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The Manliness of Christ (Book Review)

May 15, 2024


here, The Manhood of Christ, is probably one of the best, if not the best, I've read on biblical manhood. If you don't know me, my name is Michael and I like to help young people like you in their personal improvement. and your journeys, since I am also going to embark on the same journey as you and this channel is created to be able to show you what I am currently doing in my life so that I can improve it and become a better man, this


specifically. I read it, I think, four or five weeks ago and it took me a while to fully digest and understand every concept this book has to offer because it's that deep and there are probably still some concepts I don't understand and that's okay. but in this video I will show you the notes that I took for each chapter of this book that I thought were very important if you have the opportunity, although I recommend that you read this book because it is just that.
the manliness of christ book review
I like reading it, it's amazing and it's super short. Chapter one begins with a little anecdote about him and his father, where his father has just witnessed a plane crash and boldly says that he needs to turn off the engine to try to save the There are people there and this is presented in the book to show us how he sees true masculinity when someone stands up to do something when no one else wants to and then author Dell Partridge shows us that the image of Jesus has been perverted into a weaker type. of man when Jesus is truly the supreme man and he gives us a quote from the Bible that he says is the most masculine thing in the Bible and he says something like let's go up to Jerusalem, it's a simple little quote, but Dale Partridge says that That's the most masculine thing Jesus said in the Bible.
the manliness of christ book review

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Now, in the next chapter, Dale tries to show us how society has perverted the image of Jesus to be a little weak and passive when in reality he was not the biblical Jesus that he really was. masculine, in fact, he was the perfect man, so if he is the perfect man, he will be the perfect masculine man, the perfect example for us to follow and he will not be completely passive. There were times in the Bible when Jesus was aggressive and Dale later. He says it in a later chapter that we will discuss, but I will begin to present it now that evil is what Jesus hates and Jesus is not passive against evil.
the manliness of christ book review
He will be responsible for destroying evil. Now in chapter 3, Dale tries to get rid of some misconceptions about Jesus, he discusses the misconception that Jesus looks like a man and acts like a man but is also spiritually feminine or whatever and Dale says this is wrong because Jesus he was 100% male so if he is 100% male then he will have testosterone which will make him 100% male and he will act 100% like a man. He will not have a female brain and a male body. It just doesn't make sense that the biblical Jesus, the real Jesus, was very masculine, in fact. he was the best example of masculinity that all young men should follow now.
the manliness of christ book review
I would say that chapter 4 is probably the most important chapter in the book. First, Dale begins by showing how Jesus is the best protector and provider for everyone he loves. He doesn't even know it and his friends and family, but after Dale gives us a list of things that Jesus embodies, which is true masculinity, that you too must embody, I'll read them now so you can understand them first. one is to be bold, you must do and say the right thing without fear of consequences, even if you are in a room full of people who disagree with you, if you know something is right and what they are doing is wrong, then you need to speak up and take action against what is evil.
It is really difficult to do this, but that is the first trait of being a masculine man like Jesus. Next is bravery and D says to be brave, all of you. what you have to do is fear the lord just fear the lord the fear of god eliminates all other fears the next thing he says is that you have to be intense so you can't just be passive like what everyone else says jesus is today Today everyone says Jesus didn't do much, he just stayed on the sidelines and, since he only loved people, and yes, he loved people, there were times when evil showed up and Jesus defended himself.
Jesus rebelled against evil, condemned them, cursed them even when he was young. We Christian men must stand up and speak against evil and we must do it as Christ does in the Bible, not by standing on the sidelines but by taking action and now the next is sacrificial love or altruism, I believe. It is quite obvious how Jesus has sacrificial love. He died on the cross for our sins to save us even if we don't deserve it. Love is based on sacrificial commitment and not on superficial feelings. Dale says he also says that being a man we should sacrifice for ourselves. wives, our godly wives and we must become the head of the family and provide and protect her and our children like Jesus did, even though Jesus did not have a wife, he took care of his mother, he made sure she was protected, he took care of her.
He loved her and he loved all the other women in her life and the last thing Dale Partridge says we must embody to be a perfect man like Jesus, although obviously we are not perfect, but to try to be like Jesus and become the masculine man perfect. We deserve to be and we should be Dale says we must have the determination of Christ we must be dedicated and disciplined to continue doing something no matter what we see no matter what we get so for example if you are going to start a business you must continue doing that business over time whatever you need until you are successful, don't jump from other things and also if you want to create change, don't just do it for one day, do it for years before you see. some change finally Del Partridge debunks the myth that masculinity is, quote, toxic, it's not toxic, it's charming because true masculinity is control and true masculinity is someone who can provide, protect, love, serve and live like the Biblical Jesus, not the Jesus you have.
All these people in the modern world have told me that this is the perverted Jesus. I'm talking about the masculine, ultra-masculine, perfect biblical Jesus of the Bible, so if you embody those traits, let me boldly repeat them, you must be bold, you must be bold. Be brave, you need to be intense, you need to have sacrificial love for those around you and for people you don't even love or even know, and finally, you need to have the Christ-like resolve to do what you need to do. The next chapter is a very controversial Chapter but it is supported by the Bible and D Partridge uses the Bible to support it.
If you don't believe me, buy the book yourself, read chapter 5 and you will see all the Bible verses that Dale Partridge wrote. refers to the fact that the first thing Dale Partridge condemns is materialism and effeminacy. I'm sure you know what materialism is, it's the acquisition of different goods and different things and that's not so bad, but people get carried away with it and get to the point. where he becomes their God, people love to collect money, for example, and they make money. Goodness, people love collecting shoes. They make shoes. To his God. People love collecting cars.
They make cars. His God. So the problem is not material things, but the excessive acquisition of so many. material things that you lose the reality of what is important and you make important the things that are not important and now the next thing is a word that probably many of you do not know and it is effeminacy and that is the main theme of this book to reject. Effeminacy and living like the true perfect hypermasculine Jesus. Now effeminacy is men who are weak and can't provide for or protect their families and don't want to do hard things when they need to and don't embody anyone.
Of the five characteristics that I mentioned above and guess what it is materialism and the acquisition of so many goods that it becomes your God, it is effeminate, so all these guys that you see online have all these nice cars and they like all these nice mansions and They only worry about making a lot of money and don't pray every day. They do not make God the center of their lives. Well guess what they are trying to show you that they are being very masculine. What if I told you that? actually they are not very masculine at all and they are actually very effeminate and guess what back then, in the times of chivalry, in medieval times, materialism was looked down upon.
Were they really considered weak if they collected a lot of things? so all they had was their honor, a sword and armor which they didn't own much and were looked down upon if you owned a lot of things. Now the next thing Dale says is the most controversial: he condemns effeminacy and says that That's why we have perverted the image of the biblical Jesus, the true male Jesus, we have perverted His image by making Him an effeminate man when in reality He was just a man perfect masculine. Softness and luxury weaken man and that is why we must reject comfort and luxury. and fight for the greater good now the next chapter Give him condemnation of the modern church, he says that she too has become very effeminate, he says that the church is afraid to denounce evil actions and he says that difficult times are coming and if there is what if and we.
I need to stand up and fight because right now there are not enough young men who are strong and strong in their faith and very masculine like Jesus and who embody the five points that I mentioned before to fight evil and evil is coming guys, evil is really coming and it is coming quickly, so we must act quickly against evil. Dell says many men have lost their drive for women and become weak in relationships for no reason when they really don't have to. they could be the leader of the family, men are called to live like Christ and act like Christ and when they embody and live the five tenaments exactly like Jesus does with perfect balance, that is where true masculinity is obtained and we see this better shown with the 11 apostles after Jesus leaves, he sends them on a mission to spread the gospel and then what do they do?
They embody the five tenaments of Jesus and Matthew and go out and preach the gospel. There is nothing wrong with being a leader for many young people. men are being conditioned to become followers and subjugators, women and men are equal in value but have different roles in the church and that's how the Bible gives it to us, that's how Jesus wanted it and that's how we still do it. You want, I'm not saying that women shouldn't be leaders because they can be leaders and I'm not saying that women shouldn't go out to work or anything like that, they can't work, they can be leaders, but men can do it too, so I do not know why.
Today is trying to condition men by making them believe that they are no longer capable of being leaders and only women can be leaders no man can also be a leader that's how it has been now chapter 7 I marked here that page 78 is perfect as the best page of the book, so if you are interested and buy the book, then read page 78, people only see the attributes of Christ as tender, caring and loving because he was very loving, very caring, very tender, but they ignore his identity. Christ was a king and he was a conqueror he was establishing the kingdom of God here on Earth and as proof he gives us the story of David and Goliath for those who don't know, that's the guy that Goliath is the guy that gets knocked out by David with the sling, but whatever, you can look it up in your own time and he gives us the example of David's bravery to show us what true masculinity looks like.
David was not afraid to fight Goliath and, in fact, he was the only one who offered to fight him. Goliath, everyone else was terrified and he fought him and won now Dale relates to the thing again, let's go to Jerusalem with Jesus when Jesus says this, he knows he's going to die, he knows he's going to die painfully crucified, but he still does it. does. I know why, because he is the ultimate man, he embodies true masculinity and then you know what masculinity is to do what you don't want to do, but it's better when you don't want to do it, but you still do it if you know you have to. be doing something but you don't want to do it, guess what you need to do it and the final point here in this chapter that Dale makes is that the way we look at our leaders is the way we become leaders if we look at Jesus as a weak, passive and effective man, then guess what the men of the church will become, however, if we see Jesus as a strong masculine man who can lead us into battle against evil, then guess what the young men who are faithful. and Christian will be able to defend their faith and become real manly men, so that is D's main call in this book for you to become a manly man like Jesus and now in the Final Chapter, Dale calls us to do some things first, it tells us to reject the idea of ​​the Gentile Jesus of the weak and effeminate Jesus that so many people have adopted today and to adopt instead the perfect masculine balance Jesus where Jesus fights evil is aggressive against evil is a king a conqueror and an amazing but he is also balanced with subtlety he loves, cares, protects others, but he is not just a passive guy who stands on the sidelines, observing everything thatIt happens and without doing anything when evil arises, and ultimately pushes us men to live as Jesus would want us to live as Jesus has given us the perfect example to live and accept our additional roles as provider and protector of our women, do not overdo it. because remember that there is a balance that you must make, you must be in perfect balance, as Jesus would want you to be or like Jesus.
He even showed us and finally the most important thing is to spread the good news of the gospel to those who have not heard it or to those who have heard it before but did not really think about it or rejected it now that they know what it is to live a truly masculine life, I want show them two types of ways they can live their life. when I was young and one is much better than the other and I made a video about it. You can see it now discussing it further because we don't have more time for this video.
I hope you understand and like this message from Dale Partridge. has come up again I read this book without thinking much about it, but after reading it it was probably the most inspiring and life-changing read I have ever read. Good luck guys, keep fighting the good fight, remember greatness doesn't end. you in the next peace

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