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5 Things You Never Noticed In The Loud House Intro 2

May 25, 2024
There are so many


in House's



that people have forgotten to notice that you guys didn't notice some of these and I'm telling you, this isn't like the SpongeBob


that you got lost in, guys. . There are a lot of


in the Loud House intro that we missed and today we'll see that The Loud House has been running for a couple of years so some of this will be a surprise to you, but I promise. Some things will surprise you. Let's move on to number one near the end of House's


introduction. All the characters sit down, but there's something you guys didn't notice and it's really strange.
5 things you never noticed in the loud house intro 2
Let's get closer and Lucy is smiling. Lucy is smiling out loud. Are you telling me Lucy Loud is smiling in the intro? What do I mean? Lucy Loud is a character that is all about sadness, darkness, and sadness. She really doesn't like to smile at all, but in the intro she is smiling, that's a little strange. Lucy, I'm going to need you to smile. Lucy can't even smile when something good happens to her, much less something bad. So how does she smile in the intro? I bet you guys have realized that you probably just saw it but no.
5 things you never noticed in the loud house intro 2

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5 things you never noticed in the loud house intro 2...

Note that you didn't think about that, but you know you're thinking about it now running through the crowded hallways, dodging girls like ping pong balls just to get to the bathroom. Did you know that when Lincoln runs across the room, he is the only one to enter? The usual color of him and the other characters are not, it is quite fascinating to watch. I mean, why are they all a purple-pink color, but the only one that's actually the same color is Lucy Loud again, which is kind of funny, but everyone else, all the sisters, you know?
5 things you never noticed in the loud house intro 2
They have a color and I think it's a symbol of personality, look at this now, obviously he's in a big family and he's trying to jump over the dirty laundry to get to the bathroom because it's pretty hard to do that in a family, but guys, there's something very It's interesting this because we're talking about Lincoln Loud, the main character of the show, there are a lot of main characters, but he is the main character of the loud


and I know this is unrelated, but isn't this character from Danny? Phantom actually sounds like Lincoln out loud, okay let's keep going when we go down the stairs, please don't try this at home, you're going to break your neck or something, don't try this, but when Lincoln is doing this, look the posters in the back.
5 things you never noticed in the loud house intro 2
All the sisters are the same color that you know they were originally in the previous shot. Now this is pretty interesting because this tells us, hey, something, this color matters. Purple, red, black. All these colors matter and it's more or less to tell us what your personality is. Introduction: They are holding some kind of object and I'm not sure what this is. It literally took me 20 minutes trying to figure out what he's holding. Is it a calculator? Is it a remote control? Turn it upside down. It looks like a compass. It says n-e-s-w, which is pretty much what we use as a compass, so it's a calculator.
You know, I know Lincoln is smart and all, but why would the sisters be chasing him for this device? Is this a calculator or is it a remote control? I don't know, I



this in the intro. I just thought he grabbed something and didn't really pay attention, but why is he near books and a pencil? Did you think about that if it's not a remote control why would it be a remote control? near a book and a pencil. I'm starting to think this is a calculator, but write below and let me know because I really don't know if it's a remote control or a calculator.
Now you might be wondering why I rushed all that. and that's because Clyde isn't in the intro yeah, Lincoln Loud's best friend, Clyde is nowhere to be found, how is this happening? someone's best friend to be in the intro I mean, Clyde is not a second character. Clyde is also one of the main characters of the show and he is a bit strange. Do you think less of me for not being honest? Not at all and I think it would be a great beginning Lincoln and Clyde are best friends and I know I want to see his best friend in that introduction.
I mean, he's a main character, so it's a little strange again why Clyde isn't in the intro. Now I know some of you. The kids are probably thinking, well, Clyde isn't necessarily part of the loud


family. He's not noisy, he's not noisy Clyde, he's Clyde for something else, that's why, but I still think he's a little strange and I think he deserves to be in it. intro now i put this scene because it's kind of funny that it's literally just a PNG image of the noisy family in the house, literally just an image dragged into the house falling from the roof that would hurt you in real life, it would actually hurt you you would hurt and going to the hospital when Lincoln is running away from the gang, there's something pretty crazy about this scene when I slow down, pause, wait a second, look at Luna Loud, Luna Loud is the only one smiling, why everyone else frowns? or just very cautious, but Luna out loud and Lincoln are smiling.
I think Luna, Link and Loud are playing a prank on everyone else. I bet you didn't realize this, why is Luna Out Loud the only one smiling in the intro? Luna out loud has been known to crack jokes, she's known for singing songs, she's known to, you know, mess with the family, so this doesn't really surprise me, but how many of you


this? I bet you didn't see this until today when the intro singer says one. plus ten girl, what he means by that is and I'm going to explain exactly what he means, but when he says one plus ten he means one, the number one plus ten equals 11, which is 11, so there are 11 members of the Loud House family and he's telling us this because everyone thinks, oh you know, that's just a song, but no, it's real math, you know how many of you like math, probably not a lot of people, but They know it's math in the noisy house.
Lily Loud walks across the screen. Now everyone knows this, okay, no one who sees this video has not seen it, everyone knows that she walks across the screen and says her magic words, but it is very interesting because I am going to tell you something of a secret about this, but what does she say? Well, listen, those are the golden words of Lily Loud. Lily Loud loves saying that word more than money and it's so funny because she literally was always crying and stuff, and a lot of things happen really loud, but guys, you're probably wondering, what not?
We notice, can you tell us what's something we didn't notice in that scene? What did we miss? Well, what you missed is that Lucy walks loudly across the screen and there's nothing there, it's just a black screen, there's no background. Another thing in the intro that's a little strange or alarming is that when we zoom in, guys, there are a lot of toys and bikes and the noisy family in the house, the sisters, even Lincoln, forgot, they forgot to clean outside and put all his things. the garage, I mean the parents of the loud house family must be angry or furious or they just don't do anything because this is in the intro all the time, so I guess the bikes and all the toys don't clean.
Anything they just leave outside, which is pretty scary, you know, because people can just take your stuff. I mean, if you leave him outside, what if a kid just goes and steals his bike or something? Who's going to keep track of that? But I guess the parents don't. I don't care, I guess they'll just buy them another one or something. I mean, they have how many siblings in one house. I mean, they probably can afford it or not. I really don't know, but it's a little careless that Lincoln and everyone else. They, you know they forgot to clean those things, maybe not all the sisters did, but you know, I know some of them left them, I mean, because come on, who's going to leave all those bikes outside?
It's not the parents, it's not even Lily being loud because she is too. young to ride a bike, so obviously someone is to blame. I don't know who the culprit is, but it's definitely someone, guys, this has been a crazy video, it hasn't been like the Spongebob video where we see parodies, but it would be cool. see a parody of the rabbit, you know, in the intro to The Loud House, what if they did that? It would be pretty sick if they did a parody of the Loud House intro and The Loud House like they did with SpongeBob SquarePants.
I'd love to. Look, I mean, what if Lincoln Loud was a rabbit and a bunny in the intro itself? That would be incredible. I hope one day they do that because they make parodies. You know, they do Halloween specials. They do specials all the time. start doing something with rabbits or bunnies or something like that. I think it would be great. You know, looking at the sisters it would be quite difficult to identify who they are, but I think I can do my best to identify who it is. who, according to her personality, Lisa would be easy because she wears glasses, but you know, that's what you are guys, thank you all for doing this part in this video, subscribe to this channel, like this video, like to the video, please, and guys.
I'm working on a cartoon rap battle cartoon rap battles just kidding guys I'm working on three cartoon rap battles at the same time yeah three cartoon rap battles at the same time now it's really hard it's taking a lot of time, it's a lot of work but I'm really really working to perfect the art. I'm trying to go the extra mile that I don't. I always go the extra mile, but this time I'm going the extra mile. we want to evolve this we want to surpass we want to make it professional more professional than it already is more amazing than it already is you guys are probably wondering what cartoon what the next cartoon rap battle will be about well I can tell you no it will be Teen Titans Go and Gumball again.
I've done three of those and people say, you know, but you guys love it, but you know we have to move on, so we'll do others. I might even go back and do that in the future, obviously, but guys, the next cartoon rap battle is going to be amazing, believe me, so thank you all for watching the video again, you know, I'm looking forward to the cartoon rap battle animated, uh, will have a lot. To take it in there will be a lot of animation, a lot of craziness and a lot of people rapping, a lot of rapping, so again, thank you all for watching and peace, peace to go crazy.

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