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May 26, 2021
Foreigner, on the other hand, I will tell you everything. Michael Bryce was really trying to put his past behind him. You have to forget about being a bodyguard. Repeat after me. There are no bodyguards. Not to protect this homicidal crazy woman. What is he doing here. I said get anyone but Michael. right, I think he says thank you four days in a few lovely birds, they are planning a large scale cyber attack, don't ruin this, but we are definitely going to ruin it. I promised my therapist there would be no bodyguards, let's not do that guys, just focus, I got it, no, it's okay guys, just you guys have it, maybe soften the break a little.
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I need you to protect us, it's time to have a baby, now they repeat after me, I don't have a license, I don't have a license, that's terrible, louder. no license and i don't give up we need guns we need both and we need them are you ready to go crazy? I left at the wrong time along with us that also went wrong now let's do what we do and throw some things upstairs I would be a great mother, don't you think your guests would appreciate it? It's almost your powerful asexuality that makes you a good foreign listener, we simply recognize that not only are we safe, this truly feels like a new beginning, every warrior has a starting hundred years, our ninjas have brought peace, come up, I need warriors, you join us, what do I have to do?
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The journey from here is yours, that's just the beginning. I'm on a new level, let's cancel everything, get up, excuse. me delicious good night eddie hi mrs chen good night he says hello guys you and I are equal in every decision we make. We left behind and how we left them waiting in the darkness of The Rescuer Who Never Comes, welcome back Eddie Brock, it's been a long time I miss you so much foreign chaos the chocolate delivery hasn't arrived yet no, it's going to happen you're going to stop protecting me no, no, you can't eat Mrs.
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Chen what will conclude the annual in three one thank you for your participation we survived all the police and emergency services have been reinstated all crimes, including murder, are now illegal, come on, We are going to work only one night, the rest of the year is peaceful, help me, help me. The purge is over, please no, that's not what anyone says. Listen to the sirens, there is no crime, just you, rich man, you cannot hide behind your steel walls, no longer helpless, what is that feeling like? It is the true purge, the purge forever, hurry up, they are coming, follow me, There is no safe place to go, there is no way to get help oh my God, we have to find another way out of here this country is going to collapse Mexico was opening its borders for the next six hours putting this together speak English does this Translate friends brothers and sisters who can win me and my queen back with a little myth or cola, the greatest of Kings, let one of your nights try to let them shine against me, please me in this game, I am ready, foreigner, another year is almost gone, you will look for it, wasn't it just again, maybe, but it isn't?
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Complete, you will find no mercy, no idea what anything is, yes, attacked, we rest your bones, I will end your quest for you, what do you hope to gain by facing all this honor? That's why at night he does what he does, are you ready, oh boy? I'm going old school, let's play a game. Grandma is here having a martini at halftime. Those who hate July 16. The exam is ready. Rachel wrote a letter to Ross and demanded that he read it before they got back together. How many pages was that letter? Pages 18 pages front and back are correct OMG, where's the tissue box?
Costume friends. Wow, Courtney still has her lines written on the table. We have literally slipped backwards. We regret having such a link in this program. Was it Ross? and Rachel on a break yes yes yes the first table read that's the first time I saw any of you everyone was so perfectly cast yes this is the one where everyone finds out I remember I went to the producer of the show I was on and he He said that show won't make you a star. I remember one time I had to watch the news and on TV it was an aerial shot of each of our houses, oh my, and I remember looking at her as she walked past my roof.
It's a disaster, it was an amazing time, they became


friends, yes I'm going to cry now when I watched the episodes. I laugh out loud because you all make me laugh so hard. I know you know how big the program is. given so many people it is a very comforting experience oh my goodness we felt like we had these friends here is the Hotel Transylvania Johnny works so hard to make this extra special oh that's not good ok thank you dear son in law I ruined everything Johnny what's the point? you are talking? Your father never thought of me as part of the family, all because I'm not a monster, you want to become my monster, huh?
Van Helsing, the holiday monster. Ray Turns humans into monsters and monsters into humans, so this is for sure. Great question though, that's weird, nothing happened, the nightmare is over. I'm human again hmm, hey Jack, what's up? Tommy, oh no, oh, it drove me crazy, you're human and I'm a monster. It's like Freaky Friday, but on a Tuesday, what's going on? What's up guys, Frank? Oh, I'm following the day you went to Marseille. I drove to the airport. I went to the gift shop and saw this necklace. It was gold. He said he had still water. I thought it would be a little piece of home. to take with you fire you're in Massachusetts don't visit my daughter the girl's father did it the American student yes Mrs.
Allison came here for college and that's where he met this girl Lena one night she finally died and he called the police All they cared about was that Allison slept with an Arab girl. She loved. I know you did it, but everyone thinks I killed her. We have exhausted all possible League elections. Is the lawyer not helping you? I'm doing it myself for now. What's happening? Not your name Maya, that's nice, she's very protective of me, you've seen that boy before, no one was talking to you, trust me and from here it's not safe for you, she's my little girl, I'm not going to give up, it will be a serious mistake. go on crack to prove her daughter is innocent, she won't get her out of jail, let her send it, Lord please stay alert, did she ask for her life?
I'm trying to get my little girl out of jail, that's all I care about. Damn, you sound very American right now, well I am, yes, and you're a stranger here too. What did you do? You just have to trust me. Sorry, she's been crying for hours. Sorry, but this is a group for new mothers on that sign. That's where it says parents, I'm a father and I don't know what the hell I'm doing. The girl has some things flying out of her ass and she can hit you with a streamer or she will shoot you, she is a quick wow.
I need help I don't know how you're going to do this and mommy was the


doctor's receipt Maddie go to sleep honey we think you should go back to Minnesota you're alone here she needs family the reason a child is not a -for all day all the night up there I see you you look great don't say it just to say that you look like a king king of slang wake up daddy how it looks I think it's a new look I think it's a new hairstyle that can become fashionable if you gives the opportunity it's still open Madeline doesn't have a mother not to leave I'm very aware of what my daughter doesn't have you think you can do this but you can't, no man, you're right I can't do it but you know what I'm going to do because I'm father oh my god Maddie thank God today I got there in time to hold her hand alone Liz I couldn't hold her hand she was gone and you it's always just us other people we have more people I just wanted what your mom would have wanted me to do I want to go there wherever you are I want to go there too someone is cutting onions or something close to us or something I don't know hey everyone has to stop oh she would be so proud of you mommy one for me hold on to me , stay close, don't be afraid, okay, Maddie, yes, dear Evan Hansen, today is going to be an incredible day and here's why you've been writing those letters to Dr.
Sherman. I've been trying to make you ever feel like there was no one there. Nobody signed your cast. Now we can both pretend to be friends. I feel sorry for my brother, have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere? I wish everything was everything I wish I was a part of something. I wish everything I said mattered. Have you ever felt like you could disappear? Dear Evan Hansen, yes, yes, that's mine. Take it, wait, I really need you to come back, you could fall and no one would listen. Connor took a letter from me and it was also a task from my therapist, even when darkness crashes on Connor's mother and stepfather, here to see you when you need it. a friend to carry you Connor wanted you to have this and when you are broken on the floor dear Evan Hansen he wrote it to you his last words Connor took his own life I'm sorry Connor didn't write this you want to know please he says we didn't think Connor had friends .
I mean, you're really going to tell these people that the only thing they have left of their son is a letter you wrote to yourself for you and Connor to tell us something, please, right? I started talking and you couldn't stop, they didn't want me to stop. I'm organizing a memorial service if you wanted to do something. Connor showed me that he wasn't alone, no one is like that, so he lets that feeling of loneliness go away. maybe there's a reason to believe you'll be okay I didn't know you were hurt a lot of people feel like we can't get it together people started sharing it it's everywhere I don't understand what happened no I don't know how much you've given to my family and my.
Were you ever really friends with him? I never wanted to make it so complicated. I was trying to help. I already know you. How is Aretha doing? Singing is sacred and you shouldn't do it just because someone wants you to, the most important thing is that they treat you with dignity and respect your special ring. You have a talent that they call genius. Hearing only 10. But a voice sounds 30. Eh, thanks? albums, you've had four and no hits. I need you to concentrate and avoid frivolous distractions. How do you find the songs that move you until you do that?
You're not going anywhere. I want to sing what I want to sing. It's okay, you really like it. we love it for this new girl named Aretha Franklin um you're not going to spoil this for me ladies and gentlemen look this song is aimed at anyone who has ever felt mistreated you need to take a break. I know how to run my business you've lost your mind maybe I found it I think I have chills do you see what she is she's a miracle if you could wish something deliver have a nice day deliver what would it be hey Lena happy birthday I miss you oh no oh god, um, greetings Grand Master, the hands have opened your desires, oh, peasant boy, well this will be easy, I know what you are thinking, could it be real, it is magic, it is real, yes it is real.
I am a Wishing Dragon who will grab three wishes for the owner of this teapot, how do you fit in this teapot? Yes, she is so small, she looks at your little arms, your face is so soft. Can you breathe fire? I've been stuck in this kettle for a thousand years, so the sooner we get this over with. with the best you enjoy when you see her I wish I couldn't make people fall in love with you no, she's been my best friend for ten years goodbye Den, that's my wish I want my friend to come back I'm going to need that teapot I wish I knew how to fight skip best friends forever I wish I wish this traffic just yeah, keep going for a long time I'm not going to waste a wish on traffic look, you'll have to use it, you'll have to use it, you'll have to use it You'll have to use it if only I had a dragon magical that he could fly throughout the city.
Video delivered foreigner foreigner most beautiful thank you foreigner.

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