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We Who Wrestle With God: Chicago

May 15, 2024
It's sometimes a great theater here and there's great talent, so it's always a pleasure to be here. Thank you, thank you all for coming, so let me start by telling you why I'm focusing on Bible stories on this tour, somehow I'm not. It's a big difference because I have religious stories from Wen through my teaching for 40 years and religious stories from all over. I really like da Jing Central ga's text. I've had several translations of that and I think I know what most of it means that, although texts like that are somewhat dense and exhausted, you never get to the bottom of them, which makes them very interesting.
we who wrestle with god chicago
I have studied ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian mythology and learned a lot from those fairy tales. from all over and different pop culture stories and different ideologies and in doing so, I've been refining my understanding of those stories. The more you know about them, the more you research, the deeper the research you conduct on them, the more Ling together and they develop each other the more you understand the narrative landscape that's a good way to think about it now you might say well why bother with that? That is a very good question. The first thing you might want to notice is that they do get upset. with it you see and not only will you bother with it but you will also pay for the privilege of Bing with it and it is intrinsically fascinating and significantly entertaining, you pay for movies, you buy fixed works and we are stupid modern people because we think that that is entertainment and what we don't understand is that yes, it's innate why it's entertaining it's just fun well, going to a horror movie is exactly F.
we who wrestle with god chicago

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I wouldn't say that in fact it's rather direct and quite perverse. form of enjoyment because you can go to a horror movie and cover your eyes for about 20% of it, so why would you pay to see something you don't want to see? You can imagine being dragged there kicking and screaming, but would you align yourself with what terrifies and disgusts you or maybe you're aligning yourself to discover that you can tolerate being terrified and disgusted and that's a much better way to think about it? Maybe now you are there to practice. I know people. There is a minority of people who go to horror movies for the perverse pleasure, but there is a minority of people who do everything for the perverse pleasure, and therefore there are more people than you might think, maybe even yourself. until a certain point.
we who wrestle with god chicago
In any case, people do that kind of thing. of things right for deeply mysterious reasons mysterious reasons that are similar to the reasons you might go see a Pinocchio, for example, or another Disney and P Pinocchio is a movie I've spent a lot of time analyzing, I finally broke down the apartment ago about two weeks. I could never understand why the sucker ends up in a whale when you look at it it just makes sense but it doesn't make sense, and more than the rest of the movie it makes sense, movies about a Marette who follows a cricket to find her father in a whale that you just swallowed, no problem, of course, the perfect meaning of the name doesn't make any sense and neither does the fact that you perceive it as making sense, it says something very profound about you.
we who wrestle with god chicago
It says that there are parts of you that are capable of understanding stories that are so deep that you have no chance of articulating their meanings here um I can I can tell you I'll tell you because it's fun I'll tell you why Japo ends in a whale so he has to to do with the idea of ​​the death of God it is complicated I hope I do it right because I just realized I will give you an example I have a student now he is an employee of mine he is working in big language W Dev in the house for about 10 years, he was one one of the first experts in this area and one of the things he used the big language model for is to map out the concept of God, now what a big language.
What the model does is model the statistical relationship between words, words and phrases, phrases and phrases, sentences and sentences. He plots the meaning map, that's where the big B language produces a semantic meaning map, so that's great, now we have a goal. means to map the dimensions of linguistic meaning, so he asked him to find the minimum combination of words that would replace the idea of ​​God in the entire Legistic Corpus, who discovered that the concept of God could be replaced with a 10w network and so, that. Does that mean you know that at the end of the 19th century nature announced that God was dead?
Now there is a Romanian historian of NE elel religions who is an absolute genius. He is the one who should be taught in English Department schools and universities if they were completely dented. what are they and one of the things and the other pointed out was that the reason for the death of God is a very ancient reason. God has died many, many times in human history and this could be the most profound death given the rise of scientific research. Enterprise, but it's by no means a new phenomenon, it doesn't make much difference than having your beliefs crumble around you.
You know that can happen in your own life. You have a spirit that you adhere to or that guides you. The spirit of the effort you have. you are chasing the spirit of the belief that sustains you and perhaps you are betrayed or you come to some philosophical realization or some frustration or disappointment in the course of your life that takes away the bottom of your effort and your loss and that means this. that the spirit that guided you has faded and you break into pieces and that's what you say, I fell apart, you say, I fell apart, you fell apart into your constituent elements, okay, so imagine that cloud of words and in the center of that cloud of Concepts is the concept of God and it would be what unites all those words, that is a good way to think about it, words as natural as good, beautiful, true, simply compassionate words that we would consider to mean virtue, now all those words have something in them. common law which is what makes the virtues positive and you could say that God is equivalent in some way at least in terms of linguistic meaning to the overlap between those words is something like the medieval idea that God is the sum of all goods the sum of all the sum of all that is good is not exactly the sum that you could this is a definition by the way God conceptualized semantically so conceptualized in language is something like that in which all great things happen Comm and then that would be embodied or dramatic form into a corpus of stories Mythical Corpus like the Biblical Corpus and take the form of a character and then that character could, people could stop identifying with that character, that's a good way to think about it and then that God would die, but that doesn't mean that the community of meaning in that clown of Concepts has disappeared.
Spirit now what happens is that God instead of being explicit as God is now implicit as the community between all those ideas, that's why you can have a god-shaped hole in your heart because the space that no one should fill when the concrete manifestation of what filled it disappears the whole is still there now it will be filled with all kinds of substitutes as we know it as prophesied Dooski is n prophesies if God dies IDE Idols ideologies ideologies are the idols of words, that's a good way to think about it , they just pop up to fill the space and then all hell breaks loose, which is also what n doski predicted would happen, which it did.
Well, then God dies and now the explicit The concept is gone, it is distributed in a broader network of meaning. Another way to think about it is that it's unconscious, so the idea is still there, but now it's unconscious. This is what the psychoanalyst said happened, so you in particular said that God did it. When dying slipped into the unconscious, we are beginning to really understand what that means technically, it means that the concept that the Spirit still lives but is distributed in peace, pieces in the systems of meaning that guide us now, the Egyptians do thousands of years.
They kind of knew that something like this happened because when their god Osiris died at the hands of his evil brother Seth, like Basa was overthrown by a star, I mean, it's exactly the same thing because the Egyptians were left fragmented into pieces, things fell apart. They fell apart and that's it. What happens if you lose the Central Unit of your psyche and become divided into subcomponents? Anger and lust. Various forms of paganism. Desire for power. Other forces that partially unite you. VI in chaos. Anxiety would be another. Pain. They saw them in chaos. by donation.
That's why M has just said that each Drive wants to philosophize in his spirit. What Haring then also indicates is that one God or another is going to come, one Spirit or another is going to occupy the theater of your imagination, that is 100% certain. I think we're at Now, the point where that's really stable as a scientific fact, I'll get to that, so God dies, fragments into the implicit, sinks into unconsciousness, that's the same thing, well, that's What happens to Japedo, he is at the bottom of the ocean, it is that Japedo, obviously, in the Pinocchio movie. is the benevolent creator of the son who wishes to strive towards full realization, so there is a Judeo-Christian concept of God attributed to the Jedo lurking in the back of that movie, there are all kinds of things lurking, Jiminy Cricket the B, that is what B by the way, jimy Cricket, American southern slang for Jesus Christ, the initial overlap is by no means accidental and that's because what bothers you is your conscience, well that's Jim Pricket, your conscience , is in the dance with the consciousness that the puppet puppet. who is being played by the Str strings that he is unaware of, his principalities realize his own destiny and part of that Destiny is to rescue his father, who sank into the unconsciousness of that unconsciousness, which is what Fu does, but why a whale I just couldn't. find out what the hell what is what is a whale what is a whale a whale is a gigantic carcass I've had this joke running through my mind for months and months about Harvard and Yale and I care, these are like whale carcasses full of scavengers I need this , I need this, you understand, okay, well, a storehouse of wealth, the most primordial representation of a storehouse of a crew, wealth is a corpse, I mean, if you were, if you were a hunter-gatherer, it's good to have like a mammoth around you you know you share it with your friends you can eat it you can live on it you can live on it you can live on it unconsciously that's what we're doing now it's like you've built these immense deposits of wealth since World War II It's unparalleled in the history of humanity and now we live unconsciously within them and we loot them and we will loot them to the bone, which is exactly what is happening in this place, it is like Harvard and everywhere you see the institutions becoming corrupt, that It is obviously a metaphorical question.
Deepened into the same linguistic real, you can live as if you could live unconsciously in the warehouse of the past. Well, that's what we're doing with the whole Judeo-Christian tradition, we're running on fumes, you know? and that's how it will work. for a time but not only for that because when you lose faith in that which generated wealth you will lose wealth, that is why for example in the gospels Christ insists that you should not accumulate the treasure that rusts that the mons can eat and that can be stolen on Earth, but the treasure that remains forever in heaven, what does that mean?
It means that there is at least it means that there is not only a limit to material security but that there is a danger in it and you could say well, what is better than material security and this is a real question? Christ's own disciples when he makes this statement especially to the rich young man who jumps with him and asks him what he can do to be saved, walks through his life. and Christ says well you are doing everything right but you are still miserable you probably have to sell everything you have and or give everything you know to the poor follow me and the disciples say well if that is the cost of salvation who is going to bother and but the point being made is very pragmatic in some cases, ultimately, because what is worth more than money is the pattern of perception, attention and action that allows you to generate wealth from nothing, in some way, to the ability , but saying the desert is blue and you could say, well, the desert can't flourish, first of all, that's wrong and then you could say that rich countries have a lot of natural resources and therefore it has very little to do with what people strive to achieve, that is also wrong, there is a well-known economic phenomenon called resource CSE and statistical analysis of the relationship between natural resources and the wealth of a country shows a slightly native relationship.
True, natural resources tend to impoverish people. Because? Because there is no such thing as a natural resource, except maybe there is, you don't have to work for it. Countries rich in natural resources tend to become corrupt very quickly and that corruption is usually enough to eradicate the usefulness of the resources. Japan has practically no natural resources and has been one of the richest. countries in the world forever,especially all these 100 years, what is the true pattern of our productive reciprocal generosity? Something like that, the pattern of moral effort that allows people to trust each other and cooperate and compete peacefully, if we have that, we act that way.
We will be rich no matter where we are, no matter the circumstances, because there is nothing we can do. Can't there be chaos that we can turn into productive order if we make the word manifest? That is one way of expressing it in symbolic or religious language and it is as practical a physical education, it is as practical an observation as one could hope to generate so well. so now you know why El Chapo unconsciously inhabits the corpse of a whale, why and you know that the whale turns into a dragon, it's very strange because that's something else you wouldn't expect, it's like Bale just turned On a dragon, no problem. we, we understand, not, you know, in ancient Mesopotamian history.
The enuma Elish, the ancient gods were the first inhabitants, those are the first creatures, they, uh, they killed their father absu, they killed him, they tried to make a home in his corpse, I mean, I've known this for 20 years , you think I could tie that together with the fake whale, but I actually didn't put it together until a couple of weeks ago, they try to live in his corpse, that's what you do if you live in your society and don't contribute to it, especially if you despise the past it's like we're better than George Washington we B Thomas we really really like you are really you're an 18 year old purple haired PR public protester and you're Orly superior to Thomas Jefferson well man what will you be like when you have 50 years?
You will be like Christ, it will be broadcast every time you go, shining in the dark, PA, you kill your father and believe in his corpse, what happens in the story of Misan. The Dragon of Kados comes roaring back to take it all out, and by the way, that's a precursor to the flood myth, so you can get away with living in the whale carcass that washed up on your beach. for a while, but you get too arrogant and the dragons will come and that is really very old, in fact, the anumula is the ancient story that we have and one of the things that is very interesting about ancient stories is that they are like a history that has several It is very likely that 000 or 5000 years ago, let's say, is much older because the further you go back in time, the less things change, right?
Because you know that grizzly bears are now pretty much what they were 75,000 years ago. The further you go back into human history, the more they were the same things from generation to generation, these ancient stories are indeterminately archaic, probably as old as language, so perhaps they are 150,000 years old and the stories that have a purpose open biblical or so, ancient stories burn themselves. our imagination adapted to our memory it sifted our past so that only the gold was left people say do you believe the biblical stories are true? and Mar, that's why people lean something like, do you think they are literally true? as an empirical description of reality is true. because the warmest people don't understand that they are rationalistic materialists, unconscious imperiricists with a touch of atheism, even if they are religious, but these stories are much truer than mere stories than the mere story you could formulate about what you had for breakfast.
They are, they are, they are abstractions of the highest order, so you could say that we will talk about the story of Adam and Eve tonight. You could say: did the events set out in the story of Adam and Eve happen and the answer is they always happened they always happened happened in the beginning they happened over time they are happening now and will happen in the future they are always happening every time there is a beginning are happening every time we make a mistake are happening, they are literally abstractions of the highest order. I will close this section with an observation that we now know and I would say, without a doubt, that we cannot find our way as a consequence of the observation in The Facts of the Battle that was essentially Apparis's hypothesis that the world is composed of a set of facts and that you can follow the science that you have heard and that you know how that works for the fall, well imagine that there is a fact for everything that there is, in reality there are many more because there is a fat for each relationship between everything and that is why there are an infinite and chaotic ocean of facts in which you drown you have to prioritize the facts you have to prioritize the facts you have to make one fact more visible more graspable more perceptible than another you see the The world through a value structure The description of the value structure through which you see the world is a story.
The reason why Stories entertain us. The reason we will pay to see them is because there is nothing more valuable to us than being. offered the opportunity to improve the quality of the structure through which we now see the world. I would say that even now we can M that structure because the great language models have mapped that structure in a particularly mathematical way and that is why we are at the dawn of an era. where I would be joking with my employee I told the book that is working on the great language Mars we are going to start a new scientific discipline called computational epistemology that will allow us to statistically map the networks of meaning that are what give the words themselves their meaning and I suspect that it won't be long until we can do the same with images and then we'll be able to understand Bo explicitly why some images work well together, you know, witches belong in swamps with crows, right, that makes sense. why there is a similarity of there is a replaceability of meaning that is a good way to think about it between those different imaginative manifestations there its stages its dramatic representation of the imagination make sense our imagination has a structure that is the collective unconscious of the hum that structure is implicit in all of us and reflects the broader structure of the relationship of imaginative producers to each other in the culture as a whole, which is why you can understand a film like Pinoo, say, or why you would go see Sleeping Beauty.
It makes perfect sense that the Evil Queen turns into fire-breathing dragon whales, apparently ConEd for fire-breathing dragons, so Eagil Queens, you have a problem with that, not even if you have four, why does it make sense? Well, you say you suspend this belief, no, perhaps you are manifesting a much deeper form of belief, you are not suspending disbelief at all, you are getting to the essence of things. I can give you another example of that in the second series of Harry Potter books, Harry discovers that the magical school he attends in his attempts to become real somehow in the same matter he was trying to become real in order to become completely magical. , you could say that he discovers that there is an ancient serpent that lives in the bows of the castle, which is an incredibly ancient idea that, underneath it all, the idea that Satan is in hell is an idea very similar to that and of course the basilis in Harry Potter is associated with Voldemort, you can't see any relationship between Voldemort and Satan, I mean he's not red you know, that's the only thing missing, what does it mean?
What else do you need? It's a snake. He talks to snakes. He's not a good guy. Track. You're right? This Vasilis when you look at him turns you into Stone and petrifies you. What does that mean? This is part of the implicit logic. of the imagination What a rabbit would see to a predator freezes while that is a bar responses to a predator a giant snake before the Modern Age 5% of deaths are attributable to bites from poisonous snakes The primates that live in Geographic loes with more snakes have better Vision, we have better Vision than any other creature, except rockos, except birds of prey, so, wherever we come from, there were many poisonous snakes and without them we couldn't see, which is exactly what which it says in the Genesis story, by the way. because snakes give people the correct vision and that is why Harry Potter does not act as a prey animal in front of the gigantic snake that underlies the Magic Castle, he faces it is Saint George, it is Saint Michael, it is Sea of the Mesopotamian myths, he not only confronts the dragon but he obtains the Virgin Jinny is close enough to the Virgin that name is like another clue that frees the Virt and he does it with the help of a phoenix because a phoenix dies in his resurrection and So it is the spirit that is eternally resurrected that helps Harry Potter confront the serpent Satan in order to free the Virgin, right, and you know all that even if you don't know it because if you didn't know it, the story made a billion dollars and was sold. everywhere and why he did it because there There was a god-shaped hole where that story that story filled just like Star Wars filled the hole for you know Antisocial engineers ASO engineers I don't believe in God Obi loves Kobi what do I expect and I think this was from Carl yung Mission, they say we are entering the age of Aquarius, that is the age of the Water Bearer and a blockage of nog and astro and this is what astrologer is and any stampist sense, but there is no lack of Mythology of astrology, there is no lack of Prophecy in the deep narrative structures. that accompany him and the Water Bearer is water is not conscious, right, the Water Bearer brings to light what is conscious, that is a good way of thinking and that is what Carl and Joseph cell were trying to do and , all the people who work in that particular domain. of literary analysis that was the proper domain for literary critics to occupy before them with postmodern Marxism and ruin the entirety of Western civilization, we have to become aware of our histories, we can do it, we are at the point where we not only We can do that we will be forced even by the weight of scientific evidence to do that, but it is also necessary because we are too technologically powerful to be unconscious in the belly of the whale with the weapons we have, we have to wake up and what I do What I have tried to do in these lectures is to wake up, let's say, and to the extent possible, take people alone through the journey, so postmodernists have discovered that we saw the world through a story, that is Part of the reason they're winning with pmore is because they understood that now they weren't the only people who discovered this.
People in about five different disciplines at the same time it was discovered by psychologists who studied perception and it was discovered by those who studied emotional motivation. It was discovered by computer engineers who realized that the right path to artificial intelligence would be through reinforcement learning, find out because the great morels of language are essentially based on stories and are the closest thing we have had to general intelligence, well, they're not close, they're very smart, we've already handled general verbal intelligence, it's like, oh, you have to interact with the GPT chat for about a month and you'll realize it's like he's smarter than you, he lies , is he crooked and biased or is it war and has the temperament of a 13 year old genius who behaves very badly, if you don't think he's smart, well, it'll be your job, he'll come for it first, so the robotics engineers figured it out and we see the word. throughout history, the postmodernist guys, most of them were French, most of them were Marxists.
Pauling said that, but Marxism wasn't enough for them, so they resorted to whatever we have now, it's like a meta-Marxism where all the possible dimensions of evaluation. It is conceptualized along the axis of power, everything has to do with power, each dimension of comparison has its victims and its victimizers, that is the universal narrative, so what the postmodernists did after realizing that we saw the world through history was to insist by every means possible, fair and foul, that the The story through which we see the world is one of power and that is not right, it is not right in part because the people who They use power tend to have very little success, you can look, you can force your wife to do whatever you want, maybe it's probably just you and you're too dumb to realize it, but let's say now, let's say she let you get away with yours once just because she felt sorry for you, but if you try it repeatedly, good luck to you because at the very least she won't.
I appreciate you and she is much more likely to do absolutely everything she can to make your life as miserable as you deserve and that will be the same if you use power wherever you use it, even on yourself, how good are you at forcing? yourself to do things every new year People force themselves to go to the gym I go to the gym you know like this for how long 3 days at best maybe you can tempt yourself and invite yourself to meet and cooperate with yourself maybe you You can even compete with yourself, but power is the short-term strategy of the hedonistic tyrant and worse than that, if you need something worse, it just doesn't work,even Wal's primatologist friends have been studying chans for decades, you know, we had this idea.
An old almost Marxist idea that the roughest and toughest alpha male chimpanzee was the one at the top of the reproductive dominance hierarchy. It's as if that were sporadically and inconsistently true, although those chimpanzees have very unstable social troops and tend to encounter the most violent ones. In the end, you can possibly imagine him, like Hitler, like Musolini, like the tyrants of all time. No matter how powerful you are, there are 10 guys that can take you out and if you can watch your back, no one will stop and you can lock them all up. down, but the probability of you getting away with it for any period of time is practically zero and they don't understand it, you will definitely get your children and that's not a good ending either, so the idea that the story that we three of us see the world through one of power is the most the only people who believe that are people who want to use power in the world, yes, and there is no difference between that belief and the belief that it is the spirit of power that directs the cosmics and that is a very deep theological assumption and a very deep statement of faith and it is the darkest statement of faith possible. the power of worship is the spirit of all evil which is at the basis of the impetus towards power.
One of the things that is frequently seen in the Old Testament Corpus in particular is that even the best men who use power are brutally punished for it, so Moses, for example, simply When he is about to come to earth betrothed after being the savior of the Israelites after fighting mightily for 40 years after being a peerless prophet of God, uses the Force to force rocks to give up water when God tells him to use language and God says you will . die before entering the promised land, force, power, compulsion, those are the weapons of tyrants, and when it is aligned with the use of terror, well, much more evidence of tyranny, right, and one of the things to the ones I have arrived at.
The conclusion on the political front in recent years is that if history is an imminent apocalypse and if the solution is to give power to the old, then those are the wrong leaders, so they might say, well, if not the power , what is the story?, and I would say. well we think about it historically what is the history well what is the history on which Western culture is based forget the theology forget the philosophy just think about it historically the first book the actual book I mean the technology book the first book was the Bible all the other books came out of that, they all stack on top of that the same way an ancient tree manifests itself and so, for better or for worse, see, this is what it means for the Bible to be true, the biblical, the corpus of biblical stories is the structure. through which truth itself manifests is the story through which you see the world now you can object to why I should believe that story to be true and remember if you want to ask that question correctly you must also understand that you are a prior definition of The truth may be missing because you can say it's true by this criterion, so you just me, that criterion, you just put it as high as possible, but you're going to ask something like whether the sacred texts that you have are true. be willing to question your definition of Truth as much as you are willing to question the validity of the sacred text; otherwise you are not a great philosopher by any means, whereas what I hope to do with this book is


with God and what I have done with my previous work is explain the foundation of the stories and then people can take their own decision about whether or not they will find out oh what is true how about compelling how about interesting how about meaningful how about sustaining how about fundamental you know, how about, how about, how about, information of the kind that helps you hone your help and ascend Jacob's ladder and stay away from hell, all of those are possibly hallmarks of truth, so I will guide you.
Through a couple of stories tonight, one of the great stories to show you what they need and you can make your own decision about what you think about it, so I'm going to walk you quickly through the first chapter of Genesis and then I'm going to focus In the story of ab Eve, there are actually two stories of prasan in the biblical Corpus, one after the other, and they are quite different now that they share some common characteristic. I suspect what happened was that when these stories were brought together there were diverse people trying to be aggregated into a group that you know, if you bring together people with different religious backgrounds and different stories, you have to bridge the gap between the stories and a lot of that happened as the Bible stories were accumulated and assembled, because what parallel is there to that?
The accumulation into the assembly was the accretion of tribes together to form a larger and larger civilization and therefore one of the things that one could understand how to understand is that the biblical stories provided the framework within which that process of unification , although imperfectly, could be carried out. It happens well and it's another thing to contemplate is that a shared story a story unites you if you have a coherent story about how to get to the promised land let's say it unites you psychologically but it's a shared story that unites us that's the definition people are united by a shared vision a vision of the past a vision of the present a vision of the future without the shared vision there is no unity without a corpus of shared stories there is no unified civilization certainly not one that can withstand any pressure, it will simply fall apart in its assembly in its assembled pieces as soon as there is stress, so that's what it means to be on the same page with some reason, if the story through which you're seeing the world is similar enough that you can establish a foundation of mutual understanding and cooperate or even compete peacefully, because you can compete peacefully, the right people do that all the time we like that we make you compete peacefully with your wife, I mean, or with your husband, I mean. you compete peacefully with your children you compete peacefully when you play a game with people and for that to happen there has to be a high-order structure of interpretation that keeps that limited cooperation and makes it possible that it would be something like in a new power it would be something like the rules of the game, it's more like the objective of the game in the beginning.
Lord created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God. married on the face of the waters, so one of the things I said was that these stories are true in a way that makes them always true, true in the past, true now and true in the future, always, this always is happening, it is a way of thinking about what will happen in eternity, so what does it mean? Well, here's a good example, this is Greek, so this is what you find when you wake up in the morning.
Well, now everyone laughs, because you instantly see what that means. A joke and a joke make desperate things come together in an interesting way. You wake up in the morning and you're filled with doubt, let's say, or you're drawn to the possibility, then that would be the friendly kind of s, the right thing to do is to offer the sweeter kind. of fruit instead of bitter and poisonous fruit, say, but when you wake up in the morning, what do you find? Well, you could say that you would counteract the material structures around you, but that is simply not the case.
Granted especially if they are familiar and of course the things in your house that you wake up to are familiar, just ignore them, what you pay attention to are the possibilities or challenges of the day and that is what your Consciousness is literally for. . take that possibility in that realm of diverse and challenging possibilities and fight it to the ground to do something with it to defeat it or at least stay ahead or maybe cooperate with it, but what are you happy with and what are you not? Your consciousness eternally struggles with the possibilities of the future, what reality is made of, well that is one way to conceptualize what reality is made of, as far as your Consciousness is concerned, it is the possibility that is at hand and it is formless and chaotic, obviously because you would not have to make decisions.
If it were formed, it would already be there in its concrete sense, it would already be struggling with what is not yet being carried out well. It is for this reason that in the first lines of Genesis the statement as people are made in the image of God that God is the eternal spirit that there is possibility chaos that is the toou ohu that is the formless and empty Earth that God the spirit of God rests on and from which he extracts order that is good that is what What you always do if you're aiming up is confront chaotic possibilities and put them into good order, and part of what the Biblical Corpus is trying to establish is the pattern of conscious interaction that best facilitates that process. could give you a clue about that Tammy alluded to it in her opening words, she said that it seemed to her that dealing with her sister's illness, if she faced it fully and did not hide, then the consequence would be a transformation of attitude . that allowed her to keep her spirit in the face of the catastrophe when we were there with her sister I looked at her curled up and thought what would I want if I were in her position now that is something difficult to answer because she can't speak and she no longer has many emotions and facial expressions , so it's very hard to see who or what is there, but I thought, well, I'll take her hand now that I had seen Tammy play with her that time. before we visited her she took her hands and danced with her to the music and then slapped hands with her and that work like her sister was still there tactile so I took her hand and she was there you know , and her gaze is very intense, so she's clearly still conscious and it's not obvious how much language she understands, but probably a lot, but I held her hand and then I could feel that she was there and that transformed.
We were sitting listening to some old country singers in this palliative. He cares about Bo essentially and that transformed him, you know, from that kind of horror of visiting a place to be to a place of contact and communion and that was enough, that was enough and the precondition for that was not to look away. , not looking away and and the spirit that is being presented in the biblical Corpus is the spirit that does not look away that is willing to look at everything everything now there is an idea a deep Christian idea that the word of God that makes the word Ro of chaos is equivalent to Christ and that is a very strange idea it is a very strange idea and it is such a strange idea that it cannot be dismissed casually because it is too absurd and provocative to be accidental well, this is what it means This is some of what it means that the reason the Christian the story of Christ is archetypal the reason it is fundamental the reason it is infinitely profound that's another way of looking at it is that it is the story of a spirit who does not look away no matter what happens in the history of work is tortured by Satan with the permission of God and J You will be in that position perhaps you have already been in this position work loses everything unjustly because according to God himself he admits that it is a good man and not only loses everything but becomes seriously ill and not just sick, but disfiguringly and shamefully sick and then not only bere and sick but also subject to the ridicule of his friends who betray him by coming when he feels miserable to tell him that he must have done something to deserve this or he would.
I don't have him happy and that's the job and the job refuses to lose faith and that's why he rejects the accusations that he has intrinsic defects, he knows that he has the defects of a good man, let's say, and he refuses to lose faith in God and that is not a manifestation of nonsense. Superstition is a proclamation of courage and then we could undo that pragmatically, so let's say you are cursed with cancer and it happened suddenly and things were going well in your life and then it comes upon you like a storm and then you can imagine it well. you have every reason to be bitter and resentful for doing what Job's wife tells Job to do, which is curse God and die and Job refuses to do that, he says I don't understand the structure of what is real.
I was not there when God laid the foundations of the world, I am not the judge of being itself no matter what happens to me and this is an oath of the soul no matter what happens to me I will keep the Faith well let's say you have been diagnosed with cancer answer Well, what? what are you going to do? You can pretend it's not happening. Well, then maybe don't go through it as deeply as you do in the 6 months you have left or you might become bitter and resentful and shake your fist. to God and maybe even die, but on that path the only thing that will happen is that you will have made a hell of a situation much worse because it is one thing to be sick and another thing to be sick and resentful and bitter and sarcastic and angry and terrified and then you might say and I have seen this.
I have a friend right now, a greatman who died of cancer and it is a catastrophe and it will be a tremendous loss and it is something to visit him because he has his head held high. he knows what is coming no and he is unbreakable and that is a form of faith it is a correct decision this thing is faith is not the will to believe in fools the fools Superstition that protects a child faith is the eternal will to continue fulfilling with the decision that life itself is a blessing regardless of the circumstances and then you think well that the people you admire don't behave like that and then you could say well what would be the maximum potential manifestation of that good the maximum potential manifestation of that would be the man who is the best possible man facing the worst of all possible fates and then you might say, well, what is the worst of all possible fairies?
Well, one must be tortured when you are innocent, painfully tortured when you are innocent. for your friends and your compatriots and the Tyrant and the right M and having your friends abandon you happily and being betrayed by the person you trusted the most and doing that including dying in front of your mother and then facing that death and then facing hell You might say, well, that's going too far, and I'd say you're completely wrong about how it's one thing to face pain and death and that's nothing, but most good people can do it, and it's another thing entirely. face hell and you might say Well, there is no hell.
I would say you have looked. You must be very lucky or very blind or have done nothing to look because all you need is a casual familiarity, especially with 20th century history, and you can be absolutely sure that you would come to understand much in your own chrin that there is no nothing more real than hell and perhaps nothing more valuable than learning how to get away from it as quickly as possible and that is why the story of Christ The story of Christ is the story of a man who faces a torturous death despite his innocence and also thoroughly explores and redeems hell and I would also say that that will happen to you in your life because you will face the reality of your own mortality and you will face malevolence and you can do that. with eyes wide open and Faith intact or you can do it cowed and fearful and bitter and resentful and those are your options, there is no third option and then the reason why the spirit of Christ is equivalent to the word at the beginning of the times is because the most chaotic potential from which good order can be derived is the chaotic potential of unjust death and belief and there is nothing that is more true than that and we know it even if we do not know it and we do not know it. .
At least because within the confines of the Judeo-Christian tradition, each time in Europe and then for a very long period in North America was founded around a church that had in the middle an altar that celebrated that confrontation as the necessary sacrifice on the which society and the psyche were founded and then you say, "well, that's true, it's like, well, just tell me this in difficult times, who do you want besides? Do you want someone you know who is able to look at death in the face and deal with malevolence? Do you love someone?" like this by your side or you want someone who hides it is bitter and if the precondition for that, the type of friendship that can be sustained in the midst of a catastrophe is the alliance with the Visionary who is unfazed by the realities of life, then how?
Is that different from the basis on which society itself is established? You know that, to be true, you know that to the extent that you are able to admire the person you spontaneously admire, the one whose actions called the Instinct within you to develop and be lost. your strings are a manifestation at least partially of that Spirit which is the spirit of Courage the spirit of indomitability the spirit of exploration the spirit of Truth the spirit of conscience the spirit of calling the spirit of love the spirit that makes trust possible all of those things, all those Concepts that revolve around the Transcendent concept of the Supreme and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that was good and God divided the light from the darkness, which is something that is done all the time. time also because you take the possibility of the world and it manifests itself to you and you walk along the illuminated path and leave the rest in the darkness, at least you do so to the extent that you point upward and act with love and permanence. for the truth and trying to make the world a better place instead of a worse one, the remaining verses of this chapter and God married the great whes and with every Gothic creature that the waters produced abundantly according to the type and each wing f according to its De fact, God saw that it was good, the rest of the chapter is a differentiation of the world into its constituent parts and it is a differentiation that somehow, as a child, to the pattern of activity and attention that God calls Adam to manifest, God he tells Adam. that it is your job to name the things of the world and that there is a close relationship of incomprehensible death between the ability of Consciousness to identify what is separate and give it verbal identity there by putting each thing in its place and the elaboration and construction of the world You can understand that yourself if you understand to a certain extent that there is no difference between the conscious being and the being is in dissuasion well then what is reality is reality the reality that manifests itself in Consciousness if not then what is it it would be an unconscious reality there is nothing differentiable in an unconscious reality perhaps there is no difference between reality that between reality and reality is conscious we do not understand Consciousness we act as if there were no difference between reality and the reality that is conscious if there is no difference between reality and the capacity of human consciousness to identify, segregate, separate, unite and name, to put everything in its proper place each time there is a day in this first description of the creative effort of the first creative week.
There is an insistence that what he sees fuses is good it is the word of God that creates the order that is good We have already analyzed the proposition that that word is in some way identical with the will of the individual human consciousness to fully face the catastrophe of possibility until The Depths the idea here is that if you confront if the spirit that faces the possibility does so in the name of the highest in the spirit of Truth Guided by love that the consequences would be good well think about this in your old life imagine being a father or son to That matters: a wife or daughter working within her family's conflicts, when are you more likely to produce in your own home a replica of the Garden of Eden that existed at the beginning of time when you are motivated by nothing more than the desire? for the best for your family and for you and when you are doing everything possible to truly live with them now it is clear that we all fail to a greater or lesser degree in that attempt, but we also know it and you know it and you know that this is very real because when you are most desperate and you search your soul as a consequence of the action of the conscious you will search your memory for those times that you acted with that spirit so that you can resolve your conscience what you think when you are falling apart in your depressive and anxious misery, wondering even if a creature has a deep sin that you have the right to live in.
You will remember, if you are lucky, those moments when you had enough love, courage and faith in him. The truth is that it has been productive, generous, and helpful to people who are in love, and that is a clear indication of the reality of that effort, if you are willing to accept the proposition that what the pain addresses is just as real as pain. pain with success. more real and God said let us make man in our image according to our likeness and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fall of the air and over the cattle and over all the Earth Earth and over every creeping animal.
On Earth, see what happens to animals who have the bad luck to live where human corruption and the desire for power rule. Everybody dies. They all die when the first famine hits. For better or worse, this is the situation we find ourselves in. these human beings is that it is not only each of us whose existence is based on the morality that we apply to the possibility that confronts us, but our societies are also based on that morality and the extent to which we are at the top of the food chain, let's say that the decisions we make for good and bad are decisions on which even the integrity of the biosphere itself depends.
They know that critics of the Judeo-Christian tradition interpret this as meaning that human beings must dominate the world. and that is not what this story indicates in the least, there is nothing valid in that interpretation, it is an intentional misinterpretation, motivated by the desire to escape the responsibility that falls on each soul as a consequence of the words that are part and it coincides with these stories, it is true that the integrity of the world itself depends on the integrity of your moral decisions, there is a sure way to want to run, so God created man in his own image in the image of God he created him and God He blessed them and said to them: be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth and subdue it, put everything in its proper place, give everything that is due now dominion over the fish of this which is not power over the fish of the Sea and the following of the air and above every living thing that moves on the earth now God, this, behold, I have given you every seed-bearing plant that is on the face of the earth and every tree and that is the fruit of a tree that bears seed to you , will receive it from me and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the land of the air and to everything that creeps on the earth in which there is life, I have given every green herb for myself and it was so and God saw that everything what had been done had been done and lo and behold it was very good in the evening in the morning with the sixth day well, then that story ends with God granting human beings a tremendous dominion of Freedom, so the idea is that we have the opportunity to joke, explore the possibility that characterizes the Eternal Garden and that we are invited to manage it in the spirit of whose image we are made and God blessed the seventh day to the Sanctified because he rested from all this work that God created and now the Second Story begins. here and every plane of the field before was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew because the Lord God had not caused it to invade the Earth and there was no man to cultivate the pitch but there the fog came out. of the earth and watered the entire face of the earth so now he returned to the letter before human beings this and the Lord God formed man from the Dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and Man became a very archaic living soul language here, but there is a pattern dichotomy worth trying, so what the language indicates is that a human being is a combination of the material and the spiritual why spiritual well the inspiration is from god the breath is a breath of the spirit to have the Spirit breath in you is to be inspired is the creator the creature described here is a combination of the material and the spiritual that is what the right breath means R breath breath means Spirit the emphasis is not it is both in the air and in the spirit and so we experience each other in exactly this way we consider ourselves obviously as corporeal as embodied but we also consider ourselves as ineffably conscious beings and that seems to be a necessity because if you are going to interact with anyone with some degree of success, that's how you have to treat them, you can't treat them like material automatons that are driven like clockwork by internal mechanisms, you can't treat them like they're unconscious. zom bees whose Consciousness is simply an EP, an illusory epom, you have to treat them exactly the way they are described here, which are forms as material as the inspired material forms, otherwise they will have nothing to do with you now.
I could say that the mere fact that people have nothing to do with you if you treat them as they really are doesn't mean that they are inspired, that they are a combination of inspiration and material, but I will say that they have an advertisement there and you could say well, the mere The consequence that I will fail miserably in every one of my interpersonal endeavors with the wrong attitude doesn't mean I'm wrong, and I'd say you might want to revise your definition of wrong if you do. Theory fails in all its efforts except the one that makes you feel smart.
I would say it's a pretty flimsy damn theory and the Lord planted a garden towards the east of Eden and there he put man to be for and out of the land. Lord God make every tree grow in its Pleasant to the sight of Beau by the tree of life also in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil two trees two fundamental trees tree of life the tree of life is a symbol of life which is a good way to think about like a tree is a symbol of life a branching geneology is a tree there are tree-like structures everywhere its blood vessels are like trees that replicate in a branching form it is emblematic of life The tree of life itself is the emblem of life, the tree of the knowledge of good that Neil would give and a river came out of Eden to water the garden and from this was forgiveness and becamefour heads.
These are not the correct slots, that's really wrong. the creatures here okay, look, can you start the slideshow again? These aren't the right slides, by the way, these aren't the ones I set up today anyway, okay, we'll just walk it through, but I need it. I need to start right and the Lord thought he took the Command, put it in the ting garden to fix it up and keep it right. That's our echo of what we already saw in the first chapter that M's proper orientation is Steward, that's good. You're thinking about now, you might say, well, what do you mean by proper guidance?
Well, look, what is the American dream? Let these people get sick of being separated from a house, from a peaceful house, from a walled house. Paradise means Paradise means Paradise means wall fence and a wall fence is a place where there is enough order and if it is a Garden wall there are also enough possibilities and that is your backyard which is a Garden wall which is a representation of it is a microcosm The human environment has limits because well, you can't take care of the whole city and certainly not the whole country that you might be able to take care of your backyard, so you want it close by.
That's a form of limitation, obviously, but it's the kind of limitation that gives you enough possibilities. What do you want to do in your garden? Say, how about you unconsciously walk with God, okay, what is it that Adam does well? So what would that mean? Well, you want to sit in your backyard and be aware of yourself, you want to sit in your backyard and think about what the neighbors think of you, there's no difference between That and being miserable are the same thing. It's technically true. If you do factor analytic studies on how people describe their negative emotions, you find that all self-conscious thoughts are laden with misery, right?
If this is something it's really worth knowing. If you have fallen into an abyss of yourself in an abyss of self-awareness, you might say, well, you should stop thinking about yourself, but you can't, because if you start to stop thinking about yourself, you just think about yourself more, but you can start. Think more about other people, one of the things I used to do with my clinical clients who had social anxiety was throw parties, just make other people feel comfortable, try that, go to the next party and make everyone you meet. feel equally comfortable. As you can, now you know that we have to develop some expertise at this point because otherwise you will be a little bit intrusive, you don't ask people too much what they need and want, but you know you can learn that, but what invariably happened was that The degree to which my clients with social anxiety began to pay attention, first of all, they began to notice that other people were overly nervous because they were usually so self-conscious that they only looked at their shoes and thought that they were surrounded by aggressive and confident hyperconfident Lovely people instead of idiots like them and as soon as they started paying even the slightest attention, they discovered that there are probably people there who are even more anxious than them and you know that's kind of a healthy discovery.
If you think you are the only person in the whole group that you know can't cope with social circumstances, what do you want? Your garden, you want to be unconscious, that's where you want to be, how about you want to exist in harmony? with the environment maybe that's why you make it beautiful so then you can go back there and what a recreation house, right, that's not an accidental phrase and you do that if you set it up correctly, then maybe your business will go reasonably well. your family is not so miserable, you can go to your backyard that you have worked for without being harassed to death about it and you can sit there and whatever you can, you can have some purpose and peace of mind and you can get lost for a little bit perhaps in the beauty of what you have created and that is what you want and that is a deep longing and it is no different than this to dress the Garden of Eden Eden means well-watered place paradise means walled garden Paradise is a well-walled garden watered hypothetically like your backyard, but what if you tried to turn your backyard into a parous and then, more provocatively, what would happen to all your neighbors' backyards?
If you're that example, neighborhoods become beautiful for a reason, it's usually because someone decided to do something beautiful in the neighborhood and everyone thought well, that's not a bad idea, we could jump on that bandwagon and the same applies. I would say that somehow at all levels of analysis, you know, if you classify the things that are at hand the possibilities that are at hand if you classify them properly first that domain of possibilities will expand as what is at hand. the hand will expand but the motivating consequence of that should not be underestimated the best form of leadership is by example and people do not understand that everyone has enough possibilities at hand to transform the world and that could be even more the case if mainly what you have at hand are problems because like every dragon has a treasure, every problem has a possibility and maybe you too have some serious problems and there are your problems and that is difficult, but think about what would happen if you could solve them, what a spectacular achievement would be and so you could say, well, people who are beset with more than their share of problems are burdened by in a way that is unfair or you would say, the greatest treasures are buried in the deepest and darkest places and that is more or less true by definition.
I mean, if things are easy for you and you solve a trivial problem well, that's better, but if things are really difficult for you and you solve it it's like you know a good job and then you might wonder what the precondition for a good job is. solution like that and I would say one of them is admitting that you have the problem and facing it head on and the other is admitting that it's your problem and maybe the next one is something like how about you let go of the resentment? I'm not saying it's an easy thing to endure, you know, but I can tell you that one of the things my family has learned over the last six years has been roasted in various relatively unpleasant ways was that every time an attack arose adversary, the net consequence of now closing the intervening period of time between the time when it was horrible and the time when it was positive could be quite brutal, but all the good things do not manifest themselves immediately we know that is why we work and who knows what you could accomplish if you took your problems seriously okay slide daddy's dead again so I'd like to Recons please so God makes Adam can tell Adam to be okay here G and the Lord God man put him in Ed's garden to clothe it and guard it and the Lord God commanded the man saying that every tree in the garden would be free to eat, that refers to that domain of Freedom. that we have There is no single way to say that we have an almost unlimited extent of freedom, but there is a Cil of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.
You will not eat because the day you eat from it, you will surely die and the last time you I went through the Bible stories in 2017 I didn't know what that meant. I couldn't F couldn't figure out that she what is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. She knew that if you ate it. You woke up, abilities fell from your eyes and you became self-aware. That's what happens to them. They just realized that they are naked. There is no deeper understanding of self-awareness. They realized that nakedness means moral exposure to the world. that means there Sagal means that when Nature announced that God was dead he said two things he said many things he said two very fundamental things he said we will never find enough water to wash him with blood and then he prophesied that the next 50 years would be a catastrophic attack of ideologies on competition and even knew that the ideology of resentment and the ideology of communism would become known.
He was right. A deadly prediction 50 years before it happened, but then he said something that wasn't so carefully thought out. although it was understandable he said that the consequence of the death of our tradition would be that we would have to make our own valleys now I said that I like that a lot and I read a lot of psychoanalysis and both Freud and you were well informed. of n's pronouncements, especially you, Carl, were a very good student and gave a lecture on a book called Thus Spoke Zarathustra, which is a famous niche poetic work and the notes for that image are 1200 pages in the first third of the book.
He thought deeply about this, now there is a problem with the idea that you create your own values ​​correctly because the source of value has now collapsed, so now it is up to you to create your own values. Well, first of all, can you really do it? that now Cy landless is real life that spread almost immediately told with Cy was that good, if you are going to create your own values, you have to be the master in your own house, what will have to happen is if you are going to Para Create your own values, you are going to decide what is right and then act right, so ask yourself how good you are at deciding and acting right.
How are you better at listening to yourself? what to do that others it's good to listen to what you tell them to do it's not obvious you know we'll present our values ​​to ourselves with good will and with conviction and then we'll just go back to whatever It was that was what possessed us, you know, yesterday , and that is why psychoanalysts, beginning with Freud, understood that there are many spirits running around in our homes, many sexual instincts to drive hedonistic self-gratification, the drive toward power in many ways. that can be worked on in various forms of immaturity, yes, you can't create your own values ​​if you don't own your own house and that nonsense, the question is what would your character be if you owned your own house. and I would say, well, it won't be just anything, there will be a pattern, there will be a characteristic, if you are an integrated person, if you have integrity, we can identify people with integrity, there are a variety of types of people with integrity there is a union of spirit that helps us identify people with integrity they keep their word, for example, they are reliable, right, they tend to be emotionally stable, they tend to be productive, they tend to be generous, they are there in a crisis there is an identity between people with integrity which disproves what makes absurd the notion that one's values ​​were created because people with integrity respect the spirit of integrity and that is what unifies them.
This is the warning that God puts here. It is of crucial importance. you can't create the word moral which is the ultimate in presumption, that's what this warning is about, is that there is a fruit that you don't try to incorporate, and this notion of incorporation is like it's a k to understand, is that an idea is the abstract equivalent. of a fruit or a seed even more precisely to know something to learn something is to digest it well, incorporate it and be nourished by it, which is why there is so much talk in the biblical Corpus of the food that comes down from Heaven instead of material food, the food that comes down from Heaven. , is the pattern of being that allows you to be productive, more than a fruit in itself.
You want to guide your children in the way of being that allows them to produce fruit wherever they are and you do it with the right words you cannot take the right to define find the word moral that is what we are doing in our culture right now with this notion of subjective self-identity it's like I am what I say I am like no you are you are You have gone to you have gone too far you can be you can be who you say you are because I am very compassionate I will allow it or encourage it that's the C for Eva, right ? the C in Eve is the pride of the presumption that her feminine compassion is so all-encompassing that she may even be the mother of snakes here in the future, but from the tree of good people and you will not go and eat it the day you are out there .
She will surely die and the Lord God said that he is not good to match with me. I would help him. This is where Eva comes into the picture. Now feminists are really upset about this same shit and you can understand that for some because men don't. Do not give birth to women and that is the insistence here, but you can be cynical about such stories or you can try to understand what they mean, so there is a meaning in this story and one of the meanings of the story is the other something they insist on. equally radically, which is good, women are creatures of culture by their very nature, culture is a pet even if it is a tyranny and to the extent that women are creatures of culture then they are Daughters of men and that is what this image tries to represent this idea, it is true that women give R to men, but it is equally true that men give R to women and here there is a notion of privacy in the human being of the uncultured or of the birthright of Spirit instead of matter, help me help me.
It does not mean servant and it does not mean slave and there is no indication in the biblical Corpus that women should take a secondary place; At the end of this story there is athreat that they will be forced into second place in the SEC. under some circumstances, but there is no indication that this is desirable or optimal and it shows, especially because in the first chapter, although it is thousands or even tens of thousands of years old, there is an absolute insistence that both men and women They were created in the image of God as simple as that and that statement in itself indicates that the central element of being that characterizes the woman must be treated with the same consideration that is extended to the man and that both Essences must be treated with the same consideration. that would extend to God and there is a slightly more fundamental statement about intrinsic value than that of definition, because definition is the central aspect of men and women and should be considered equivalent to that which should be placed in the highest place . correct definition, it is a presumption and it is also the presumption that you are culture, you Americans, it is the presumption upon which your entire culture is based when, to the extent that the truths upon which your nation was founded were evident, they are evident precisely because they are grounded. conceptualization that is what turns them all into citizens instead of surfers or slaves, entitled citizens who have the intrinsic rights that are an integral part of having the value that is a consequence of having been made in the image of what should be placed in the highest place above the State, not derived from the State, quite the contrary, the state is derived from that, in any case, the meat of help is an awkward English translation, but to be an ideal help is to be someone who finds you and helps you in an appropriate way so that there is a meeting and cooperation.
Eve, the word Eve means beneficial. adversary, right, it's a couples game, if you're playing basketball one on one with someone, you're trying to win, but the game wouldn't be of any use, it wouldn't be fun if they didn't try. win because both while playing are trying to do something that transcends the game, which is to become more skilled as players and that is what a proper relationship between a man and a woman is. There is a benefit. There's a. a beneficial adversarial relationship is wrestling it is a PCH wrestling match if you are lucky and that is what has been created here that is the idea and there is also another idea that is hidden in this image there was no medieval notion that the original It was hateful to say that what his master did was a Unity and then split into a plurality that seeks to become a Unity again and that is a very interesting idea because it means in some ways that you can't really discover who you are as a man without competing with a woman and vice versa you can discover what it is to be a woman without competing with a man and then there is another idea here too which is that the two of you united in marriage are one and the same thing for a child and I can understand it well because maybe this is the typical p , yes, that family is that the mother is more inclined to compassion and nurturing by temperament, probably due to the need to take care of the fans and the father is more likely not to push and the Pushing can become tyrannical and the nudging can become eater, so there has to be a battle and you know you fight for your children because they are all different, so one child may need more care and another child may need more kicking in the butt.
PA and it's not obvious when and where those various pressures should be applied and the only way to know is in wrestling, in wrestling, right, you have to talk about it honestly, you have to see what's in front of you. your eyes you have to particularize your decision and each one will have their points of view and the idea is that in their union the union of those points of view will provide the best possible result for the child and we know that we know, for example, that we know that not They have a father. It is catastrophic for children.
Now we do not know to the same extent what a motherless person is because it is obviously much rarer because children without mothers cannot live like this due to the immediacy of the catastrophe, but we do know that children are complex and Your socialization period lasts 40 years and so if there are not two of you it is not likely that you will manage it optimally now that does not mean that there are some people who do it there are some single mothers let's say they do a better job than In some couples there are overlaps , that doesn't make sense, you think that's the point you're not thinking about, so it's simply a question of the need for that battle in the relationship with children, the need for the dual model for children, the inevitability of the complexity of the problem.
The fact that two heads are generally actually better than one, why the hell would they bury us? Otherwise, I, if we didn't think combat was worth the effort and long-term return, why would we do it well? We feel powerfully drawn to do so, especially if we are thinking about having children, because we understand how difficult it is to produce that integrated foundation with the feminine and masculine aspects, both intact and integrated. It is difficult because there is no best solution and that is not only true with respect to the stability of the family, let's say from a sociological perspective, but it is also true psychologically.
It is rare that a man does not improve through marriage. Now some men get much worse and it depends on the marriage, but to a large extent. That is the consequence and the same for women, it is partly because God, if you are married, at least was a person you have to attract in order to be able to tolerate you. No, that is much more than zero and if your wife puts up with it, it increases. the likelihood that other people can tolerate a cat being ground for at least a period of time. The same thing also happens with children: if his daughter bothers them both, it is he and under the earth the Lord God formed each one.
The beasts of the field followed them and raised them and Adam to see what he would call them and whatever Adam would call each living creature, that was his name. That's Adam's job. Adam's job is to organize the world into its constituent elements. Order the things. the work of the masculine Spirit now that the Spirit also operates with women, but that is the work that is traditionally associated with the categorization and classification of the masculine Spirit. What is the work traditionally associated with f to draw men's attention to what their systems of classification and categorization have excluded, so what does that mean?
Well, here's an example. We know that women are more temperamentally agreeable and more sensitive to negative emotions and you could say, well, that's cultural and you could say that, but that's because you don't do what you want. We are talking, so if we look, the studies could already be done. If we classify countries according to the degree of gender equality, the difference between men and women is greater in the most egalitarian countries and the reason is that the biological differences between men and women are maximized when they are provided with optimal freedom and cannot be otherwise, so the personality differences between men and women in Scandinavia are greater than in much less developed and traditional countries.
Well, so men and women are more sensitive to emotions and they are more agreeable they are more affectionate that's on the agreeable side they are more compassionate they are more likely to feel sympathy for others they are more likely to feel pain in the presence of the pain of others, even physiologically, why? What if because they have to respond to babies' cries of pain correctly and quickly? And what if they have to do it in a way that relies on the presumption that the baby is always right because a six? A baby a month or less crying is right no matter what, it's a hard thing to deal with now because it stops being true after about 9 months and then when you deal with a man it's almost never true or a man.
What that implies is that women will first deal with what is wrong, they will first realize it and become emotionally aware of it and try to communicate that now that procity as powerful as it is has a corresponding temptation. Just as men's tendency to arrange in order has a corresponding temptation, but the temptation that men F pray to is to claim that everything has already been arranged in order, thank you very much, what is Ty's claim or what happens whatever happens. you bring me, I can classify and sort it well, so what does he do? She responds to the voice of the serpent now the serpent was subtler than any beast of the field that the Lord God had made and said to the woman, you have God.
He said You will not eat from every tree in the garden and the woman said to the snake we can eat from the fruit of the trees in the garden but from the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden in the central place just like this this is the core is the core is the center is the foundation that is all that is what everything points towards God's command to human beings is that they must not touch what is in the center they must leave intact the implicit moral order of the cosmos you must comply with that you will not go you will not go you will take yourself you will not take the right to define the domain of value itself but love says you will surely not die because God knows that on the day you find him then your eyes will open and you will be like God knowing good and evil .
That sounds pretty tempting, but one of the things you might ask yourself is what happened to you the last time your eyes opened and you knew Good and evil notice what happens when, say, you realize that someone you trust is cheating on you. Betrayed may be new, but it is very often the case that an increase in wisdom is something that produces a rather cataclysmic fall. This is also the case and this is where the metaphor arises. Here it is explained in particular what the central sin of pride is, so first of all we know that in the biblical tradition there is practically no worse sin than pride.
Pride is the fundamental attribute of Lucifer, who is the spirit behind the serpent, so to speak, who FS The eternal rebellion in heaven and attempts to occupy the highest position which is Pride, is no different than the Temptation offered by the snake to Eve and Adam to establish their own moral order above that which is implicit in the world, that is how those ideas come together, you will not shut down and die. You will be like SCS doing good and evil. What is the metaphor here? How often do you miss when you bite more than you shoot correctly?
That is the eternal sin of pride, so what is the feminine variant? I can open my arms to everything and you will see. This in its most perverse forms I say it in the forms that are manifesting in the world now is a claim of Pride here is one I love my son so much that even if he decides that she is my daughter I care so much that she is okay , yeah, you know that's not right, there's nothing about it, that's fine, there's nothing that's possibly more destructive than that, especially when it's not made at all by the sun, obviously, because just think about what awaits you, it's already done. the clear moral superiority of the mother and that is her pride in waving her false compassion like a flag and if you don't believe that by doing that she is inviting the snakes you are one of those people who don't exist. as blind as those who do not see well that is all and when the woman saw that the candy was good to eat and that it was pleasing to the eyes and the tree wanted to become wise, she took its fruit and ate and I also gave it to Rase who ate .
I like the Dome fish on the right, but on my M I like it and there is death lurking behind the tree. There is no particular image. Well, pride goes before a fall, that's what they say, you know, and this is the fall of man. and so here's and maybe I'll close with this here's something to think about for the rest of your life there's an idea that it's deeply ingrained in the Christian spirit that death entered the world with the fall and that's a very concept. difficult to get on track you turn your head because death seems to be an integral part of life, everything dies, so what is the relationship between death and sin, suffering, well the first question you might ask yourself is how much do you suffer? for pride, how much do you suffer for pride?
Bite off more than you can chew. How much do you suffer because you falsely claim to be able to do things you cannot do in order to raise your moral status? How much do you suffer because you extend the realm of compassion around you beyond yourself? You are capable of managing so that you can show off in front of others how much we all suffer because we take on more than we have the right to and to what extent that goes, we know because you know perfectly well that much of what makes you stumble and fall into the world is a consequence of your own blind goodness and pride and so you might wonder to what extent that is universally the case if you were playing the game optimally if you stopped acting proud if you approached the world in a sincere and humble way and you were satisfied with what was presented to you and you made the most of it without false pretenses.
How good could you make things around you? You can ask the opposite because you know perfectly well how. miserable and mortal you can do things around you while walking the opposite path how much of the suffering that characterizes this is the real question of conscience for people who are willing to shake their fist atGod? How much of the suffering that hypothetically characterizes the world? How much of the suffering in the world that we use as evidence to justify our annihilism and infidelity is actually a consequence of the misery we bring to our God because we are arrogant and proud and refuse to see and learn and that is a question, that's a question for prayer and I would say that I would say that in the most literal sense, somewhat stripped of its theological implications, the next time you feel miserable, frustrated, angry, resentful, bitter and prone to shaking your Fist in the Honey, you could sit back and wonder if there's some mistake in what I've done or the way I view this situation that's making it at least a lot more hellish than it could be.
Let's say that the inevitable consequence of asking that question genuinely is that you will receive an answer that indicates exactly what it is that you did and are doing wrong that you could stop doing and that is another one of those realizations that could come as a great shock because It's terrible to realize that you are the author of your own misery, but it's wonderful to be able to find out if you can handle it, because if you're just playing with yourself like a mouse is playing with a cat, like a cat is playing with a mouse, then you have no more hope than the mouse, but if you are the cat, then you might as well stop playing with yourself and God only knows what part of the misery you believe to be a consequence of the structure of the world might be revealed to be the inevitable result of your presumption. and arrogance presumption arrogance and deliberate PL and that is part of the fundamental purpose of confession and atonement and there is no more optimistic idea than that despite its horror because if You could find in your suffering the cause that you bring to it only God knows how much From that we could pray and the insistence in the Christian tradition is that if you reject the fruit that was bad and inedible and keep your faith and walk with God in the garden your suffering would cease and the world would become equals and that is finally and after all thank you very much thank you where

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