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Abusing an Autoclicker to Earn TRILLIONS

May 15, 2024
billion, which is what you know, one click away, does that mean I can start merging them? Yeah, there's another new planet so royal blue and everything, and I think I can just merge with that one too yeah, there's my last planet for this solar system. I like how purple it is. I might start buying a few more planets for these guys. Hey? I don't need to complete the solar system, but at least having one on each track seems nice, oh hey, and before I know it, 500 billion, welcome to the dwarf star planet, this is, oh, it's so dusty and gray, How much am I going to get for you, little friend? 540 million, wasn't that the amount these guys are giving me? okay, I'm okay, yeah, I'm fine there fused together, it looks so cool, it's like a sick little marble, what do I get for you? probably 2 billion.
abusing an autoclicker to earn trillions
I guess you're going to show up, yeah, there it is, so these guys are. Like Twin Galaxies this basically works for me. Only yes, there are many billions to go around that can be merged to create a new one. It's like a little heart. We're like Pac-Man here. I like Planet Pac-Man. How much do you like it? I get it for this one. I haven't seen any amount of money appear yet, but I'm looking for, oh, it's 8.5 billion. Wow, I can't hate everyone to accelerate and start increasing revenue. Also, no, come on, I need one more, here we go.
abusing an autoclicker to earn trillions

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abusing an autoclicker to earn trillions...

What do I need for Solar System 7? Just 5 trillion, that's all, then it's 30 trillion and then 600 trillion and then 60 quintillion. I'm practically there. I have l


ed that there is a maximum to accelerate a maximum to generate income, yes, what do I do? You know it's going so fast I also just sold my soul for double the income but like nothing has changed not to say I feel manipulated and lied to but you know I am. I have also fully maxed out the first two rungs last. The step will take a long time, so I have a better solution.
abusing an autoclicker to earn trillions
Hey, my idea was to just buy the 9th solar system and then start adding planets. These are giving me a billion for each rotation. Just yes, buy them. Aha, they look good, yes. now we are at 43 trillion per second, we can continue to increase revenue, there we are finally stuck, what is that? 65 billion per second. Now it only costs 60 quintillion to get the final solar system, so this is already pretty cool. we can merge them together, that gives me a planet that I feel like I've seen before and then we'll be fine. I think honestly, merge again, yeah, that allows me to buy back all of these and then merge again, buy all of these back. these wait a second I feel like I might be making money Hurry all the way let's merge and then let's merge for another new planet this one looks like Mars okay these blue ones give me 124 billion how much does Mars make with the nice little radiant? glow, give me 389 trillion, that's pretty solid, yeah, let's come back here because I should be able to create another new planet for this last part of the solar system and there we go, that's really sick, it looks like a floating marshmallow.
abusing an autoclicker to earn trillions
I add you to my collection. and if I merge a little more, really all I'm doing is throwing these planets at each other really hard and for some reason they combine into something new, but you know, I'll take it. That's right, oh, how is this? an acidic planet, it's so gross, okay, that's our next little planet for this system. I think I've gotten them all, except there are seven undiscovered planets, that's cool, one of them is in this little solar system, which I think I might actually have. enough to just merge and figure out, yeah, that's perfect for this rung.
I lost a lot of money because of that, wait, I need to start getting these planets back, here we go, 200 billion and every upgrade I buy, I'll increase it by about 7 billion, I'll probably get up to, yeah, 250 billion and then let's start increasing the speed a lot. this. There we go 366 trillion per second, what's not to love about that 57 58 60 quintillion? Let's make another big explosion here real quick with all my last bits of Pleasant energy puts us at 63, enough to unlock this next solar system and then add a planet. Oh, it's like pretty little green foliage, something I refuse to eat.
How much does this get me per rotation three quintillion? It's really okay, yeah, mhm. I'm there, you got it, don't worry about me, that's good, 6.3 quintillion per second, it's there, merge, it's cute, like the color candy purple, I can name you and start buying the others merge, merge, I don't know, I'll just merge. again and I actually raised money after merging that, wait for a second merge merge buy merge and so I'm at 9.8 if I merge these I go up to 10.3 oh these are actually more interesting here let's start increasing the speed of everything I'll give myself up to 20 quintillion per second, starting to increase the income of everything, now I can get up to 30 quintillion per second, so a fusion gives me three of these purple ones.
Merging this gives me 32 quintillion with these pretty little orange planets and then merging. again it gives me this cute little thing that looks like an Iceberg, it's just not my last planet, although the game tells me I'm missing two for some reason. I'm pretty sure it's a glitch, because this is that raw gas planet, too, yeah, you can get it. some pretty cool effects, if you know, max out the speed and the amount of planets on everything, look at this, this is so sick. I feel confident in saying that I have created a galaxy in which people can live happily and also develop intense intensity. dizziness thanks for watching, see you

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