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Is George Motz's HAMBURGER AMERICA Worth The Hype?

May 13, 2024
Hello guys and welcome to another episode of Yui Eats. I'm UA and we're back in the West Village area of ​​Manhattan, one of my favorite food neighborhoods in all of New York, maybe one of the best food neighborhoods I've ever been to and as you can see we're in a row Pretty long, uh, and this place just opened. I arrived at 11:30 sharp thinking maybe I could avoid the lunch rush. Looks like I didn't come early enough now that we're here. here for the most


d burger joint in New York and there are a lot of good burgers in New York so that says a lot we're here to eat at George Moz's open restaurant


America so George Moz if you don't know. who he is, he's basically considered the


guy in America.
is george motz s hamburger america worth the hype
Oh, it looks like it might come in. We'll finish this when we get in. Or okay guys, we've reached the inside of burgers in America and unfortunately, all the counter spots are taken. but I was happy to walk in now, this place, as you can see behind me, has really tried to replicate that kind of old school Burger Joint vibe and you know those vibes still exist, like the white Mana Burger in New Jersey, both places, but it's It's great that they brought that vibe here to New York City now that we're in and we know we're in line for food.
is george motz s hamburger america worth the hype

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is george motz s hamburger america worth the hype...

I just want to quickly finish what I was going to say about George Moes, so George Moes is considered without a doubt the authority on hamburgers in the US. If Hamburglar were a real person, it would be him. He has appeared in several YouTube videos talking about burgers. He has written books about hamburgers. In fact, I think the name of this hamburger restaurant in the United States was the book. that put him on the map, also called hamburger America, in other words, he is, or at least portrays himself as basically the Walter White of hamburgers. If there was a hamburger on Breaking Bad, he'd be Heisenberger, but the guy's reputation precedes him anyway, so I thought.
is george motz s hamburger america worth the hype
I had to come here and try their place which opened about a month ago and also for the last month my Instagram and Tik Tok have been flooded with videos about this place so let's see if it lives up to the


while waiting to take our order , although let's take a look at the menu. The simple paper menu doesn't get much simpler than this and there aren't many items, just their famous fried onion burger, George Mo's fried onion burger and a Smash Burgers class, so I think we're just going to do one of each one, you know, let's try one of each and see how they turn out.
is george motz s hamburger america worth the hype
They also have other items, you know, sandwiches, egg salad, tuna salad, PB&J, uh, grilled cheese, but I don't think we need to try these. The place is all about burgers, although let's try some very cheap fries because you know you can't have a burger without fries, they also have specialty burgers, you know, with the George MOA space next door and you know some standard drinks, although They also have an egg cream and some desserts, but you know, let's make a burger and fries and call it a day. I have to say, though I really find it impressive that he's actually the one making the burgers and running the whole ship.
You know, a lot of celebrities. restaurants like the Gordon Ramsey Fury uh Bobby F restaurant guy, whatever, he has staff that train to do it for him, there's just his name, not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's very, very amazing that he actually is who runs the station so you're actually getting their food and not just their recipes which is awesome okay we have Allison here in a cameo in the video hello hello hello yeah thank you for reviewing me. Amazing America, thank you wow, look we were lucky, it was so packed. I thought I was waiting for a spot in the back, I thought I was just waiting for a table, but they were able to seat me right at the counter, so I got some pictures before, but now I can actually see Masterwork, see the Hamburglar in their craftsmanship, see every flip and see every stacked Patty, see every smashed burger, every caramelized molecule and we also get a deeper view of the back of the kitchen, so that's great, hello, thanks for how you're doing today, good, uh. let me make the fried onion burger, yeah, let me make the fried onion burger, yeah, single, and I also want to try the classic Smash Burger Fri, yeah, and fries, uh, and that'll be it, let me try a cream of really good egg.
I have to do it soon. Thank you so much. You know it's your first time here. First time. Yes, yes, you've been before. No no. I tried to come last week on a Tuesday, but Tuesdays are closed and I thought, oh. man, so Sam, I tried to come yesterday too, but I didn't realize they weren't exactly open. I took the train down and said, "Well, next week next week, so I hope you enjoy it, thank you. I was originally just." I'm going to get those three items, but you know we're in New York, so we can't resist an egg cream, so let's put it to the test now, wait again.
You're okay, look at this big foamy head we have. this egg cream with chocolate. I'm usually more of a vanilla egg cream type, but chocolate is more traditional, so when I'm in Rome or the West Village in this case or Manhattan, and look at those bubbles starting to recede, so I have to do it. to drink quickly, so it's time for the egg cream, let's see how this egg cream compares to all the other egg creams we've tried at all the amazing Jewish deles on this island. I think the head is a little high, you know.
I feel like you want it to be more this high, this is almost like it's almost half of the entire drink, you know, not bad, I'd say it's comparable to all the great egg creams I've tried, uh, it's not my favorite, not the least. favorite, I'd say it's right in the middle. I appreciate that the foam is actually higher because now that the foam is receding quickly, you know, that means I have more time to drink it before it completely disappears, oh. Thank you very much, sometimes people make them and then give them to you, they don't give them to you right away, so it's basically like slightly fizzy chocolate milk, but speaking of chocolate milk, it tastes fizzy, but you know it still tastes fizzy.
It tastes mostly like chocolate milk, you know, chocolate milk with sparkling water, which I guess is basically what a chocolate egg cream is now, which is why I usually prefer vanilla, although chocolate is more traditional. I feel like vanilla egg creams are something like that. something different Beyond as well as that Nest taste fast but very very good, you know, I can never say no to a solid egg cream and it's time for our fries, which you saw me with the kind hand and I know that you They complain that I talk too much and don't eat things when they're hot, so let this be proof that I'm eating this while it's piping hot in the fryer so you know they look like your standard French fries, your thin fries. .
They look a little like McDonald's fries or a water burger. I don't know if you guys have ever been water lovers like that style of thin fries, not exactly crinkle cut or thick cut, but I hope they taste good, you know if they're fresh. French fries and if they're fried into something delicious, let's try it, let's try this fry, okay, I shouldn't quit my day job, what's the one that grabs, let's take out this sword in the stone right here, wow, it's a very curved Excalibur like a Excalibur. Scimitar oh W oh wow I didn't have high expectations because you know I thought it was okay, they just look like your standard thin fries, you know, like McDonald's or water burger or all those joints you know, they're typical. fast food fries, but they must be frying them into something delicious.
I don't know, at least in peanut oil, maybe big pork or something. You know, they look like standard fast food fries, but they definitely don't taste like they do. more unique, you know, I thought they were going to taste like Shoppr fries or something. They have a little fresh potato flavor. The oil tastes very nice and nutty and has a great flavor. Great texture too. You know, not too fried, not too fried, where it's like you. You're eating like matchsticks, but not too fried, like you're eating like, you know, like soggy straws or something, look, look at that perfect, sorry the camera's not really focusing, but look at that perfect condition, man, we're off to a great start and perfect timing our Sho what is this is the fried onion burger or this is the Smash Burger let me ask you real quick uh excuse me this is a smash or the fried onion that's a smash that's a Smash Burger smash is okay, cool, I just spoke For George Moes, anyway, this is the Smash Burger single.
A lot of people were getting the doubles, but I wanted to try two, so two doubles might have been a little much, but it looks pretty good. It almost seems like Shake Shack and me. like Shake Shack, I mean like in every way, as a compliment, I mean it's a beautiful Smash Burger, if I've ever seen one like that, look at those crispy caramelized bits on the edges, evenly, perfectly melted cheese, placed on the bun, look they are hitting. all the right buttons here and this muffin I guess it's a potato muffin look at this nice spongy texture almost like a marshmallow in the shape of a loaf, let's take a bite of this Merry Christmas thank you very much until next time until next time maybe you'll see me this evening very good George thank you brother well see you later take care look all these people are on a first name basis with George I have to come here more often and increase my influence here very very very good uh okay, that angle doesn't I don't mind I do justice, okay, for some reason, I don't know why on my camera it looks drier than it is.
I don't know anything about focusing and lighting, but trust me, it's a juicy burger, I mean just looking at it. I mean, just look at the way this burger is constructed. I was really expecting basically a Shake Shack clone and would have been fine with that. I mean, Shake Shack is amazing, but this burger is just juicy, you know? and it has some char in it for if the cheese is perfectly melted, you know everyone hates cold cheese on a burger, but too much melted is bad too, you know you don't want it to split, all the vegetables are fresh too, you know, I did have a little complaint and this is just nitpicking, you know, and this is partly my fault because I usually don't like pickles on a burger.
I should have specified that there are no pickles, but even if I had pickles, I would prefer the ones above as I feel. like on the bottom you bite into and you know the bottom of your mouth tastes the pickle, the cold pickle that somehow neutralizes the top, so that's a picky eater, you know, I'm sure he's going for that cool feeling on purpose. , but personally, you know. I would prefer the pickles or the vegetables to be on the bottom, but hey, I'm sure there's a method to do it, I'm sure, by putting the pickles on the bottom, oh, that's next, thanks, this is the fried onion, but like I was saying, the veggies on the bottom also keep the bottom bun from getting soggy, so you know, I shouldn't use the Hamburglar shapes, but it's really good.
I was expecting it to taste more buttery like Shake Shack, but it's good, it tastes like a homemade burger and CH shake, let's take a break from this and save our appetite and try the fried onion burger, congratulations and the cheese on this one it's even better melted, uh, I don't know for some reason, for some reason, my camera just doesn't do it justice, but in the last one, the cheese was a little bit more like, uh, how do I say less melted, more coagulated ? But in this one, the cheese is perfectly melted, almost like a cheese sauce. or something like that, but it's not, I think it's just melted cheese, oh gosh, okay, the second one is the one named after George himself, the George Moes Fried Onion Burger, just buy two of these or order a double or triple, do they do triples? don't get a triple, that will probably be too much, it will offset the delicate balance of this fried onion burger.
Oh man, like the first one, like I said, I expected it to be more like Shake Shack, but instead I went like a Shake Shack and a homemade bottom burger combined like it had that great homemade flavor with that Shake Shack like the softness of the bun and you know, Patty fine, it was good, but this fried onion is out of this world, oh man, let me see if uh, I don't know if I take it apart, it'll ruin it, so I'll show you how well it melts the cheese. I was hoping to see some of those fried onions, but they might be, where are they?
Definitely try them, they're attached to Patty May May, they're in the background, where are those fried onions hiding? Yes, there they are, they're all at the bottom, these fried onions are perfectly caramelized, just look at it there, look at it there. He's cooking the fried onions with Patty's great technique, you know, the steak withPhilly cheese, you have to cook the steak with the onion, even the chopped cheeses and Harlem, and you know, the Bronx they do the same thing, they cook those onions directly on the meat, directly on the burgers and with burgers too, you have to do that, he just cooks those onions right next to the burger so most know what he's doing, he's the Hamburglar, he's the Heisen burger for a reason, this burger really reminds of another great burger place. in New Jersey it's called White Mana Burger where they do exactly this: they cook fresh meat and then they put the onions on top so the onions absorb that like the meat steam and yes, as Mo said in one of his videos, the meat steam it is real.
Which is science, believe me, but those onions not only absorb the steam from the meat and the flavor of the meat, but as they cook the onions, they infuse the meat with a fresh onion flavor, a caramelized onion flavor, and a steamed onion flavor, the guy knows what he's doing honestly. Very impressed by this, I mean I always wanted to go to Oklahoma and try the famous Oklahoma onion burgers and it's been my dream to try one but I guess you should know something like this. So many spray onions. Wow, all in all, guys. great lunch, the onion burger was fantastic, one of the best burgers I've had in a long time and one with the most unique onion flavor.
I haven't had this flavor since White Nana and Hackin Saag and this is it, but like. a bigger version and a softer version, if the line is not too long, you have to try it as if onions and burgers are like peas and carrots, like pork and apples, they just go together and this burger of Onion is one of the best smash style burgers. I probably have in my life, so overall I have to say that you know, on this channel we go to these hyped places and try to decide which places are


it, which places are famous for a good reason and which ones are. as you know, mainly because of the name, the reputation and the influence, I have to say guys, George, whatever you want to call him.
I've been using all these silly nicknames like heisenberger and hamburger and stuff like that, the guy knows things not just like a TV. chef like clearly, the guy knows what he's doing and yes he's written books and taught classes he appeared in all these videos and you know, he basically he has a dissertation on hamburgers. I mean, who was I to doubt them? So yeah, just my final verdict, you know, George. Moes was right up there with the hyped up burgers in America, really long line but I think it's


a try if you like this style of Smash Burger, get the onion burger, you're going to love it, I guarantee it , but anyway I think that goes.
Thanks for watching, have you been to Hamburger America since it opened about a month ago? What is your favorite burger place? What do you think of George Moes and his content and all the work he's done? for the last few decades, let me know in the comments because great minds eat Alik. If you like my videos, make sure you like them. And subscribe that way you'll be updated every time I post another video. I'm going to finish my lunch now, so until next time I'll see you later thank you very much

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