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SPONGEBOB CONSPIRACY #1: The Squilliam Theory

Jun 05, 2021
Chilla Young Fancy Son Fancy is in Squillium Fancy Sons William Fancyson III is Squidward's rival from high school band class, so I took my private yacht across my private lake to my private helipad. He is richer, more popular and talented than Squidward and always rubs it in for him. Gee, that's right, I'm living your dreams, Squidward, oh, I'm just succeeding at everything you failed at, but I intend to prove that he's a fraud and uses his wealth to make himself seem more popular and talented than he really is. . He goes to ridiculously extreme and expensive lengths. to humiliate Squidward and show his superiority and I'm going to prove it Spongebob Squarepants is one of my favorite shows from my childhood, even going back now and watching the old ones it still holds up, you would think it's just a kids show, there's no continuity.
spongebob conspiracy 1 the squilliam theory
There's nothing worth theorizing about but the show constantly brings back characters and references to previous episodes and if you look closely you can connect the dots and find some very interesting stories and today I'm going to show that Skwilliam Fantison III is proof of manipulative fraud. number one the pet hospital we meet squillium for the first time in season 2 episode 15 band geeks the episode starts with squibber playing the clarinet and knocking on the door yes we are with the pet hospital at the end of the street and I understand that you are dying. animal in the facility immediately after squibber receives a call from squillium hello you have arrived at the house of unrecognized talent please start after that it sounds like you have a dying animal to tend to hey old friend I don't think so only squillium was spying on Squidward to know when he was playing the clarinet, but he also hired the doctor to come and embarrass Squidward, yes we are in a pet hospital down the street, in that hospital down the street, we have never seen a bikini pet hospital.
spongebob conspiracy 1 the squilliam theory

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I've only seen the normal bikini hospital. We've seen this purple doctor fish before, but again, he's never worked in a pet hospital. We have only seen him in the general hospital. Well, Mr. Square Pants, it looks like you have foam. Are you ready for your treatment? Then there's a green fish behind him and we've only seen him as one of many identical paramedics working at the Bikini Bottom hospital. We even see him at the end of the episode taking Squillium away afterwards. fainting, so it's very likely that squillium hired these two and told them to pretend to be from a pet hospital just to humiliate Squidward, but this is just the beginning of squillium's elaborate lies, evidence number two, the bowl of bubbles in the same episode, squillium also says that I'm now the leader of a big fancy band and that we're supposed to play at the bubble bowl next week.
spongebob conspiracy 1 the squilliam theory
The problem is that I'm busy next week and can't make it, so I was hoping you and your band could cover it. us, but we've never seen Squillium's gang before and despite claiming he's too busy to make it to the Bubble Bowl, he still shows up at the end to see Squidward's gang, so both his excuse and probably his gang They were invented to pressure Squidward into humiliation. himself in the bubble bowl evidence number three squillium's friends in episode eight of season three squillium returns squidward goes to work and conveniently runs into squillium and all of his fancy friends despite shouting that he doesn't seem like the type of person. that he would approach the knucklehead crustacean that he and his friends make fun of squidward for working as a cashier wait don't tell me you're a cashier I'll fly lying always makes it worse but I think this encounter was planned by squillium beforehand and he hired all of those people who They pretend to be his friends.
spongebob conspiracy 1 the squilliam theory
Take a look at William's friends, they are all very well dressed, you get the feeling that they are stylish high status members of bikini bottoms, but they are not, this is more what you like. Rich bikini people seem to be normal bikini citizens, most of them don't even wear nice clothes like this and most of them are regular customers of the knucklehead crustacean and they would already know that Squidward is a cashier, my rice doesn't I don't have enough slime, this one doesn't These are the kind of people Squilliam would hang out with. I mean, why would Skwilliam be dating one of Pearl's teenage friends at the end of the episode?
Squirm even admits that his entire life is fake. I invented everything. I don't have yachts or jets or anything in my life I was just trying to impress you and then of course he quickly says he's just joking it's true of course no I'm filthy rich but he was joking I mean he's obviously rich, but is it there? a nugget of truth in evidence number four, the statue in episode six of season seven, squidward has to pick up trash for community service and squillium once again conveniently collides with him and reveals that he has cleaned up so much trash that the town is so once built a statue of him. if you clean your bikini bottom, they will build you a statue.
Oh wait, they already built one of mine. I cleaned my entire bikini bottom in just one week. I think once again this match was organized by Squillium and he actually paid. to build that statue while squillium tells Squidward about the statue, a female fish admires it and says bless you, bless you, but if you remember, this is one of those friends that squillium probably paid for, making his whole comment feel very false at the end of the episode, Squillium's statue is destroyed, a police officer approaches and they have this exchange, this is your statue, it was Squillium admits it's his statue, not the city's, and why If not, would the officer specifically give you a ticket if it was evidence number five of city property? concert in season 6 episode 17 squivered watches squillian play the clarinet at a big fancy concert, he gets a standing ovation which makes Squidward leave angry, but I think this whole concert is a scam, not only has the audience to cheer, but squillium doesn't even play his instrument once again, many of the audience members were part of squillium's quote-unquote friends, but we also don't see squillian play the clarinet.
The episode starts right after he finishes his performance with the audience cheering and an audience member says that he is a great great musician he doesn't even have to play an instrument to be brilliant maybe the real reason why squibber leaves so angry is because the audience cheered for squillium even though he didn't even play his clarinets maybe squillium is as bad as squidward on the clarinet and he's trying to hide it, skwilliam has done everything he can just to humiliate squidward, but nothing, and I want Say, nothing compares to what he does next, evidence number six at the music school in the same episode after Squidward leaves the concert, he is approached by the bikini bottom director of the prestigious music college until the esteemed squillium fantasias in the iii whom we all came here to see perform tonight, she mistakes him for squillium and offers him a position as a teacher Squidward poses as squillium and teaches a class only for the police to burst in and arrest him while they film him on live television and I believe this is squillium's most elaborate and expensive plan to destroy Squidward both publicly and legally.
This encounter where Squidward is offered a job is already suspiciously convenient, but listen closely. his exchange william but didn't you say a minute ago that your name was with two tentacles? No, I mean, uh, no, no, I didn't do it right, that's a relief, I mean, what kind of musical recital would his worst enemies go to? What kind of musical recital would he give to his own enemies? How does she know that Squidward and Squilliam are enemies? If she knew who Squidward was, then why didn't she recognize him? Why would she confuse it with Squillium? This sounds too much like her. hired by squillium to set up Squidward and if that wasn't enough, the director's associate is literally just some guy from the paying audience who wears a costume and just put on some glasses to look smart.
Squillium knew that Squidward couldn't resist the opportunity to teach. a music class, even if it meant breaking the law, my own music class, then we arrive at the prestigious Bikini Bottom music school and right off the bat, there is something very suspicious about this place, the building itself is very green and dirty and has a very cheap price. The metallic look doesn't say anything about it that says prestige, except for the big sign at the top that looks like the only new thing about this building. I think there's a good chance that Squillium bought an old warehouse and then slapped on a sign and some paint to disguise it.
It's like a university, I mean, look at these other bikini schools, they all have a very nice structure and paint job, but this prestigious music college looks like a dumpster walking into the classroom, not only does it have another friend from the school, but if This is such a prestigious university, how did SpongeBob and Patrick get here? Would you mind telling me what you're doing in music class? Anyway, Patrick's New Year's resolution was surely to learn to play an instrument. They say it was his New Year's resolution. take a music class, but you'd think it would be harder for them to get into an esteemed music school if they just decided to go on a whim, it seems like they're just letting anyone in to sell this gimmick, so both. the squillium police, the principal, and a live news broadcast show up at the same time to arrest squidward for impersonating squillium if the extremely coincidental fact that all of these people suddenly appeared at the same time isn't enough for you to believe that squillium Get it ready all.
I have something that will blow your mind. Squillium literally has the police working for him. Cute Squidward tentacles. I'll arrest you for pretending to be a genius if that doesn't sound like he got paid. I don't know how far Squillium goes to humiliate Squidward. He's crazy, he literally builds statues and entire buildings just to make Squidward feel inferior, but why would anyone go to such lengths to embarrass an old high school bandmate? What happened between them? What could have caused this extreme level of dedication, well, unfortunately we never get much information about his past. I've spent hours reading SpongeBob's Wikipedia and watching old episodes and there really aren't any clues to explain their strange relationship.
I guess I can't figure it all out, but anyway that's my


. Thank you very much for listening. I really hope you liked it. See you next time. patrick and always squidward nothing really out of the ordinary except i have a question about this episode, why does squidward have the squillium robe which is clearly not the purple robe he usually wears which is squillium son iii's fancy robe, why would squidward have this unless there were more of them? that just classmates, could they have ever been dating? No way, that's not possible, there's no evidence to support that right, don't be intimidated Squidward, try imagining him in his underwear, oh no, he's hot, no, he can't be, I mean, what kind of guy would he go? to the musical recital of his worst enemies.
He has been right in front of us this whole time. Our sources last saw the evil harassing teenagers while they kissed.

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