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Before He Could Walk, Viggo Mortensen Crawled Away From Home (Twice!)

Jun 21, 2024
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Late Show. I'm very excited, my friends, because you meet my first guest tonight from movies like Eastern Promises, a story of violence, and a little series called The Lord of the Rings, which he now wrote, directed, and starred in. in death don't hurt please welcome back to the Late Show vgo mortensson below let me remember things I love there you go that's always fun it's always a lovely thank you to see you always it's always fun to have you here well I enjoy being here well you know I'm a fan not just about your performance, uh, I know you as a musician, photographer, poet, I mean, it's everything, I like everything, everything that's there, the whole burrito vgo.
before he could walk viggo mortensen crawled away from home twice
I'm just curious. what's the vgo we have tonight, um, we have the vgo, the voter, oh, it's time to get serious, it's time to get serious about this election and um, I know you take politics seriously, you're serious about politics every night, I try to be serious, but everyone laughs. I like the subtitle here, the little tagline is "I will bring the ring to Mordor", although I don't know the way, the rest have to find the way, you should be in the cabinet, what do you want? Say huh, you should be in the cabinet cabinet. The new movie is The Dead Don't Hurt and it's a western.
before he could walk viggo mortensen crawled away from home twice

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before he could walk viggo mortensen crawled away from home twice...

Have you done many westerns? I've been before this. I think three, four, four, we have a, we have. a clip of the dead doesn't hurt what's going on here your character is danish in this yeah it's unusual for a western uh the two main characters Vivien played by Vicky creeps was great if you saw the Phantom thread she's wonderful in that one too film and Both are English, it is not their first language, so it is unusual in the West for the main characters to not be Anglo-Saxon. They were born in the US, you know? And I have decided to enlist on the Union side in the United States.
before he could walk viggo mortensen crawled away from home twice
Civil War, which she thinks is really dumb, she's probably right, but that's what's going on here, Jim. I will accept the $100 reward and volunteer for the army. Maybe they pay even more because of my previous military experience. Why is this not your problem? This is not your country, it is now, it's not just about money, it's the right thing to do, fight slavery, those who can, should, I won't be gone for a long time, men are so stupid, so stupid, and If I don't wait for you? I'm not a good soldier, they need me, you're too old to go to war, yes, maybe yes, but I must go.
before he could walk viggo mortensen crawled away from home twice
I need to see for myself what it's about, what it's about, yes you selfish bastard, she's right, she's right, men are stupid, stupid, you're too old to be a warrior, definitely too old, her in this movie that he had, we have flashbacks to his childhood and I'm curious if we had flashbacks to vgo Morton's childhood, not in that movie, no, no, in that movie, you don't. a you character, if there was one, what if there were flashbacks to your childhood, what would we see, what stands out to you as your childhood, maybe a scene of me running




, I mean, I came back, I was repeatedly a Being Abus.
Did you let it be known that you were doing this? They like me? Are they surprised when you do that or do they wake up and leave? She did it again. Well, track once. I let my mom know, but this was after I'd been doing it for a long time and I knew she didn't like it, but I


n't help it. How old have we been here? uh 10 11 okay and um, but I did it a lot younger too, but anyway this time I kept things from the refrigerator under my bed and I did it with a couple of friends and I was like, "Okay, on Friday we went up to bike after school and we left and I left a note saying I'm sneaking out for the weekend." I didn't really make it for the weekend.
I liked. It was terrible. I'm joining a circus until noon. Yes, my mom was a good cook, so she always came back okay, but I did it. I even dragged myself out of the house a couple of times, which I don't do. I don't remember my mom telling me that when you were a little boy in diapers, yeah, crawling and she woke up one morning and the crib was empty and the front door was open and they lived in the country and it took them an hour or more. uh, finally my dog, like in an episode of Lassie or something, found me sitting under a tree in my dirty diapers crying and that was the end of it, except two weeks later it happened again.
Your family didn't have a lock. I do not know why not. I don't know how I opened the door or maybe it wasn't a good door. I don't know, it just opened but it was gone and this time it was several hours and uh, police everything and finally the phone rings at one point. dad was angry, somehow it was my mom's fault, apparently she told me and I don't know, you should look at it, I said, well you're the dad, yes, but you're the mother and you know it, then the phone rings and it's the neighbor. a few hundred yards down Country Road saying are you missing something?
And apparently I dragged Ross down this road with country road cars and um down his driveway and then, it was a Sunday morning, they were up late. I guess and uh and there was a noise coming from the kitchen and they came in and there I was in diapers, dirty diapers probably and uh banging some pots together just bang bang so I was wow, that was the beginning of my music career, well I did. you do. so it would probably be a scene like that, we need to take a short break, we'll be right back with more Beo Morton, everyone stay around.

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