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We tricked our hens into hatching out the RAREST baby peacocks!

May 04, 2024
Alright, I have two little bird


here in the main flock. Normally I don't need them for anything, but today let me show you what I have. Well, we just received some eggs in the mail. Open it so in 2018 we found seven disgusting p eggs on Craigslist but the first seven didn't hatch but we were able to get seven more eggs and that's how we got our Indian blue pair called blue and bell in 2021 we decided to give it a try. Again, this time we wanted white chickens or the


peacock eggs on eBay. Some hatched, but they weren't white chicks and they had leg problems that ended up dying a few weeks later, so now, in 2022, we wait.
we tricked our hens into hatching out the rarest baby peacocks
For a better result, let's see if we can finally get some white pea chicks. You may remember that last year we had some peacock eggs, specifically white peacock eggs, we sometimes bought them from the same sellers on eBay and got quite frustrated. and we contacted them and asked if there was anything they could do to help because we were


the chicks and they weren't white like they promised and sometimes nothing was developing at all. There are certainly no guarantees when buying eggs that anything will happen. will happen, so I certainly wasn't expecting to do anything.
we tricked our hens into hatching out the rarest baby peacocks

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we tricked our hens into hatching out the rarest baby peacocks...

I think I just wanted to see if other buyers had the same type of problem so I could feel a little better about what I went through, but one of the sellers. they offered to do it right after having problems last fall they offered to send us eggs this spring let's open them let's make sure they all arrive safely now it might be kind of the start of peacock egg season if you're watching this and you're looking for them, you're probably in the right place to find some eggs right now. Our blue pear and bell beefalo haven't even started laying yet, so since these eggs come from a warmer part of the US, they've already started laying, it must be really careful, I have nine peacock eggs whites.
we tricked our hens into hatching out the rarest baby peacocks
I wanted to open them since we received them a few hours ago so they could sit overnight and tomorrow we have some plants for them. Now we have one of these little cubes. free here that we are not using, we are doing a


project on the rooster flock, we have the squaw hugger chicks in one and then we have the third one right here, so thank goodness we did more a couple of years ago, so I need to get to work here and get it to the main flock. We have a use for our spoil


, so we find that moving broody hens too far from their home where they are used to being.
we tricked our hens into hatching out the rarest baby peacocks
It can take them a while to adjust or sometimes they don't even stay broody or they become broody again, so we're going to put this here on the side so these chickens can still be around their flocks. I hope that they will stay brooding, if that makes sense, this will keep them close enough but separated because we could do it inside their nest box, but we have had many that jump up and then other hens jump on them and then when they get They go, the chickens have sat on other eggs and then they don't come back and then those eggs get cold and they never make it.
That was the problem we had last year trying to incubate some eggs here in the chicken coop. We already have everything set up so we need our broody hens to see if our black and white chickens are still broody and this one way to tell is if they got feathers out of their chest that they want to have. skin to skin or a warmer surface to warm the eggs. The last thing I need right now is some eggs. I need the peacock eggs. We're not ready to try them yet. I need some substitute eggs to make sure they're broody, so we'll use them temporarily and then once we know they're broody and going to sit down, we can hide the peacock eggs underneath so they don't want to be a part of it.
I'll tell you where the eggs are, I'll let you find the eggs, hopefully you'll figure them out, sit on them, we'll check back here in a couple of hours to see if you've figured it out yet, in case those two chickens decide not to. sit on the eggs I need to give myself a backup plan woo is my favorite chicken because she is my I'm chumani silky hand who loves to hatch eggs let's try her so time this will give us three chickens here and we'll see if any of these three decide to sit about eggs for one more bird hen.
We have a couple of options. I have this little one that is pretty good. I don't know if she'll say it feels very warm underneath. so maybe it's time to give this girl a chance. I think I have my answer right after a few minutes. It looks like our abandoned hens, the blue one, is already sitting on the eggs and the red cape is checking them out, so I think I'll leave it. the other girls go just so these guys can start concentrating and not get distracted. Becky told me we have two broody hens sitting on eggs so here's the end of the first day with our hens there and it's the perfect time and I think I can use them for their peacock eggs.
Now we're not going to put all the eggs there because they are smaller chickens. I think if I had bigger chickens, four and four would fit. I'm a little nervous that their little bodies won't completely cover all of these eggs because they're big, they're a little bit bigger than our turkey eggs. I think three eggs is my max on this, so it's dark, but I need to flip a switch. I need to take out her two chicken eggs exchanged for these peacock eggs and wu didn't keep her eggs long enough so we moved a black silky there and she will take the other three eggs oh you want to sit on them I didn't see that that would happen, silky hen.
Wu just kicked me out. I'd like to have a backup in case Wu decides to quit, but I love that there are two of them who want to sit on the egg, so for a few more days I'll leave the silky hand. there just in case, as long as someone sits on those eggs and accepts them. I'm excited because today is May 5th, it's the first day. Peacock eggs take 28 days to hatch, which puts us in the right place. your rye's birthday, June 2, when they should hatch, very late last night I watched the fruit hens exchange each other, I saw the silky, courting spots and it gave me an idea if they are both broody and both want to sit on the eggs, because?
Don't let them both do it. I feel better using a broody hen than using my incubator with peacock eggs. They're just hard to hatch perfectly in an incubator, so I'll put them here. Our training stayed strong. there's our black silky and there's a courtship up there so I'm hoping she comes to see this and we'll have a whole row of broody hens here and hopefully that will give us the best opportunity to hatch them. just stick it down there, okay, see if this works. I'm having trouble, I see, woo, it's been a day and a half for these guys to sit on their balls and no one's sitting on those balls, we've got them sitting. there we have our silky there and those two are not doing their job these are great, they have been at this for a day and a half already, they are going to the incubator, that is unfortunate, I was hoping it would work, these three are going to I have to call the incubator and I hope they work and a couple of hook ducklings hatch yesterday number two and three of the year, so we've been using this incubator, it's our main one, we're full of easy advance 100 and I've been incubating hookbills, some tangerines in there before that we had the tangerines actually sitting on the eggs and I have a row left here and the tail end of all of those to put our peacock eggs in.
I have some hookbill eggs, um red. golden and pheasant eggs and then we got our peacock eggs, so in 28 days he will be a couple of days behind the brooding hens. Hopefully it works here, so these girls have been doing an amazing job in the middle of the road. This is the perfect opportunity to come and we handle the six eggs here and the three eggs in the incubator. We got our overview of the frenzy here. Our little handler, that's not good. It's a pretty clear egg. Egg two feels nice and warm. Oh, we have very good development.
Meg too. This is under training. and she's been doing a fantastic job staying with these balls and egg number three underneath her, yeah, some really good veins you're seeing there, amazing, now we're checking under the silky black one, oh, that's fantastic, good development and growth so far, exceptional egg. number two when I see a definite line there and I go ahead and let the egg stay in, but if I had to guess this one is bad, it looks pretty good, two out of three eggs under each of the hens, that's fantastic, now we can. go in and look at the three eggs in the incubator, well thank goodness, egg number one, you can see the veins right there, really good growth, I like that egg number two, it's a strange line, I'm not used to seeing that, but that equals growth and that is good. egg number three, so we have our line defined and we have veins, and that is enough to say that we have had growth in all three eggs so far.
I see that seven out of nine eggs are developing and that is fantastic. I couldn't ask for anything better than everyone checking out, everyone listening to the peeps and wanting to see what's going on here Becky told me to check out this morning and start hearing some action from these little bird heads, lots of pecking in the inside of this egg, but still no peep, this one is super loud inside, oh that's so exciting, this one is very loud, there are some pecks inside egg number one, which is good, I can do it inside egg number two, I don't hear anything inside egg number three, so two.
All three of them sound good under her, hopefully we'll see something the next day because it's the 28th, hatching day, do you have anything? She's getting really defensive, oh my god, oh my god, they were both born and white, oh how exciting. we finally get white paychecks yeah the other one is white too yeah two for two on the first two that hatch they are both white and they are pea chicks how exciting good job mom oh man this one is so Exciting, we've been incubating paychecks. Because we started with Blue and Bell in 2018, but last year we tried it all year three different times.
We got eggs for white pea chicks and either pea chicks hatched that weren't white or we didn't hatch at all at the end of the year, how exciting. Early June and we finally have them right, we're going to give them back to mom, so that's the red one, coach mom, let's see if the silky black one has anything. We have another eggshell that is amazing. An egg that is jumping around. Oh my goodness, a third. white check now we're getting lucky we're going to have a bunch of them oh these broody chickens did amazing we'll leave them alone to finish hatching to warm up how excited are you for some white pea chicks oh that's so exciting oh my gosh while we were outside doing chores, the first pizza caught and it's another white one, this one is itching and the other egg is also itching, normally we would let the p-checks dry for a day in the incubator, but since we have the broody hens in the chicks that have already hatched, it will be very easy to slide this one under and have them raise all these chicks that hatch so we can give this one to the red trainer and he has two and then she we have three or we give it to the black silky one, she has one hatch with another on the way and a third egg that I don't think will hatch, so we have four that have hatched, we have two eggs left here.
I think one will hatch, the other won't, and there are two eggs left inside, so potentially three more are hatching right now, they're both together on the same nesting bar, oh no, oh, there you are, alone, okay so they are both in the same nest box let's see what we have here this egg will probably be bad can I put it in the incubator looks like we have another one it could have hatched okay we have one two three four five here we go we have two right here and three over here and probably what's going to happen is they're probably going to merge all together into one nest box and that's okay, we just want to make sure that we've seen who's born and that we have the two that were born last night inside the house. and we will bring them here soon, you know what color it will be, no, it will be a white peach, that's right, do you remember when we were born in blue and bell?
Yes, okay, so we hatch four chicks here with the brooding hands, we hatch three in the incubator, we already hatch one here, make sure these chickens take care of all these peaches, so here's our new one, right here, I need make sure one will come underneath so I like them to be in a joint nest box just because they can make sure to cover everyone together and then the two momsthey'll just do the joint work of the


check and take care of these seven kids together. It will be amazing. Life is a winding road I don't know where it goes driving for days and nights it doesn't stop at traffic lights and I really want these are my sunflowers they look great what kind do you have?
There are chocolate and cherry sunflowers, there is a sunflower sunflower here. You're getting very big very quickly, aren't you? Yeah, which one is the biggest right now? I think the one there next to you is a couple of feet tall. Why do you like sunflowers so much? Because they are beautiful and what I want most is to see how. tall, this year they get red spinach, you try to jump off cliffs, so you rely a lot on our wings to fly, sometimes we crash, but we get up and start from the ground, well, these pea chicks have about one a week, now we can.
Not being more excited about these guysThe last egg didn't hatch so we got seven of the nine eggs so there's one that has a little injury on his leg, this one here that walks on one leg and then keeps the other leg up. I'm not sure if he was hurt. I'm not sure if it hatched that way or if it got hurt when it was right under one of the hens and the hen heard it in the first few hours afterward, it seems to be somewhat permanently bent upwards, so I'm not sure. I'm sure it's something that can be fixed at this point.
Hopefully this girl p can have a pretty good life, but if you have any ideas on how we could fix that leg, let us know because I'm not sure what we're going to do with this one. but everyone else is doing great, so you're right, we have seven of these peach eggs, what do you think we should do with all of them? I don't know because it's not as simple as keeping them all, which we will keep. them, but it takes quite a bit of area to keep that many p fouls in the aviary, while it's a good size and fills up pretty quickly if we have these seven plus our other two p fouls, so what do you think we should do?
I think we should try a couple in the avery and then free range the rest of them, so obviously we're not going to put them in the field like this, they would pray for other animals pretty quickly at this size, but what we mean is after raising them in a coupe, once these guys are big enough to fly up into the trees and take care of themselves, we can have some kind of chicken coop that will be like a base of operations where they can come and look for food, something like that like that but then during the day they can go out and do whatever they want and if they want to sleep in the trees that would be great do you want a pea chick bath yeah he has a peach bath he's drowning in pea chicks here how about a bath big?
Chicken, so many clean templates, thanks for following our journey with our p-chicks and we'll see you next time.

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