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How I cyberb*llied Dan Howell on TikTok before I met him on tour (oops)

Jun 11, 2024
one, two, seven for those of you. who doesn't know, I have this inside joke with a friend of mine and my friend really likes NCT and nct127 loves to play that constantly all the time, whenever he finds the opportunity, there was one time when I was in the middle of filming. and before I knew it, my TV screen changed, it was the end of CT, other instances where I was with a friend, I was showing Dodie funny, the TV was hijacked again and it was another NCT 127 song and I felt that I really couldn't. Escape from it.
how i cyberb llied dan howell on tiktok before i met him on tour oops
I kept getting so many tech talks about the fact that of all the songs that could have been playing at that time it had to be a sticker, of course it was a sticker, why wouldn't it be a sticker? It's almost like my friend knew at that moment that he was spying on me and probably hijacked that speaker and started playing the sticker as soon as we started talking because of course, why not? And it's literally just us talking about the sticker, which I think the funniest part is that I remember making that Tick Tock later when editing it because people started to realize it's that damn NCT 127 sticker and it sure was and I remember having turned that conversation into a video and posted it on Tick Tock and it went viral, thousands of people watched the conversation and it just wasn't what I was expecting it got nasty throughout the meet and greet while the sticker played.
how i cyberb llied dan howell on tiktok before i met him on tour oops

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how i cyberb llied dan howell on tiktok before i met him on tour oops...

I managed to ask him if I was on his page for you or if I liked how it happened because the way he explained it to me was that I was one of his. first videos that appeared on his page for you I was at Dan Howell's for you Paige, are you kidding me? I'll do this for you at the time I had less than 50 likes. I don't know if that's a push-up or something more than that. You know I'm part of Dan Howell's algorithm. I say it out loud and it literally makes no sense, so at this point I met Dan, we were talking about NCT and the sticker and then he mentioned that I was on his page for you.
how i cyberb llied dan howell on tiktok before i met him on tour oops
Clearly this conversation was very fictitious. I still remember I had a couple of things I wanted to give him. I remember giving him a letter and then I also wanted to give him something else so that he would really make sure I remembered our really accidental moment of collaboration. We had my lovely fan art on Tick Tock recreating this iconic moment. I mean, some people were like wow, this is the most unexpected club I have. Can I just say I might love Dan Howell? It's like a reach. I feel like I'm getting more and more delusional the more I talk about this, it was great, you know, I was able to, you know, add a little Easter egg and add filling in there too.
how i cyberb llied dan howell on tiktok before i met him on tour oops
I also have this friend who is also a content creator and um, his name is mercury, he went on the show before me and thought it was amazing. I didn't really get a chance to meet dad, but I did and I told him, "You know what I got, I got your hat and I'll do it." have Dan wear it and we'll take a picture of it, which is by far the most horrible thing I've ever done in my life. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, Don Howell using my friends' merchandise, that's it and I was like.
I have to do it. I remember him rummaging around and panicking. Oh my gosh, I was a mess because of the way I have so many things with me and I remember showing him his hand and thinking, "This is my friend's hat." It was actually a lot of fun because you already know Comic Sans. Too many thoughts. Great, I didn't mean to give the hat to Dan Howell. I thought we were just going to take a photo, but I remember very vividly when Dan Howell looked at it. it was like oh is that for me uh uh and long story short I thought you know what, this is exactly what my friend would have wanted so I said yes and Dan Howell has the Mercury merch.
You're welcome and I also remember taking a couple of photos, it was actually really cute, he's incredibly tall the way we gave him a really awkward hug, like he reminded me a lot of Taylor Swift hugging Sabrina Carpenter. I don't know why my brain works like that, um, and then there was. I was finally able to apologize for the


ullying on Tick Tock where thousands of people were watching that video again very crazy. I was very grateful that we had a good experience and that we actually had a good, fun icebreaker so we could talk about what was most important.
What I wanted to say inspired me to start my own YouTube channel, of course, that had to be the only thing I didn't mention to him because of the damn nct127 sticker, so thank you very much, but okay, I wrote a letter. and I mentioned a lot of things, maybe too much of that, a little too parasocial. I'm so sorry, so the next person who came to see me, Dan, who helped me record this video, by the way, thank you so much Abby. for helping me record, I helped her record the video of her meeting Dan and everything and she saved him a real being.
I didn't have a real self at the time before I realized that my first real self was going to be in someone else's real self with Dan Howell. I also remember being at the pre-show and having a good time. It was really strange seeing him on stage. It really felt like I was wearing a virtual reality headset and had just seen Dan in a three-dimensional area, but no, I did. actually, the real Dan Howell and I were in shock, these guys, yes, Dan, please visit Mexico. I have a lot of friends in Mexico, oh my God, I can't see that, oh my God, I'm so embarrassing, oh my God. way I interrupted Dan and others on behalf of everyone at the pre-show in Edmonton Alberta.
I would like to apologize for being incredibly annoying and interrupting, oh god the whole show was amazing. I loved it, it was fun, it was clever, it was interactive. So many things happened that I don't want to give any spoilers because as of now he finished his North American


, but he will continue to


Europe and Australia. If you happen to be there, check it out. Look at me being like this. a good marketing person for Dan Howell. I don't even know if people will see this video, but whatever it is, it's fine. However, there was one section of the show that I remember very vividly.
I'm not going to tell you exactly what happened, but basically, long story short, I was completely soaked in bubbles. This is all the context I'm going to give. I didn't even know he was actually aiming directly at me. I was sitting right in front of the program and before I knew it. I just knew that was my destiny. I realized we were making intense eye contact. He was looking at me with an incredible amount of hatred and vengeance. It was too much. I'm not going to tell you why all this happened, but it was a very personal attack. and I felt like, oh my god, and the world that Dan personally called me on the show was incredibly strange and surreal because I was like, is he really talking about me?, oh, he's actually talking about me, oh my god, this It was probably the most uncomfortable thing I've ever seen.
I have done it once. I am not kidding. I remember getting up from my seat looking at the people around me awkwardly and saying hello. I made a whole video about this as if I was ever going to involuntarily force someone to participate in the hearing. No, don't worry me. You are always safe. I will never make you feel uncomfortable. You can just dive back into the darkness and have a good time. Really. Dan. Really, the fact that you attacked me personally on your show without warning. I have no audience participation. I'm sorry. I thought I would be safe in the audience.
I guess I wasn't fair enough. I'm still waiting for an apology. That's not even the worst part because the floor was very slippery after Dan's unexpected thing. attack that was very personal I almost slipped and fell out of my seat I was completely soaked was what but I was mostly very confused during the intermission of the show there was a person who came up to me and was asking me that it felt like a The attack was very staff was intentional or it was just random and I remember showing her the printed Tick Tock and she said, "That was you." The amount of people who recognized me when I showed them that duo-printed Tick Tock was so strange because it was real.
People were like wait, that's you, oh my god, I can't believe it was you. I'm going to sound like a YouTuber. I know everyone says this all the time, you know, whenever I look at specific interactions and engagements, they're just numbers, right? I "liked" one number, but I didn't realize at the time that it was like "wait, real people watch this. So many people liked it and it was really very strange and strangely flattering in a weird way. I felt like a main character." You are not the main character. I don't know who wrote this absurd Tumblr fan fiction in which I happen to be the main character, but it's a very interesting plot.
I must say that nine out of ten does not seem very realistic, but it seems. that there's a lot of build-up, there's a lot of interesting dynamics in general, everything I've been saying, are you kidding me, is this real?, like oh my gosh, and I remember tweeting my photos with Dan posing with the iconic Tick printed on it. Tock and everything, it was so strange that so many people liked it and got involved with it and were like, wait, that was you, oh my God, I can't believe that was you. I was very grateful but also very overwhelmed by everything.
The experience was one of the coolest but also the strangest because I had never had anything remotely like this. It was so strange that I couldn't really understand everything that had happened to me in the last few weeks the way I could. To deal with it all was to create hashtag Contents. I made so many ticks that again so many people saw. I was so surprised it's crazy how my Tick Tock where I met Dan liked that video over 30,000 people. 30,000, that's absurd, it's 30,000. What is life? Let me tell you something else that happened a few days later for those of you who don't know.
I'm also a big fan of Dodie. I've always loved his music. So long and she's actually one of the main people who inspired me to do covers. It was very surreal. I had the privilege and opportunity to meet Dodie after the show in Vancouver. It was incredible. Again the video is seen here, so you can imagine my surprise. when I realized that a few days later Dan uploaded a very specific video and it was a collaboration video with Dodie, of all people it was Dodie, that was my Joker moment, these were my Avengers, I freaked out on Twitter by the way, sorry a lot.
For all my Twitter followers, I literally remember making this Tick Tock video where I went crazy over Dodie and I'm finally making a claw video and guess who the first person was? It was dirty, dirty like that video, oh my god, it was like what. I felt a little embarrassed about that and I also remember Dan put up his Tick Tock of the daily dystopia theme song and it was with Dodie, it was incredibly surreal and I remember telling him I didn't sneeze but thank you for blessing me and him. I liked the comments. Even what's happening is that this parasocial relationship didn't feel very parasocial to me.
Thank you very much again, how dare you? The coincidence was crazy in my letter. I remember writing how grateful I was to discover Dodie through Dan and the fact that that video was uploaded a few days after I gave him that letter, what crazy comedy, but was it really a coincidence? Did I know someone was like, oh my god, he totally flew back to the UK movie with Dodie and then came back just for you, crazy coincidence. It just didn't feel real, it was one of the coolest experiences, but honestly, it was one of the strangest experiences I've ever had and I'm incredibly incredibly grateful.
It was honestly a great privilege, it was so strange. Look, I'm going to keep saying it's weird, but you have to do it. I mean, at this point, wouldn't you agree that this has been a really strange experience? No? I'm incredibly grateful that he was able to really enjoy his time on the show and I remember watching his stories when the North American show ended, which he had one of the best moments of his life and that made me very happy because I remember that in many of his videos You know he's trying to live his truth. he wants to find happiness he wants to find that fulfillment shows that he's really finding that fulfillment his calling I just want Dan to be happy I just want him to fail and follow his dreams and be as authentic and unapologetic as Dan Howell so yeah Of course again Dan Thank you very much for organizing this entire tour.
It was incredible. I loved. My friends loved it too. This whole interaction didn't feel very parasocial, so I'm a little confused as to what this is all about. Dad. What are we kidding? Yes, and to everyone else I had to talk to today, whether on the show or on social media like Tick Tock, Twitter, etc., sincerely, thank you very much. It's been really crazy to see the amount of support I've received. during all of this and it was really endearing to see that it was okay for me to be overly excited. It's going to be very difficult for me to get over something like this.
I feel like I've really reached my peak and you know what I'll do. Take it, I'm very grateful for that. Well, it seems like I'm facing a lot of technical difficulties right now. I think this might be a sign for me to end this video. Thank you very much forsee it until the end. I hope you really liked the video, if you liked it you can like it, please subscribe to my channel if you are interested in anything else that may happen. I have some new and interesting projects that I definitely want to show, as well as others. various things and I hope to see some of you very soon bye

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