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50 Mil For De Ligt! Branthwaite Deal Off! Man Utd Transfer News

Jul 03, 2024
Hello everyone, good evening and welcome to the United stands. I'm Mar Goldbridge and this is your latest Manchester United


. Plus,



. Looks like a scam for Manchester United again. With the possibility that we could pay up to 50 million for It seems that Branth's big


was probably canceled as well. We also have updates on Harry McGuire and Victor Lindelof xery, as well as Dan Ashworth. Yes, I'm at the Goldbridge Arms and yes, we have a lot to talk about. In fact, in just the last few minutes, the Daily Mail's Chris Wheeler has also provided an update on Delit.
50 mil for de ligt branthwaite deal off man utd transfer news
The thumbnail says scam. I'd say it's probably a scam, to be honest we're talking 42 million plus. Well, now there could be a really interesting twist to this, but remember we know that this


is progressing very, very quickly with lighting and the two types of headlines here are that we want to bring in two central defenders, but what What we are hearing today is that agreement on Everton's bran weight is very, very unlikely because Everton have done everything necessary to comply with the ffp and therefore we are saying that we are not going to budge on the ridiculous fee they want for Everton for their player that United fans think is ridiculous and Everton fans think is fair, they want more than 55 60 65 70 million pesos and United can't pay that so it looks like it's canceled in right now as we are unless Everton get realistic and I don't think they're going to do that so I think the save weight looks very very unlikely at the moment to be honest with you the crime is now at the forefront of Manchester United's mind and once again, as with the weight of the bran, we have agreed on something personal. terms, but now we are negotiating with another club, Branth Weight replacement for Delit and Everton replacement for Bayern Munich, now Bayern Munich according to the objective and also Chris Wheeler.
50 mil for de ligt branthwaite deal off man utd transfer news

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50 mil for de ligt branthwaite deal off man utd transfer news...

Talks between Manchester United and Bayern Munich are progressing over a deal for Delit worth £42m. more addons now I don't know what we're playing here because that's the fee that was quoted in relation to delit three weeks ago Three weeks ago the story broke in Germany that Bayern would be looking to sell delit for approximately 42 million, so what? Where is Manchester United's negotiation on this? Now I want to sign Delit. We had this conversation this morning. I think if this is the player they want, you know, I'm very, very happy with the deal, but £. 42 million is what Bayern Munich leaked 3 weeks ago, there has to be a negotiation here because no one else is going to buy Del, no one else wants to get involved in that deal and they want to sell him and they are about to buy two other center backs, so we have to Keep that price in mind though, what I will say is that, um, the tweet is very interesting and I'll post it because this is above my pay grade.
50 mil for de ligt branthwaite deal off man utd transfer news
The grade is above whether I know there is anything to do with this. There is a very good Twitter account called Swedish Rumble. Some of you will know that he deserves more followers actually because when it comes to the financial aspect of the game, very, very good. what they said is that it could happen, it could be completely and completely made up, but their theory was that what Man United could do is give Bayern Munich 42 million and as part of that 42 million, Bayern Munich would then give them to five 10 million. to pay the last three years of his contract and then Man United don't pay him $250k a week, they give him, you know, maybe $190k a week, so there could be some Brian Munich payment that they take of the


50 mil for de ligt branthwaite deal off man utd transfer news
I don't know if we pay 42 million for Delitz and give him a five-year contract for 175 thousand dollars a week, it's not that bad, but if we give Delit, we give Bayern Munich 42 million p with add-ons and then we give deit. 250k a week on a 5 year contract, that's scary, so I think it's, are we getting too involved in the finances? Well, yes we do, but the reason we get involved in this is because we've had our pants pulled down so many times. the years um, you literally can't and look, uh, there are some people who say, stay away, stay away from this deal, which I understand, because, like I say, if you join a little bit later here, we'll talk about Branth. wa and a few other bits in a minute, but the latest thing that came out literally in Chris Wheeler's final minutes and supports what py go, which is based in Germany, has said is that Germany, Bayern Munich, wants to close the deal for £42m plus add-ons, so that's how it would play out, but other than that, what would the salary be for delit um?
I guess one thing I have to clarify is that I think his price tag of around 42 million for a 25 year old central defender isn't terrible, it's the salary that puts us all off, don't you know? It's the fact that it's a 5 year contract for 250 thousand dollars a week, it becomes a very, very expensive deal. give Bayern Munich 442 million and then for the next five years you're basically giving the player £12 million a year as well, so it's a lot of money to go to a player who is at his third big club and I think it's a good signing, but you know why Juventus let him go, why Bayern Munich let him go.
What I'm trying to say is that I like the deal, but they have to give us a little discount, uh, Johnny says. Where do you get 250 thousand dollars a week because that is what Bayern Munich pays you at the moment and anyone who says well, they may not have that salary at Manchester United if you receive 250 thousand dollars a week and you have three years? What's left of your contract, would you say oh yeah? I'll go to Man United at 175. You've got $250,000 a week and you've got three years left, which is what I am, which is what we were saying there.
I would wonder if as part of the deal to get him to Bayern Munich, Chu will give him maybe 5 million. This is very similar to Harry MaGuire last year where West Ham offered us £3m of Harry MaGuire. Harry MaGuire was willing to go to United wanted to do the deal but it didn't happen because of Harry Maguire's salary and it's a very good example, this gets into your head so we basically offered £42 million for West Ham, he offered 30 million for West Ham's total deal between the clubs, yes, but then you have a delitz player earning 250 thousand dollars a week Harry McGuire earned 190 thousand dollars a week.
West Ham was going to give him 100 thousand dollars a week and Man United wants to give him 150 thousand dollars a week so that the player can do well. I'm glad you accepted. a deal, but I have a lot more money here and I won't go there unless you pay part of those salaries for the next three years. Man United said no and Maguire said I'm not going, so it could be that Bayern Munich paid a little so we can sign him on a cheaper wage, but look, that's the sticking point here, isn't it? I don't mind paying £42 million in tax, but I don't want us to collect the £250.
Big weekly wage from him and I don't understand why a player in the modern game would go yes, for the love of Manchester United. I'm going to take a 50% pay cut and they're not going to pay me. $250k a week, well he says Bayern Munich won't do so well, look if we pay £42m plus add-ons and give them $250k a week for the 5 years we have. I haven't learned anything and I want inos and ten hog and delitz you know I want to back them and I back them but you can't pay £42m and then give someone a five year contract for $250k a week because we haven't learned anything. we, we can't do that, we, we can't do that, that's it and Sahill says it's definitely not a scam, it's a scam, it's an absolute scam, you can't give someone a quarter of a million pounds a week to talk about it.
Cut the salary Bill gives someone 250 grand a week and gives them a 5 year contract so Man United has to work on something here because and I think we will, I think we will, I think I wouldn't be surprised if We paid 42. million PS for Bayin, but he signs with us on a 5-year contract with 170 thousand per week. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened and that would involve Bay Munich giving him maybe 5 million tax free or something, I don't know. it's too high, says son, um, but yeah, that's where we are, your comments will certainly delve into that about Jared Branth's weight, what we're hearing today is that the deal is dead, um now, obviously, what I'll say is that the deals can be dead in wasn't Nico Williams' goal a big goal last night um the Branth Weight deal could be dead and resurrected very we could get a Jon Snow here you know the Branth Weight deal could be dead and then suddenly could give him life came out of nowhere, so basically he's not Branway's replacement.
Manchester United want to buy two central defenders and they have many other options they can choose from. I mean, not even Lennyo has gone to Real Madrid yet. nao is out there gui is out there bramer is out there tbo is out there there are plenty of central defenders we can go for but branway was certainly someone United wanted to get now what is revealed today is that from a In Manchester United's view, this deal is This will not happen unless Everton are realistic in what we want to pay and when we say realistic, let's be realistic in what we want to pay, there is no indication that Everton are going to be realistic in what we want to pay.
We want to pay and Man United don't want to wait forever, so we put in an offer of 35 plus eight, so 43 million pounds we agreed personal terms with him 160 thousand dollars a week on a 5 year contract, so that Manchester United put the offer on the table and Everton have said they want another. 30 million on top of that, the United man has said if you're not going to be realistic then what's the point and Everton have said well we want a lot of money for him and United said we can't pay a lot of money so it's true .
Here right now, Everton Man United, there are no negotiations now about whether that will make Everton leave. Oh wait a minute, let's talk, but right now that's not where we are and we're not expecting that, so I think with Man United. What a look, we can get away from this, it will be disappointing, but I won't mind, we can get away from bran weight, it will be disappointing, but I won't mind if it means we start to change. The way they don't bother us anymore, I'm all for it, but there will be other options out there.
I still believe that we will buy two power plants, but at the moment it is very unlikely that they will be of different weights. I would say Branth's weight is close to the tobo element. We probably thought TBO and Branth's weight would be our two center backs. I have a feeling it won't be any of those now, it will probably be delicious. and another um Steve says delit is better it's not about who's a better friend um because I think we'd actually try to buy them both uh not many players his age and experience would go for less than 50 million the contract details are What It is important?
Patrick, yeah, like I said, I mean, I agree with Patrick. I think the price of 42 million with add-ons is a fair price, it's the salary, that will be what will change everyone's opinion. this and um, I can't, I can't, um, I can't deny that, that, that would be, do you really know where this deal is and falls, um, what makes 250 thousand dollars a week right now, um, thanks for that, Patrick Lynch. an offer and say you have 24 hours or we're leaving we have to stop being delivered with US tax say zed3 music official thanks for the super chats there and yes I know.
I completely agree, completely agree with that about Z3. Music official, we talked about this last week, if we want to get a solid reputation in football then we're going to have to burn some deals and what I mean by burn deals is we're going to have to walk away from some deals, um just a couple other things I want to talk about transfers, but before we do that, there are some things happening, we actually posted it on the United stand earlier, and Fabrizio, you know, confirmed it, hack, uh, renie, hack and, uh, rude. Vanis Roy will be announced this week, as will Ten Hog's new contract, Dan Ashworth was officially announced tonight, um, obviously we covered it this morning, it was a bit of a transfer, you actually arrive, here we go, you know it's happening and then a few hours later, Manchester United will officially announce it, so by officially announcing Dan Ashworth, the details of the agreement will not be revealed.
It is a mutual agreement between Newcastle and Manchester United and neither club is going to reveal what really happened. We understand that it is much less. More than £20m, which is what Newcastle wanted from what I've heard, is £8m. I said this morning, it's about 10, it could be a little more, maybe a little less, but apparently it's 8 million pounds, which I am. I'm not really worried about anyone complaining about paying £8m for Dan Ashworth. um, it's silly, you know. I think we have it incorporated on July 1st. It is a termmedium for all. It's in the middle of the transfer window.
It would be good. We will have it in May, but we will receive it on July 1st. We'll pay £8m and if he's a good director of football he'll earn more than that for us this summer, so let's get on with it. Absolutely common sense. Newcastle Common Sense from us Happy Days uh what else is going on? So we have given you the update on crime. If he arrives a little late, the price is 42 million plus add-ons, the detail of that agreement will be what he does. It will be a good deal or a bad deal if we give him a 5-year contract for 250 thousand dollars a week and we give Bayern 42 , we're dumb, if we give him 42 and give him 175 thousand dollars a week, that's a good deal, so let's wait and see what happens regarding that, but We know it's a 5 year deal.
Bran weight is down at this time. Do you agree with that? By the way, do you agree? Let me know in the chat. Do you agree that we move away from the bran weight? I think we should have tried and negotiated for him. You know, if this is the player we want. Do you think we should go up to 60 million for him? What would have been your limit for delit uh for br peso for me? I think the limit was 50 plus add-ons. Some would not have reached that high. Some I've seen say he'd go for 60 if that's what we really want, but for me, I think stay away.
I think stay away. Apparently Everton won a minimum of 60 against UPF. He wouldn't go over the minimum 50, so I think we were right to walk away and it's sad because I like the player and I really think he would be a good signing, but you know. Like I said, someone has to be the sacrifice. You have to miss out on a player to show that you won't be bothered and that will make a big difference if we make an offer, I think. I think it could work very well for anyone if we make an offer like we did publicly and publicly agree to personal terms, so think about it like this: we agree to personal terms with the player publicly, we make an offer publicly.
Everton refused and we left in a public exercise: this is a United star because all the other clubs in Europe and the world know that the United man wanted Branway, they agreed to deals with Branth Weight, they made an offer with Everton. Everton turned him down because they wanted more money and United left, it sends a very big message that even if United want a player they won't overpay and I tell you who used to do this Man City. Man City wanted Alexi Sánchez, they walked away because our salary offer was ridiculous. and they didn't want to pay for it, man.
City wanted Fred and they left because they didn't want to pay what we paid either, so it's a good idea, eh, Ronaldo Hatrick says BC, well, we're making that watch. that's football, after this welcome to the members club, you are a legend, a lot of people get involved, make sure to subscribe in the bottom right corner and like the video. Martin says Everton can pay that price, yes, from a From Man United's point of view, they can do one, but I think from Everton's point of view they have everything looking right. I'm not an Everton fan with Man United fans.
Everton can make one. They are asking for too much money. but Everton fans will quite rightly say that man united can make one, they are not going to get our best player for cheap, so you know they are all winners. What else? Well, there are some things happening. I tweeted it this morning. The united man is willing. to sell Harry MaGuire and interestingly he came out of one of the media very quickly after that, that man came on board and was willing to listen to offers for Lindelof and Maguire. I think with Lindelof and Maguire they are waiting to see.
What do we do with the central ones? If we buy two power plants, then both will go. If we buy a centre-back, they could stay, so I think with those two that's what they're hoping to see. There is more interest in Lindelof at the moment. uh, Maguire might end up trying to stay. I don't know, we'll have to wait and see for Fulham. If you watch the show with Beth, they've been linked with Scott Mctom, but the truth is none of this is I mean, I saw an article today was, I don't remember, uh, Man United could keep Amrat, but they might not. stick with Amrabat and I was like, "Oh my God, what is this, this is amazing, no wonder you went to journalism school to do those amazing things, you know, man." United could sell a player but they could also keep him, but the bottom line is that we already know the story here.
Manchester United have basically said they will listen to offers for everyone except Mayu Mount Anana Rasmus, uh gacho Doo and probably Bruno, everyone. otherwise they will listen to an offer and you know, even Luke Shaw, if an offer came, they would probably listen to it if it was a fair offer, Rashford, they will listen to it, mummy, they will listen to it. Maguire. I will listen to you casmiro I think we are in a position where we will listen to offers for the majority of our players, the majority of those players will not actually go, but that simply means that we are open to offers for a lot. of players and you know Scott Momy will be one of those players if we keep him, I don't think anyone will mind, but if a good offer comes in we will listen to it and I think that's the way we have to do it. be um and that will lead to other things, of course, and I think that's probably what the story of amrabat is about, don't you know?
Depending on who leaves, we could keep him because it will only cost us 10 million to convert that. The Amrabat deal went from a loan to a full-time deal because we paid 10 million for the loan anyway, so we could decide to do it. We better not sell Ahmad. Daniel says. Well, regarding Ahmad. I've always been told United might do something there, but last I heard it sounded like we wouldn't, so they'll probably end up staying, especially since they didn't buy a lisay. I imagine he'll stay now, uh, yeah, Dan Ashworth, we've talked about um, uh, vanoy and The Trick will be out this week.
Forsen went to Italy. There was something else he wanted to bring up as well and then I'll go through some of his comments. Oh, it was Rob Dwson who said about Maguire and Lindelof. United want to bring in two central defenders oh oh I remember I remember what I was going to say now let me listen to it again in the live chat here we go Luke Shaw couldn't really talk much about it on the morning show uh Jordan pford, by the way, that's some great hot chocolate, uh, it's going to be a great 8 o'clock show, sugar rush.
I haven't had a hot chocolate in years. Jordan pford basically said after the England game that Luke Shaw was ready to come. "Fit, come on, he's fit and healthy," says Mario Franco, yeah, look, you know what I think about this. I think England are absolutely terrible and I think the fact that Luke Shaw England got knocked out yesterday might not have been a bad thing because Luke Shaw is fit and ready for the start of the season. I think Luke Shaw could play against Switzerland and that terrifies me as a Man United fan, but as an England fan it excites me because we need a bloody left back, but you know, I'm sorry. quite nervous because he hasn't played a competitive game since February and we're throwing him into the Euro quarter-finals so that's where we are with Luke Shaw at the moment, you know he shouldn't even be there, it's a very moment really.
It's a very vanity project, isn't it? And what I mean by Vanity Project is that you know Luke Shaw will really want to be there. He loves playing for England, but if he goes wrong, yes, pray to be sure that Chris B is absolutely right. but apparently Luke Shaw is fit and could well play against Switzerland, so I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens with that, let's look at some of the comments. Do you think we're going to hijack Elise's deal? I think there's less than a 5% chance of that happening. I honestly thought it was a very interesting story we covered this morning.
It was a very interesting story that we were looking to hijack Alise's deal because we already have Fabito's Here We Go, but obviously he hasn't lifted his shirt yet. He is going to sign for Bayern Munich. Know? I don't think many players get this far and then change their mind. Maybe Man United weren't. They've actually got Luke Shaw on TV now training with the first team, so I think he'll definitely be involved on Saturday, which makes me nervous. Alis and Man United, I don't know what happened. wrong um he was a high priority signing for Inos he was a player Ten Hog ​​was happy to bring in apparently he's a Man United fan since his childhood um and he definitely wanted to come to Man United in March I just think much much. from other clubs moved with him Newcastle Chelsea Bayern Munich um and I think Bayern Munich were in a position to do something we're not hijacking a deal for Alis and the simple reason is how is that going to work when you're trying to buy him. of Bayern Munich, you would burn the delit deal, wouldn't you, to piss off Bayern Munich, so we have absolutely no chance of that happening.
John Hill clearly says that Alis was not on the radar, he 100%, he just didn't think we were ready to close the deal. I think people moved in very early in June and I don't think we were ready to close that deal until you know, maybe late July and August when we sold some. The players and Alis rightly say that at that time he had the Olympics and he probably wanted his future to be settled and when Bayern Munich came he was actually very happy that you also know he will want to be in the team French, right? and the best way to do that is to go and play for a team that you're winning, so I think Bay Munich was just a good offer for him, really, why didn't we hire?
The guy says Mr. Pots, well, I wouldn't rule it out. boy out, I think like we've already said, delit is getting really close to here we go, I mean it's a nine out of 10 for me with xer xery. I think xery, delit and agarte are probably all GNA, they happen very very quickly, I would certainly say delit and xery will happen this week. I think we'll get there, we're going to both deals this week. I think it will be a busy week for Manchester United, but we do buy a second second centre. back and delit are made who is the second central defender is going to be good, it is not Branth's weight at the moment, so you are looking at him and he is doing well.
The interesting thing about Branway is that he is left-handed, so who would be the left-handed one? Manchester United central defender. I forget the profile of the left-footed central defenders we've seen, one really catches my eye and I can't remember who it was we've been linked with. the left-footed central defender who is not braimer an Nao, I think he is wide at Sporting Lisbon, so it becomes a very clear possibility um braimer, I think he is right-footed, we could opt for two right-footed central defenders, you know, maybe yes , but um GUI is a player that we were very, very interested in back in March.
I don't think there was any anticipation that he would end up being England's starting centre-back and that probably added 20 million, so if he is realistic now. I don't know, but as Caris says, there are many options as a central defender and we will certainly look for a second central defender. It won't be Scalvini Sander because he will probably be out until Christmas with a knee injury, that's why it was I'm not part of the Italian team, but look, we said this a few weeks ago as a community, we were talking about Branth's weight and I like the player .
Most of you like it, some of you don't, some of you didn't like it. It was a good deal. I thought he was a good player to pick, but we mostly agreed that if the price isn't right, walk because the center back market this summer is really good and there aren't many clubs looking for a centre. backs like delitz a good player branth peso is a good player we are the only clubs bidding for that there is competition for Len Oro from Liverpool and Real Madrid and Bayern Munich have bought a couple of center backs but there is no competition for inacho there is no competition because of the weight of the bran there is no competition for the deit there was no compensation, you know, people want Debo, but that would have been our deal, so you know, Calif Fury, I think it was to stay in Italy, M mumra, but yeah We have done it, if we don't. get branway there are a lot of other options and um I'm really excited about where we could go because we know we have a revolutionized central defender uh why is no one talking about Tomori?
I don't know what he is. Is it Mario over Tamori to be honest? I think he's a good player, but he doesn't look like it, and if I were Tori, I'd go back to the Premier League because I really think he should be in the England team, but there's a lot of central defenders again, he's not there, so maybe that has something to do with you can have Ben Davies if you want, he says great, uh, Anino is already going to Chelsea, yeah you're right, but yeah, I wouldn't. I wouldn't be either but yeah we're not getting a friend Torres Conor he's only been at Villa for a year and they'd want around 70 million yeah any chance for Osman says Pavle uh I think you and I itwe saw.
Fabito's update on Osman, he wants to come to the Premier League, Napoli are confident there will be some interest in him now that we are in July, his release clause is €120 million, we are out, we don't have that kind of money uh someone earlier was going to say that we could trade him with Rasmus, we won't trade Rasmus for anyone, just like we won't buy Osman. I think he would be a brilliant signing for someone like Chelsea or Arsenal. He would be a good option. signing for us, but we, we, we will get xery, I think I think we will get xery and we delit and I think that will be done this week, uh, I love the background here, like the video.
It's nice to be in the arms of Goldbridge. We are here for the Portugal match. We just played France against Belgium. France is passing, but I hope we get some. I really have a feeling that Sue is coming. Tonight I think I definitely think we're going to have a couple of her tonight, uh, me, and one each, um, will sign, uh, look, there's a lot of central defenders, but where we are now in summary, xery and delit, very, very close to listening. Come on, Agarte is not far from Branth. Weight is off the table. TBO is off the table and Alis is off the table in the gray area.
He is the second central defender that could be Guy, could be Inacho, could be Braimer, could be someone else at right back. He's still there, we also need a left back, and I think you know potentially there's still an option to bring in a winger and that's where we are and I think if we can get the central midfielder and the striker back in the next one. This week gives us a bit of breathing space to get some players out, see what we have left on the bench and maybe then get the left back, the right back and another centre-back.
I would be very happy with that and of course in the context of the director of football announcing today a new manager contract that is coming soon and um we are also bringing in Roode and hell we are still looking at the injury history for possible signings, says Mr Dark Seed 100% 100% What's happening with DM at Sporting Lisbon? Faia also says, yes, another very, very good option, it's definitely true. I'm going to eat a little bit and then we'll continue with Portugal vs. Slovenia football and a little bit of Ronaldo a little bit of Bruno I don't know if D is starting it's probably not a good quick update, it might be late.
I may be live later if something breaks, but if not, thank you all for tuning in today, make sure to subscribe, subscribe in the bottom right corner you need to. Your notifications are on now because news will start appearing outside of the 10 o'clock and 8:00 shows. Make sure you subscribe. Join me to see a little bit of Sue. I'll talk to you in a moment.

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