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Gold To Unreal Solo Vs Duos Speedrun (Fortnite Ranked)

Apr 02, 2024
no chance against a guy like me 200 GG if this kid hits a snipe from that high oh oh oh he had a I think he had the lock on the gun stop running bro people need to learn to fight you can't just run you know what I mean you just can't it just doesn't work or good shot that could have been bad that could have been tragic oh wait why did I make a weird one oh what are you going to do oh you're you're building up well we just went up so much wow that's really a madness wow everyone gotta do better than this man you have no chance of your going to Peak and being dead oh no I need this, I need this I need this, yeah oh my god let's go bro I'm alive I needed it so bad, really I need it, that guy, this, this, this suitcase.
gold to unreal solo vs duos speedrun fortnite ranked
I'm dying for the suitcase. I'm dying to suitcase in Fortnite right now. It's not even a joke oh my god let's go baby come on bro I needed them white people man I needed them oh my god let's be reborn. R, get it, V, I have to kill him, no, no, oh my God, man, I've been playing for a long time today, oh, oh, okay, no. you know what you're really doing see it Booga nah give me a wall 100 or not even 100 200 broken I got four buildings I'm dead oh no no no no no no no no no no oh my god I'm out of ammo I'm dead wait come on bro , let's go crazy, no, I'm dead, I'm trapped, oh my God, come in, I have no mats, give me your wall, come on brother, that's my biggest operation too, come on, let me in, no, I'm just drowning, I'm done die.
gold to unreal solo vs duos speedrun fortnite ranked

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gold to unreal solo vs duos speedrun fortnite ranked...

Bob's influence no I'm not going to take that oh my god Hunter oh no he's just a guy okay come on he's trying Res it's not happening oh no your teammate didn't stand a chance he just you let him die, nice try but that was a little messy not gonna lie bro oh i needed that i needed that GG bro you're annoying pull box H peanut butter spraying across a dead teammate about to get attacked 3 2 1 dead oh oh that I would have been sick, oh my god, no range, that would have just been crazy, bro, there you are, oh, there's your teammate guys, go well, try, okay, I I found you because I'm crazy.
gold to unreal solo vs duos speedrun fortnite ranked
I have to recharge brother. What is good? uhoh 3 2 1 GG ooh, okay, we'll take it another 20% game. I can still win this. I think you have a teammate. He does have a teammate. Why is he late like this? His teammate is online. Okay, no matter what's going on, calm down, brother. you gotta relax you gotta relax oh my god hi what the hell am I under at least give me time bro jeez I know too much I know too much oh is this T really yeah there's no way you're hitting the platform after that guy my robot is actually the goat that's my dog ​​right there my teammate hey no they killed him they killed my B oh wait no he didn't make it to the Zone he makes it to the Zone ready dead come on baby look at this 290 gimme your wall, baby, this guy has no idea who he's fighting, you don't know what you've got in the box full, I'm watching you, I'm not even going to shoot you yet, I'm watching you, uh- oh oh my god, that could been bad, you can't leave, there's no way to run away, come on, oh my God, up here with the SMG, give me Champion, come on, come on, there we go, baby, oh, we're up, oh my God. 37% them I don't know I'm here Eminem, it's always Eminem, good aim, you're not real, I need to kill, no, you're annoying, I needed that death, bro, oh my god, you're going to have to shut up.
gold to unreal solo vs duos speedrun fortnite ranked
I just arrived. py 100 box I missed 200 cone full piece oh my god, bro, I'm actually moving, yeah, boy, oh my god, where are you running?, boy, what the hell just happened? Wow, GG are those, oh my God, brother, oh, let's go through the wall, through the wall. he probably didn't have mats GG you gotta have a teammate ohot ok that was just a single hide wait he's there what the hell ok that was weird 3 2 1 dead 263 why would you go to edit, bro, get one? a bunch of these guys oh dude that was too close I had to break the Drone I'm so dead bro I'm so dead come on 105 oh my god no bro I thought I had that wall for some reason GG I saw it was bad GG's ooh, I'm the one best move, how did you not die immediately?
Well, I needed that death so bad I can't lie, honey, cone box, give me your dead wall, come on baby, yeah, no, bro, I won't do that, bro, come on. that's not even this duo, no bro, oh my god, all these kids will get off my back. I can't even play bro. I just want to play this game in peace. Who is that brother? I'm actually the best, like no one can stop. me apparently bro, what's going on? I need I need your mats give me your mats buddy what am I okay I'm locked in now it's low wait we're going to die we're coming after you oh my god wait one of them was 1 HP wait shot in the head, oh, nice try, I'll take the last medallion.
I got dripped, come on 130 200, I ain't got no builds, bro, well I need this, mats, I'm fine, come on, no shotgun needed, I guess, oh my god, what a clutch 14, okay, we'll take it, whatever, the 14% that we're getting to, that was sick, oh my god, dude, I almost just sold the entire BLX, he's got the car, I'm chillin' now, I'm chillin', I'm chillin', oh you. uhoh oh they ain't down these kids are down bro the suit I'm dying for the suitcase I'm getting off come here boy Alone vs.


I got your wall I got Jeff's Asian piece bro whoa whoa oh no dude that was just too much no I'm stuck, I'm a dog, oh, bad aim, headshot, Travis, stop, I didn't mean to shoot him like he was dead.
Okay, that was like a good little try, but it missed an HP oh my god, ow uh- oh, your little play didn't work whoa whoa whoa whoa okay, GG friend, it hit me so hard it could have been bad, bro, that aim is so embarrassing. I'm so bad at this game, I'm embarrassing myself. so bad in this game one HP dead oh wait I killed it I got Aimbot I'm going to admit it now give me your wall 3 2 1 edit peanut butter bad aim bad aim bad aim relax I'm dead what the hell my the aim was so worn out oh one HP come on bro that was the longest fight for no reason 11 10 3 2 1 dead okay yeah dead I don't have any mats oh my god this is the most annoying game I've ever played I'm not even kidding oh my god , I need this, I need this, I need everything, guys, I know, I have three kills, but what am I supposed to do if these guys won't even fight me?
Why does everyone want me dead? I'm dead, I can't be cured, it's over, why, though, why was it me, why did everyone want me dead, brother, imagine, oh my God, oh my God, no way, are you serious. My game just crashed, box full, why are you behind the tree, oh my god, does he know I'm here? okay I'll take that oh my god I needed that so bad yeah come on come on give me that Medallion Double Dead oh come on baby come here in your box box full oh my god yeah one more Honey, I'm everywhere. everywhere oh GG brother come on what a game come on brother 14% come on oh my god man I knew this guy was hiding here brother nine come on good I know I can get him in there you hit him to that one, how did you do it? he revives it I'm so dumb if you came here whoa whoa whoa don't do that please come on brother double


dead cute cute wait that was a


you guys are like you were in that box for 5 minutes straight and I was fighting you solo come on man come on man I got the mythical loot oh this guy probably got nothing stop with the suitcases man wait that's not the same guy okay come on bro easy kills I'm dead.
Dude I don't even know where they were coming from We're so close Give me death yeah oh let me get that thanks Oh nice shot you can have that nice shot bro 116 he's so he's a rip off HP I have done. 5 million damage in this fight oh no I'm just dead like oh my god I did 700 damage to these kids in this game like they don't even troll we're so close I'll let his teammate show up on what he is okay 96% that's really crazy what the hell oh I just touched you okay that's embarrassing soul on Tik Tok make sure you leave him follow him even though he screams soul on Tik Tok bad target oh Oh my god, this could be a legendary cell, come on, I think it could be


. uh he was Unreal, another guy was Champion so I'm too fast for you guys you can't think fast enough oh here we go come on it's over come on bro I'm not gonna lie guys this challenge took too long and uh, yes, the last 50% of Champions was friend, it was a lot, it's 2: a. m. guys and I just finished editing this video.
I can't wait to post it tomorrow, but yeah, this one took me a long time, uh, it was a grind. but yeah, if you want to help me, make sure to like and subscribe. 202024, as always, will be my year. I'll see you in the next one.

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