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Cam @ 180 yards "out of your comfort zone" training

Apr 09, 2020
You go, yeah, okay, here we are, we're wrapping up the shoot for the night, um, last week, I forgot to get to an actual filming tip during my filming tips segment, so we'll do it this week, um , when he starts rambling about the arc. hunting and bone arrow rigs in general. I'm going a little off track right now, we're at 180


, we're just finishing up a practice session here and I like to stretch it out on these last few shots and then I'll talk about my specific setup, but this is 180, let's shoot it through from the telescope, so I hope you can see where I hit, let's do it, you're ready, uhhuh, you're in the square, okay, I'm not quite sure where I hit.
cam 180 yards out of your comfort zone training
Kind of a Kill Zone kill shot from an old 3D deer target down there. I don't think it has a head, but we have an orange dot in the middle of the Killing Zone, so that's where that Arrow was. That was 180


like I said and um what we're doing, we're just shooting our hunting gear, I've got my quiver here loaded with arrows, um, as far as my setup specifically, I like this pigfather sight, I like. take this sight out as far away from the Riser as you can and what that does is if you can hold


ground, taking that sight out makes you really focus on


cam 180 yards out of your comfort zone training

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cam 180 yards out of your comfort zone training...

You really can if you can pick a spot and stick to it. This is money, if you really can't hold your ground, you're going to fight this and it's going to be miserable, because that pin is going to move a lot the further away it gets from It's you, anyone. The movement is magnified, so if you're having a hard time holding your ground, suck that thing back in and, you know, do your best, but at 180 yards, if you can hold your ground, this bow is very accurate. I'm shooting the trophy winner's sights. Here, a good path of descent or trophy, rest for whoever takes the trophy.
cam 180 yards out of your comfort zone training
Sorry, good rest on the way down. I've been shooting for years. I want to talk about this. This sights fixed here. I don't know if you can go in there. What I do is like this. I have my dial set here to 145, it's kind of cropped, but that's 130, that's 140, that's 150, so 145, so that's for my pin here, this center point is 160, so about 175, like this that to shoot that target there, I actually have to put my spirit level flat on the target it stops there, so I know that my spirit level with a back stop wood of the target is how I get 180.
cam 180 yards out of your comfort zone training
It's, you know, we just do what we can, it's hard to set up a scope. especially a ramp when you're shooting a sight that falls like this is getting right in the path of your arrow I'm going to grab I have an arrow right here but you'll see when my break is over that's the clearance I have so there's no way I can I can take that sight further down. I'm going to be right where my arrow flies and it's weird because this bow tunes, I mean this thing is money tuned, but that sight is to the left, so I know people say well the bow isn't even a center shot or whatever, but that's how it's tuned and normally it's right under the tube, but this one is a little bit to the left, you'll see, but it actually gives me a little more clearance, so I don't I'm complaining, but that's the setup now that I retreat so you can anchor me and people see me move a little bit when I'm setting up and that's just finding My uh, my anchor points here, so I come back like this.
I'm shooting this spider turbo 80 and you see, I've got that little brass strike point that I use for kissing right at the corner of my mouth, um, I've got the string. right on my nose I've got my you know, I want my knuckle you can see my knuckle back here settling in and I've got my fingers loose I'm right here my fingers hanging loose um and that's how I shoot so I get I set up and then that's where I'm ready to go. Can you put my hand up here in the Tanner grip so you can see how my fingers are pretty loose?
I don't grab that thing at all. I mean you don't want any grip, any White Knuckle action. I just have my fingers resting right there, right in the front of that arch and uh, I have my thumb on the heel, my hand right there, pushing right away and uh. that's how I shoot and it seems to work, so I'm going to leave it here as far as my overall setup goes, so of course I have a rope loop here, I should take over the spot, Wise Guy, um, and then I go to the bow rack here in Springfield, Oregon.
I think it's probably the main bow shop. There are a couple of great stores around the country in this area. Here the bow rack is a place to go and they will set up your bow. uh, of course, we fine-tuned it on paper. in the uh Hooter shooter make sure everything is flying right the arrows match up perfectly and then we tie everything up and you see this side of view is tied up and it's not just there I mean it's actually tied up so that thing doesn't work . to move and in a lot of Pro Shops you don't tie them that way and anything that moves you're going to have problems when you're out in the woods hunting so you'll see this thing tied wrapped around here. um, it's anchored there, same with my rope.
Loop here if you go down here and you'll see that it's actually tied up. It's not just a loop you know, um pulling itself to tighten it, but it's actually tied. um and that makes a big difference my little Kisser button here press up so that thing doesn't slide up this thing um this is how we want it uh nothing is going to change in the forest nothing, no stick is going to go in there nothing is going to move and you know, in the kind of hunting I do in the mountains you need to have your equipment almost foolproof and that's how I do it, so that's it.
I'm going to shoot. I'll shoot one more here for real. Quick, that thing has been working the whole time. Great, my memory cards are getting full, so I'll do one more shot here at 180 and I'll pass my T, I'll pass my truck, I'll pass the barn and I can take that and then come back. on that Tanner telescope and uh 180 yards here in the setting sun, let's see if I can put another one in the money, you can stay open. You don't have to go through the telescope, maybe you can see this arrow track, are you ready?
Aha, it felt good, we have another one there, well that's a little bit more of a shooting tip, um, I talked about anchor points, I talked about my setup, I talked about stretching it here, I use a spa and a scope to see how I'm. Shooting at this really long range just to know when I'm in the woods hunting, you know, and my limit is 50 or 60 yards or whatever, if I can, if I can put them out there at 180, I feel very confident. That's why I do it. This to me is no different than pushing myself in the gym or running.
This is how you raise your level. In anything you do, you go out of your



and very soon what was out of your



. It's the norm and that's what I try to do in all aspects of my discipline, which is bowhunting, and this is no different. I do it by shooting, running, lifting, the mental game, everything we want to improve by doing the exact same thing every day. time, year after year, you'll stay the same, so we're trying to improve, that's how I do it, come back next week for another tip, thanks.

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