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Make Our Best Thermal Paste... YOURSELF!

Jun 04, 2024
Hello, today's video is actually an extension of our last video where I tested various


interface materials,


greases, thermal


s, you know the sticky substance that is used to put on a CPU to facilitate heat removal and on a heat sink. I showed you the machine I used to do the testing and then compared a variety of leading commercial


s, plus I tested two compounds I formulated and surpassed them. What I'm going to do today is show you why I was able to beat them and exactly how I was able to do it. To start, I'll show you how to do it.
make our best thermal paste yourself
We need to understand heat better. Heat and sound are manifestations of kinetic energy. The thermal energy in this. The room represents the mass of all the air molecules in this room multiplied by the speed squared of the speed at which they collide with each other and bounce off the walls within the room. If you heat the air in this room, you don't. increase the number of molecules you do not increase the mass of the molecules you increase their speed the same applies to solid particles inside a bar of aluminum like this inside this bar the individual aluminum atoms are held in a three-dimensional matrix or network by the elastic electrostatic forces between them and their neighbors and although it may not seem like it, the aluminum atoms in this bar move very quickly, but what they do is vibrate back and forth around their central position and that vibration is their speed, yes You heat up this rod, you increase the speed of those stretchy little aluminum atoms and you increase the distance they travel when they bounce back and forth, if you keep heating it up they will move fast enough to go far. enough so that they begin to overcome the interatomic forces and that heat melts, although it is chaotic, it is random, it is isotropic, which means that it is the same in all three dimensions, there is no favored axis of movement, sound is also kinetic energy when I take this hammer and hit it.
make our best thermal paste yourself

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make our best thermal paste yourself...

At the end of this rod, I am adding energy to the rod in the form of acceleration of the atoms at the point of contact and forcing them due to their greater speed to move away from that point of contact and, as As a result, they apply more pressure. to the atoms right behind them, which also causes them to move further away from the point of impact and so on, and what happens is that a velocity wave is produced that moves across the rod at the speed of sound at aluminum, this is very It is a very rapid process and occurs at thousands of meters per second, several times the speed of a high-velocity rifle bullet.
make our best thermal paste yourself
When you take that hammer and hit the atoms on that bar, this process appears to be almost instantaneous, in fact it takes about 25 microseconds. that energy to move through that rod, however heat doesn't work that way when you take this torch and heat the end of this rod, I'm adding substantially more heat than with the hammer and although I'll eventually add enough heat that I can't retain at the end of this rod, it still does not feel hot at this end and the reason for this is that the thermal energy, unlike a coherent wave moving through the rod, is a statistical balance of all the atoms inside the bar an increase in the speed of all those atoms it moves to the sides it moves forward it moves backwards and it is a very slow process not yet and aluminum is one of the


thermal conductors that exist copper is approximately twice as thermally conductive as aluminum and silver is a little better than that, there are a couple of ceramic materials that are slightly better again and then there are diamond carbon nanotubules and graphene, that's it, almost all the others Materials that exist are worse thermal conductors than aluminum, steel is approximately one. -third, the thermal conductivity of aluminum adds a little chromium to the steel to turn it into stainless steel and is approximately 20 times less conductive and all organic materials, oils, resins, rubbers, plastics, are approximately a thousand times less thermal conductors than the aluminum and this.
make our best thermal paste yourself
It's a very important thing and I'm going to show you how significant this effect is, so I put together this demonstration and what we have here are two three-foot-long solid aluminum rods that have been resting on this table and they have a thermal probe mounted on them. the end of each rod in the same place those probes feed this temperature meter here the t1 or the upper measurement which is this measures this rod here and t2 which is this cable measures this rod here the rods are identical except for one important fact a half or in the middle of this rod here, I cut it and put a piece of plastic one millimeter thick in between, so that one thousandth of the length of this entire rod is a piece of plastic, otherwise the rods They are identical at the bottom of The rods are going to be placed in a pot of boiling water and what we're going to do is see what happens to the temperature over a period of time when we compare the performance of these two different rods, so I'm going to put this insulation here to try to minimize any changes due to the air in the room like this and then I'm going to bring this back and put it in boiling water and so let's see what happens with these temperatures at t1 and t2. and this just for reference is the temperature inside the meter.
I chose to use Fahrenheit simply because you can do this with degrees Celsius, but the Fahrenheit unit is smaller, so the monitor gives us a slightly better resolution when you use Fahrenheit, but this would certainly work if we decide we want to do this in metric, so you can see we've been working for about 23 minutes and you can see that t1 here, which represents the probe on the rod that has the plastic on it, has increased. approximately five and a half degrees and that the t2 probe that is in the solid rod has increased approximately 10.7 degrees, so the thermal conductivity in the solid rod has not doubled compared to the rod with the interposed plastic piece that represents 1 thousandth of its length.
It's pretty impressive how important that is for slowing down heat transfer, but the other thing to note is that the rod, the solid rod here, is still just a little bit warm at this end after a total of almost 24 minutes in boiling water, so as I can see that even solid aluminum rod is very slow to move heat and represents a real bottleneck for keeping electronics cool. Now you may say, wait a minute, a long metal rod is not the most effective way to move heat. Substantial differences you could use. active system like a water flow loop or you could use an osmotic or convective type device like a heat pipe and yes, that would be a much more effective way of moving heat over a long distance and would be part of a management system thermal, but you still have to get heat in and out of the heat pipe at each end because electronics manufacturers, whether CPUs, lasers, or transistors, don't


them as integral units with the heat sink, you'll have to use a thermal interface material and because they work, they work much worse than bulk materials.
The first thing you'd want to do is try to


that layer as thin as possible, which is why last year when I was doing the video on thermal epoxy. I followed a very simple and easy method to improve the surfaces for less than a dollar and in about 10 minutes you can take the original surfaces of the heatsink or the CPU or whatever you are trying to cool and you can flatten and smooth them. them noticeably and by doing so, by making them flatter and smoother, it allows them to come closer together. This will improve the performance of any thermal interface material and is actually more important than differences in thermal interfaces, so surface preparation is key.
The other thing is that, as bad as the thermal interface materials are compared to the bulk material, they are 10 to 100 times better than air, so you really have to get rid of the air and the simplest way to Doing so is simply taking a drop of oil or liquid between the two surfaces like this and removing the air and you will substantially improve the thermal conductivity. However, it is limited to one material, oil, which is about a thousand times worse than the thermal conductivity of bulk materials now. If you could apply a sufficient amount of pressure last time I talked about a very good alternative which is indium film, it is inexpensive and is a very soft low melting point elemental metal that under enough pressure will flow plastically between rough surfaces , it will remove the air and provide metal to metal contact that can be up to 10 times more effective than any thermal compound out there, that's great, the problem is the amount of pressure you need to see that kind of performance gain which means that for something like the size of a CPU you would need to be able to apply a pressure of over a quarter ton, it's just not practical, you need something that flows like oil but at the same time has a higher thermal conductivity than oil and the shape To do so is to add powders or materials that have high thermal conductivity and form a fluid paste and that is where we enter into the engineering of the thermal interface material.
I find this really interesting because there are a number of different issues to think about and they all interact. but some of them are actually counterintuitive, they don't work the way you think and that's what I find fascinating if you look at these zirconium oxide balls that I have on the table and imagine them as sort of blown up versions of the powders that we would add to the oils and look at this tray that I put in front where I carefully lined up these 20 millimeter balls in this grid array if you were to take this material and fill the spaces between them with oil and this represents the thermal interface, this material can be loaded into the oil at a maximum concentration of 64 percent.
It can't increase any more. If I tried to add another ball like this, I would have to add more oil or I would. be operating in air and then you're going to lose ground, now it gets worse because if you don't have an atomic force microscope and you can line these things up in a nice neat grid like this with the typical mixing and grouping of the highest concentration. The amount of solids you can get in a liquid is 60, which means 40 percent of that volume is still low thermal conductivity oil. Now you might still think he'll wait a minute.
Zirconium oxide is a good thermal conductor if we can load that interface space with as much as 60. With this material being sixty-four percent of the way or sixty percent of the way to bulk thermal conductivity, we're not even close. . It turns out that adding these balls to the oil will improve performance over oil alone, but it is disappointing. Not many contact points between these balls and between the balls and the surfaces are atomically small points, so a substantial amount of the heat that is transferred through this still has to go through some of the low thermal conductivity oil that we have. get rid of the oil now, if you look at the accessories you probably know where I'm going.
If you were to take a much smaller diameter ball and add it to this, you could potentially exclude additional oil and get a much larger solids load and If the balls are small enough, in theory, you could add or remove up to 60 percent of the remaining volume and convert it to a solid, moving to a total solids loading of 84 and if we take it even further to a smaller powder. we could eliminate 60 percent of the remaining 16 and reach 90 and so on, getting asymptotically closer to a solid material with much more contact area. This process is called densification and we will go into that in more detail when I do the video on ultra high performance concrete, but the problem with this is that what we have done now is concrete, it is like a rock, it will not flow and although densification It is an important process, we will use it to make the resins or materials, however, there are limits, you can only go so far.
The second problem has to do with shear load or viscous forces. This ball interacts with the oil on the surface and the oil molecules themselves interact, so when you take a ball like this and let it fall through the air, the viscous forces with the air are very low and it falls very quickly, but if I take this low viscosity silicone oil and I drop the ball over here you'll see it falls almost as fast as it does. the air is pretty fast it's lower but pretty fast if I take the same type of oil except a much longer higher molecular weight version of this oil and I dropped the ball here you can see it falls painfully slow it's like molasses on January.
This means that if you were to use a very high viscosity oil you would reach high viscosity levels with a lower solids loading, so you want to use the thinnest oil possible for this process. It turns out that with silicone oils you can reach around 10centipois once you get below that point the vapor pressure increases and they have a tendency to evaporate so 10 is the


you can do now. Next is what materials you should use now. I was originally very enamored with the idea of ​​using a very high thermal contact conductive material, diamond graphene carbon nanotubules, it didn't work.
The reason they don't work is because of the irregular shapes of the graphene nanoplatelets, these long, fibrous carbon nanotubules or the type of cubic diamond crystals that don't work. They do not allow very efficient densification, they block sooner, so, although they provide more thermal conductivity than zirconium oxide, the problem is that you would have a lower solids load and because the oil is so bad that what you gain here you will lose. if you let it. more oil in the mix what you want is a spherical shaped particle there are many materials that are available in the form metal powders ceramic powders but not those other materials that I had originally looked at now the next question is the size, how big should it be?
I like nano field, the field of nano science, nano powders, quantum dots and nanobots, but the point is that in this particular case you really want to use the largest size particles you can because of the problem with shear forces as you decrease the diameter of the balls during a given the volume of material, you increase the surface area, you increase the interaction with the liquid and you increase the viscosity. If you took a look at a couple of videos we did previously on epoxies, you saw how I took a liquid epoxy resin and turned it into a paste and even a putty by adding just a small percentage of a nanopowder called fumed silica, the huge surface area and the interaction with the liquid they will thicken it very quickly, so we want to use the largest particles possible.
Now, where do we start the big problem? The question is how close should we assume these surfaces to come together and that again is a bit of a touchy subject if you look at the industry and the manufacturers and what they use is sort of a standard for the thermal bond lines or the bond line. thermal interface which are probably based on the fact that there is a fairly similar viscosity in most of the leading compounds and there is a narrow range of how much force can literally be applied to an electronic device and they get 25 microns as a sort of guide, which It is a reasonable value. thickness and probably the kind of thickness you'll see when you apply a heatsink to a CPU, so you obviously don't want a particle size larger than 25 microns, otherwise you'll keep them artificially separated due to uneven clumping and mixing. you actually want the particle to be significantly smaller than 25 microns, but no smaller than necessary.
Again, doing some research on this and again in my own experimentation, I found that the sweet spot is about five microns for the largest particle size, so the next question is how do we do this densification? If you only did it in one stage, you might think okay, we take these big balls and then we get the nanopowder and we add this to this, but like I said, very small particles will add viscosity very quickly, so we want to add the largest size possible and go down and a good rule of thumb is to use a factor of 10 on the particle diameters, so if we were to use 20 millimeter balls here, the next size ball we would want to go down to is two millimeters and if we take it even further of 200 microns, how much should I use for that kind of ratios?
You roughly want to use 25 percent of the weight of the next largest ball, so if this pan contains about 400 grams of zirconium oxide, it's very heavy, you'll want to add about 100 grams of two millimeter balls to this and if we had 200 micron balls in this example, you'll want to add 25 grams, a quarter of the next largest particle, and that's it, basically the principles that you need to follow to make this high performance material, so we'll take these principles, we'll go to the side and I'll actually show you how I make the material that we're going to use. to mix up some thermal paste, come on, like I said, we made two different compounds last time in the last video, one is very simple to make and very low cost and works remarkably well and the other is a very high performance material , so we're I'm going to start with the simple and select as the liquid to use for this particular formulation glycerin glycerin anhydrous.
The reason I chose this is because it is very easy to obtain. You can get it on Amazon. You can get it at a local pharmacy. It is non-toxic it is soluble in water so it is easy to clean it has a very low vapor pressure so it does not evaporate and it has a remarkably high thermal conductivity, except water, it is the highest of any common liquid and helps To make up for the fact that and also to keep this simple, we're not going to do the densification process, we're just going to rely on one size of powder, the five micron aluminum powder, so to start, what we're going to do is put on a pair of gloves and then we're going to use some very sophisticated equipment the alchemist's friend we're going to use a mortar and we're going to weigh four grams of this liquid at the bottom of the container because it's dense This is only about 3.4 cc and then we will add 14 grams of aluminum powder.
Now this is pretty bulky and you'll probably think at first that there's no way I'm going to incorporate it, but you will. It's amazing and what this just requires is patience - you want to mix slowly at first, not because this stuff tends to go into the air very easily, they are pretty big particles, but simply because you don't want this to spread out on the table and as you can see it's a pretty loose powder at this point, the liquid hasn't worked its way into it, so you need to start by pushing it down into the liquid and working your way up from the bottom as it starts to incorporate. the powder and this doesn't take long, a couple of minutes, and this is the material that we tested last time and it proved to be as good as arctic silver and hard because it's water soluble, something you wouldn't want to use this, let's say, on a solar cell array outside, but certainly inside where it's not going to be wet, it's not a problem and in fact I've used it on a fish tank run system that's been running for a pair. of years and still works very well, so the material does not dry out, it is easy to apply, it runs, it is very soft, it is very creamy and it adheres very well to surfaces, this is how the material is made cheap and the advantage.
The reason is that instead of costing a dollar or two a gram, it will cost you a couple of cents a gram, so it's a great alternative if you want to start doing this but you don't want a lot of equipment and you don't want to spend a lot of money, so now let's move on to the high performance material, so now what we are going to do is mix the high performance material and to do that we are going to follow all the principles that I covered in the other room when I described the densification process, I described it from big to small, but in fact, when doing the synthesis, you actually want to work in the other direction, you want to work from little up because that does it.
It's much easier to disperse the different products, so to start, what we're going to do is use a 10 centipoise silicone oil. Like I said, it's about as thin or watery as you can get before this starts. evaporate and so we want to make sure that we don't lose the liquid fraction over time and what we're going to do is take a small glass and add to that glass 16.5 grams of silicone oil, so take a small capful here or a small dropper here and we will start doing it. Well, I've done it. The next thing we will do is add the smaller powder.
Theoretically, I could keep everything. The same material, but it has to do with availability. You want a spherical product that is between 20, 30, and 40 nanometers in size. The problem with staying with aluminum, for example, until the end, is when it is reduced to nanonanometer-sized particles in aluminum. They become very dangerous not only by inhalation, but much more importantly, they can burst into flames because of their large surface area, they can interact with the atmosphere, so it is very difficult to obtain that and a much better option is to use zinc oxide. It is also a spherical product that is available in the right size range and is a very good thermal conductor.
It is used in many thermal pastes, so I have zinc oxide and to this I am now going to add 8.75 grams of zinc oxide. Because zinc oxide has twice the density of aluminum, if you were doing this process at this stage with aluminum, you would use half this weight because that is the volume we are trying to achieve, so due to the higher density , we are using double. much in weight to get the same volume that we would get if we used the same type of product at all times, one of the challenges when dealing with nanomaterials, nanometer-sized particles is that, due to the large surface area and the fact that they have many forces of van der Waals between them as a result of them being very difficult to disperse, they tend to clump together and stay in clumps rather than breaking up and dispersing well in the liquid and I don't think it's uniform.
It is possible to properly disperse this mechanically or should I say by hand. What we're going to do is use a sonicator to be able to break this. Now a sonicator is basically a very powerful ultrasound generator that focuses its low energy through a horn here and what the horn does is it moves up and down very, very quickly at about 20 kilohertz and creates enormous accelerations. of the order of one hundred thousand g, as a result of such rapid movement, the liquid will cavitate. and it will create a lot of turbulence and that will break up the individual little particles and mix them with the liquid, so we're going to put this little container inside the sonicator.
Here we are going to lift this. This way, the sonicator can generate a lot of power, so we're going to turn it down to 100 watts, and since that's still going to cause a lot of heating here, what we're going to do is we're going to run this at a duty cycle of 50, which means five seconds on five seconds off to give it more time to distribute its heat into the environment and we're going to run this whole cycle five seconds on five seconds off for a total of six minutes. The other thing is that this is very loud and in It can actually be dangerous, so they will sell them with cases to protect the hearing of people around them, but cases are expensive, bulky, and limit access. to the team here, so what we're going to do is put on a pair of headphones to make sure there's no one else in the building and then we're going to start running it, okay?
My headphones on now, let's go ahead and turn this on, here we go, okay, that feels good. This material here is very warm, it's hot to the touch and that's one of the reasons why the duty cycle can certainly vary a lot more. In quantities larger than this, now what I'm going to do is bring this here and move on to the second stage, which is mixing the next size of powder on the scale that we have. We're going to start by taking this jar, we're going to measure 15.15 grams of this material into the jar. That's all.
Now two things, one is that, as I described, I'm going to put the actual proportions below the video so you can I have the actual proportions of the components added, but due to the fact that we're going to add these things in different containers for different steps I inevitably leave some of the material behind, so the ratio of zinc oxide to oil that I gave you was correct, but due to the fact that I'm leaving some of the material behind, the absolute numbers aren't really that important, it's the ratio. , so even if I made a liter of this right now, I would only be getting 15.15 grams, so it depends on the proportions below don't focus on the numbers, the absolute numbers I'm giving you to give you those proportions the second thing and this was very very important, I made a serendipitous discovery in one of those eureka moments and it was made by Accident, what happened was at the beginning when I was doing this I wasn't sure what the actual working fluid would be, if it would be glycerin , polyalcohol or silicone oil, so I ordered a variety of different types of nano and micro powders.
I ordered zinc oxide in both pure and pure form, as well as a coated form that had a silene coating, a molecular layer of silane on the outside of the spheres. The reason it was done is to increase its hydrophilic affinity in other words to allow it to interact better with polar or water-like solvents, say stay suspended longer, however I was doing this once around two in the morning , I was very tired, I wasn't paying attention and I realized that when I finished this step the material was much thinner than I expected and what I accidentally did was take the zinc oxide with the silene coating and use it in the oil Non-polar silicone, that's really not what it's made for.
The point is that I was much thinner and I knew the numbers were correct, so I continuedI went ahead and proceeded to make the full formulation, but using the wrong powder and it was substantially less viscous, allowing me to increase the solids loading a bit. more for the same amount of viscosity and I got better performance, so silene-coated zinc oxide, not plain zinc oxide, is the appropriate material. Now to add to this, we have a couple of options. I'm going to add 300 nanometer aluminum powder now. It's not much lower on the nanometer scale and has a little more vulnerability to ignition than, say, five micron dust, but it's still not that bad, however this size is quite difficult to obtain.
I got it from a guy I know in California. with a lab that is capable of producing this, so you may not be able to get the 300 nanometer aluminum powder, but if you can't, Sky Spring itself supplies copper powder that is spherical in the same size range, so you could use copper for this stage. and it works almost as well, so it's a perfectly legitimate alternative and it won't set you on fire, but we're going to stick with aluminum for this demonstration, so what I'm going to do is add 10.5 grams. from 300 nanometer dust to this here, okay, 10.5.
Now what we are going to do is measure the total weight of this jar and you will understand why in just one second it weighs 158 grams. I'm going to take this jar that has some tap water in it and I'm going to fill it up to 148 grams, 10 grams less than this guy again. This will make sense in just a second. This is just tap water. Now it is OK. The reason I did it is because this material here is too thick to combine with the ultrasound at first. We have to use another method to incorporate this fine powder and you may be able to do it mechanically, but I don't think you will. be able to do a good job, so what we're going to do is use a different device called a paste mixer.
Now these devices are available industrially for mixing very thick pastes, as you can see, it says solder paste mixer, this model here, unlike many. The thousands of dollars you can pay for pharmaceutical grade mixers are some kind of cheap Chinese knockoff and I bought this one used on eBay for just a couple hundred dollars and hacked it up, but the basic principle is the same and they are actually very useful. The reason you would use this for solder paste is that if you have a jar, say a half kilogram jar of solder paste, it sits in your store for a long time and some of the solids may sink to the bottom and you want to mix them up and this. is the device that you would use to do that, so if I open up the inside of this thing and you take a look at it, you will see that there is a rotating table that looks a little bit like a centrifuge and this table is mounted on a spindle that is driven by a motor and it rotates around what you can't see is that underneath this plate there is a pulley that does not rotate with the motor, it is actually attached to the structure and because it does not rotate when these cups here move around the belt that attaches its individual pulleys on each side to that fixed pulley causes these individual cups to rotate, so if you look, a planetary type action is formed here where this rotates in a circle and these individually rotate in a circle and what What it does is that the g forces, the centripetal forces, tend to push the liquids to the outside here just because of the rotation, but because this cup is constantly rotating like this, what is the bottom of the cup of the jar continues to change position, so this is mixed by a shear force against the inside of the jar, the container, plus the centrifugal forces or the centripetal forces that push the denser materials to the bottom are always doing that, but The bottom keeps changing position and this creates a lot of turbulence. below the surface and just like the turbulence that is created with this, both devices are very effective at degassing or removing dissolved air because you are constantly exposing a new surface without folding the air and the great turbulence here that rotates below the surface again.
It doesn't bend with air and we don't want air. Air is our enemy, so this is good for degassing and it's good for mixing. The tricks I performed are very simple. You see how I wrote. Add 10 grams so this doesn't fold. I vibrate so much that I add a little to this cup and that reduces the vibration plus because I'm not making solder paste I'm just making light jars of material, I didn't care about the fact that if I had a much bigger motor Here and I raised the rpm , I was able to increase the mixture and speed up the operation a lot, so this thing actually spins twice as fast as the original machine and because they are much lighter it can withstand those forces, plus I added a better one. cooling fan, better cooling system inside so this doesn't overheat, so what we're going to do is install the heavier of the two jars on the side add 10 grams, make sure the lid is on tight and tight.
We don't want the same spill over here and we're going to put this on the lighter side and force them in there like this and then we're going to close the lid and turn this on and we're going to run this for 12 minutes oh okay so let's take a look and Let's see what we have. Well, nothing separated and let's look at the two jars. This is the counterbalance jar, so it has nothing in it and this is the mixed jar. and let's take a look inside and you can see that you get a nice thick creamy material, but it's clearly too thick for the ultrasound to be able to mix it and the next stage after this is too thick for this paste mixer so we're.
We're going to have to resort to another method to get the final incorporation of the final particles, so we're going to bring this here and once again we're going to use the alchemist's friend and what we're going to do is I'm going to take 8.55 grams out of here and I'm going to put them in The bottom of the mortar of the mortar, well, it is very homogeneous, to this we are going to add 14.6 grams of the five micron aluminum powder, so we are going to break it up. take it out and start going, oh, I've got it there, okay, 14.6 grams, 10 milligrams less, not bad, but you want to be pretty precise with these measurements, so now you're probably thinking probably not, now let's look at the point is if you do it. this for a total of five honest minutes with this mortar, first of all, you're going to get really strong arms, but secondly, you're going to get a really good thermal compound, but what I found out is that if you do 30 honest minutes in other words, you go for five minutes, your arm starts burning, you go get a drink, you come back five more minutes and go walk the dog, you come back and do 30 actual minutes, the performance of the material actually continues to increase, so it may actually be not I have reached the limit of the performance of this material and with even better incorporation a superior material can be produced than what I demonstrated and because there are industrial mixers that can handle very thick pastes like this it can potentially do a much better job than what I am doing, It may be very possible, however they cost many thousands of dollars and mortar is certainly a very economical way to do the same thing and as you can see now this material has become very spreadable and with a little more mixing it will become even creamier.
Now let's imagine for a second that you had done this for 30 minutes. One of the problems with mixing it this way is that, unlike the first two steps, it incorporates air. I'm incorporating air into this and as a consequence that will decrease the yield of the material, so one step left, let's go to the vacuum pump, okay, this is the final step, we're going to take the material that I combined. the mortar and to which I added a little air and we will place it inside the vacuum chamber and reduce it to a couple of microns for at least several hours.
I typically do this for six hours and there is a noticeable improvement in performance when you remove some of that entrained air, so this step is definitely worth it, but that's it, Mr. Reardon. This is the material that we ended up showing last time that worked so well against commercial thermal pastes. and as promised, what we're going to do is send a couple of samples of this stuff to linus tech and if they're willing to see what kind of results they get when they compare it to other commercial ones. Materials I also put below this video in the description a list of the exact proportions of the materials we used to make this and obviously you saw how to make this now most of you won't have access to this type of equipment but if you have access to a reasonable university or industrial lab, they will have this and they may even have better things and like I said there is a chance you can improve the results I achieved by using better equipment. but in any case we got a pretty good composite from this and you should be able to reproduce it.
If you don't want to take the time, effort or money to try to reproduce it, we will go ahead and put This stuff up for sale on our website, as I showed you last time, it works great and is less expensive than most stuff commercials that exist and helps cover the cost of the expenses we have when producing these videos. Much money. involved in collecting the equipment and materials, also if you have any kind of questions or want to make any kind of comments, please put them below in the comments section because I read them all and it also helps give me ideas for future videos. youtube its algorithm beats to spread the video and distribute it to a larger number of people, also if there is any chance or even consider subscribing do it, it has more value than you imagine, we cover a wide range of topics if you look at our list of playback we cover a wide range of different types of technologies, we go into a lot of detail and give you practical applications, but in addition to that, by increasing the size of the channel, you help us produce better videos because, as the footprint of the channel increases, we become more attractive to potential contributors, to interviews and site visits, and we can produce a wider range of more interesting types of comment content, so I hope you found this interesting, useful and enjoyable, and I just want Thank you very much for dedicating


. your time and watch you care and have a wonderful life

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