmother, sectors


ramos, I am


ramos, I have two parents, my dad, well, his name is Jorge Medina, like me and my dad, and dad, for my dad, well, Chilo calls me, I send greetings to the two of us meet today and Chile is the one we educated you in her collection of poems.
jorge medina en el minuto que cambi mi destino programa completo
Notice that I stayed with my grandmother because my mother got married and I was kind of reluctant that you were going to marry me. At that time, I was already old enough to get married. Jealous then, as we saw at home, my grandmother's mother got married, my brother, who is a doctor in Tijuana, he has been placed with one of his specialty cells, none of those things, fertility is mixed, nothing has gone super well, calling, greetings, I stayed with my grandmother. I lived with my grandmother practically all my childhood if I went with my mother but I couldn't stay the night.
jorge medina en el minuto que cambi mi destino programa completo
I have always returned to my grandmother's house and that's how I lived with my grandmother. I slept until practically until I got married and what did your mother tell you? No. I told you I answered you mom I can't tell you the word that calls me because he never tells me his name without permission a rude thing what a bastard for people like that ugly Tomas hello with p himself coming out of the abyss downwards but to cure a nice cure I don't know you talk to my mom you don't know her and she takes you with you in two minutes how you think and sometimes sometimes I tell her to calm down to lower her a little bit 9 100 reckless since you were dedicated since your mother was dedicated and a housewife and Dad, work, do you remember that company that disappeared called conasupo, yes, of course, he spent his entire life in the winery until it closed and continued and forced the field 1 to work. land I know how to plant I have a ranch I had to work with Caín hey and what did we plant because I don't want to be thought badly of corn but from Sinaloa you can't start anything else they didn't invite us they invited me to plant marijuana because if it is used that you grab you grab young people they invite you but party that I have a family that even though we were humble the truth is my mom always in our war I can tell you an anecdote that my mom still hit me at eighteen 18 years old my last cousin and why But why did she give me a cigarette when I smoked with Irma in front of me and I didn't smoke like I did in front of her like until I was 36 years old, it's like the parents say and I also applied it in my time, just with the look dad the flip flops now basic but with your eyes in front of people you would shut up and calm down, don't notice that I was a good child and now well now calm down almost normally the friend of the one they hit him they hit him because of my brother from the doctor quiet but damn how much They earned by sowing corn.
You remember that there is a minimum wage per day and there for the cut they pay hundreds and 120 on the day, 150 and you do well more or less. Back then I earned 8 pesos a day or so and it works. marijuana when they would have paid you who knows it never provokes questions they never ask 7 even if I wanted to dedicate myself to that I couldn't on the ranch I worked in the fields because that was what there was there was nothing else behind you you always studied I was well educated I wasn't given the degree but It was always very good, I finished primary school, high school in high school and started university but it didn't work out there and I got married and bless God I found this woman.
You cut me off Monica and no longer it couldn't be possible my son was born before recess if I I steal how the ranches are used, do you remember that the so-and-so did let me walk because it lasted a -9 honey and from there this beginning the story of ours does not have to be the rub when they returned it was difficult for a year until he was born My son, my first son, his parents told me that you were keeping your son a monkey. At that time, he worked in the broom factory and they sang in a band called Nuevo Illusion.
I started singing, but it wasn't a serious project as such. We managed to record a more or less homemade album and from there Don René heard me, that was the pig Camacho Don René Camacho discovered me from there. He was looking for a singer on that side where the coyote comes out and Don René went to the house because I sang the por On Saturdays I wasn't going to dedicate myself to this study, not very much about brooms, because there was nothing else I liked that was left to do with brooms. It was a broom factory.
I could do the whole process. I learned to do it because I worked in high school and high school during high school. during I was preparing g to pay for school, that's how the delicate economic situation at home was, we took a short commercial break, we came back to find out how this great band, the overwhelming one, came in. There were two big star vocalists, not my fat ass for the senate and the coyote came in. The man, what is happening, what is happening, how does fame come to a boy who comes from the countryside who is not used to it, whatever the blow, we are with Jorge Medina, surely that could be the first minute that changed his destiny.
We returned, we lasted three months. wife and I didn't know what to do because what was pressing was to feed the kid, not under Louis, just one as you want, so the creature, of course, I owed so much money, a turkey that reads me was hiding from people, I was sure that he hadn't changed the year was 1996 I'm right this actor and you were with the band he's on Saturdays and he comes to René Camacho that story is one of the parts I like most about my life tell me about it share it with me because for good and the bad adventure, the bad adventure, I had my newborn son, he worked on brooms and he worked in the band, he lived in a house called Separate, a house that he lent to Maria, in fact, now I don't want her, I lent her the house so that but she Gustavo's job ended and at that time there was no work even in the brooms in my town when the river rose before there was a bridge no longer no longer the cover there was no bridge if the river rose it rained for whole days they couldn't make them they couldn't We had to leave the town, so as a result, the brooms were not sold and there was no work in the band, nor was there any work.
It lasted three months, my wife and I did not know what to do because what was urgent was to feed the kid, Jorge Luis does not go to one like that. Well, then they are the creatures, of course, I didn't owe so much money, Gustavo, you read me, I hid it from people, which is something other than because when one of Beto doesn't have the means to pay, who is already clear, where, where, I paid without work, without brooms, I spoke with a guy to take the angels and I told him well I was going to be the typical one to leave it to me to put my son to go to the middle of the US in that one and he said he hadn't sent me the money that's why I didn't leave yet he hadn't sent it to me and He asked to borrow money so that he could send me to go to work in the United States because it's wet, I mean, I'm going to cross because I needed to eat, so I was playing soccer in the afternoons, a lot of things are used in the field of Huelva, everyone told me that they talk at your house. and I swear to you that it was not hidden in the middle of the patios of the houses to see if it was not the monero, when I saw it, well, I came out of my hiding place, I did not tell him where who was doing it here because now there was only one thing in it.
I remember a dance they played in Rosario and I saw it from afar. I thought about asking for an autograph, you know, but I was very embarrassed so I already knew I could locate it because I was a fan of La Arrolladora when she sang Julio and I he played but also with the coyote and I would escape from school to go see them so in reality as my reference of the bands he said the gentleman is him and yes sir he is the owner of the band and the venero petatero yes but then Don René told me Well, look, I'm looking for a singer.
They told me about you and I wanted to invite you to the rehearsals to see if you want to try. We're going to do a tour in the United States. It's so scary that everything he told me came from a project that I got scared, I told him, let me. think about it how do you think no no and I told my wife he asked her for advice she said and if I get involved and it continues I had to sing with the band lemon for another six months in which we pay what we owe what we owe because well I don't want to leave And let me tell you, Don René said, it lasted three months on tour and it was true, three months and before that, positive things on tour and well, whatever the cell phone, there were no cell phones, there were the type of card calls like whatsapp, nothing at all, nothing, but look now. on facetime and I'm few but before like no or three months without seeing your family that's how we did it everywhere it was very funny because when I came in I remember well and I don't forget that some of the bands didn't love me you already had 21 years old 22 sides very small although no I was not going to give the wide because while I listened to the comments and it demoralized me because I listened to them but René always supported me always against against against the others he he was the one who supported me He helped me stay and instead of the coyote he didn't also pass me by there where he died but he had already left and before the coyote he recorded about six albums more or less because the radio already had several degrees like between the lines 10 the tumbleweed and it was an institution at that time there was his song that you forgot and what happened it was for promotion but I didn't have a singer and that's when I had to do that promotion the son project came up and he came with the most overwhelming that landis never came, maybe that whole project didn't come, the band fell apart, just imagine that there are two owners, one was El Salvador, Don Salvador Lizárraga, and the other was René Camacho, and having the band El Lemon, they fight and they know what happened, I don't know.
We didn't come with this either because the guy was coming in and they separated with who gets melon or watermelon the minute he loves, don't be crude and it didn't dawn crude because I never behaved, I'm sure that their houses were already known to see Jorge Medina for you that loyalty because I understand that when the two owners of the band fight you out of loyalty which is a word that I perceive that you value and respect a lot you stay with when camacho truth loyalty is everything in this life a loyal person is very difficult to find for me that Don René defended me tooth and nail precisely at that time who I heard who said that it wouldn't be me those words that little boy is not going to come out at all I heard the man analyze obviously you keep quiet because well, you're coming in, what I'm saying is more, I sat where they told me to on the bus, so point your loyalty when René, yes, then that's when you came in, enter this part of the scene Fernando Ferranndo was already working there when the son of Governing Camacho, who is the producer of most of his albums, he told me that they had a project with Sonic with the Sony company that it was very important that if I wanted to stay with them, then I should sign a contract and if they signed me, broke up the band and immediately this whole issue arose, not all the dispute that people like that even have in history, but I went with René precisely out of loyalty and and I want to tell you a secret the last seven years that also with overwhelming I did not I had a contract and I stayed working without a contract out of loyalty because we do not have contacts it was not convenient for you they did not give it to you their appearance companies did not sign it we do not need to do it there is no more important contract than the verbal one and it is the one that respects and there was a pact of men and they would leave ice if I agree, I am from a ranch and I respect the word a lot, I respect it a lot, so no.There was a need for contracts because I was in love with the project but during this time in the overwhelming time you had many ups and many downs this is a business that changes you alcoholism will hit you hard if you are not prepared for this business it can ruin you there are people who are faster there are people who are slower I never took it until I was 26 because my mother was so so so strict that well I was not the typical one who delayed when I was young well but when I tried it I loved it if it is really a step and you know What spoiled me the most was starting to generate money that I had never seen.
It is a reality. It is m2 located. It is like this. The power buys you whatever you want. So for a little while and tell me what it was in the light of time, tell me what's wrong with buying it, why would I buy it if I didn't need it? The biggest stupid thing I did was buy a car without knowing how to drive it, what is the shopping cart? of no spirit anymore 93 but since I didn't know that there was something called royalties I recorded my heart got tired and that song was mine that song opened the whole country for us and in the United States so imagine that I earned 600 dollars and sometimes You have never seen that money in your life.
I lived in my aunt's house and we didn't have furniture. I remember that I built the study room. The table for the visit was white for two days. The bed, a wardrobe and the crib, we didn't have furniture because I bought furniture but no I was fed up with riding in trucks I was artisanal let's start then I grabbed the money I arrived in Mazatlán I didn't say anything to my wife I had notions of how to drive I had notions a heads managed no because Fernando had taught me he taught me in In the summer, yes, when driving, I could have crashed, turned over, they left you off the road a lot of times, I had hit someone, I, yes, but it didn't happen, thank God, we got there safely.
I wanted to get home to my mom and say, mom, look at me. I bought a car and a house. You would have bought a few months of underwear. I don't have the word with coffee with Pepe. If I come and that's why you want it, you would have bought a box and in 2002, correct me if I fall into an impression of dates. You have to go to a clinic. of addictions yes yes it was by will problems at your side in Mazatlán mechanics is called promises ok and for me it is a technique better song and that lehman greetings to all mild health godfather andrés here we go you stopped drinking and taking drugs I don't use drugs since 2002 but then that's why on this occasion I didn't shift since I even used coke and a lot, a lot, I hit rock bottom very low and it's one of the things you hear stories about, it's one of the most expensive schools I've ever had and it is also a vice that is very difficult to give up, you suffer a lot physically from the wine, yes, because it is rich, the lucky editors want to put the officials, you know what is the worst thing, you don't know that the fortune is gone, it doesn't matter in the damage it causes to the people who They are around the impression you leave on them and the trauma they have that you have to work on because I struggle a lot for years with my oldest son and I have to confess I don't remember when my son was in kindergarten the oldest love raw aces days very often I didn't wake up raw because I never cut it, there was no way I could stop, I had to have my hair like that so my wife wouldn't leave me, so my wife wouldn't leave me, I came here Miguel and it's one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever had. live I was reading I think that approximations do not say that it says 4500 concerts with the overwhelming number of more than 5 thousand and 45 thousand times you stood in front of a stage sometimes half empty other times but the vast majority full do not believe it no no at first When we arrived in Mexico City at that time, the band El Recodo, this was one of the bands that was playing very loudly, we had to come in with a song and we tried to look for songs, like me, we searched a lot, we only came to one date and we We returned empty-handed and on our own because there were no highways in public bathrooms, I didn't play a dance in Xochimilco where we arrived and very sad, where are you waiting for 3,500 people to get more or less good at that time for three hundred to Santa faith I had to see it I had to see it with a hundred people from Santa Fe and a Santa Fringe process and I remember the convict and I remember I remember I admire and respect Don René's conviction because he said we have to play at times they do more if we leave because you don't believe it The musicians wanted to play it, I had to sing on the stage of that rodeo with the pure little squares and people who are here and they are stories that are interesting and I remember that I have that it was not easy for anyone to get to where we got, well and that was The difficult thing for me to leave is the first minute that changes your destiny is when you enter one of those who believe then you have when you enter that detox clinic of your own free will another minute that changes so if I don't stay I assume it is the empty places with the overwhelming it wasn't it was it was frustrating but you have to pursue the dream because you know how many times we passed by the famous theater of los angeles is that I don't know if the margas can be whatever you want they don't want what they already and we dreamed of things but they were things are delirious for us, we are deciding there we are going to sleep because the nokia was something unattainable and in that place I with the overwhelming machine managed to make eight consecutive soldiers with that mother it is wonderful wonderful that it was more important for you friendship than on a personal basis the nokia or the national auditorium because you also filled us up several times in the national auditorium we only saw it for a long time they were chasing that auditorium before we were there years before but I don't understand why they didn't dare I felt that if it fills it we'll go because we were making a massive We had masses of 40-50 there were those I managed to see 210 thousand people in that in a political event everything you saw everything I saw in the hills were people that I was going to see the overwhelming band El Limon came to have that power at the time that I was there and I love being part of history, they are things that change your life, you see, you really don't know what is, what is happening beyond you, not until this study tells you, success, I don't, I don't feel that way.
Now that I'm relaxed, I've done a self-exam because you don't have to do it or rather I forced myself to do it. Today I do it and I review those days and what I always felt was tiredness. in the leadership of the nation with a small pause with a laser to return and it was so beautiful well only schools like a step through walt disney word being in the overwhelming first because he leaves it second all the women who take it out he walked with them Latin steel that Fernando and I saw that he was already unacceptable, we saw roommates, we were so attached that it was difficult for me to understand how the money changed him and that is the truth.
I can only say that when we continue here with Jorge, the minute we it changed my destiny if it's going to give everything to the overwhelming they were together hand in hand on the way to success the number one band they brought the ms hot on their heels but it hadn't reached them back then and this and what happened there was always a lot of difference in ideas I didn't have the power to decide to change things Fernando suddenly was the absolute owner and master that everything is going well suddenly I am not a dissatisfied person by nature I am satisfied I am dissatisfied a very long the aguán tovar a well he couldn't take it but It was too much work for me one day we played Friday to Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday do you remember that there was a good program well try their name is friends they asked me hey did you lose your voice no but where did I get it from and I commented on it once to fernando basically fernando and some raffles for private parties after the dance because you can't do it but it's exaggerated in the end at the end of now that I left my career where I could no longer sing a state because it didn't matter the place, the time or how they walked, it was Mérida was Tijuana, logistics that seemed absurd and crazy to me, not from the old half, not from side to side of the country, things fit well, I was beginning to get angry, I was beginning to make decisions that have been taken away, I came to do so that things for me It occurred to me that not going for an offer is lame and you weren't.
I wanted me to cum, it was too much work but no, we were never able to agree because there is a minute of change that changes that changes my destiny. I invited Fernando Camacho, my friend, to a baseball game they showed watch it was his birthday and that Fernando came Monica why don't you all see why don't you come with us to the beige because I'm going to say hello to Jaime Jaime García is a Mexican pitcher of whom we are all very proud and he is my personal friend so there is rarely the opportunity to set foot on a baseball field here and I love it in the USA and Jaime whenever I went he took me to the field to watch batting practice I tell him to go to the field so they can meet Lenihan that day is the the only baseball game that I have not seen, I wanted to convince Fernando, talking the entire game with him, to change because I was tired.
It is not logical that your voice is so tired to have it exhausted to have it exhausted and I can no longer handle it and I committed two mistakes I liked to trust that Fernando was going to be and trust his word because the thunder of us was a weekend that I do not respect there are dates I see that there are no dates on such a weekend he said no there is no catch them the one He said so that you can rest every year we go to Hawaii, bless God, not even if I wasn't working, of all the world, I was you of courage, the courage to leave without money but I left and when I was already in Hawaii with a hotel paid for with flights paid for, everything was ready to go.
A spectacular week with the family he told me to come back but that's what I say you come back because we have work I said Fernando how am I coming back on vacation from where to get a flight I'm going to tell you the amount to pay per person who goes per person 248 thousand pesos per person a flight for my entire family from jandol a place to san francisco and when you get to francisco you know what he said to me ah you have left element is very weak that day I got very angry that you told him how are you doing this to me but the worst thing is how can you do it for money changing your vacations from your children's vacations from my children from my family, what he did was already unacceptable because Fernando and I were roommates, we were so attached that it was difficult for me to understand how he could change the money and that It's the truth, I can tell him whenever he wants, hey, what I already did with him and he said like this, he told me to my face that here in the band we were, we hope for tokens, the generation that we could see as he wanted, if I don't accept, it's yes.
I told my wife that I was tired, I told them at night, but I only complained to them, they attacked me with no one, I never said anything in any interview, I never even spent anything, it's up to today, he revealed it, I told my wife what I was thinking. how to do it because I needed to get out of here because if not our life, that of my children, was not going to work and this thing of being on the verge of losing my life, the mistake I made at the end of my career with the line, now I have to start drinking because it was the The only thing that relaxed me, I got to the point where it was so much stress and you can't sleep, suddenly you're at home, we already have four hours of rest and they change you to things like that from one day from one minute to the next, hey Megan, grandmother Sant Antoni, I respect that, no.
I'm talking, I'm not talking bad about him, I'm just watching how it happens, action happened, then I held a meeting at my house because my children are grown up, I have to talk about it everywhere, I told him, he said, I want to retire, and the eldest son told me, yes, don't be afraid, yes. I have to change schools, if something has to be changed, this has to be changed, but I don't want to see you like this anymore. Please, if it's for your own good, do it. I'll hold on for a few more days and in Monterrey, no one knows, no one knew, and no one is going to believe me because.
Let's just go, Mr. Miguel Cobas and I, Don René said, "If you were there, let's go to a baseball game. My blood pressure went up to 192. I understand a lot. I understand, I was alone. I felt so bad. I didn't talk to anyone. That night I went to the hospital. It was exactly the 21st." July 2016 and I told Mr. Cobas that I was not going to be able to go to the game because I was sick and they said I was drunk, I said, well, it's the fame that I created, it's not the image that I left them, but really I told myself the author, how much do you work, how much do you drink?
Right now, I have been drinking a lot, one more daily, at least one, but I had to take it and I didn't have to take it to be able to sleep, that's how it was then, the author said, I don't know you, he said topics with a familiar face, but you I want to say something for doctor doctor because you are going to die you stop protect and I was not diagnosed at that time anxiety depression and chronic excessive fatigue without the chrome so the environment is the description of getting out of the overwhelming I was already tired of being up to sea Yes, well, we're back, but we're at the end of this program.
I was up to here. You'll never forget it. You mark me as a manager. I think you're ready to come back. For example, I'm recording a mythical show. After the interview, I can't live. Hahaha, you think that? You have heard the minutes that change the destiny of Jorge Medina, wait for what he has prepared for us in this segment, he has decided to tell you about the overwhelming and here in the visas, no one, simply whatever, you work, why and if, many times so that they would cover it because if I resigned obviously they don't give you your settlement I did it for my health and I told myself I'm going to get married when I get home I finally say today at the end of 2000 I don't regret it I will never regret the tradition because it was my life in theI was at risk and Fernando I don't really know what problems he would have I don't know what you ever talked to him about again he was at home when I left and he told me don't rest take some time when these two guys can get the job done later yes and the kiel jose and vincent then there is something I want to tell you, you cannot go to my house and give him your word that I am going to return and not keep it he was he went to my house he went to your house I have you come back and then I never come back and you spoke to him to tell him and I'm ready for three times the law allows him you know what I did to him every time I was going to go on a trip waiting I'm going to travel but if you don't take care of brands I can't stand rest until I understood the message here goes This is the good part of this segment I spoke to her many times and she tells me that she was on a flight she tells me that she is in Houston Benzia that they were and I to talk just like I am talking to you because she never returned to cesc brother is going to find out about this in this program or maybe I already said it he told me I'm not in the city I was coming from what Fernando told me I'm not in the city I was talking to him to see what's going on what was going to happen to us well tell me a return date when Or if possible I was going to return but if they told me, you understand I was expecting something but now to do something with my life because uncertainty is ugly Gustavo of course then I come with my wife my wife is a witness she told me I'm not in the city when she comes sick I can't speak and they want to pass in front of me I don't know if that's Fernando Camacho he has passed in front of you speaking for he is speaking on the phone in touch he was not in the city he never realized that you wanted him to understand with that he doesn't love you anymore they didn't compensate you you're not going to fight that I don't have time for lawsuits I'm focused on music and the great cores in your life no I don't have time for grudges look I got so depressed it was a depression and my wife saw my wife was next to me and my wife wanted how to free me she said how do you feel was what she told me and as a promise york detailed the shoulder the relationship was not over point to what if I never don't eat when I understood it was because he never and that he lived the face because he never wanted to see me face to face to study with him right now at that moment because he was watching this interview sure everything you say to him is not good carnal I forgive him so go long and better to you me He is in charge of putting things and people in their place, like Lizárraga put me here, what the fat man did, they tell me they see very very strange marketing, he said well to the house and I told him like this, here I go but like that I automatically didn't ask him. nor why nor why did he ever talk to me, you left me when he took out his wallet of eggs from the swing and life is summed up in this and work is summed up in this you are Jorge Medina a doctor but you don't know your worth I do because I see you and my feet tremble at the sight of you, I know who I have in front of me, law for me that is a compliment that he tells me that and I admire him and I appreciate him very much I thank him very much and then he told me I need you to come here and you go to the mirror that you see and in the depression that a baby or friend brought, nothing, but you don't realize, I love you, how this feeling, you don't know how much it hurts me to see you on those days, if I ask you what is going to be tomorrow, you answer, I don't know why that was my response to taste for everything I already started running here you go this is the good one this good when you run you lose weight your happiness changes you have a different color of face your eyes should I was working I was already in shape already listening to songs by putting together the album already searching He kind of did it and did it and helped me, but no one knew, it was a secret just between you and me and we didn't want to tell the composers who the songs were for.
I'll never forget it, he marks me as a very famous manager. I think you're ready to come back. Pelas beautiful people are already recording an album after the interview I can't live in the year but how is he going to play with me like that no no and I said never you always showed your face to me anymore I didn't even talk anymore it was a WhatsApp you came to my house you dared to tell me that he was going to return the son and then you did this you did this I'm there and I let out my frustration there I told him but on the phone neither and no you didn't even have the chance to see me and say it to me face to face but something is very clear to me that the best It's coming, I too, since your family is now wonderfully well harmonious, your career is beginning to be harmonious and you have to look after yourself for your kids.
I didn't agree with your husband. Your wife's body hurts. It's a very delicate question. The truth would be missing. a lot of respect yes context positively but the truth is that Ruiz I am not a saint I have a history brother that is difficult to erase but right now I am living with her as people, both of us as husbands as parents perhaps the best moment of our life in this sometimes I feel Like 20 doesn't appeal to me, like it's a dream, but I think that acting well, he behaves well, brings me to this moment to everything that is happening, but your reality is different, today my reality is astral, good luck and we are sure that We appreciate finding along the way because there will be many other minutes that change, everyone has thank you Jorge, on the contrary, it is a pleasure to be on this program.
I love the program. I have seen it several times. Things happened about how the planets align so that we have here the best one that I would like. the show and the infanticide give us life and your presence next week on the same channel we have another minute the change of my destiny for your fine attention thank you very good evening it was always like that bullying and well yes at that moment it affected me a lot when you see We are going to burn Belinda's face when she is born and I am sure that your father and mother carry your burden because I was not even with my parents I was not even at school well I know after what happened in Mexico the earthquake I was a girl and I can seem stupid because I committed to building 30 houses that I don't have to.

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