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Reunited with Davy and Pavlina!

May 27, 2024
but it's the most miserable day in London absolutely wet yesterday it was horizontal rain. Yesterday we were with Davey and Pavina in London walking around Chelsea and Bloom which I filmed for my clients and as you can attest our shoes were absolutely soaked, I think "We've all caught a cold but we can't wait to leave today oh and yesterday the 600 pashminas were sold out because the people here were so cold that they sold out before I got to them. Would you go buy three, yes, one, four, one for each limb. I'll give you a look now at all of them. gardens we've been to, but tomorrow night we'll see the full video from the Chelsea Flower Show 2024.
reunited with davy and pavlina
This is your first time at the Chelsea Flower Show Yeah, I mean, it was a dream come true. true I got here I never thought I would visit it I watched a lot of videos about it and I was watching, you know, all your reports about this. This is Claus's sky, but a sky This is Jane Austin Rose and what a beautiful color yes. It's a bit like the Nadak Nadak contest. Those wonderful peachy yellowish tones. We are enthralled by this Rose and not only by its beauty that is exquisite in those huge flowers but by the aroma that we are standing a meter away from and it is enveloping us. completely in the aroma, so let's try to find somewhere in Lanit this Chandos Beauty, this is the best one that has been poured on the mouse, yes, there is the door, Mouse, we remember this stool from last year, so we charm. but wow, we fell head over heels in love with one thing we should get for the Ed La Land Bridge I know, but I don't think we can afford a sucker for the bridge How expensive do you think it is there?
reunited with davy and pavlina

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reunited with davy and pavlina...

Presumably they are there. Christopher Robin but I'm not interested in him, I'm interested in who and Piglet, how wonderful they are, they would look so good on the bridge that goes down into the forest, the podcast is five marks, the cold cast is one and a half, that's a big difference in price and I have no idea what the difference is and you are sure there is no difference in sizes, it looks like a very small piggy, right? I mean you would want it to be small, but I mean, oh look, it's darling, but I'm not.
reunited with davy and pavlina
I think you can have Piglet without CL it's the friendship it's the interaction it's the way she just looks at him oh you know why I love him so much it's that I look at you a lot that's exactly what that's why I've fallen in love I love the hotcast version of Winnie, uh, Winnie deoo is worth 13 grand, so we're looking at a cool 20,000 to get that little Montage, which is a really nice car. Philip saw table linens, oh dear, yes, we are lacking in the department, it doesn't matter. plants ah table linen with plants to be fair this one is beautiful oh I really like the colors I prefer that one to that one me too that's my favorite too it's really very pretty like these incredibly pretty forri I should actually try to find that embroidery to do that because I could do it on the machine I like the palm tree look here oh yes, this very pretty tree I was so cold I had to buy a coat no I was so cold because I was wearing a Phillips coat but it looks like I would really like to wear my coat now please get one coat and thought I'd get something sensible Davey's face when I showed up look this is so you don't get lost in the crowd I'm so small it would be dangerous for me to wear something that wasn't noticeable.
reunited with davy and pavlina
This is my equivalent to the high visibility jacket. What delicious weather for our annual Chelsea snack. You're just rubbing your legs. We are actually lucky that we are with such gentlemen. you have Davey's coat and I had Phillips until I realized you might actually die I wouldn't buy a coat oh that looks great still it's summer there it's summer yeah it's summer don't look at me like that D even summer spring summer starts June 21 thank you I didn't expect you to think of it in June yeah well you should have told me I told you this morning oh my god I think this counts as fish and chips Posh it's a lobster roll and a huge girl and Phillip stealing all my fries.
I don't think he hasn't seen you. We are so excited about Bridal Garden and I feel like this coat couldn't be more perfect than for Bridgeton. I think the most important question. Will there be Mysteria? I can personally guarantee that there is Mysteria, it wouldn't be Bridget and a garden without Mysteria blooming Mysteria all season long, yes in the middle of winter there is still Mysteria in front of that house in Bridgeton, this is the garden of St James's Church , which is going to the garden of one of Christopher Ren's churches in London Absolutely beautiful and as with many of this year's gardens, it's about finding refuge in the urban environment oh oh, we've been incredibly lucky to get in several of these gardens and we interviewed the designers, including Holly Johnson who designed Bridget and the garden, and the full video of our tour of the Chelsea Flower Show will be out tomorrow night.
We've found the perfect flower picking bag for Marie so let's pick that up for Marie, it looks so pretty it'll be Marie walking down Leand and that's what I thought we'd get here but your jump is suddenly a different color , that's not what we're doing, would you like to say something about that fall? Vision Imp loves my jum and you have some pants too. I have been looking for highwa travs for men for 5 years. Those of you who know will know this is a bit obsessed and I mentioned being on another one. uh different top that I also bought and it's like a lavender color um and it's high waisted like a crop top CR top yeah, I thought I would love it, but I would only love it with Highway CH and I haven't been able to find it.
In any program I have some, so I have some too. They're here? Can you show us if these are? Thank you, yes, they are the ones in the back, they are amazing, so maybe tomorrow you will model them for us and you will have them. Navy blue and this final stage you've gone crazy, I know, but I've never been able to find some and the design was based on an 18th century original they bought in France, so they then changed it slightly on the front. the others were very low, you look great, so I can't believe all this happened just because we were looking for that beautiful floral bag from Marie, this is ni's caretaker company, which is next to where I grew up.
I grew up in Suffk in England. I can't believe you had to leave, yes, I have to catch a train. Well, you know, a year wouldn't go by if I didn't meet you in Chelsea, no, that's true, and this year for the first time. time we are going to go together to Hampton Court yes, 6 weeks something like that is fine, what did you think of this year? Well, despite the bad weather, it looks as good as every other year, I think so and, in fact, there is something. It has to be said to see the raindrops falling on the leaves, it's so comforting, yes it's true, it's a more romantic way to look than me, which one is your favorite.
I really love the container garden you saw with the black wood structure in the Yes, that was wonderful, that was my favorite, yes, especially because a lot of the spaces we design now are much smaller than they used to be, so which is more related to what people actually have as outdoor space, and it was a really immersive green space. for anyone who has a balcony of any size, that was my favorite, it's fun to be with you and I hope to be with you in six weeks, yeah, see you, then see you, then Dave, bye, so what did you think?
It was amazing, you were one of the prettiest flowers in the entire selfie flower show. Everyone else looks gray and moody. You know, yellow and blue, of course, of course, it kind of represents, you know, you go to the gardens with beautiful flowers and then you have Moss. caterpillars I have a story behind everything has a meaning and the frog uh, the frog on your umbrella oh yes, it has a meaning because I'm still a child, okay, see you on the floor, see you, it must be said thanks to Andy. We are always very lucky and can go to the gardens, but today we were lucky for anyone who stayed after 700 pm.
Because the rain had persuaded everyone else to leave, only a few of us wandered around with beautiful views of all the gardens. It is absolutely extraordinary. It's turning out to be the best Chelsea I've ever experienced. It was the most wonderful end to the day. We had beautiful views of all the gardens we hadn't managed to get to yet, so magnificent, and now we're in a taxi desperately rushing towards the opening of the Ardmore exhibition at the Patrick Mavos gallery and I'm not sure we're going to make it because I think They were closing 10 minutes ago, but we had so much to film that we couldn't leave Chelsea early, so, fingers crossed, we arrived in time, ready to see another of Ardmore's impressive scenes. exhibitions and I can already see his new scarf, that's his new main scarf, isn't it?
Gorge, which is very new, actually reminds me of our tablecloth of theirs, yes, it is very similar. I like the most visible butt that won't get caught, look. that Z like you has no chance Philip, it is a paradise of passion and, it must be said, some glorious flowers in the background, this reminds me a lot of The Gorgeous bowl that Nick and Mari took home. house in Brussels, but those were not birds, animals, they are impressive and the shape of these VES is very similar to the one we have, in fact, the one in the back is incredibly similar, but ours is like elephants and giraffes, and here we have I have lions and cheaters.
If you're in London, come to the Patrick Maros gallery to see them because we usually only get to see them when we go all the way to South Africa, so it's a great pleasure to come to London and see them. Everyone is here, this one is called Leopard, the good Rider, with those two boys who have gotten into an elevator, but I think my favorite staircase is the monkey's, it just reminds me of L. It's obvious that I miss him a lot, ha It has been a day to see the best creations of humanity. I'm so happy to see you here, Wendy, because we both got together last year, right?
Yes, and you made it to the Chelsea flower show. No, I came to see Chelsea In Bloom, but. The weather was so bad, no we saw it yesterday, I actually made a sponsor video and yeah, it was a terrible bad decision, so I thought I'd come here to see this wonderful thing, so it was nice to see you looking so good. See you and see you again at Hampton Court, yes, and then on Paton's day, oh, we see you like every two months, this is great, thank you very much, never, these are the wonderful Christmas cations of ardore, I only chose one because he is so kind.
Actually, you made so many things for Easter, you really know that Christmas decorations are very popular, so we made them on Easter. I said, let's do Easter C. I love that one. I love this one. I think it matches my oh yeah, I love the hoop too, right? How beautiful it made it awesome, especially after the Chelsea Flow show, that will be a memory for you. Thank you so much Alan and he was uh he's Beautiful Pain AR and we decided that we would take the design of this kind of cheeky leopard looking at this chase.
Honestly, I saw it in the window as we walked in and we stopped and looked at it. I love this color combination, but it's kind of leopard, naive, like, it's less scary than usual, isn't it? It's quieter, but I love it. The zebra's eye is looking at it like it can catch me if you can, all the intelligence is in the zebra, this is just a fun design with these beautiful proteas and floral elements and as you know the prot is the south. The national flower of Africa, yes I know I had a lot up in the bers, so the theme is protea PL, so we made a blue color which is stunning and then this beautiful green, fresh, pink color was this the original color, this was the original color, yes, the cream the cream is the base of the ceramic, it is not white, our ceramic is not white, it is a kind of cream, yes, we work very closely with that, we made this beautiful pearl that is very soft, big and huge.
It's so elegant, I like the way you've been wearing it today, yes, no, it's very elegant, it's just draped over one shoulder like this and I don't know how to wear scarves. I think you're getting a little flair. Guru with the way I did it my way, but I love this one. For older women it's quite lovely and then I chose the mavo earrings with the pink which was very oh yeah and it's the same pink. This is wonderful. It's all Bonny's art, this is enveloping and charming to men because it's soft and cozy, yeah, and then the whole story talks about Bonny as our first artist who died of HIV AIDS and her mom, her mom raised all her grandchildren alone. out of six children, five died because of stupid things, so it was difficult for her and I think it's lovely to honor her and let her live.
You're sending some of the profits from this to Bonnie's mother, Bonnie, oh, that's an absolutely wonderful thing. wonderful so we're doing this year Rhino mocks rhino poaching so we're starting with Bonnie and then the local trusty one and then we'll do one. I can't believe this sterilizer just offered me the yellow scarf, which is I love it so much finally a ray of sunshine today finally after all this time you can tell the sun will come out you've been my R for sunshine today oh do you like the color ? I love you look at him with the oh It's the same blue that was made for him, no, so this is what he was wearing this morning.This is what I bought as an emergency for the call you gave's so this comes together thank you very much this is how it works with us it's magic all the time always Magic

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