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FREE Helicopter... If I Can Beat Him

May 13, 2024
This is Cletus, he's pretty good with the controls of just about anything. Hey, I'm here today to race him for the chance to have this


for his birthday on April 5th. He will organize a crazy party where 25 drivers and 100 modified police cars will compete. laps around the Freedom Factory and the winner gets this


, but that's not all, the next day is a big burnout contest where there will be a lot of smoke fire and blown engines and blown engines and tires and tires, there's just a problem. I'm not on that 25 driver list, it's tough yet, maybe so I called O Cleater here and said, hey, I'll compete with you for that spot and he said, sure, I'll take your money and that's why we're here today. .
free helicopter if i can beat him
You're done Bud, bring it to Nancy, what you've got, I've got it, there's thousands of L's of experience, fair and we're at your local track, let's run it, I'll give you a chance though, okay, that's fair, take us first for the prize and I knew what that is, that's a crazy prize to give away for first place in a race, yeah I've never heard of that before, every year the Freedom 500 has a really cool prize, we did an LS. we changed Lamborghini then we made an Ariel Adam. I was supercharged and it's my birthday this year so I was trying to come up with something that was really out of the box and I love helicopters so I bought this Schwier 300 from Throw Bread Aviation, it's a great trainer. helicopter I was thinking whoever wins can get their license because it's easy to learn now Jimmy called me late because we had 25 drivers but he said hey I want to race and I said well we're full but then you say why don't we race ?
free helicopter if i can beat him

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free helicopter if i can beat him...

I will compete with you. It is a good idea. He can't turn down a race. I love a good race, so there's a chance at the end of the day. You'll know if you're going to race or not, but at least I can show you this badass grill. This assumes that you are going to win your own race. I wrapped it the way I want in case he wins, that's right, yeah, so we should blow it up. although you should have some stick time, let's see what you got right, clear the prop now we're going to take the engine speed to 2000 on our ground run to check the pressure L just above the green temperature at the bottom of the green all warning lights C off.
free helicopter if i can beat him
I checked the friction release on the 1200 transponder on the radio, so what we're going to do now is take it to a 15 inch manifold pressure at 2000 RPM and then we'll do our Magneto Max 125 allowance in 5 seconds. wait here we go, that's still a pretty solid karat RP drop, although it would be weird on this because there's a lot of boost on those swords, yeah you don't really get much drop on this, so let's confirm a needle turn, should see a drop at point R ready, here we go, there it was and what was that, check that the motor can disengage from the CL friction of the rotor, okay, we're good, I'm going to take these frictionless, that's the check, just lock the controls there and I have to know all this for every time I win and start yeah yeah so I'm gonna put it in stationary mode and I'm gonna take it out to the field and then I'm gonna let you put it down.
free helicopter if i can beat him
You've got your way there, so you should start accelerating here about 22 inches or so, feel it dancing, it's a pretty smooth little helicopter, yeah, and I didn't see much tail movement for the torque of this thing either, why No? you try each control independently very quickly so just put your left hand on the collective and that's fine and your left hand on the collective oh yeah that and just lower it a little bit so we'll go down and then we'll raise it up. a little bit, so we're going to go up and then we'll hold there, okay, and then we'll put our feet on the pedals, okay, so just push the left pedal in a little bit and turn 90° to the left, there you go . a good ° back to the right oh yeah you're good and then obviously Cy click that's your attitude so I'm going to do the pedals on selective and you're just going to cycle for a second r okay you're ready everyone You, everyone, me, oh look.
Look, that's pretty smooth right there, that's a pretty good move right there, how about you pedal now too? Try to keep your nose pointed at The Hanger, okay? Or that's fine, here we go, get your ass kicked. a little bit no, you have it good, you have pedals and cycling, I have pedals and cycling, oh, a little bit of left pedal, a little bit of left pedal, left pedal, oh, a lot more left pedal, there you go, boy, I hope you are better, uh. on the tarmac you're in the helicopter you're not going to hey man, not the first time forever, I'm K, you're doing great right there, whatever you're doing right now is really good, I'm not paying attention, that's it what I'm doing yes, sometimes I concentrate less, yes, you want to go do some races, yes, let's go do some races, let me show you how this works, okay, I have the controls, you have the controls, helicopters are a such a weird thing, man, they take a while to be good, yeah, it's almost like in drums where you have to do different and different things, yeah, they are, it's a good example, actually, drums are very difficult, Yeah, and I'm too white for all that rhythm, well, I'm looking forward to taking this home here.
There's always a chance, there's always a chance, so you're telling me there's a chance. If we stop by the warehouse so I can drop off that box, I need you to mail some t-shirts. you sell them, we will ship them, take me around this place, you have a trade in progress, okay, wow, yeah, so this is the order of trades around here, basically, down there, an order starts correctly. The label is printed when someone places an order. scan that label and then the shelves will light up where the product is that needs to go, so these things located here, yeah, like this, I'd say someone ordered this t-shirt from JH and this will pop up, it'll light up and it'll say you know the quantity one or two, one of the pickers would come here, take the quantity, press the button and he will tell you if you are done or if there is more, you put it in the container and then this for that order for that Order, yes, in that container and then this electric transporter will take it to where they pack it, there are a couple of packers from when we are busy and then they will put a label on it, spit it into a container and then they will pick it up. and Shi, that's ridiculous, quick, in my house, I just had them on a shelf and I'm like, okay, there's that one, is there anything, that's okay, that's how I did it for years in my room, like that that we'll be able to ship your orders quickly and very accurately and then obviously we have customer service people all over the nine yards, yeah, they'll call you brother, because as you know, my emails come through.
I don't think I know the answer to this. like take, I don't know, go to Lithuania, I don't even know where that is, we have all the control, that's fantastic, man, good job, okay, so yeah, come down here, let's see, uh, we can go take a look glance. I like this transporter, I think it's cool, I love it, it has a little twist to it, so yeah, that allows AIT. Okay, that's cool, so now they're packing orders manually, but we have these really cool Packers for when we're kicking off and this. will blow air into the bag, open the bag, slide the merchandise in, seal it, put a label on it, spit it out the back, close the front door, yeah, and then we have a checkout machine over here and then a bunch of inventory. here because we have several YouTubers, you know and now you, so we have all kinds of inventory waiting to come out, which is super neat and it just comes zip, it's in a row, boom, boom, and when it gets here, then you have the pallet , take it outside and transport the truck.
Yes, most orders will go out the same day and as you know, when you do it yourself, it's almost scary to promote your own product because you're like, I don't know if I have time to post this. I used to be really afraid to promote my merch because I just didn't know if I could get it to people in time. One minor note: I'm still making all the Elvis labels because I have to sign them all. of those certificates of authenticity and we talked about it and I have to frame the other ones, yeah, so if your Elvis label is late, don't call, it's my fault, yeah, I have to communicate, we have to sell the Elvis. labels and then I'll say: here you go, that sounds good, yeah, okay, let me grab the rest of the boxes and then I think head to the track, yeah, I think maybe we need to show this kid what a thing or two is, Hey? old power, you can try, that's right, you can try, so let's run around Freedom Factory mono magnet and see if I can't get a spot for that helicopter, think about five laps, five laps you want more or less.
I mean, I was going to say one and just maneuver into the pits, go out the door, turn around, I guess that counts, there are no rules, oh, there are no rules, okay, they're not my cars, yeah, we'll do it, We'll go out, I think we'll go around five times. leave a little room for anything to happen, okay, we'll start from a stop at five CS, you


me, you get a


run at 500, I


you, I get a dollar, that's what I feel like I'm going to get. the short end of this dollar bet okay, that's fair, let's run it right, can I at least have a couple of practice laps?
You know this practice on the track, no practice, no see you there buddy, you want to try it and ideally get to like the Apex point, which is the first yellow line and then accelerate again 50% % 60 70 80 100% out, are you using the brakes in the corner to lean the car, so you just tap the brakes like here? to come in a little slower, so brake basically, my plan is to push until I see God or the checkered flag, that's what I'm saying, wow, that's checkered flag day, okay, I should be a good strategy, I think. I mean, you prove that wall walking works in one lap, yeah, last lap, last lap, if you need it, I mean, all right, crazy, real fast, dude, just print it out and sign it, welcome, I hope you have fun and are fighting. for a spot, uh, yeah, good luck, okay, man, yeah, hey, I'll let him warm up a little bit.
Oh, he's actually running a pretty good line. Oh, I hit the wall, man, my secret weapon is an air-powered horn that I can use against Jimmy. up no, oh yeah, sorry Jimmy L, next time bro it's over, yeah mate when you cut it the first time I was right, good to see. I was like, don't hit, don't hit, okay, I gave it a chance. Jimmy, hey, I almost had you, you almost had me, you're not the first, you're the last friend, that's right, hey, to be fair, I've got a 5,000 lap Advantage fair and plus I was born in a Crown Vic, well, He tried, I can't tell.
Someone was surprised by that result, if I'm honest with you, but you've got to swing, you've got to try, you had a good line, well, and then there was the driver part that got in the way, yeah, I mean, tempered. Just when you were drifting around showing off a little Just wanted to go boom now that we've got it set up You're going to be competing in a race later this year You weren't available for Indie right, but maybe next one is that sounds good, that's fair , didn't you say that you had something during the independent career?
I don't know, we'll figure it out, we have to get you into a race, yeah, you didn't make the 500 miles of


dom this year. but we'll get you into one that's okay bro, thanks, I appreciate it, congratulations on that helicopter, oh yeah, and I have to tell you, you know what this was hugely inspiring to me, so I'm going to do something to stimulate the moment here . My wife and I and my kids are going on a once in a lifetime trip to the Bahamas yeah and I want to take one of you with me oh giveaway it'll be me and 40 other GA planes they're putting up.
In this fstar sale in the Bahamas from May 9 to 13, you can guarantee your spot by registering, paying and all that, or you can be my guest and win by saving at, buy something there, buy. some products you have to like that plug and every $5 you spend is an entry and for some reason if you can't go with us and you're the winner we'll give you the difference in cash so it's a win. -win win, you can see the rules on the website there, so Cletus, thank you so much for asking us out now. I guess we'll have to try again next time.
I appreciate it bro, that's exciting, man, we'll ship it. You okay, okay, time to soak, yeah buddy, go home, go to the simulator, so go watch the race on April 5 and 6, visit Bald, check out Cletus' stuff and then Join me in the Bahamas May 9-9. 13. Go to save and get the details there.

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