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Geometry Dash's Most Hidden Secrets..

May 16, 2024
Secrets, something that no one knows or sees because it is completely


, everyone has them. Your father, your brothers, therefore, even the dead rat that lies under your beds. Apparently everyone knows that Geometry Dash also contains a couple of


, and oh boy, did it have them. look for them very carefully, since some of them were so well


that it took years for someone to notice them, especially the ones at the end, since we are going to talk about Secrets. I also had a very important one somewhere in the video so try to find it enjoy the video let's start not too crazy object scaling has been known to be a feature for years and is basically a must for creating a good level.
geometry dash s most hidden secrets
However, this scaling can be scaled up with certain tools up to 5 times larger than normal recently an unknown user texted me and showed me a level that would confuse me when I played it for the first time I realized there was nothing in it but apparently it wasn't true nor did it show anything in the editor at all so I felt strange, however everything became clear for me when I selected the objects in this level, apparently a secret spy was added that was invisible to the eye human because it was 1000 times larger than normal. You see, actually I was lying, you can extend this ability to the entire limits, technically making the Spike as big as possible and this user did exactly this, but not that big compared to other things, although this is still at the top of the deep Iceberg by Geometry Dash.


, as everyone knows, you can get 149 coins in gde, they can be obtained through map packs, main levels and some other methods, and they are one of the


annoying things, believe me, there is a secret currency, although it is much better hidden than all the other 148 coins and this secret coin also grants you the master detective achievements for this coin.
geometry dash s most hidden secrets

More Interesting Facts About,

geometry dash s most hidden secrets...

We need to get back to the main levels, but we won't be playing them instead. We need to do something else if you scroll through all the main levels. levels a couple of times, three times to be exact, a secret spit coin appears on the next screen and if you click on it, it will be added to your profile, making it basically the easiest coin you can get in the game, as everyone knows. He is the creator of the simple game Cube, he has a YouTube channel where he uploads videos, but uploading videos to his channel is quite rare, to be honest, one thing that is even more rare is the number of times he live streams when he does the community. goes crazy and in one of these streams he rated GD Community levels, but everyone knew the secret was discovered live when he went to the home screen of a level, you can see the view button in the middle but on the right On this button there is an extremely small one that is only visible to Rooftop.
geometry dash s most hidden secrets
This play button is not designed to play a level, but rather for a bot to check if the level was legitimately verified, so this little button here is one of the main ones. Reasons why thousands of hacked levels were never attacked even though they had awesome decorations. Another thing robtub likes to do is upload teasers and of all the updates we definitely got the


for update 2.2, three new main levels are supposed to be added. in this update and one of these is the explorers, of which we got a sneak peek of every sneak peek that was kept on your account, the latest 2.2 and some of the other updates, except this one, this was an unlisted tier that had been quickly removed . by robtop as it wasn't meant to be leaked at all, but some people get this level back.
geometry dash s most hidden secrets
It was called 008, the predecessor of the level explorers. This is the recreated level and when you look at it for the first time, it basically looks like a shitty design in 12. year old friends, but from all the information we got, this is what explorers used to look like, still, this is really weird since it doesn't even look like the level 2.2 scouts at all, however, instead of concluding, let's focus on one of the most famous ones. creators in the game right now game xender this guy created some masterpieces and the latest one is a blank space on this surface.
This seems like your standard awesome level, but once you dig a little deeper into it, you can discover a lot of secrets behind it. for the most interesting one we should take a look at the editor specifically at this black box here it looks like nothing, but when you select it you realize that there are more than a thousand objects in this box and everything becomes clear when you disable the QR preview modes The code ends appears and once you scan it, it takes you to a Twitter page created specifically for this level. It talks about the background and war behind the level, which is a pretty interesting hidden secret for the next one.
First we must go back two years. This was the time when GD Cullen, a famous YouTuber, released a level called Item ID. This is a level where all 1911 objects in the game represented his ID, but the one he specifically explained to me when I noticed that object ID 34 contains the start of the object. position you can use to start at a random place in a level, but when you look at another object with id31 it contains exactly the same starting position objects, they didn't know that this is an imposter, the starting position seems to be the same, but to know what is happening, we must go back to the first updates.
If you check update 1.0, the date this item was released, you actually see something completely different instead of saying start pause, it now says level ends. I didn't really do anything at all, but it's still a fun little secret hidden in the game that ended up just not being used. From here, let's talk about secrets so hidden that only a select few people knew about them. One of these secrets was made specifically by robtop in one of his levels and almost no one who sees the message he is trying to say understands this, we have to take a look at the zero three editor examples, this level shows a couple of things in the game and explain how they work and it seems like there is nothing hidden, there is nothing strange about the editor in the level or the name, but there is something in the description that says: also check the editor examples before asking for help and edit special blocks added, so what's strange about it? this well wrapped with decoding knowledge, he left the secret message in code here, this means that the description here can actually be converted into a message and the data miners translated this, they discovered the message that said: you are very clever, you found me , which was apparently an Easter egg he put in the description a while ago before we get into the best hidden thing you've ever seen, let's take a look at the Madness stereo level, here you peacefully jump over spikes and there's plenty of room for mistakes , which is Why it's one of the easiest main levels, unfortunately in Stereo Madness, like all other main levels, you can't comment, unlike user-created levels, which is what you probably think.
Once a website was created called GD Browser, this website. made it possible to comment on the level of stereo madness that some people did, but this is not what I want to talk about because a person who called himself smjs did something much more important and discovered a way to comment. Stereo Madness in the actual full version of Geometry Dash, which is absolutely crazy when starting the cheat engine, somehow found a way to make the stereo modals look like this and commenting on it, you might think that now there is no way I can be more elegant than this.
Something innovative he discovered, but this is definitely possible for the last one. We have to start by closing Geometry Dash and getting rid of the game. Instead, we opened boomlings, another game wrapped up as companions. This is a nice Candy Crush copy game and there is nothing really notable about this, however, this game has something to do with an unintentional Easter egg crop placed in Geometry Dash. You see, the data miners I talked about earlier not only discovered the secret throughout the message, but also something much bigger, a part of the boomlings. The game has actually been hidden somewhere in GD right after its release.
Certain codes were placed in GD that made it possible to see the Boomland store added to the game. A bunch of code I can't explain reveals the store and this. It also makes it one of the best hidden secrets on this list. I hope you enjoy it and goodbye.

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