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GIANT FROM THE UNKNOWN (1958) - 1080p HD - Classic 50's Schlock - TOP QUALITY

Jul 04, 2024
I visit often. I told them well since dad and I will be leaving soon. You will be able to resume your visits. Oh, I get it. It's not just a dig. You're eager to get away from someone waiting for you when you get back to town. Does that answer your question Janet? I think we better go back. It's a shame to waste all this wonderful moonlight. There will be other nights of moonlight. Good night. Good night. Oh, I was worried about you. Where's Janet? She's going to sleep tomorrow it's going to be a busy day for all of us he CH what is it? are you OK?
giant from the unknown 1958   1080p hd   classic 50 s schlock   top quality
I heard something moving around here and then there was a crash. I grabbed the gun and he left. Go see someone No, it wasn't like that, but I heard footsteps, loud footsteps, I'm sure you did, oh daddy, I'm scared, it's okay, dear, let's find out what it is, everything will be okay, dear.professor professor the


's armor is gone I don't understand who could who was did a good job helmet cuirass Medallion everything is gone now look here is that a footprint is twice the size of mine what could it mean hello no I know, put on your clothes, no there will be more sleep tonight.
giant from the unknown 1958   1080p hd   classic 50 s schlock   top quality

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giant from the unknown 1958 1080p hd classic 50 s schlock top quality...

I'll put some wood on the fire in case our Intruder decides to return, we'll be ready for him, but sister, I don't think it's safe to leave you alone. Up here, oh nonsense, Charlie, we need the money you make at the shelter. You better get there before they fire you. The sheriff says it's dangerous here. I'm telling you there's nothing to worry about, no, but get along now, I can take care of myself. Anyway, I've got dad's rifle here, help, oh it's you Wayne, I'm afraid I'm getting a little nervous about all of you. Where is Janet?
giant from the unknown 1958   1080p hd   classic 50 s schlock   top quality
She is in the store. She wanted her to get some rest. Well, she needs it. Sit down, Wayne. I want to talk to you, you know, I've been sitting there desperately trying to come up with some logical explanation. Did you notice any unusual happenings about the great armor? Did you notice that it was better preserved than the others? You see? That's how it is. I wrestled with this very carefully and have come to the conclusion that there is some unusual and


substance in the soil up here that acts as a preservative, possibly a high incidence of tannic acid from oak leaves or some other organic substance, in In any case, something that sustains life now your lizard on the rock is a good example at first.
giant from the unknown 1958   1080p hd   classic 50 s schlock   top quality
At first I was reluctant to accept that theory, but now I continue. Sir, I act on this assumption. Vargas and his men arrived here and suffered an epidemic throughout the year. The men died, but Vargas did not. His unusual strength sustained him, but he fell into a deep coma. Now the Indians mistook this for death and buried him in a place near where we found the armor. Now it sounds fantastic. I believe his body has been preserved for centuries and during that thunderstorm lightning struck close enough to rekindle a spark of life, but Wayne, if what you're saying is true, that means that the first one, the battle axe, the armor, it must have been.
I know, I know it sounds impossible. But it's the only possibility I can think of. There's only one other possibility. It's possible that someone is trying to scare us. The first thing we have to do is get to town and alert the sheriff before there are more murders tonight, but the road is very dangerous. We'll have to. Let's take the risk, there's no time to waste, nobody move, drop the gun Bel, who's there, who is it, what do you want, what Parker, Sheriff Parker, thank God, you put your hands in front of you, Brooks, which one? is the meaning of this Sheriff you are under arrest this is ridiculous since when is it murder Ridiculous murder Parker this time you are going too far I haven't even started with you yet well this is a very serious charge Sheriff who is accused of killing Anne Brown I just finished to get from there oh no oh Wayne sorry sheriff, I haven't seen a Nova in a week no and how do you explain this?
That's the Medallion, well, where it came from, I know where it came from, he was holding on. a dead girl's hand and her brother Charlie identified her, that's true, even after you made her promise that she wouldn't tell, but I can explain to you that you can explain yourself in court. I tell you that I have not abandoned this camp, but I can tell you something. could help hold him, remember that anything you say can be used as evidence against you, come on sheriff, you're making a terrible mistake. We were just getting some evidence to present to you that will help clear up all of these crimes.
You can make your statements to the suspect at the hearing until the court decrees otherwise you are under arrest for the murder of Anne Brown and Harold Banks come on, let's go oh dad Wayne couldn't have done it he's been here with us all night well, please Of course, no, dear, that sheriff alone As stubborn as Wayne said he was, we have to do everything we can to help him, but first I have to make a cast of that print, otherwise no one will believe me. I tell them I had nothing to do with a death, but while we're here, the real killer is still on the loose.
Everyone in the valley is in danger. Can't I make you understand? You don't know when you're defeated, kid? I am not a fact, I have witnesses, but what? About you, listen Parker, I know you don't like me, but this is much more important. If something happens while you have me in custody like it's another murder, it'll be like you did it yourself, plus you'll be a laughing stock. from the entire county you have to live with the memory of it for the rest of your hard life, okay, you started something, I guess to finish it, someone broke into our camp tonight and stole some valuable things, including the Medallion, now who He did it he should also do it.
I have killed an Indian. Joe's Shack is just down the road. I don't think we'll find the rest of the stolen stuff there. Indan Joe. What does it have to do with that? I'll tell you on the way, it will only take 5 minutes. What are you saying? I'm crazy for letting you convince me of this. Just don't try anything. One wrong move and I'll blow your head off. Joe Joe. There are no signs of it. Joe there is no light either. That doesn't mean it's not here. he has eyes like a cat, there's your alibi Dan, where are you dad dad?
I am the father. I don't like the way this looks before I go. There was talk of a lynching. Stay here in the car. I'll find out. What is this all about? Where is the


sheriff? He is alive. He is leading Jamet up quickly. Oh, what's up with the Sheriff? Don't worry. He will follow him. I want that murderer dead or alive. He has to take off these handcuffs. "Professor, go ahead, Professor, hurry up, Parker will be right behind us, stay here and tell him what happened, P-man, form a semicircle and don't go more than 20 yards away, right?
Sheriff, don't worry, Mr. Cleveland, we'll find them, but." I'll stay here with you, thank you, are you there right now? Get her out of here quickly. I don't know what to say, Wayne. I read all this wrong. Sorry, forget it. We have work to do together. It's right now, if you have any suggestions, well, it's been hanging around our camp here, it might come back just on instinct. Yes, anyway, this will be a good base for our operation. As soon as I get the professor and Janet into town, we can go. We start, we will ask the sheriff for the key.
I see you're back, huh? you manage to get everything yes sir, shotgun shells, rifle ammunition, box of fls and I have Georgia, she comes in very handy, where is the food? Jeepers. I asked for it at the hostel and forgot to pick it up. Look, I'll come back to look for it. If we need it, we'll send it back to get it, guys, take these things and take them to our forward base, where do you want me to take the Sheriff something else? Charlie, look, I want you to stay here and watch the camp, but G.
I'm on his trail and I want to be there. No, stay here if something happens and you need help. Fire a shot as a warning signal. He has a gun. Yes sir. I will guard the camp for my life. Good Guy. We have discovered it. He's headed for the ledge of the box, there's only one way down from there, we've got him trapped, if we make it in time, give me a hand, we'll grab the flares and pass them to demand, let's stick together, man, we've got him trapped, look . your step, don't risk it, we are almost at the edge of the box, yes, we will have to get closer to shoot it.
You better turn off the flares, he can see every move we make. You're right, we're getting closer. Man, put those flares out, stay close behind us. I saw something move up there, look, take cover, it's locked up there, it was too dark to focus on. I think I can fix that. Get your men ready. We better do it. Take these men back to camp and tend to these wounds. We can start again in the morning. Bill, stay here and stand guard so he doesn't come through here. Here they come. Where's that first aid kid? Wayne. Are you OK?
Do you mind? Did you catch the giant? We have him cornered. Now you're not mad at me for coming. You're a dad and I thought we could help? I brought some coffee and sandwiches. I'm happy that you're here. of the kids need medical help oh you must be exhausted let me get you something now give the kids a hand I can handle it Mr. Brooks let me get back to you well stay here Charlie it's a man's job out there It's no place for a girl I have more reasons to go after her than anyone except that I hadn't left her alone it was my fault you just have to let me go it wasn't your fault at all stop thinking about it try to forget her for the moment since we all have one job to do so that what happened to Anne doesn't happen again. understand that we will get through this, it's just that I'll make some more coffee.
I'm sorry for Mr. Brooks, I'll bring him. Have some coffee right now, I don't want anyone to complain about the service. You know, that's better. Thanks Charlie. I'll be here with Dr. Cleveland. OH. Do you think he is seriously injured? It's hard to say that some of us should have hit him. He's still dangerous. I'm sure if we got close enough to take the rifle bullets, we could take him out. Hey, what are you doing? G. I'm sorry, can I help you? I can do something? No, thanks. Can I spell something for you? Coffee, you know what I mean, sir, no, no, thank you, Charlie, I've had enough, thank you, sir, thank you very much, you're taking this very badly.
Yes it is. Is Parker planning to make another attack tonight? No, it's too dangerous, we'll wait until dawn work, uh, I'll show them wake up Bill, who's out there I don't know, all our men are here Charlie, where's Charlie Brown, that crazy kid? Come on, parac, we have to find him, it's Bill Charlie, you shouldn't have tried it alone South I had to talk to Mr. Brooks for the sake of hands, he fell easily, we'll take him back to camp. I tried to empty a full magazine like you said, but the gun jammed. I caught him, but I hit him three times.
He kept coming. He kept coming. Seriously injured, better to go back to the camp for help. I'll stay here with him. I'll be right back. No, don't waste your time, the giant. What's wrong with the giant? He is, he's heading to the Old Mill, well just take a look catch him oh you gotta go now if he crosses the dam you won't find him go now will you be sure he's almost daylight? I'll start tracking him and the sheriff will come back tell him to follow you, he understands that good luck is one a Are you okay, Wayne?
Sure, only little IT was close, yeah, I guess so. Will you help me get my body back? It is of immense scientific importance, I'm sorry, Professor, but that is impossible. You see River empties into a volcanic crater lake that no one has ever been to. able to find the bottom right in that case I guess the world will just have to take our word for it Do you think anyone will ever believe us? No, now that I think about it, I don't think they ever will. I guess. The young people are waiting for us badly again Professor, eh?

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