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De la sabiduría del arquitecto

Apr 04, 2024
It is the deepening of the themes due to age. Also in that sense, in the age when they are older you will see that it is an enjoyment or an occasion of enjoyment that is enjoyed more and more. I still remember my father died at 104 years of age, he was a surgeon. great and when we were children we always studied him later until the end he was studying but we said why study if he already knows everything and he continued studying us until the end of his days studying is a gift being wise is not something reserved for people Strange, no, no, it's not something typical of all of you.
de la sabidur a del arquitecto
I was lucky enough, or I don't know what to call it, to have a meal with Obama here in Madrid with a series of cultured people. I wasn't asking each one a curious question and I could pay close attention to it. Very accurate question required a lot of attention when hearing the answer. He asked me what I thought was the key to everything that was happening in the world and I responded with an answer that you understand perfectly well or better than me, which is education. education of people education that education belongs to the educators but it belongs to the learners and any of us any of you are susceptible to continue studying enjoying and being more risky well well what you see there what appears on the screen is the cover of a book that is the last book that has just been the collection of texts and after the second part of the other interventions in any case I insist that they are not invented topics topics let's see what I'm talking about let's see what I write about just like you don't You say, let's see what project you're building for us today because there is a client, whether it's someone in the family or whether it's a friend or someone who comes from abroad and who proposes a site, some functions, an economy, a whole series of things, well, the same thing, the same thing, us. any of you, well, these topics are topics that have been emerging over the years, for various reasons and for the same reason that when you make a project, we are looking for an idea, we are looking for a central theme, we are looking for an argument and We developed that argument in the corner, the treatment of the corner of a stone foot in a building.
de la sabidur a del arquitecto

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de la sabidur a del arquitecto...

That is an idea. It is a mechanism. It is a mechanism. One can do that in a stone building. See how the corners are treated. The issue of the corner is. a topic that has been treated throughout the history of architecture as an almost central topic studied by palladio but also studying me is where robben but it is yours and always the theme of the corner and that is an idea is a mechanism are mechanisms in What they do is support the central idea of ​​whatever you want, good because I heard about the wisdom and wisdom that I would like for all of you from outside to be wise and for that you have to study and study now as I already studied it when I was in the race well now going back to studying the greats is something from palladio oh trubio this sounds like the ones used see infinite searches but I also tell you that now studied past time you study another way 2 l in another way because almost everyone would read it is almost I'm sure you should something, maybe not complete, Cervantes' Quixote I wanted it to be a little bit but now I've read it, the lawless years passed with more enjoyment and you learn a lot more laughter, the wisdom we're talking about, well, this is the book that appears there is the book the book of wisdom in the sacred scriptures wisdom is a reflection of the eternal light serenity is an intelligent spirit holy unique multiple subtle mobile penetrating immaculate lucid invulnerable kind acute incoercible benefactor friend of man firm secure serene almighty all vigilant that penetrates all the most subtle pure intelligent spirits in Marbella that the sun and all the constellations compared to the light of day wins in some way when something is studied, the subject that is being discussed is illuminated and the light comes and it is understood in Such a Socrates was a wonderful guy in that kind of dialogue dialogues to provoke the responses it is more difficult for some of you not to sound a Welsch painter from the last century his name was Alma Tadema that is the one who paints some paintings of Phidias with horses and clerical and great seeing the parthenon like this with my hands placed like this and the parthenon painted in colors because the parthenon was painted on the stone painted in colors but I know that in my text from a few days ago I wrote that the scare that six shots were fired and the warmth first logically they finished the parthenon and on the first day the parthenon was with the natural stone as it is now the beautiful white stone and the painters came and the clac clac they painted everything helped by chairs that the vicarage sculpted the wonderful metopes well then I I think that the poor and shots and clark and free cali my hair stood on end when they saw that they had painted all that good stuff in colors because chronos and he is the god of time said man so that he doesn't suffer less and classic the thesis of They operate, we release it quickly and knowingly the colors had been undone and we see the Parthenon as we see it now, it is very beautiful, it is stripped down, we see the proportions, the light and the shadow of an infinite beauty, it is that these Greeks did things very well, they were good people, well, the lion is not dead that was wonderful when you are in a class you have to say well you don't know you seriously but if you have seen the movie and in that movie there is also a beautiful scene that leads to another crime many times when they are asking the child why he dances, you are going to expel him but the court is already there when there is an older lady from pulsar he and you ask the child and you why you dance then the child makes faces and amazement amazement astonished he says when he dances I feel electricity I feel like a bird and then pronounces a beautiful phrase in English that is a shot of this there was a kind of and like dancing sophie dark josefina a check with although I suffered only I are raised by and of something that appears to them and that I used it so that well Well, this short challenge occurs when you enter a work of architecture that is worth it, when you enter the pantheon in Rome, suddenly something happens, either you burst into tears or, if not, you burst into tears, the contract that I have with my friends. students that if they cry they have to put a card I cried well but if it happens when you enter a work that is worthwhile that is different from you he was a wise man indeed a poet born in North America goes to London and in London he is a figure well valued by all the protos poets, the fund of economic culture, if you know what it is, it is one of the most powerful centers of wisdom in the world, it is in Mexico that place where it translates, where they do wonderful things, they have a translation of a text by this man who is called what is a class that is a classic that is a wonderful reduction so there it explains what I am going to tell now it talks about the distinction between information knowledge and wisdom google is wise it is not wise google what it has is a tremendous amount of information information accumulated that is good if that information is ingested it is studied after those studies knowledge is produced some knowledge when you have the information I can know that the Lord but in what years do you think it was translated into English in 1612 the same year in which Cervantes the author of Don Quixote had it translated into English where Pote de la Mancha is translated in the same year from PJ de la Mancha and the same year it is translated but well this is my knowledge after having studied the information it does not mean that it is wisdom wisdom It is when one applies that elaborate knowledge after knowing the information and it is even from what you have seen there he says with some very beautiful phrases that are from you it is the self but obviously with a wonderful Mexican translator where is the wisdom that we have lost in knowledge where is the knowledge that we have lost in information I am living more and more and the following image appears octavio appeared for it was the ts eliot award and he says the magnet that attracted me to diesel was the excellence of the poem the rigor of its construction the depth of the vision the variety of its parts and the admirable unity of the whole whether to project better one projects better by being wise than by being skilled there are many skilled architects when I was a small student the break from the teacher from formalist you are a formalist because you are capable of of composing and having skill with forms for tata tata tata tata to another of years it sounds rude it almost doesn't sound like that I say they are not rude the typical architect from the times of minis they make mistakes but what he was was a skilled guy and he made some beautiful plants I am no longer interested in the deeper rereading capable of remaining in time for all that this is what we are talking about today orosa the topics that we are going to talk about in these first seven lessons that is why I bring them here Having all the information is very good because if we then filter it and organize it with a criterion we can reach knowledge.
de la sabidur a del arquitecto
He is a person with great knowledge. It is said here in Spain that he has great knowledge but if he does not apply it then it is of no use to him, this is not enough. Because later, if you are not able to process that knowledge, it is useless, but if we cook it, if we prepare it for a precise purpose, it is when they are activated that they become truly useful. What do wise people do? What is it that I want to convince you of this? What do you see if you have been at Columbia University for a few years, this is knowing the law, which is where the school of architecture is based, and we are still talking about knowledge of something more than information, if not that information digested and then when one transmits it is used when having a large amount of information and after storing it in our memory, knowing ourselves does not imply copying afterwards, studying, assimilating, digesting and producing is applied.
de la sabidur a del arquitecto
A school, in my case, the architecture school is an instrument not only of transmitting information but also of its preparation, which in some way what we are doing this morning is an instrument, a school for the production of knowledge for its transmission, such as coffee beans that need to be selected, roasted, ground, filtered with hot water until obtaining the delicious brew and perhaps after ingestion and management of this wonderful coffee, the neurons awaken and even make them reach wisdom. I have been studying the meditations of Marcus Aurelius for several years, the text of the historical Roman emperor, the Greek geniuses, the Greek lions because they were the cultured language that was studied in cultured places.
Some know where the most famous equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius is, the Capitol of Rome is from that wonderful square made by Michelangelo Buonarroti, Michelangelo, and I think it is also very significant to see how a Bernini is an architect of the highest order in his time he is also a sculptor of the highest order and also a painter who also painted a wonderful architect, it was a wonderful matter in this case of Michelangelo Buonarroti Michelangelo Buonarroti arrives at a wonderful painter but as an architect he makes the Piazza del Campidoglio in the Piazza del Campidoglio the more beautiful that it has not only Marcus Aurelius presiding over the to mark the center to make the center visible but the spherical ground slightly the technician because Michelangelo says I want to show how the globe the earth emerges here in it and this is the center of the world and to mark the center of the earth that has emerged, put the statue of Marcus Aurelius, but the intelligent operation is that of the spherical ground, it is slightly spherical so that it can be stepped on, but well, they are, that is a clear idea of ​​architecture and it It does in a square that is the center of the world with the form of course what work we work with the form we work with history we work with the economy we work I have 56 editions of Marcus Aurelius several languages ​​and it tells you again the enormous enjoyment that each one gives me time I go into those texts but I can assure you that I know nothing about such a surprising character or about her work, even though she dared me to publish something about him, which means that one can continue studying and can continue delving into any topic, then Espinoza appears, says some things as beautiful as these that summarize quite well what I am trying to say, knowledge is science, knowledge that based on a lot of data and combining induction and deduction does not tell me what it is but what I can do, science tells me what what I can do but not what I should do we live anne degrees of information with solid scientific knowledge but some almost completely of wisdom only wisdom appears when we already elaborate we work and apply we make effective that knowledge that has been the elaboration of that information is worth Solomon following you is him and others.
Information and knowledge comes from wisdom, which is greeting, knowing everything about everything, knowing everything about something because after knowing a large number of things about some subject, we could take one more step, we should reach something more. Maybe it would be similar to a doctor's diagnosis. It would be like for us, the project does not have all the data, which in turn, the data has come from the information and has then been put into correlation. We understand that and to project it is the same, we have started with the book. of the wisdom of the sacred scriptures and this is from the book of kings in the book of kings we are told how the young king solomon asks God for an attentive ear.
I took this from some texts in English, it was a true attentive guide make an attentive ear and as god grants you the gift of wisdom now sir myGod, you have made me king in the place of my father David, I am nothing more than a boy, I hardly know how to behave, I beg you, Solomon says goodbye, give your servant discernment to govern your people and to distinguish between good and evil. that Solomon had made this request to him so that he said to him as you have asked me or Solomon as you have asked this of me and not a long life you begin for yourself you have asked me for the death of your enemies but for discernment to administer justice I am going to grant you what I you have had I will give you a wise and prudent heart like no one before you has had and will have after and there comes all the good and then here I mix I am even taking out García Márquez later if there is a wonderful text of the cataclysm of Damocles that you You will have read about him where he says that the cost of a single nuclear warhead would be enough, even if it were just for one autumn Sunday, to perfume the Niagara Falls with sandalwood.
I commented that if this is not a good day, asking for this, may God come and see it, is a very easy expression well of course you will say what an architect does talking about wisdom because why do I do it because among many other reasons I believe that to make the best possible architecture you need to be wise because it is not a means like the well-known one of the wise man who the bad news is the one who only knows about medicine talking to doctors and about medicine You already know everything, I think it's good to know a lot about architecture but you have to know that everything that appears here, that goddess was one of the master teachers of this school that you know, the next image is white towers and the next image is the bank.
Bilbao Vizcaya, you have it very close at hand in La Castellana, which is a splendid building, no, it's not going to be me, I will do an analysis of this bank, this tower, it is a tower where the theme of the corner appears, very well treated, the theme of the structure appears. The theme of transparency appears, there are several separate themes since compositionally in the situation in the Paseo de la Castellana also very well placed a whole series of themes that if we analyze what we arrive at that the architect was a true wise man. I was lucky enough not to have the direct teacher have some classes like this one, he had seen here some classes from Orissa because they were really wonderful classes and not only did I do the following that was leaving the others that appear now the image that has left I was lucky enough to have him as a direct teacher and they continue because this one appears a work of jumps and a second appears in wonders the wonder gym this one is worth going to but it is very close to the d of the cerium tower and it is five minutes walk from the gym of a school, the next one is Carabajal, with which I taught at the beginning and then two works united, one in Barcelona and the other in Madrid and then Julio Cano will appear Julio Cano Lasso and Miguel Fisac ​​are two teachers of Spanish culture and well, one of them won or was so generous that they offered me to work with him, charging and signing the same white city, that is the labor university of yesterday and then fisac appeared again, no, and a next work appears, a work by look at another work by Fisac ​​and then another of the masters appears who was José Antonio Poder, a wonderful Catalan also from the same time as these masters and then a photo of all the dedicated ones and a book of his, the one dedicated and a work that is a house that he has in the Mediterranean in socks and then a work in Madrid that is brick trying to talk with these images that may seem a bit strange is to talk about the old masters and that these masters that he has had as teachers are not that they were a people that they were walking floating as if with wings, they were not normal, nice, wonderful people and what they were were deep, deep, being deep, which is what I and introducing them to you, being deep, being deep, not being boring and being deep, everything is enjoyed much more and it is It is possible to make them because this is better than what I wanted for all of us, which is why I am here, which is why you are hurt, that is a work of mine in Orihuela, I put it not to put a work of mine when I stop the competitions. of professorship you have to do some exams an exercise after that exercise at least we issued a research project had to be presented but as research projects I presented a completed building that was this one for that reason and the court accepted it while they are perfectly program little scandalous the trying to say that a building is a research work, projecting is researching and we will see it in the next sense, how not to understand that the history of architecture with capital letters is full of architects who were wise and had shots and craters, the Greek architects of the Parthenon in Athens They were true wise men, the Parthenon and before the creation of the acropolis and the Parthenon, these gentlemen did not do it, saying the sacred, we are going to put a temple here, not before they created the acropolis that we have talked about before with a certain nice thing about the roofs, which are the plans the properties of the highest plane in the privileged spatial architectural situation in the architects of the lake of the parthenon of the acropolis the first thing that does is the acropolis and we are going to establish a plane on high which in Greek is the ddt -2 the t - It is the wonderful plan now high where the gods came down to meet humans, sometimes they did inconvenient things but the gods came down to tea - that later I don't know if I believe that here I am talking about Luzón after that he has a beautiful text called Plato Term dish that is platform in French and platform that the platform in English and text speaks how the Mayan pyramids reach to surpass the tops of the forest trees so that it is that situation from a high plane that in the end is the same the same idea of the acropolis is a plane in those natural cases based on natural ones made with stone until reaching a plane where that control is dominated over everything, not because those wise architects of the acropolis not only made the parthenon that we could also talk about a lot now but before First of all, the parthenon establishes that the support plane where the staff will go, after the parthenon, a pantheon appears, I am looking at the façade, but now the next image is the interior, it is Apollo, where, in addition, like the one who does it, the architect of the pantheon is a true wise man of course he was a mere gonzalo in the pantheon one says well well there not only a theme of proportions of golden proportions but also visual themes this joke that we always carry is to say here the hands we put them in our hands like this in front of me as I have them Right now I am seeing my two brothers, now a little more, I almost stopped seeing them and there was a certain moment in which I stopped seeing them.
The moment in which I still see them means that with this visual angle I am controlling the space, the pantheon has that one sees. It is placed against the wall and is always controlling the space. Well, they are clear architectural mechanisms that are often logically geometric or the dimension, the 43 meters in diameter, talk about that, but then the fact that it is a sphere in which the ovule was nine meters and the sun passes so that in the background it is a sundial, which is what the pantheon was, there is a series of the conclusion is any of the works that we consider masters break us, they are very beautiful and we say hunger and it is also suspended time and when we come to the point where that sorto Pispia occurs or a suspension of time occurs, but rather a series of things come together that are the true wisdom of the architect who made them, one can be a good architect, that is, act like Apollodorus as a magician without need to do strange things and feel wisdom well then after the pantheon we went on to open July with its architecture how many times but we would not have used in word and in fact the limited and venustas with salaries what was told to us before about the holm oak given so many things about palladio machine mit and white, who are the architects of the entire university of columbia, you know, been at columbia university, they rise from the hand of palladio, very palladians, normal representative buildings of columbia, either with or isaak, whom I was lucky enough to accompany watching the johnson house-museum in london for the same reason a paragon of wisdom not only of selfishness but of that the game and zombies van de robben who had good access more modern than them in his time none of them, however, is photographed in front of the works of the story to show that it is worth it next image is of taste in his house in Cádiz the next image is the one that appears the term plate looks like it has a sweet drawing that in the end is the defense that in the seven second directions we have one that I think the one with the flat horizontal plane is very beautiful, what virtue means, well, in the following image it is the application within application by Mr.
Campo Baeza of those theories in the house of infinity and finally to do the things of the best possible way in life in all fields also in architecture we should try to approach wisdom and try to be wise not only to have all the information not only to develop and decide all the knowledge but above all new always study and discern to arrive to the attainable wisdom to do it as the best or better than the best good here I do something again references to elliot álvaro norton in the end it is a matter of time it is expanded we have talked about music or poetry elliot says the present tense and the past tense perhaps is both in the future time contained in the future time and the future time contained in the past time if all time is eternally present all time is irretrievable to this praise of time of making the self as in the end merging past time into the present and the future is what we are doing when we try to make a profound, rigorous architecture where the first instrument is reason to convince you that the first and main instrument of an architect is reason.
Obviously, then that reasoning will come, that thought will necessarily be translated into forms. and those forms will have to be translated into drawings to be able to transmit them to the people who will build again or help build the work, so it is that simple. the reason the reason the reason the thought is the origin you have to work work work work with the head with the thought with the rum but work or the structure does need a lot of work a lot of work a lot of time although the time we are talking about when we talk about ts eliot is for that concept more from the philosophical point of view that is to say we are doing something that in English we would say timeless outside of time, that is, above in time, we are not doing something as we are doing something that is present in the present time but of course it is capable of resisting the passage of time and in the future it can be read and at the same time and collecting everything that has happened in the past that is why I believe that this these poems where Barnard has to continue are so clear about the time paste in 328 what I want to convince us with all these talks or classes wherever is like everyone There are connections and talk about wisdom or the enjoyment of the structure or the basic beauty of the masses whether they treat or not what I called the Venus disturbance is also achievable and also achievable with the means by elaborating the work by investigating because everything is the same, it is what what it is about and to finish it ended with a man from the 17th of the Spanish golden century.
I recently found a text by Baltasar Gracián in his manual oracle and art of prudence and he says he is born a barbarian, man redeems himself from a beast by cultivating he becomes people culture and the more I know about it, Greece could call the rest of the universe barbarian, it is very crude. Ignorance, there is nothing that more cultivates knowledge, because what you know is that you are wise and that we seek wisdom.

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