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How to abuse Platinum mistakes so hard they ragequit | Kennen Mid | 11.16 - League of Legends

Mar 29, 2024
Hello everyone, welcome to the next comment playing against yonei halfway, this is within how smurf q slash


elo playing canon. I haven't played any canon in a while so I hope it goes well. I think Canon is pretty easy to play since I last played it but the thing is


buff Ken and dude look at this 80 AP ratio on his q that's crazy to me I think Canon is really so strong right now, so strong, maybe I should start with e, the attack speed buff is so good. To start with Doran, he's so ridiculously good it might be worth starting, I mean there's no chance we're actually going to catch that guy, no way, oh my god, that guy was like he wasn't even playing the game.
how to abuse platinum mistakes so hard they ragequit kennen mid 11 16   league of legends
Well, we'll just go back to the middle of here, so Kennen is a big auto-attack bully, so I'm going to try to do a lot of auto-attacks on this guy, a lot of auto-attacks, hey, are you literally into whatever he's facing? check it out okay cool so boom get a car maybe another boom back off because the creeps are going to come for me now so okay we dodge it as soon as we attack that guy so we're just automatically attacking this guy. I want to make use of this Doran, we bought this Doran's sword and so far we have a big lead over this guy, a big part, there's no way he's going to keep going, right, wow, I'm surprised he actually did it, that was a little risky. what to do, oh there's a chance we'll get ambushed early, oh I don't have a cover, whatever, I'm just going to say there's little chance I'll actually die from a zen ambush, right, wait, how did it not land? that?
how to abuse platinum mistakes so hard they ragequit kennen mid 11 16   league of legends

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how to abuse platinum mistakes so hard they ragequit kennen mid 11 16 league of legends...

Oh, that's actually it. It landed on me too, what a shame, okay, these are a potion, we should be pretty safe here, okay, then there's a chance


'll group us in from above. Okay, I was able to predict his move there and get a really good Q on him, okay, another good one. blow, I'm really paying attention to how he's positioning himself at this point, I'm trying to get there, but he's playing pretty far back so I don't want him to base himself, I want him to continue to feel very uncomfortable, we don't. We've been turned on, so our threat of death is less than it could be.
how to abuse platinum mistakes so hard they ragequit kennen mid 11 16   league of legends
Our death threat would be extremely high if we had just turned on right now, okay, Zinza stood next to us so we can step forward because there is literally no risk of us being ambushed. Now we're just letting him slowly back away from us because this guy is going to be super uncomfortable okay leveled up hey stundum I'm trying to get him down enough so I can kill him but the thing is I don't have ignition . and he has the power up advantage, that's the scariest part of all of this, but he'll be there very soon.
how to abuse platinum mistakes so hard they ragequit kennen mid 11 16   league of legends
I'm just trying to clear the wave enough that yeah, oh, I'm so dead, damn dude, that sucks. I was able to make an exchange. where if I do an auto attack on him, that will put a mark on him and when you hit three marks you'll be stunned, so I thought, "Okay, I'll mark him, then I'll immediately blink on top of him and then press." With such an instant stun, there's no reaction you can really make to it, which will guarantee a q that should kill him, which he did well, but the zinza was close, so maybe that wasn't very good, but that was it.
My idea, just, I guess. It was a bit unfortunate that he was there and now we have level two boots so I'm fine with this. We can probably increase this advantage. Everyone is doing pretty well on my team, so this already feels like a dub. The thing is canon. Also with such a low cooldown, I'm going to attack this guy, just hit him with the q, gotta dodge, yeah, that wasn't a very good trade for you, that wasn't a very good trade for you at all. I'm just laughing to see if any chill will go down enough for him to actually feel safe stepping forward, so maybe I can look for an auto attack or something on him, boom, big chunk, huge chunk, and then such Maybe we can kill, maybe not, it doesn't matter, it came to five.
Just kidding, I tried to throw a q here but it didn't work, okay, I was trying to stun him though, oh that actually landed. Wow, okay, use e, that's a big cooldown if we get ganked, I'm pretty sure we can maybe 1v2, okay, it's slow. Pushing towards us, this guy still has flash, so let's prepare our auto attack and then play very far away to make him feel very uncomfortable, like he's so uncomfortable that he'll probably reset, he'll lose a lot of experience, so let's go. I'm going to win through experience in this game, this guy screwed up the laning phase so early that, oh, he's not even backing up, so he's just losing a ton of experience, so as you can see, he only showed up for a second, there we can continue freezing this if. he stays we'll just kill him he needs to come back and even when he does when he comes back okay cool I still have him there's a chance he could wander off uh that's like one of the things some people do because it's like one of the ways to get back into the game by forcing rome time and then he likes yeah he'll go crazy and try to kill my teammates and maybe get a couple kills and then he'll get back in the game but still I will keep it. frozen, I'm just going to wait for it to come back and maybe I could get it to 100 to zero with just my ulti, possibly need to land a q first to have as multiple eye of the storm, any processes outside the storm mark I guess.
Yes, we're up 50-22 right now, but he got a double kill. We will probably opt for the Protobelt broadband. It's simply the best thing for Kennen. It's going to start slowly backing up towards him now, um, because we didn't have that guy. if we messed it up, uh, how we clipped it, maybe I could have run to it, I just tried it with e lan q, maybe you can go, I hit it in the side here, okay, there's a big exchange going on right now, oh , Camille comes halfway. viego if you come to my side I can literally 1v2 oh nevermind she won't understand that anymore I'm tanking for you wait you didn't use your ulti or anything I probably should have used her ulti under the tower when I hit everything I thought it would do enough damage if he did it, hey, very well played, I'm surprised you went in instead of out, I mean I felt like he was pretty tanky in there, I don't know if there was any chance he would ever kill me, but oh well, nice ambush. for uh, the support that he's not thinking about, I guess dinner roaming, which is something you should always be thinking about, like I was always thinking about him since I was going, because if I come in, it's okay, not always because I clearly died to him during the early game, but I guess it's easier to think about where people are later in the game, so I don't know, okay, let's go for pure ap here, so we have a ton of ap of this bot lane that starts to lose. now, but okay, maybe we should, after opting for Rocket Belt, immediately opt for Morellonomicon.
They have a lot of healing in this game, so it will probably be quite profitable for us. Really worth it. I guess he was a good friend. I hate doing so much damage and then just backing away, he took a rook shot, but that doesn't really matter, right? My healing is actually a little crazy, although look at this wait that heals 26 there, by the way, 26 damage. Okay, we'll just kill him, very, very, very aggressive game on his part. I'm not sure why he went in so deeply. You can see my damage is crazy, it was like he was hitting 370 on a four second cooldown and like he wasn't.
I don't have to worry about mana cost or anything, man with canon from buffs, the 80 ap ratio is just crazy, I already have 130 ap, it's actually crazy, look at that, that's crazy For me, we'll just come back this way. I was going to try to help take that guy down, but it's not really necessary. Kennen has a shifting ulti, his laning phase is actually pretty powerful because he's such a big autoattacker like, hey, yeah, stun, so I'm using my e to stun there. after having two marks on her from an auto attack plus my e, then I just stunned her by walking or with an auto attack, yes and w, so I eat on top of her to keep her locked in place so my signal lands just in case. she was going to do ulti I don't want to miss my q accidentally you know, okay, they took bot towers, so that's crazy, oh my god, dude, he's dead five seconds, four seconds, no, no, no, no, Dude, it's a 1v3, definitely not, oh no way. no raven has ulti no they actually hit me oh I wish they didn't hit me there it's my fault okay we'll go for the anti-heal we got the protobolt it's whatever that's my bad I guess damn Wow, I'm absolutely stunned by the amount of damage I do, it's absolutely crazy to me, such a low cooldown, man, okay, this is huge, right, this is huge, this is huge, oh damn, we missed a lot, oh, but they're so low, oh, this, this could be big. it could be so big, i'm really sad that i didn't get that kill, it's such a big closure, i could have done it, good job guys, you compromised too much for that gin and diego, so you threw the game in there a little bit.
I could have gone back a lot sooner, yeah I don't know why people don't play canon. More game changers from man. Extremely good line phase. Low cooldowns. Incredible proportions in her abilities. within a fight it would be drafted I'll just use my team's fight e I'm just doing the objective which is the tower can I kill you like there's someone missing so there's a chance he's around so I'd have to do 1v2, which Sounds maybe difficult, I haven't turned it on yet, I'm not a shield bow, I really want to go for the tower though, but honestly, I should probably do it, I don't know where they are though, I mean, it seems like there's no one fallen.
Here, okay, okay, mercenaries, no, I'm going for Tabby's interesting thing, oh Happy, instead of mercenaries, just put this out so no one can match me, which is fine by me, I'll keep pushing, yeah, she He doesn't want to commit at all. maybe if my q had landed I would have done the ultied but I didn't make it so it's okay she definitely committed herself to a fight that was probably never going to go well for her so oh wait the yoni literally abandoned the game that had been missing. for so long I think he just left, huh, well that works, I guess that's how frustrating it is to play against a canon like melee and play it not correctly, he just came too close to say hello, which allowed me to get a big good angle on him and punish him too


, so yeah, that's how you punish someone inside probably


high platinum to the point that he literally quits the game uh, he just didn't want to deal with it anymore, that's how is.
I think there were some


for me, I definitely could have played better, but overall pretty good and this should be something important for anyone into Gold Silver and Plat, to understand how important auto attacks are. Auto attacks are literally a make or break situation for laning win, it's very important during the laning phase to auto attack all the time if you can, if you ever see videos of people playing zoe syndra moriana, auto attacks and auto weave so you can get Free hits when they try. going for cs and they can't trade back is how you win games it's literally the best way to win and once you win lane you can do whatever you want so anyway hope you enjoyed it yes you enjoyed it yes You learned something, be sure to leave a like on the video and I'll see you next time.

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