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Perfect breakfast for summer. It's so easy.

May 15, 2024
Hello guys, I'm back with another quick and


recipe. I started with a dozen eggs and to that I added about 6 ounces of whipped cream cheese and then I'll add some milk. I'm just not measuring it, I'm just going to look at it, but I think that's enough, so I'm going to go ahead and get this confused look. He's already standing back, well, this is in a deep bowl, so. It shouldn't be too fast today, okay, so I'm going to mix all of this together and while you're putting it together, you can have the oven heating up.
perfect breakfast for summer it s so easy
I have the oven heated to 400 um. I just realized that our oven takes a little longer to cook so I set the temperature a little higher but you can set it to 350 or 400 for some reason this cream cheese is like it whips but it doesn't blend. eggs, but okay, now I have a bunch of green onions. I think there were about five. I'm going to add them all, you guys know I love onions so I'm going to add them all and then I have some. a little slap your mom, I won't do it, but I'm going to use a little bit of this, let's see if this works because every time I use Tony Cha Cha Cha it makes everyone here sneeze and cough.
perfect breakfast for summer it s so easy

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perfect breakfast for summer it s so easy...

I don't know what it is, but hey, next I have some cheese and I actually just sautéed it. This is some cherry cheese. I sauteed it with onion so I'm going to go ahead and add that now, at first I was going to try layering this but since I didn't have much meat I thought I'd go ahead and add it to the egg mixture and then incorporate it that way so that in every bite I at least have a little bit of cheese um. I'm going to go ahead and beat this again. Pull the cord out of the way.
perfect breakfast for summer it s so easy
I'm just trying to get the cream cheese um a little better. Incorporated like me. He said it looked like it wasn't mixing with the eggs as well as he would have liked, but that's okay, now I'm going to scrape out all those onions and stuff because all that stuff always gets caught. the mixer, the little bits, I don't know why, okay, do that and then I have some kobe jack cheese. I'm going to add about a cup, now you can use whatever cheese you want, that's a lot of cheese, it could be more. from a cup is fine, you can never go wrong when you use cheese, but you know you can always use any type of cheese you want, today I use chicken cheese because it goes with the theme, but you know if you can.
perfect breakfast for summer it s so easy
I can't find chicken cheese, that's fine, if you like pork cheese you can always use it or you can always go for a regular


sausage. Now I'm going to pour this in and try to lay it down evenly. This pan is a little big but it's okay, probably once it goes in the oven it should sit a little longer, even this table can be a little uneven. I have some flower tortillas and what we're going to do is you just want to place them. the tortillas like this and I'm going to overlap them okay, do them like this I'm still going to make another whole one I'm still going to make two back here I'm going to do them more or less like this, okay?
Then what you want to grab next is just a little bit of regular cooking oil, whatever kind of cooking spray you have at home, you just want to spray the tortillas so they brown a little bit when you put them in the oven, so. I'm going to put this in the oven like I said. I have mine set at 400. I'm going to cook it for about 20 minutes or so and then check it, but once I get back I'll let you know the exact time. so I'll see you in a minute Hey guys, I just took this out of the oven and it actually baked up pretty good.
I'm going to wait because I'm trying to see how the person did it when she cut them off. So I'm going to cut this one because she cut it to where she was like with the tortilla, so when she picked it up it looked like this and then you just grab it and fold it in half. This is hot. but you understand the gesture. I can't bite into this because it's so hot, but it came out very good. This is something your parents can do when they are on the go. They can do it very quickly and she actually did it with a cookie. sheet and it came out fine.
I put it in this big skillet because I thought I could still fit the tortillas and everything in there, but this is a really good idea even if you don't do it with the tortillas. You can make it with eggs, cheese, onions and cheese and bake it. There's a fly here. Sorry if you keep seeing us. Chee. You can bake it like this and leave the tortillas aside. You can just go in and cut up, you know, the chunks of the mixture and just make your


burritos or tacos or whatever, but this is really a genius idea, it baked up really, really well, you guys go ahead and give it a try. try like I said, I'm not going to bite into this because it's still too hot, but definitely give it a try.
I give it the go-ahead. I like the way it came out. um, he should have chosen me. My preference is. I wouldn't put the tortillas in there, I would just bake this like this and then put the tortillas on the side and then you could cut this into pieces and then make your tacos or burritos like this, but this is definitely a goal for me, this is something I would like to do If I was going to do a brunch or a breakfast or something like that and I know I was going to feed a lot of people, this is an opportunity, I give it the thumbs up, so until next time bye

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